Maid to Serve

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Maid to Serve Page 11

by Ray Gordon

  ‘You’re not wearing a bra,’ the girl observed candidly.

  ‘No, well...’ Hayley blushed at the frankness of someone she’d only just met, and who was supposed to be her underling. ‘The clothes you’re to wear are in your room, and I’m to be responsible for you. If you do exactly what I say you’ll be all right.’

  Sipping her coffee, Hayley knew that Amy would be far from all right even if she did do exactly what she said. She appeared to be far too naïve and vulnerable to be anywhere near the likes of Belinda Philips. Hayley knew she was going to have to look after the girl, to keep her out of trouble. If she stepped out of line or made a mistake Belinda would surely spank her. The woman needed no excuse or reason to administer a gruelling punishment. But it was Hayley’s job to discipline Amy, and there was no way she was going to spank the girl’s bottom. Telling her off was one thing, but to pull her panties down and spank her naked bottom was another completely.

  Picking up Amy’s suitcase and showing her up to her room, Hayley closed the door and pointed to the clothes Belinda had placed on the bed. Amy frowned, obviously wondering why she was to wear stockings and a suspender belt. This wasn’t going to be easy, Hayley thought, but easy or not Amy was going to have to dress according to Belinda’s instructions or there’d be real trouble, so ordering the girl to take her jeans and T-shirt off, Hayley picked the white blouse up from the bed.

  ‘This should fit nicely,’ she said, holding the garment up.

  ‘But I’ve brought my own clothes,’ Amy said, obediently tugging her T-shirt over her head. ‘I have blouses and some skirts and all sorts.’

  ‘Yes, but...’ Hayley began, unable to avoid eyeing the girl’s bra, distracted from what she was saying by the vision of the lacy white cups snugly encasing her perfect breasts ‘, Mrs Philips supplies our clothes. ‘T-take your bra off and try the blouse for size.’

  ‘Take my bra off?’ Amy gasped, her dark eyes challenging Hayley.

  ‘Yes, it’s compulsory not to wear a bra,’ Hayley sighed, sitting on the edge of the girl’s bed. ‘You really must learn to do what you’re told around here, for your own sake. Mrs Philips has some very funny ways but it’s best to go along with her, believe me. But don’t worry, I’ll do what I can to look after you.’

  Amy looked puzzled. ‘Why do I need looking after? She said I was to be her maid, so what on earth could happen that should mean I’ll need looking after by you?’

  ‘Amy, just do as I say and everything will be fine,’ Hayley assured her. ‘Take your bra off and try the blouse on.’

  Pouting reluctantly, and clearly confused already, Amy reached behind her back, unhooked her bra and allowed the cups to fall away from her firm breasts. She had smooth, unblemished skin. She was lovely, Hayley had to secretly admit, wondering why she was even thinking such a thing, and she felt her hands trembling as she eyed the girl’s beautiful body. Shocked by such a reaction, finding herself gazing longingly at the lovely newcomer, a powerful and undeniable desire to touch overwhelmed her. Struggling to banish such shameful and uncharacteristic thoughts from her mind, she ordered Amy to slip out of her jeans.

  ‘What’s it like working here?’ the girl asked, undoing the brass button at her trim waist and tugging the hugging denim down, any previous hint of rebellion apparently gone.

  ‘It’s okay,’ Hayley replied absently, focusing on the triangular patch of the girl’s white panties, faithfully following the contours of her sex lips.

  ‘It’s a huge house,’ Amy said, almost in awe. ‘I’ve never seen such a huge place.’ She picked up the suspender belt from the bed. ‘And it’s a bit of a weird uniform; no bra and such a short skirt.’

  ‘Weird or not, it’s what Mrs Philips wants us to wear, so we must wear it,’ Hayley said firmly. ‘There are no ifs or buts, Amy. We work for Mr and Mrs Philips, we live in their house, and we do as we’re told. Mrs Philips wants us to dress in a certain way, so that’s what we do, even if we don’t understand the reasons.’ Hearing her own words, feeling her stomach churn pleasurably as she gazed at the delicious girl, she again wondered about her own incredible transformation in such a short space of time.

  When she’d arrived at Hadleigh Manor she’d been naïve with no sexual experience whatsoever, and now she was gazing longingly at the beautiful body of another girl. Her thinking was very wrong, she knew as Amy turned to check her clothes in the dressing table mirror and she eyed her lovely bottom hugged by tiny white panties. She wondered if she’d have cause – or the nerve – to spank those pert globes, her stomach again somersaulting.

  ‘This is silly,’ Amy complained, gazing at the reflection of her white panties peeping from beneath the hem of her short skirt. ‘I can’t walk around the house trying to do my work dressed like this.’

  ‘You’ll have to,’ Hayley said sternly. ‘You do want the job, don’t you?’ she asked, realising that she sounded just like Belinda.

  ‘Yes, I do, it’s just that...’

  ‘Look, Amy, you could do well here,’ Hayley said, barely believing what was coming out of her mouth. ‘Just do as you’re told at all times and things will be fine.’

  Hardly able to look at the lovely girl without blushing and giving her true thoughts away, Hayley ordered her to put her blouse on and meet her in the kitchen when she was ready.

  This was getting ridiculous, she thought as she made her way downstairs and out into the small back yard, hoping some fresh air would calm her traitorous reactions to the presence of the girl.

  ‘Where’s the new girl?’ Belinda asked, making Hayley jump as she wandered out of the kitchen some moments later.

  ‘She’s changing, ma’am,’ Hayley replied, spinning round at the sound of her boss’s voice.

  ‘Into the correct attire, I take it?’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’

  ‘That’s good. She’s very pretty, don’t you agree?’

  Hayley did agree, which shocked her somewhat. ‘Yes, very.’

  ‘I knew you’re rather like me and you’d find her appealing, just like I do,’ the woman said, her lips curling slightly in a sly but undeniably attractive smile.

  Hayley wasn’t sure what she should do or say to such a comment. ‘Well, I...’

  ‘Her smooth skin and dark hair...’ the women went on, savouring the fragrance of a climbing rose. ‘I do believe there’s a little Mediterranean in her. She’ll be good company for you.’

  ‘Yes, I hope so,’ Hayley agreed again.

  ‘Have you seen my husband yet this morning?’ Belinda asked, suddenly changing the subject.

  ‘No ma’am, I haven’t,’ Hayley told her.

  ‘He must be in the studio already,’ the domineering woman decided. ‘We’re going in to town for a couple of hours, so I’ll see you later.’

  Alone again, Hayley gazed out over the vast gardens and wondered where the gardener was. He never seemed to be working, despite the gardens always looking immaculate. And who was the young man she’d met in the woods?

  Wandering back into the kitchen Hayley found Amy just entering from the hall, and handing her a duster and polish she instructed her to go and clean the dining room. Out of sight, out of mind, out of temptation’s way, she mused ruefully as Amy obeyed and left her alone to her turbulent thoughts.

  To take her mind off the gorgeous girl she began making a list of victuals she needed, not that she’d used very much because she’d not done much in the way of cooking, or any other duties, come to that. Belinda and Michael either went out to eat or didn’t seem to bother at all. There was no real routine at Hadleigh Manor, which she found odd and surprising. As part of her job description she’d thought she would be cooking for her two bosses most evenings and even occasionally for some dinner guests.

  Quickly finishing her list – because there wasn’t much on it – she looked up as Michael wandered in. He seemed pleased with h
imself, and Hayley surmised he’d already met Amy.

  ‘Would you like some coffee?’ she asked him.

  ‘Not for me,’ he replied, furtively eyeing her legs, making her blush a little. ‘How’s the new girl settling in?’

  ‘She’s fine,’ Hayley reported, surprising herself by suddenly feeling somewhat protective towards the girl. ‘She’s working in the dining room.’

  ‘Good, good,’ he mused pensively. ‘Oh, by the way, the wife and I are going into town for a while,’ he told her.

  ‘I know, Mrs Philips already told me,’ Hayley said, watching him turn and leave her alone again.

  ‘I’ve polished the furniture,’ Amy said when Hayley went to the dining room to check on how she was getting on. ‘What’s next for me to do?’

  ‘I think a little talk is next on the agenda,’ Hayley replied.

  ‘A little talk?’ the girl queried.

  ‘You said that Mrs Philips offered you this job here at Hadleigh Manor,’ Hayley qualified.

  ‘Yes, that’s right,’ Amy confirmed.

  ‘And you lived in the local village?’

  ‘At the post office with my dad, yes.’ Amy looked puzzled by the unexpected inquisition.

  ‘You must have accepted the job really quickly, without knowing too much about it,’ Hayley pressed.

  The girl frowned a little, pondering the question and clearly wondering why she was being quizzed so. ‘Yes, why not?’ she said reasonably. ‘I’ve been looking for a job since I left college, so when Mrs Philips offered me this one I went for it without hesitating. Why wouldn’t I? The money’s quite good, and I live in so my day-to-day expenses are minimal. Well, you know that because you’re no doubt on a similar package.’ Amy looked at Hayley suspiciously. ‘What’s wrong, Hayley?’ she asked. ‘Why all these questions?’

  ‘You tell me what’s wrong, Amy,’ Hayley returned.

  The new girl looked confused. ‘I don’t know what you mean.’

  ‘It just seems a little odd to me that Mrs Philips took you on so easily,’ Hayley said, voicing her thoughts. ‘I had to attend an interview and I’m on a probation period for two months. When did you last see Mrs Stevenson?’

  ‘She’s in America, so I haven’t seen her for some time.’

  ‘America? You know her then?’

  ‘No I don’t really know her, not to talk to, but I’ve seen her around, of course.’

  ‘Come on, Amy, tell me what’s going on here,’ Hayley urged.

  ‘Nothing’s going on,’ Amy said, looking increasingly puzzled by what Hayley was getting at.

  ‘Isn’t it?’

  ‘Of course not, no,’ she insisted. ‘I don’t know what you’re talking about. Really I don’t.’

  Hayley wondered what Amy was thinking as the girl hung her head, and then she raised her eyes and looked sadly at the older girl.

  ‘Please don’t make life difficult for me here, Hayley,’ she implored meekly. ‘I just want to stay here and work hard. I don’t want to have to return home. It’s my dad... he’s always in the pub. Mum had enough and walked out last year. He’s always coming home drunk, and... I just can’t live there any more... I don’t think he knows what he’s doing when he drinks.’

  Feeling increasingly sorry for the girl, Hayley thought that she’d jumped out of the frying pan into the fire. She’d obviously been desperate to escape her father and had ended up at Hadleigh Manor. ‘Why didn’t you tell someone about him?’ she asked.

  ‘He didn’t know what he was doing,’ she sighed, hanging her head. ‘He always drinks so much he can never remember anything the next day. There was no point in telling anyone about his behaviour.’

  Hayley was confused about her feelings as she looked at Amy. She was lovely, and Hayley hated the way she was attracted to her, the way her insides somersaulted deliciously when she eyed her shapely figure and gorgeous face...

  Hayley gave herself a metaphorical telling off, guilt consuming her for harbouring such inexplicable thoughts. What on earth was wrong with her? What was wrong with her thinking? Her time at Hadleigh Manor had developed into a bizarre dream in more ways than one, but that was no excuse for fancying another girl. It was all very unreal, but that was no reason for her to become debauched like her female boss.

  Things had not been right from the moment Hayley arrived at Hadleigh Manor, so the time had come to investigate the basement, she decided. Hearing Amy working in the kitchen as she crept along the hall, she reached the door down to the basement and carefully opened it, careful not to make any noise that might bring the new girl to investigate.

  Creeping down the stone steps she opened another door at the bottom, fumbled for the light switch, and as the lights flickered on she gazed at a fairly humble hi-fi system on a table in the corner of the dingy room, and wondered where all the banks of studio equipment were that she was expecting to see. There was nothing apart from the hi-fi system – no instruments, no amplifiers or speakers or recording equipment. Moving uncertainly to another table standing in the centre of the room, she looked up at a shelf lined with what appeared to be gynaecological instruments, and there were ominous looking lengths of rope dangling from steel rings set in the corners of the central table. What on earth did Michael get up to down here in the basement?

  Whatever it was, this was not a recording studio and she suddenly felt spooked, turned and dashed back up the steps to the hall, retaining the wherewithal to switch off the light and close the door at the foot of the steps.

  The bizarre equipment and the table with rings and ropes attached to it could only be for one purpose, she knew as she closed the door at the top and turned to find herself staring at Amy.

  ‘W-what are you doing here?’ she asked the girl, realising she was breathing quite heavily but unsure whether it was because of her dash up the flight of steps or because of the shock of her discovery down below.

  ‘I’m looking for you,’ Amy replied simply, her dark eyes darting between Hayley and the basement door. ‘Where have you been?’ She nodded at the closed door. ‘What’s through there?’

  ‘Um, nothing of any interest to you,’ Hayley said hastily, leading the girl away and back into the kitchen. ‘You’re not to go down there, okay?’

  ‘If you say so,’ Amy concurred.

  ‘I do say so,’ Hayley said adamantly, her breathing calming as she tried to forget her discovery and get her thoughts and the girl’s attention back on their duties. ‘Now, have you finished in here?’ she asked, glancing about to check on the girl’s work.

  ‘I’ve cleaned, yes,’ Amy confirmed. ‘Not that it needed much cleaning.’

  Hayley ran her fingertips over the large kitchen table, inspected them, and was glad to see they were completely free of any dust or grease. ‘Well done,’ she said. ‘I think you can go up to your room now and have a twenty minute break.’ She wanted a little time alone to gather her thoughts. ‘But come back down promptly when your break is over, okay?’

  As the girl smiled a brief thank you and then disappeared upstairs, Hayley wondered if she was becoming a little like Belinda. She was beginning to think like her boss, and even to talk like her, putting on a frosty facade and being indifferent towards Amy, just like her boss was to her. The girl seemed pleasant enough and hardworking, so why was she being so cool towards her? Belinda clearly had an agenda in mind, spanking Hayley whenever she chose to, and under her influence Hayley had already changed significantly. Was that Belinda’s idea, to corrupt and manipulate and change her?

  Perching her buttocks on the edge of the kitchen table, Hayley returned her thoughts to the basement. Again wondering why there was no sign of any equipment that she would expect any respectable record producer to have, she thought it could hardly be called a studio. It was a gloomy room in the cellar of a large house with an unimpressive hi-fi system in one corner. Did Michael play C
Ds as loud as he could to fool Hayley into believing he was working down there with various rock artists? And why had she still not seen any visiting rock artists or bands?

  But the big question was that if he was trying to deceive her, then why was he? The table with the rings and ropes was for tying people down, she thought fearfully. But who did he tie down there? And more to the point, who was he intending to tie down there?

  The more Hayley thought about Hadleigh Manor, the deeper she slipped into a pool of confusion. It was pointless trying to make sense of Belinda or her husband, or to try to decipher their motives and intentions too much. They were probably just enthusiastic swingers or something, and it was best left at that, but climbing the stairs to Amy’s room she knew it would be prudent and in her best interests to ally herself to them.

  ‘I’ve just noticed you haven’t made preparations for this evening’s meal,’ she accused as she entered Amy’s room. ‘That’s part of your daily duties, and you’ve overlooked it. It’s not good enough, Amy, and I’ve been categorically ordered to spank you if you don’t perform your duties adequately or misbehave.’

  ‘Don’t you dare!’ Amy challenged, looking shocked and bemused.

  ‘You’ve let yourself down,’ Hayley went on determinedly, ‘and I’ve decided that you need to learn from the start, that you deserve a spanking, and that’s what you’ll get.’

  Amy pouted sulkily. ‘No I won’t.’

  ‘Bend over the back of the chair, please,’ Hayley said with as much authority as she could muster, although being dominant didn’t come too naturally to her.

  ‘No, you can’t make me,’ Amy said defiantly.

  ‘Your father wouldn’t be at all pleased to discover that you’ve been slovenly in your work, now would he?’

  ‘What’s he got to do with anything?’

  ‘Unless you bend over the back of the chair I’ll get Mrs Philips to contact him,’ Hayley warned. ‘Do you want to go back home to live with him?’

  ‘No, I don’t want to,’ the girl insisted. ‘But I don’t want to be spanked either.’


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