Maid to Serve

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Maid to Serve Page 14

by Ray Gordon

‘You silly girl,’ the woman said. ‘Since being here you seem to have gone out of your way to get yourself into trouble.’

  ‘I’ve done none of the things you’ve accused me of,’ Hayley returned adamantly, keeping one eye on Michael as he scrutinised her bound and naked body. ‘You know very well that I haven’t.’

  ‘Never have I known such ungrateful wickedness,’ the woman went on, ignoring Hayley’s words of defence. ‘So you’re going to be punished to see if you’re capable of learning your lesson.’

  Moving slightly around the table, positioning herself between Hayley’s parted legs, Belinda raised the leather belt above her head again and paused, the two employers savouring the frozen look of horror on the girl’s face. Again holding her breath, her eyes wide, Hayley guessed the woman’s intention and waited in fear and trepidation for the belt to sweep down through the air and lash the most sensitive area of her body. Belinda was insane. She had to be. What was she waiting for? Was she revelling in Hayley’s plight?

  Finally bringing the belt down with a loud crack across Hayley’s white panties, she smiled as her trussed victim let out a long wail and writhed in agony as much as the ropes would allow her to.

  ‘Let that be a lesson to you,’ she hissed, stroking the stinging flesh of Hayley’s sex through her underwear. ‘I’m sure you don’t want another lashing across your pussy, now do you?’

  ‘No,’ Hayley whimpered, her body trembling uncontrollably. ‘No, of course I don’t.’

  ‘You wouldn’t want my husband to deal with you, would you?’

  ‘No ma’am,’ Hayley said hastily, ‘I wouldn’t.’

  ‘Well then, you’ll be sorry to learn that that’s exactly what he is going to do.’

  Hayley couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She’d thought and hoped the vicious slice of the belt between her bound thighs had signalled the end of her torment – but apparently not.

  ‘Tie this around her breasts,’ Belinda ordered her husband, taking a length of thin nylon rope from one of the shelves and passing it to him. ‘Tie it tight around her breasts, then you can thrash her some more.’

  Hayley watched in horror as Michael wound the rope around her left breast. This was sexual torture, she thought desperately, imagining the belt licking across her exposed nipples. As Michael pulled the rope tight Hayley winced against the discomfort of her breasts swelling and becoming painfully taut. Her nipples grew and tingled.

  ‘That’s good,’ Belinda praised her husband. ‘Now you can administer some more deserved punishment to this ungrateful little bitch.’

  Accepting the belt from his wife, Michael stood over the trussed girl on the table and gazed avidly at the ballooning spheres of her bound breasts. Belinda was an evil bitch, Hayley thought, grimacing as she waited for the first lash of the leather gripped in his fist. Swearing to get even with the woman, she focused fearfully on the belt as Michael raised his arm, his knuckles white as he gripped it so determinedly, above his head.

  The belt unfurled and whistled down, landing across the taut flesh of her breasts and pulsing nipples. Hayley let out a yelp. Again the belt lashed her swollen breasts with a loud crack. With her burning nipples rising beneath the cruel lick of the leather belt, Hayley squeezed her eyes shut and tried not to protest any more. If she complained she was pretty certain that Belinda would only prolong the gruelling punishment. Holding her breath as the strip of leather flew through the air and again swiped her excruciatingly sensitive breasts, she dreaded to think what other horrors she might have to endure at the hands of her wicked bosses.

  ‘This will teach you an important lesson, young lady,’ Belinda said, staring hard at her bound captive. ‘By the time you leave this basement you’ll be obedient, respectful, and well behaved.’

  Saying nothing, Hayley silently swore that she’d never respect either of her sadistic bosses. The woman was insane and he was pathetic, of that she was now certain. Gasping another yelp as the belt slapped her constricted breasts again, Hayley knew he was relishing every moment of administering the gruelling thrashing, and that his wife was relishing watching it.

  ‘What would you like to do with her next?’ Belinda asked Michael. ‘No, allow me to suggest something. Thrash her pussy, like I did.’

  ‘Please, no more,’ Hayley breathed as Michael moved around the table.

  ‘No more?’ Belinda laughed scornfully. ‘Well, I don’t want any more of your lies, young lady, but I have to keep suffering them, don’t I?’

  ‘But I’ve never stolen anything in my life,’ she protested meekly. ‘And I’ve never done anything to try and harm you.’

  ‘I’m sorry, but you only have yourself to blame for this,’ the woman said dismissively.

  ‘Only have myself to blame?’ Hayley echoed, astonished by such a comment. ‘All I’ve done is work hard and try to please you both.’

  As the leather cracked down and bit into the sensitive lips of her sex, causing her straining body to convulse, Hayley cried out. Again Michael brought the strip of leather down, lashing the gusset of her white panties, accurately striking between her parted thighs. Belinda watched the merciless thrashing, nodding her head approvingly as her husband repeatedly swept the belt down across the tenderised flesh of her captive’s lower tummy and sex. Hayley cried out pitifully as the hardest slap yet jolted her young body, but her cries and pleas for mercy only seemed to serve to drive Michael on.

  He was loving every minute of dishing out the cruel punishment, Hayley knew. Again and again he brought the belt down, only increasing his rhythm in response to the bound girl’s pleas for mercy. Hayley prayed for the torture to end.

  ‘That’s enough for now, Michael,’ Belinda at last said, calling a halt to Hayley’s anguish. ‘I don’t want you to wear yourself out.

  ‘And I don’t want you worn out either, young lady,’ she added, gazing down at the panting, exhausted girl. ‘You’ll stay down here for a while longer yet. I’m not done with you yet.’ She shook her head. ‘Oh no, I’m not done with you by a long chalk. I have plans for you, young lady. Oh yes, I have great plans for you. You probably think me cold and heartless. Perhaps I am, but I cannot abide lying and thieving. I cannot and I will not tolerate either. Don’t utter another word, young lady. Don’t utter another lie. I intend to leave you down here for a while as part of your punishment. Perhaps some time alone will allow you to focus your thoughts, and then in the morning when you’ve had time to think about your wrongdoings you’ll tell the truth and confess.’

  Chapter 10

  After an hour or so of being alone Hayley was feeling cold and hungry. It was gloomy and depressing in the basement, her beaten flesh pulsed painfully and her bound limbs had gone numb. Wondering what the morning would bring, Hayley lifted her head as she thought she heard movement outside the door. Were there rats lurking in the basement? Rats and spiders?

  ‘Oh, it’s you,’ she breathed as the door opened and Michael appeared, wishing she could conceal herself as he closed the door again and moved to the table, blatantly admiring her body, displayed to him by her dishevelled clothing. ‘What do you want?’

  ‘Belinda’s gone to bed,’ he announced, ‘so I thought I’d come down and keep you company.’

  ‘I don’t want any company,’ Hayley snapped. ‘And especially not your company.’

  ‘I couldn’t resist coming to see you, Hayley,’ he went on regardless. ‘Bound and defenceless and all alone down here. I just couldn’t resist the temptation to come and see you again. What red-blooded male could?’

  ‘To take advantage of me, like you did with Amy before?’ she said defiantly.

  ‘With Amy?’ he said quizzically. ‘What are you talking about?’

  ‘I know what happened,’ she said. ‘I know you lured her down here and then abused your position to take advantage of her.’

  ‘Abused my position to take advantage of A
my?’ he echoed, looking genuinely puzzled. ‘I really have no idea what you’re talking about.’

  ‘I’ll tell Belinda about your adultery,’ Hayley threatened. ‘When she hears what you did to Amy she’ll go mad.’

  ‘Oh dear,’ he sighed, ‘it’s like that, is it?’

  ‘Yes, it is like that.’

  ‘And I’d thought we were getting on so well together.’

  ‘Well you thought wrong.’

  ‘Seemingly so.’ He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. ‘But it’s a shame you have that attitude, because I had a little proposition to put to you. But not to worry now...’

  ‘What sort of a proposition?’ Hayley asked hopefully, her spirits rising just a little.

  ‘Well, I rather thought that we might get to know each other a little better, and then perhaps...’

  ‘I know what you’re after, and you’re not getting it,’ she said boldly. ‘Not unless you force yourself upon me, and if you do you’ll find yourself in serious trouble the minute I get out of this house.’

  ‘I don’t like threats, Hayley,’ he said dourly.

  ‘And I don’t like being tied down and beaten,’ she countered.

  ‘You know, you’re a very stupid girl,’ he said, his annoyance at her continuing defiance increasingly evident.

  ‘Yes, I am,’ she agreed sarcastically. ‘I was stupid to accept your job offer in the first place, I was stupid to stay here once I’d started to see some of the things that go on here, and I was stupid to believe all your nonsense about getting me a job with Dave Ruby.’

  ‘I was talking to Dave only earlier today,’ he told her.

  ‘Oh, here we go again,’ she scoffed.

  ‘Belinda asked me to phone and tell him that he shouldn’t have you working for him because you’re unreliable.’

  ‘Yes, yes, I know,’ she said derisively. ‘I’m a thief and I tried to physically harm your wife.’

  ‘I didn’t tell him that because I believe that Amy took the money, not you.’

  ‘There was no money stolen,’ Hayley sighed exasperatedly. ‘For goodness sake, shall we stop playing these ridiculous games now?’

  ‘There was two thousand pounds in cash in the safe, Hayley,’ he went on. ‘I inadvertently left it open, and you know the rest of the sorry story.’

  ‘If that’s true then your wife took it,’ Hayley stated boldly.

  ‘Belinda took it?’ he laughed, pacing the floor. ‘So tell me, why would she steal our own money?’

  ‘So she could blame me, of course. It’s obvious.’

  Rubbing his chin as he mooched around the basement, looking increasingly pensive, even Hayley began to wonder if she’d inadvertently hit upon the truth. Had Belinda taken her own money to fake a theft? She could have taken it and hidden it in the bag, and then put it in the kitchen so it looked like Hayley was trying to abscond with it. Michael would never have suspected his own wife, and her plan would work well. No, her plan had worked well. Belinda was a devious bitch, and Hayley wouldn’t put anything past her. But why would she go to such lengths to do such a devious thing? What did she have against Hayley that she kept trying to frame her? What was it all about?

  ‘When you first arrived here I told you that Belinda could be a little unpredictable at times,’ Michael said, standing by the table and gazing at the blotchy marks striping her breasts. ‘Had you played along with her little foibles it would have been so much easier for you.’

  ‘I did play along with her little foibles,’ Hayley snapped angrily. ‘I accepted those unjust spankings, for one thing.’

  ‘You could have done very well here,’ he said, and then paused as he again eyed her shapely, vulnerable body. ‘Now, I think it’s time I untied you, then you can go up to your room and get a good night’s sleep.’

  ‘Oh, yes please,’ Hayley gasped eagerly, lifting her head, daring to wonder whether she still might be able to get away from the house during the night. ‘I’m exhausted and cold, and I’d really like to go to bed now. Please untie me, Michael,’ she begged, eager not to let this glimmer of hope disappear, and then shuddered as he slowly reached out and pinched her sore nipples between finger and thumb. Was he cruelly toying with her emotions, talking about releasing her and building up her hopes only to bring her crashing down again? Was he trying to erode her resistance to him and his wife? Was the idea to grind her down until she accepted anything they chose to do to her?

  ‘I suppose I should let you go now,’ he continued pensively. ‘You’ve been down here for quite some time already.’

  He reached for her wrists and untied the ropes binding them. Then he bent and released her ankles, and Hayley climbed stiffly off the table, wincing as the blood flowed back into her cold, stiff and aching limbs. Was her release from the loathsome table an indication that her nightmare was coming to an end, she mused as she bent to rub some feeling back into her thighs, or was this only the beginning?

  Hayley woke the following morning to the sun streaming in through the tiny dormer window. As sleep left her she recalled the horrendous events of the night before and leapt out of her bed. It was eight o’clock and the house was quiet. She washed and cleaned her teeth in the small basin in her room, then quickly taking her uniform from the wardrobe she dressed and ventured out onto the landing, crept along and opened Amy’s bedroom door, to find the girl asleep in her bed. Clearly she’d lost her nerve last night and decided to stay... either that or she was really collaborating with Michael and Belinda as Hayley had suspected.

  ‘Amy,’ she whispered, shaking her shoulder. ‘Amy, wake up.’

  ‘Wuh... what is it?’ the girl asked, her bleary eyes opening and gazing up at Hayley.

  ‘This might be our chance to get out of here,’ she said. ‘Hurry up and get dressed.’

  ‘How did you get out of the basement?’ Amy asked, sitting up and stretching, inadvertently drawing Hayley’s eyes to the firm shape of her breasts beneath her nightdress.

  ‘That’s another story,’ Hayley said, focussing her thoughts on the important matter of getting away. ‘You get dressed and I’ll go and check Belinda’s room. If she’s still sleeping then we’ve got a chance.’

  ‘No, let me go,’ Amy said, slipping out of bed and dressing too. ‘You stay here and wait for me.’

  Frowning as Amy left the room and closed the door, Hayley wondered whether or not she had made her mind up to trust her. Deciding she still didn’t know enough about the girl to do so, she quickly resolved to go it alone instead, so she left the room and crept down the stairs to the landing below. Hovering outside Belinda’s bedroom door she listened for any signs of life, but she heard nothing and there was no sign of Amy. No doubt the front and backdoor were locked and the keys now stowed in a place where she wouldn’t be able to find them, but if she had to she would look again for an unlocked window to climb out of. And if the gates were locked too she’d do her best to climb over them. This time she was determined to get away from Hadleigh Manor.

  Descending the stairs to the hall, she again listened for any signs of activity and caught her breath, her pulse racing as she heard voices drifting up from the basement. Was that Amy’s voice she heard? It seemed her doubts about the girl were justified. She didn’t dare risk going down there, so she put her ear to the gap of the slightly ajar door and listened intently.

  ‘At least she’s still in the house,’ she heard Belinda say. ‘Do you realise how much trouble we’ll be in if she gets away. This is serious, have you grasped that yet?’

  ‘Yes, of course I have,’ said Amy.

  Holding her hand to her mouth to suppress the shock of having her doubts about the other girl irrefutably confirmed, Hayley snatched her other hand away from the door handle as if it was scalding hot and hovered there in the hall, her head in a spin. So Amy really was working with the scheming pair, she thought angrily. The little traito
r had really, really let her down. How could she do such a thing?

  Again wondering what on earth was going on she shrieked with the shock and dismay of being discovered as a hand planted itself on her shoulder, the fingers digging in to her flesh and making her wince with the discomfort.

  ‘What are you doing?’ Michael asked.

  ‘T-trying to get away from this place,’ she said, trying futilely to loosen the talon-like grip on her shoulder, the truthful response the first thing that came into her head. ‘What do you think I’m doing?’

  ‘Really, trying to leave us already?’ he sneered, nudging open the door and giving her a firm push towards the dingy stairs leading down to the basement. ‘Well, I think my wife will have something to say about that.’

  ‘I’m not going down there,’ Hayley insisted, shaking her head. ‘If you think I’m going back down there you’ve got another—’

  ‘Be quiet, Hayley,’ he said, cutting off her protests, and before she could do anything to resist she found herself manhandled down the stairs and ushered physically into the basement room.

  The door slammed shut behind her, and she turned and stared open-mouthed at Belinda and Amy.

  ‘Ah, there you are, young lady,’ the woman said, smiling without warmth at Hayley. ‘I was beginning to think you didn’t like us.’

  ‘I – I don’t,’ Hayley stammered, lifting her chin defiantly, ‘so I’m leaving here and going home.’

  Belinda laughed derisively. ‘Oh, you are, are you? Just like that? You’re going to leave here without working your notice?’

  ‘Well, yes...’ Hayley faltered, ‘I didn’t really...’

  ‘No, you didn’t really consider the inconvenience to us, did you? I didn’t realise you’re so selfish, young lady.’

  Hayley bristled at the accusation of being inconsiderate or selfish. She spent her life considering others and being unselfish. ‘That’s not fair!’ she snapped.

  ‘Don’t you use that tone with me,’ Belinda warned. ‘Get on the table, or would you rather that I have Michael and Amy put you on the table?’


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