The Chrismukkah Crisis

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The Chrismukkah Crisis Page 6

by Ryan Taylor

  He looked up at me with wide, unblinking eyes. He licked his lips, and his chest rose and fell faster than usual. “Would you like to come up for a while?”

  With superhuman effort, I slowly shook my head. “I want to see what can happen with us, remember? Tonight was not about getting you into bed.”

  He pressed his lips in a straight line. “You’re right.”

  “There’s tomorrow.” I gently rubbed a curled forefinger under his chin. “Pick you up at twelve thirty?”

  An iridescent grin lit up his face. “Yes.”

  I stroked his cheek and caressed his tantalizing lips with my thumb. He stepped against me, and I luxuriated in smells of vetiver, citrus, and a little clean sweat as I looked down into warm, hazel eyes that accented a curious smile. When he wrapped his arms around me, I pulled him in tight, putting one hand low on his back and caressing his neck and shoulder with the fingertips of the other. His lips were little more than a breath against my mouth.

  I moved my hand behind his head, and when our lips met a second time, a spark stung my cheek. Static electricity, or a sign of what was meant to be? Either way, it was what I needed. I probed his lips gently with my tongue. His mouth was warm and sweet, and when I moved a hand down to cup his beautiful ass, his bulge brushed against my leg. We stood grinding against each other, moaning into each other’s mouths. He tasted like salted caramel ice cream and some flavor I’d never known, one that I’d call Matt from then on. After a moment of bliss, he pulled away, a shy smile warming his face.

  “Goodnight, Aaron. See you tomorrow?”

  “Just try to keep me away.” I tweaked the end of his nose, making him titter. “Goodnight, Magic Matt.”

  I walked him to the building door and watched through the glass as he crossed the lobby. He turned and smiled as the elevator doors slid open, and then he was gone.


  I was still dripping from the shower when Mom called. She and Dad were in Jacksonville, Florida.

  “How’s Aunt Ida?” I asked. Ida, Dad’s sister, had been in chemotherapy during the fall, and Mom and Dad drove down last week to check on her.

  “A lot better. In good spirits, gaining a little weight.” Dad said something in the background. “Matthew, hold on.”

  I wrapped myself in a towel and sat on the edge of my bed, picking at the comforter. Aaron was coming to pick me up soon, and I had no time to sit and wait for Mom.

  She mumbled something to Dad, and then her voice was loud and clear again. “Did you get the sheets yet?”


  “I knew you weren’t listening to me when I called the other day.” She tsked and laughed. “Honestly, where your mind is sometimes! I don’t—”

  “Mom, I’m in kind of a hurry. What sheets?”

  “Hurry? Oh, the animal shelter. I forgot. How is that going, by the way?”

  Only a long breath kept me from snapping at her. “What sheets?”

  “They had those great percale sheets in stock again. The ones I had on your bed the last time you came home? Anyway, since you liked them so much, I ordered some for you. They’re supposed to be delivered today.”

  “Nothing came yet, but I’ll let you know.”

  “Will they leave them if you’re not there?”

  I couldn’t contain a discreet huff. “They’ll leave them with the concierge, Mom, you know that. Look, I really have to go.”

  “Wait! Matthew?”


  “We’re driving home on Tuesday and we’ll stop in DC to see our birthday boy. Maybe spend the night there.”

  I had to get off the phone! “That’s nice of you. I’ll see you then.”

  “What did you do last night?”

  Here we go. “Went out with a friend.”

  “Oh, ho ho!” For some reason, Mom thought my love life was more her business than mine. “A friend? Or a friend?”

  Since I’m a horrible liar, I told the truth, or at least part of it. “It’s a guy I met, okay? At work. He’s really nice.”

  “Was it your first date? Is this going to be something special?”

  “Who knows? And yes, it was the first date.”

  “His name?”

  Enough. “Goodbye, Mom. I have to go to the shelter now.”

  “At least tell me his name.” She sounded a little desperate.

  “Aaron.” I huffed again, louder this time. “It’s Aaron. Goodbye now. Love to Dad and Aunt Ida.”

  She was still talking when I hung up, and I’d barely finished dressing when the phone rang again. It was the concierge.

  “Mr. Kennington, a Mr. Roth is here. Should I send him up?”

  “Yes, please.” Trust that this is going to last a while. “Put him on the permanent list for me, okay?”

  Aaron turned out to be a natural with the dogs, and Marilyn, the woman in charge of the shelter, was thrilled to have another helping hand. When we first got there, she put Aaron on feed duty. After the dogs ate, he let them out for playtime, and I could see him having fun from where I was folding blankets. Marilyn walked over and we stood there watching him for a minute.

  “You found a good one.”

  I smiled, not taking my eyes off him. “I think I did.”

  “Will he come back?”

  I turned my head, and her grin was almost as wide as mine. “Not sure. I think he works on Saturdays a lot.”

  “Well, it’s up to you to see that he takes some time off.” She nudged my arm. “I may be seventy, but I’m not dead, and I see how he looks at you. Whether he comes back for the pups or not, you hang on to this one.”

  Just then, a black Lab bowled Aaron over, and he broke into a hearty laugh. A little while later, I was cleaning out cages and he came to see me. “How do you not take every one of them home?”

  A peek at his eyes told me he was serious. “Not easy, but my building doesn’t allow pets. If they did, I probably would try to take all of them.”

  Marilyn came and asked if I’d mind doing bath duty. “Sure. That’s why I wore old clothes.”

  “Nah,” Aaron said, putting a hand on my shoulder. “You take a break and go play with some of the dogs. I’ll do the baths.”

  I wasn’t sure he knew what he was getting into. “Aaron, have you ever given a dog a bath?”

  He shot me his you’ve-gotta-be-kidding-me look. “I told you I grew up with dogs.” When I didn’t move, he sighed. “Yes, Matt. I’ve given lots of dog baths…. Ass!” He punched my arm and took off running toward the dogs, looking like a little boy skipping off to the pond on a summer day. “C’mon puppies, time to get clean!”

  Marilyn laughed and told me to go have fun with the dogs on the other side of the building. “You haven’t stopped since you’ve been here. Take a load off.”

  Ninety minutes passed before I saw Aaron again. He was soaked to the skin, no doubt wetter than any of the dogs had gotten. I broke out laughing and he joined right in.

  “Marilyn said I could borrow a couple of big towels for the car seat when we go.” He reached up to rub away some water that was running down his face. “Did you have a good time?”

  “Sure, but I was just playing games. You all right?”

  He leaned in and gave me a quick peck. “This is the best Saturday I’ve had since I got to DC.”


  After we finished up at the shelter, we needed to stop by my apartment so I could shower. I lived in a new building on Willard, just off Wisconsin Avenue. As we inched our way up Wisconsin, Matt seemed especially relaxed, rapping his fingers lightly to music only he could hear.

  I grinned at him. “What’s that music in your head? Would I like it?”

  He turned in his seat. “You really enjoyed today, didn’t you?”

  “I told you it was the best Saturday since I got to town.” The shimmer in his eyes made my breath catch. “As a matter of fact, last night was the best Friday since I’ve been here, too.”

  For once, he didn’t roll hi
s eyes and look like he wanted to blow me off. Instead, he took my hand, which was fine since we were going about two miles per hour. “They were the best ones I’ve had, too, and I’ve lived here a lot longer than you.”

  I decided to ask the question that was on the tip of my tongue. “This is going okay, then? You don’t regret going out with me?”

  “I could never….” He squeezed my hand while he shook his head. “No. I’ll never regret going out with you.”

  “Have dinner with me tonight?”

  A slow smile spread across his face. “Thought you’d never ask.”

  My apartment was on the top floor of a building in Chevy Chase, between DC and Bethesda. It was roomy—one large space with high ceilings and lots of windows. The bathroom was the only area closed off by a door; the rest of the apartment had built-in room dividers and half-walls.

  It was bigger than Matt’s place but wasn’t furnished as nicely. I was still using most of the things I’d had during law school, and while his furniture was something to be proud of, my cheap, plywood tables and threadbare sofa were a little embarrassing. Despite all that, he seemed impressed with the amazing view of nearby parks, big balcony, and brick hearth around the fireplace.

  He busied himself looking at my books while I headed for the shower. Fifteen minutes later, when I was clean, dry, and dressed, I found him kneeling on the floor, studying the bottom shelf of my bookcase. He looked up at me. “You like history.”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “And mysteries….”

  I nodded. “Guilty as charged.”

  “And action, and literature, and….” He grinned wickedly as he took a book off the shelf. “You’re amazing, Aaron, but I’d have never guessed that you have Jane Austen in your collection.”

  I froze. “Well, I….” Do you like this guy or not? Be real. “So I like romance. Is that a crime?”

  He got up and walked across my Crate and Barrel rug until we were chest to chest. “Pride and Prejudice? Hmm…. You certainly draw the attention of the room by your fine, tall person, handsome features, and noble mien.”

  My heart stuttered and my mouth followed. “Y-you’re c-comparing me to Mr. Darcy?”

  His breath swept across my face like a warm breeze, and he brushed my mouth with his hot, soft lips. “You just get better.” Another little peck. “And better….”

  After a stop at his building so Matt could clean up, we went out for sushi. He knew more about it than I did, and we enjoyed a great meal as a result. When the check came, he insisted on paying, although I tried to get him to split it. I knew the bill was a lot more than I’d spent the night before, but I stopped fighting when I realized it was a matter of pride for him to pay his own way.

  We’d just gotten into the car when he cocked an eyebrow at me. “Want to go to my place and watch Netflix?”

  I fiddled with the heat while I considered my answer. “I told you I wasn’t just after Netflix and chill.”

  “I know.” He used a finger to trace my cheekbone and shook his head. “Me either.”

  I put a hand over his finger and pressed it to my face. “I really want to see what happens with us. We can take our time with things.” Was that a tinge of disappointment I saw? “I mean, I just don’t want you to get the wrong idea. You’re the hottest guy I’ve ever gone out with, but I don’t want you to think that’s all I want out of you.” He scoffed, and I turned his finger loose. “I mean that, Matt. I’d be more than willing to do you right here in the parking lot, but I don’t want you to ever wonder if I only want you for your irresistible body.”

  He did that rolling his eyes thing again.

  “Stop it.” I pulled back, talking louder than I meant to. “I don’t know who or what caused you to not believe what I say to you, but listen to me.” I put my hand on his knee and squeezed it two or three times. “I said I want to see what happens between us and I meant it.” He relaxed a little, and I tugged in a breath. “You are definitely the hottest guy I’ve ever dated. That is so not a line. It’s the truth.”

  His eyebrows loosened their death grip on each other and the tension in his face slowly melted away. “I’m sorry. I’ve dated some losers.” He put his hand on top of mine and squeezed hard. “I’ll stop acting stupid.”

  I leaned toward him and rubbed our noses together. “Netflix, definitely. Netflix and chill, well… let’s see what happens.”


  “Sierra Nevada okay?” I asked. “I’ve also got some white wine.”

  “Sierra Nevada’s great.” Aaron followed me into the kitchen to get our beer before we settled on the sofa. We played Minecraft instead of watching Netflix, and when we tired of the game, we sat back and talked. As the minutes ticked by, we did less talking and more gazing into each other’s eyes.

  We were sitting very close together, his leg up against mine, and kept finding reasons to touch each other. I twisted around, intending to pick up the remote and turn the music down a little.


  I looked at him again and he leaned in, smooth as silk, and kissed me. His lips were like velvet. The kiss was sweet and tender, and I moaned softly when he reached behind my head and twirled my hair between his fingers. I slid a hand under his shirt, against his abs, and our legs practically melded into one. Damn, I’ve never had my hands on a six-pack like this before. When I had to breathe, I detected a hint of his cologne, along with a tantalizing whiff of man musk.

  “You make me feel alive,” he mumbled, before coming back in for more.

  I turned a little farther and we were in each other’s arms. He teased my lips apart with his tongue and I met him with mine. I savored the wet heat as we explored each other’s mouths, my reaction so vivid that it made my toes tingle—an electric sensation that made its way up my legs into my gut.

  Eventually, we came up for air again. “Matt….” He set his palm on my crotch, and the warmth, combined with the weight of his hand, had me throbbing in no time. I fondled him through his pants, too, and we sat there while our tongues danced, our hands squeezed, and moans of pleasure escaped into each other’s mouths.

  I shifted and was mostly lying down, propped against the arm of the sofa, with him on top of me. Our hips had developed minds of their own, and our hard cocks ground into each other. We were both completely erect, and I couldn’t help noticing the fullness and weight that pushed against me. Aaron was big, and the way he kept thrusting against me made me afraid I might come in my pants.

  Without warning, he stopped and pulled away, sitting up. “I….” He cleared his throat.


  “I’m getting kind of close.”

  “Shh.” I sat up and kissed him while I ran my hand down his front, stopping at the top of his jeans. After sliding my hand under his untucked shirt again, I ran circles around his navel with a finger and made him shiver. Despite fumbling a little, I soon had his jeans undone and teased my hand inside.

  He closed his eyes and sighed with relief. “Don’t want you to think I—”

  “What I think is that I like you a whole lot, and there’s no reason to send you home with blue balls.”

  He leaned forward and took my mouth again, but I pulled away to shimmy his pants down the most gorgeous thighs I’d ever seen. Aaron sure didn’t skip leg days at the gym. When I got his pants down far enough to get to him, he tugged at mine, and who was I to deny myself?

  Once he had my jeans to my knees, I was able to look at his huge, beautiful, cut cock, standing straight up against a thatch of dark hair. I was a lost man.


  Matt had me whining when he squeezed his warm hand around my dick. He wore a few rings, and the cool metal against my superheated skin made me squirm. I had my hands on his cock, too, and while he was slender, almost petite, he was packing some meat. He wasn’t cut, and I’d never been with anyone who wasn’t.

  For a few minutes, we wiggled around on the sofa, feasting on each other’s mouths and noisily expre
ssing our pleasure while we each used our well-practiced jerk off skills to delight the other. Without warning, he pulled away from my mouth, panting. “Do it just like that!”

  “Matt….” I was breathing hard, too. “I’m going to—”

  “Oh, fuck!” Matt threw his head back and a flood of hot, sticky fluid shot out of his dick, leaping into the air and coating my hand on its way back down.

  The rumbling started in my thighs. My butt clenched, my toes curled, and a volcanic eruption roared from my balls, flinging hot lava down the length of my cock. “Goddammit!” I yelled.

  Our groans and cries filled the room while we exploded together. Afterward, we lay back against each other, purring. Too soon, Matt pulled himself away and gave me a shy smile. “Be right back,” he said.

  Water ran in the bathroom, and he returned with a warm, wet cloth and a towel. After tending to me, he sat back down and leaned into the crook of my shoulder. “That, Mr. Roth, was stupendous. God, you’re really big.” He looked up into my eyes, and I thrilled at the glimmer of mischief I saw there. “I sure hope you know how to use that thing.”

  I kissed him again, just a small one, but enough to get a little tongue action. “Never had any complaints.”

  “I can’t wait to find out.”

  After a few minutes, when I realized he’d fallen asleep, I decided to lie there a bit longer before waking him up and going home.


  About three in the morning, I woke up long enough to realize we’d fallen asleep on the sofa. There was barely room with Mr. Muscles on there with me, but the way he held me made me feel safer than I had in ages. I lay very still and enjoyed the undertow of sleep pulling me back in.

  After some very sweet dreams, I woke to find myself alone. I looked around the apartment, and Aaron wasn’t there. No clothes, no note, no nothing. I knew it was too good to be true. Wiping away a few regretful tears, I went into the kitchen and was taking coffee out of the freezer when somebody knocked on the door.

  Looking through the peephole, I was thrilled to see disheveled brown hair and unmistakable amber eyes. I opened the door and stood looking at him with my hands on my hips. “And there I thought you’d cut and run.”


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