The Hunger of Sejanoz

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The Hunger of Sejanoz Page 8

by Joe Dever

  After observing the walled graveyard for several minutes, you determine that there are only two ways by which you can enter.

  If you wish to enter through the main gate, turn to 202.

  If you choose to enter through a gap in its perimeter wall, turn to 251.


  You are familiar with the dice and their arcane origins. During your Astrology studies at the Kai Monastery, you made use of a pair very similar in design to these. You are still examining them when a sallow-skinned guard sergeant suddenly leans forward and tugs at your sleeve. Smiling at his impatience, you hand him the Xi-die and hurriedly he breathes on them before casting them to the ground.

  His throw is not a good one. The faces and angle of the dice reveal that the sergeant will not survive the journey to Tazhan. Deciding it best to keep the truth from him, you inform him in grandiose tones that he can look forward to enjoying many fine sons and future prosperity. The greasy-faced trooper beams with joy when he tells you that he already has six sons, two of whom are also Imperial Chai Guardsmen.

  He and his companions are very impressed by the apparent accuracy of your reading, and you sense that your standing among them has greatly improved.

  To continue, turn to 153.


  The Bhanarians are attempting to blast their way into the catacombs. Fear runs ice cold in your veins, for this is where the Imperial Family has taken refuge. Hurriedly you abandon the main gate and run towards the inner keep. As you cross before the barricades, you shout a warning to Chan and he quickly orders Sergeant Yeng to go with you. Upon reaching the stone portal, the seconds seem to tick by like hours as you and the sergeant struggle to wrench open the ancient stone door.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table.

  If the number you have picked is 0–4, turn to 253.

  If it is 5–9, turn to 96.


  A cursory search among the beakers and flasks uncovers the following potions with which you are familiar:

  Laumspur (enough for 2 potions. Restores 4 ENDURANCE points when swallowed after combat)

  Gallowbrush (enough for 1 potion. Induces sleep when swallowed)

  Ashexa Concentrate (enough for 1 potion. A healing fungus. Will restore 6 ENDURANCE points)

  To leave this workshop and continue your exploration, turn to 38.


  To the east of Javai, the trade road passes through many small settlements where Chai farmers toil contentedly in the heat of the midsummer sun. By noon, these tiny hamlets have all but given way to a vast sea of grassland which extends all the way to the banks of the River Tkukoma, over a hundred miles distant.

  It is late in the afternoon when you catch sight of a flock of plains ravens circling above a small copse of trees, south of the highway. Captain Chan becomes suspicious of these ugly black scavengers, and he orders the column to slow to a halt. He has decided to investigate the copse, and he invites you to join him.

  If you wish to accept his invitation to scout the distant copse of trees, turn to 270.

  If you choose to decline his invitation and remain with the caravan, turn to 145.


  Kasarian is grateful for the assistance you can provide. The Bhanarian attack was unexpected and casualties were high. More than half of Kasarian's garrison have either been killed or wounded.

  Once you have finished attending to the Lissanian wounded, you assist the garrison commander with repairs to the fort's breached wall. It is nearly nightfall by the time you finish your labours and are able to rest.

  Unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 149.


  ‘I shall summon Kau-Doshin,’ interjects Shavane. ‘He'll know what to do.’

  Quickly the nurse leaves the carriage and you administer your Kai healing skills to the Prince until the court counsellor arrives and takes charge. He thanks you for making the boy comfortable and then he asks you to leave so that he may have room to prepare a potion to counter the poison. As you descend the steps of the carriage, you hear the door slam shut behind you.

  If you wish to return to your night shelter, turn to 239.

  If you wish to search for the toy soldier that Shavane threw away, turn to 111.


  You shout a warning to Chan, and then you throw yourself to one side to avoid being impaled by the falling bough.

  Pick a number from the Random Number Table. If you possess Grand Huntmastery, add 3 to the number you have picked.

  If your total score is now 4 or lower, turn to 48.

  If it is 5 or higher, turn to 258.


  ‘Captain Chan, let the prisoner go … ’ you whisper, ‘and be ready to signal to the caravan.’

  Reluctantly, Chan obeys your command. He unwinds the trailing rope from his saddle and Xango digs his heels into his horse's flanks, making the animal lurch away at the gallop. As soon as his brother is out of the field of fire, Kronar utters a coarse laugh. Then, simultaneously, he and his companion let loose their straining bowstrings.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 22.

  If you possess Magi-magic and wish to use it, turn to 215.

  If you do not possess either of these skills, turn instead to 170.


  The arrow strikes you in the centre of your forehead and an explosion of white light engulfs your vision. For a few fleeting moments you feel yourself tumbling backwards into a deep, dark abyss. Then all sensation vanishes and you cease to be.

  Tragically, your life and your mission end here in the catacombs of Fort Vlau.


  You follow this passageway until you arrive at a chamber that was once an alchemist's workshop. The walls and floor are covered with symbols and glyphs which indicate the many elements, gases, and metals of the universe. Benches and worktables line the walls and some show signs of recent use. On the far side of this chamber you can see a darkened archway and the beginnings of a corridor leading off towards the north.

  If you wish to search this workshop, turn to 87.

  If you choose to explore the distant archway, turn to 38.


  You oversee the placing of the bough and, by the use of a rope and pulley, you are able to raise the damaged wheel several inches off the ground and remove it from the axle. You are crouching beneath the rear of the carriage when suddenly there is a terrific Crack! The bough has split in two, revealing a rot-infested core. To your horror, you find yourself pinned beneath the axle when the carriage tips over.

  Frantically Chan's men attempt to right the heavy vehicle and release you before the axle crushes your rib cage.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and have reached the rank of Sun Knight or higher, turn to 165.

  If you do not possess this skill, or if you have yet to attain this level of Kai Mastery, turn to 275.


  The door creaks open and a great cloud of dust billows out of the catacombs. The coughs and cries of the entourage can be heard echoing throughout the distant corridors of this labyrinth. Fearing that it may already be too late to save the Khea-khan and his family from the clutches of Sejanoz, you and Sergeant Yeng rush along an arched corridor in search of them until you come to a junction.

  If you possess Grand Pathsmanship, turn to 246.

  If you do not, turn to 167.


  The fight ends abruptly when you deal your enemy a mighty blow to the base of its deformed neck. As it crumples lifelessly to the ground, you join with Sergeant Yeng and rush to aid the trooper who is caught in the strands of your sticky net. One well-aimed blow puts paid to the creature that is ensnared in the net with him, and then you quickly recite the words to counter the spell and the thankful trooper is soon released.

  Cautiously you inspect the bodies of the slain enemy and determine that they are of Agarashi descent. They have probably c
ome down from the Hyunsei foothills in a desperate search for prey, for all three corpses show signs of starvation. Sergeant Yeng confirms your suspicions. He tells you that long ago, during the Age of Eternal Night, this land was stalked by the Agarashi — the hellish creations of Agarash the Damned. When Agarash was destroyed by the Elder Magi, his creations were scattered across the wilderness and plains of Chai. The descendants of those beasts are still alive today, hiding in hills, burrows, and caves. They rarely attack travellers on the trade road, unless driven by disease or extreme hunger.

  Using your tracking skills, you quickly determine that there are no other creatures like these in this vicinity. Only then do you and the troopers remount your horses and continue along the highway towards the Javai Forest. A few miles short of the forest you discover a freshwater spring which is forded by the highway. It is an ideal site for a night camp, and so you send one of Yeng's men back to the caravan to tell them that you shall await their arrival here.

  During your wait for the caravan, unless you possess the Discipline of Grand Huntmastery, you must now eat a Meal or lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  To continue, turn to 45.


  You sprint away from the exploding geyser and reach an area of dry ground. The scalding water that showered you has blistered your skin, but you are able to numb the stinging pain by the use of your innate Kai healing skills: lose 3 ENDURANCE points.

  You are recovering from your stinging injuries when you are suddenly distracted by the sound of a fearful scream.

  Turn to 44.


  Before you can devise a plan of action, one of the ice-fiends turns its head towards you and holds you with its terrifying eyes. In the next instant, it belches forth a cone of ice that hurtles towards you like a huge crossbow bolt.

  Turn to 61.


  You chance a glance around the pillar and your stomach churns when you see the awe-inspiring figure of Autarch Sejanoz standing at the far end of this ancient crypt chamber.

  Encased from neck to toe in black armour, inlaid with lavish gold filigree, he stands a sword's length taller than you. His great tiger helm conceals his face, and swirling around him are the folds of a voluminous scarlet cloak. Only his hands are visible and they seem incongruous when compared to the grand scale and design of his armour. They are like twisted claws, the skin wrinkled and fragile like ancient parchment. Hanging over them are four long, curved, needle-like claws of steel which sprout from the back of the golden bracers that encase his wrists.

  Cowering in a corner of the crypt are the Imperial Family, their eyes wide with naked terror. One of the Autarch's Imperial Guard Captains stands over them with a glowing stave held firmly in his gauntleted hands. The tip of the stave trails wisps of blue-grey smoke, indicating that it is this weapon, and its wielder, who were responsible for the death of Sergeant Yeng.

  The Autarch calls for you to surrender. ‘Resistance is futile, mortal. My troops are everywhere.’ You are about to give voice to a defiant reply when a sudden pain lances through your head.

  Illustration VII—The Autarch demands your surrender.

  If you possess Kai-screen, turn to 294.

  If you do not possess this skill, turn to 28.


  You determine that Prince Kamada is in danger. Your interpretation of the signs indicates that he will be betrayed by someone close to the Imperial Family. You are unable to determine who this traitor will be, but you inform the Princess and advise her that she should be on her guard at all times.

  Your reading disturbs Mitzu and she is unable to hold back her tears. She apologizes for her display of emotion, something that is frowned upon in imperial Chai society, and politely she asks you to leave.

  Turn to 298.


  The Sabito Root enables you to breathe underwater and stay alive until the ceiling begins to rise. (Remember to erase the Sabito Root from your Action Chart.)

  To continue, turn to 287.


  Sergeant Yeng volunteers to attack the flag-tower alone, while you and the others deal with the command tent. Having resolved your aims, you break cover and make a swift ascent of the hill. You are 20 yards from the tent when you signal to the troopers to halt. You want to be sure that the officer and his bodyguards are outside the tent before you press home the attack.

  If you possess Elementalism and wish to use it, turn to 63.

  If you possess Kai-alchemy and wish to use it, turn to 179.

  If you possess Magi-magic, a Bow and at least one Arrow, have reached the rank of Kai Grand Guardian, and wish to use this Discipline, turn to 77.

  If you possess none of these skills, if you have yet to attain the required level of Kai Mastery, or if you choose not to use any of them, turn to 143.


  You have heard of Xi-die but you are not familiar with their use. As you are examining them, a sallow-skinned guard sergeant leans forward and tugs at your sleeve. Smiling at his impatience, you pass him the dice and hurriedly he breathes on them before casting them to the ground.

  When he and his companions look to you to interpret his throw, you can only shrug your shoulders and apologize for not being able to read them. The greasy-faced trooper frowns with disappointment as he snatches up the dice and returns them to Captain Chan. The sergeant mutters something under his breath, and you sense that his respect for you has been badly shaken.

  To continue, turn to 153.


  Upon the death of the last Brumalghast, you feel the temperature in this part of the forest begin to rise. The death of these creatures has broken the spell, and nature has already started to reclaim this cursed timberland. Using your healing skills, you revive Chan and then hurry westwards along the highway on foot, towards the caravan. Upon emerging from the forest, you are sighted by Sergeant Yeng. He is leading a party of scouts that have been scouring the tree-line in search of you.

  It is nearly dark by the time you return to the caravan, and Kau-Doshin is gravely concerned to hear of your deadly encounter in the forest. He orders that night camp be made on the highway and, on Chan's advice, he agrees that the caravan will have to travel across country tomorrow to avoid the perilous timberland.

  Next day, the journey proves to be much harder than Kau-Doshin could have imagined. The caravan is forced to slow its speed for fear of breaking an axle as it crosses the uneven grasslands. You and Captain Chan now ride the horses that were given to Xo-lin by the nomad chief, Bazan. They are fine thoroughbreds, fleet of foot and highly disciplined.

  During the afternoon, you come upon a narrow stream and Chan orders the caravan to halt so that the horses may be fed and watered. You are sharing a loaf of bread with one of the troopers when suddenly you hear a shrill scream of fright. It comes from Princess Mitzu's carriage and you sense that the young Prince is in danger.

  If you wish to investigate the scream, turn to 127.

  If you choose to ignore the scream, turn to 296.


  Suddenly you catch sight of Chan's troopers rushing towards the creatures from behind. Bravely they strike out at them with their heavy cavalry sabres, and the surprise of their attack buys you and the captain a few precious seconds in which to free your weapons. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, your Kai Weapon slips from your grasp and tumbles into the undergrowth.


  You are unable to retrieve your Kai Weapon until the combat is over, but you may add 1 to your COMBAT SKILL for the duration of the fight for you are being supported by one of Chan's troopers. He is attacking this creature from behind.

  If you win the fight, turn to 241.


  You draw upon your Magnakai Pathsmanship skills and inspect the tracks closely, but after several minutes of examining these footprints you are still not sure in which direction you should go. Your Kai Sixth Sense tells you that your Kai Weapon is somewhere near, but you
cannot pinpoint its exact location.

  If you wish to explore the passageway to the left, turn to 94.

  If you decide to explore the passageway to the right, turn to 155.


  Sergeant Yeng draws his sword and rushes across the burial chamber towards the distant door. You gently rest Kau-Doshin's head upon the stone floor and then clamber to your feet to join him. As Yeng pulls open the creaking wooden portal, a blast of electrical energy hits him in the chest and sends him cartwheeling backwards into the middle of the burial chamber. You rush to his side, but it is already too late to help him; he was killed instantaneously by the blast.

  Turn to 250.


  You watch the scouts and their sergeant gallop off along the highway until Chan orders the caravan to continue on its way towards the village. As you pass through this settlement, excited village children begin running alongside the carriage horses. They feed them vegetables and handfuls of straw, and in return the kindly drivers toss them freshly-minted Ren — the currency of Chai.


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