Something Wicked

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Something Wicked Page 7

by Teresa Mummert

  Drake pulled out my chair for me and I thanked him, feeling nervous about how much this actually felt like a date and not just a meeting.

  “How did you feel about the rest of the story?” I asked as the waiter brought over a glass bottle of water. I nodded and watched as the clear liquid swirled in my drink. Drake nodded to the server and waited for him to hand us menus and disappear behind the door into the kitchen.

  “It has great potential. Have you spoken to any publishers?”

  “Oh, I’m nowhere near that far yet. I still have to come up with a good ending and I’m not even sure I want to share it with the world.”

  “Really? Publishing a novel can be very lucrative. You could even turn it into a screenplay.”

  “There are things more important than money,” I shook my head as I twirled my glass on the table. I didn’t want to be thinking about my anger towards Tyler right now. That wasn’t why I was here and it wasn’t very professional of me.

  “Very few things, Gabriela,” he said as I glanced up, our eyes meeting and I couldn’t look away. There was something very dangerous about his gaze. It was like a warning. I hated how it made my body tingle.

  “Gabby. My friends call me Gabby.”

  “Are we friends now?”

  “Would that be so bad?”


  I thought that over as the server returned, asking us for our drink orders. Drake ordered for the both of us, a bottle of the best wine in the restaurant. I knew it was far inferior by his standards, but it was a kind gesture and we could both use a drink after the day we were having so I didn’t complain.

  “You called me Gabby in the car.”

  “Momentary lapse in judgment.”

  I glanced up at the waiter who held out the bottle of wine for us to approve before pouring some into my glass and waiting.

  “A little more, please.” I smiled up at the young man whose hands were shaking.

  Drake leaned closer to me, smirking. “He wants you to taste it first.”

  “Oh,” I picked up the glass, shaking it slightly, but instead of the liquid swirling gracefully it sloshed against the sides. It didn’t look this complicated in movies. I took a small drink, holding the bitter, woody liquid on my tongue. “Mmmm.”

  “It’s fine,” Drake motioned to our glasses. The server nodded, filling the glasses halfway as I swallowed my drink.

  “Are you ready to order?”

  “I need a minute,” I replied, dabbing the corners of my mouth with my cloth napkin. Nodding, the waited disappeared being the swinging metal door.

  “Let me see them.” Drake drained the contents of his glass before making a face. “This tastes like shit.” He poured another drink.


  “The scene. Let me see it.” His eyes met mine and I knew I couldn’t pretend I didn’t have it in my purse. It was like he was looking through me. I opened my clutch and pulled out the stack of papers I’d printed out before leaving the office. I held them out to him, my face burning with embarrassment. He took them from my hand and began flipping through them as he occasionally looked up at me.


  “What is it?” I tried to sound comfortable with what was going on, but it was awkward to say the least.

  “It’s good. But I can see you fighting against your own words with your characters. You have her ready to do whatever he wants then she backtracks and makes excuses. Why not have her commit to what she wants.”

  “She’s shy.”

  “Shy doesn’t mean she is weak.”

  “Maybe she isn’t sure of what she wants.”

  “If she isn’t willing to make a decision, why not have him decide for her?”

  “Maybe she doesn’t trust him yet.” I took another drink, flinching as the warm, tart liquid hit my tongue.

  “Everyone has their own level of kink, Gabriela. Most are just too scared to admit it. The problem isn’t him. It’s her.”

  “You act like you know my characters better than I do,” I snapped.

  “You’re putting too much thought into it. Sex doesn’t need to be this complicated.”

  “People are complicated. They have feelings and morals and... beliefs that they can’t just throw away to satisfy some fleeting physical need.”

  “It’s easier to discard of your morals than you think.”

  “You speaking from experience?” Oh, God. I hope the floor opens up and swallows me whole.

  “You want to know the kinky things I like to do when I fuck, Gabriela? I could show you.” He smiled before shaking his head. “But that’s the problem. You can’t even open up about your fantasies in your writing. It would be impossible for you to let go in real life.”

  “It’s fiction, not my fantasy. And I wouldn’t open up to you because I don’t want to sleep with you.”

  “Now that is fiction.” He smiled sardonically as he tipped his glass to his lips, pouring the dark liquid into his mouth. “You can’t even be honest with yourself. How will your readers ever believe you?”

  “You really are an asshole,” was all I could say before the server was back at our table looking nervous. “I’ll have the stuffed mushrooms,” I said with a smile before looking at Drake.

  “Filet mignon, medium rare.”

  “We don’t... We have a nine-ounce sirloin, sir.”

  “Perfect,” Drake replied, a little irritated, but I was sure it had more to do with this conversation and not the menu.

  “Thank you,” the server took our menus and once again left us alone.

  Chapter fourteen


  We ate our meals and our conversation fell silent. Gabriela’s brows were pulled together as if deep in thought. It took everything I had not to reach over and run the pad of my thumb over her skin to relax her features.

  “Maybe you can spice things up in the story. Add a little camera action or something.”

  “I don’t think I’d like that,” her nose scrunched up as she took a sip of her water.

  “You and lawyer-boy haven’t ever made a sex tape?” I smirked as she scowled.

  “His name is Tyler and no. He seems more interested in drinking with his friends than sex.” I watched embarrassment wash over her face, immediately regretting her words.

  “Trust me, he is interested in sex. He’s a man.”

  “Not with me,” she shot back as she stabbed a mushroom cap with her fork. Did she think he was cheating on her?

  I leaned closer and waited for her to look up from her plate. “Then he is a fucking idiot.”

  “No argument there,” she replied dryly before drinking down her wine. I picked up the bottle and refilled her glass. “I dunno. Maybe it’s me.” She shook her head causing her brown hair to fall around her face like a curtain.

  “So tell me what’s going on. Unburden your soul.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to bore you.” But as she worried her lip between her teeth I knew she wanted to be able to talk to someone.

  “We just spent the last hour discussing fictional sex. Humor me.” I don’t know why I even cared. I never cared, but I was curious as to what she saw in that guy. I wanted to know more about this foul-mouthed woman who seemed so secure yet shy in her own skin at the same time.

  “We just argue a lot about money and time.”

  “So he doesn’t make enough or...?” I flagged down the waiter and asked for a glass of whiskey. Gabriela nodded that she’d have the same. This conversation called for something more numbing.

  “It’s not that. He is constantly talking about how little I make and trying to control everything. It drives me crazy. I want to be able to take care of myself, you know?”

  “I can understand that.”

  “And he is never around. I mean like never.” The alcohol was causing her to spill her personal details easier than I expected, but the details were just depressing.

  Our drinks arrived and I held mine up as a toast. Gabriela had done the sa
me before we both drank them down. The waiter smiled, impressed and went to refill them for us.

  “When is the last time you two fucked?”

  Gabriela made a choking sound and I tried to fight off a smile at how adorable she was when embarrassed. “I’m sorry, what?”

  “You heard me. Sex is nothing to be embarrassed about... at least not how I do it,” I quipped. “Answer me.”

  She chewed the inside of her cheek, torn between wanting to yell at me and continue our conversation. “We made love about three weeks ago.”

  “Made love? How boring, Gabriela. I thought your anniversary was last week?”

  “It was. I don’t mean boring. I mean our anniversary was last week.” She was turning pink again and I knew I’d embarrassed her. I fought against the urge to ask her if she’d ever been properly fucked, but I was pretty certain she hadn’t.

  “So what happened?”

  “He went out with colleagues. He tried to make it up to me the next day. He cooked me dinner and bought me flowers.”

  Our new drinks arrived and she picked it up, sipping from the rim as she made a face. “But he tossed it in the sink because I told him I had work to do.”

  I couldn’t keep the smile from spreading across my face. “Interesting.”

  “Of course he doesn’t take my job seriously so he was upset.”

  “No offense, but I get the feeling you don’t take your job very seriously either.”

  “It’s a job. It’s not my dream or anything, but it still pays the bills.”

  “Does he know you’re out with me now or were you afraid he’d get jealous?”

  “Wouldn’t you be jealous if your girlfriend went out with some movie star?”

  “No... I wouldn’t be jealous. I’d rather be here with you. Off the record, Julia and I are ending things.”

  She smiled, unable to hide it under the fog of the alcohol. What the hell was I saying? I needed to steer the conversation in a different direction.

  “Tell me about the ending you have planned for the book. You must have some idea.”

  “Oh, I think I’d rather surprise you.”


  We talked for another hour as we drank and discussed life. I was surprised at how easy it was to open up to Gabriela. I was used to keeping my mouth shut around someone of her profession, but she’d already managed to prove herself trustworthy by not publishing my past. Most people couldn’t accomplish that after years and Gabriela had earned my trust in a week.

  “You ready to get out of here?” I asked as I signed the bill, not giving her a chance to pay.

  “Sure,” she replied as she placed her hand in mine and I help pull her to her feet, her body within inches of mine. She glanced up at me as I squeezed her fingers, not wanting to step away. “Oh no.” She glanced around me and I turned around to follow her gaze. There were a few reporters lingering outside of the restaurant. The front glass was tinted so they were unable to see inside, but I knew they were waiting for me.

  “The doors locked. Don’t worry.” I looked around the restaurant before gripping her hand tighter and pulling her toward the kitchen. Once inside, we were met with the young waiter who had served us.

  “Is there a back way out of here?”

  “Yeah. Follow me.”

  We wove our way through the kitchen and a small supply room stocked with dry goods before he cracked open the back door. I stuck my head out and glanced around the small smoking area the employees used.

  “You have a car?” I asked and he nodded, looking unsure.

  “That little green one over there.”

  The car looked like it took its last ride twenty years ago. But the windows were tinted and it would help us get out of here without having to face anyone.

  “I’ll give you a grand if you let me borrow it.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “I’ll have someone bring it back to you tonight. I promise.”

  “Yeah, man. That sounds great.”

  I pulled my wallet out and flipped through a stack of hundred dollar bills, counting out his pay. He was grinning from ear to ear as I placed it in his palm.

  “Don’t scratch it,” he pulled the keys from his pocket and placed it in my palm.

  “I’ll do my best,” I tried to look serious as Gabriela snickered and the dented vehicle.

  “You ready?” I gave her hand a squeeze and she nodded in return before we both took off to the car. I jumped in the driver’s seat as she slid into the passenger side.

  “Fuck,” I slammed my hands on the wheel.


  “I can’t drive a manual.”

  She broke out into a fit of giggles, the alcohol causing her to not take the situation seriously.

  “Are you laughing at me?” I asked as she struggled to hide her smile and shake her head. Most people were scared of me and here was this tiny five foot six girl giggling over our predicament.

  “I can drive a stick.” Her tongue ran out over her lower lip flirtatiously. Fuck.

  This time it was me struggling to suppress my grin because those had to be the sexiest words I’d ever heard a woman say. My cock was more than ready to accept her challenge. We switched seats and she started the car, guiding us out of the employee exit undetected.

  The engine grunted as she forced the shifter into its place.

  “I thought you knew how to drive a stick,” I laughed and she shot me a glare.

  “Where are we headed?” She shifted gears as we turned down a darkened alleyway, maneuvering toward the main road. Running my hand over my head, I fought against the temptation. Gabriel wasn’t someone to be used and discarded. She wanted a cute boy who brought her flowers and drank light beer. I would never fit that role.

  “You are going back home. I’ll have someone come get the car and pick me up.”

  “Oh,” she said as she looked straight ahead. I could see the rejection on her face.

  “You don’t want to go home?” I asked, knowing I shouldn’t push the issue. She was making this too hard to say no to.

  Shrugging she pressed the knob to turn on the radio, but death metal began to blare from the speakers and Gabriela screamed. I quickly turned it back off, shaking my head at her. If loud noises were enough to elicit screams, she couldn’t handle me.

  “You should go home, Gabriela.” There were a million things I wanted to do with her, do to her, but after the time I’d spent with her tonight I couldn’t go through with it. She felt too close and I didn’t do close. If we fucked, I’d have to walk away and part of me wanted to be able to see her again. There was no way I could keep my hands off her if we ended up somewhere alone. I didn’t trust myself not to take things too far. “Tyler is going to worry about where you are.” I was trying to be the good guy and make her see reason.

  “I doubt that.” Her gaze had cut to mine before she focused her attention back on the road. “We broke up.”


  Chapter fifteen


  I drove us back to my apartment, parking in the small lot behind the building. We sat awkwardly silent for a moment as I summoned the courage to invite him in for a nightcap. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to prove to him or me that I wasn’t scared of him. How did people do this so effortlessly on television?

  “Do you want to come up for a drink or something?” I unclicked my seatbelt and put my hand on the door handle, ready to run if he said no. I felt stupid for even asking but after the dinner we’d shared, I felt like I knew him. To be honest, after the week I’d had, I didn’t want to be alone and I enjoyed his company. His eyes had lingered on me for a moment before he nodded.

  “You shouldn’t invite strangers into your home.”

  “We’re friends now, remember? I’ll take my chances.” I got out of the car as my stomach did summersaults.

  “Whatever you say, Gabby.”

  We rounded the building and slipped upstairs. There were no reporters lurking around my
door so I was sure none had gotten wind that I had been out with him. Unlocking my door, I pushed it open and let him enter before me, suddenly feeling awkward having him in my place.

  “What’s your poison?” I asked as I made my way to the fridge, kicking off my shoes as I bent down to look at the contents. When he didn’t respond I glanced over at him, the look of hunger in his eyes was undeniable.

  I grabbed a half full bottle of Wild Turkey that Tyler had left here a month ago and held it up. He nodded as he slowly walked toward me.

  “Glasses are up there,” I motioned with my chin to the cupboard. Drake slipped behind me, his hand sliding over the top of my ass, causing me to stiffen and trying to call my bluff. The cabinet opened and he grabbed two glasses, his arms coming around either side of me as he pressed against my back, places the cups down in front of me. His nose skimmed down my neck as I picked up the bottle with a shaky hand and poured more than enough into each glass. I took the cups and spun around in his arms, holding the drinks between us to create some distance. There was an enormous difference between dirty dreams and having Drake Gibson in my kitchen.

  He smirked as he took one from my hand and downed it as if it was water, his eyes never leaving mine as he ran his tongue over his lower lip.

  I gulped down my drink as well, flinching at the harsh flavor as I sat the glass on the island behind me. Leaning closer, Drake placed his empty cup down beside mine, caging me in.

  “You look scared,” he said quietly and I sucked in a ragged breath, my knees feeling like they might give out from under me. What the hell was I doing?

  “Um... I’m not sure. I didn’t invite you up for... this.”

  His lips brushed against mine so feather soft that I wasn’t sure we’d actually touched. My eyes fell closed and I sighed lightly against his mouth as he spoke. “Yes you did, Gabriela. Where both adults. There’s no harm in having a little... fun.”

  Swallowing hard, I pressed my eyes closed tighter as his mouth traveled along my jaw, sending a shudder through my body. He was right. This is precisely what I wanted. I needed an escape from my mundane existence. I wanted to get over Tyler.


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