Running Home (Warm Springs Trilogy Book 2)

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Running Home (Warm Springs Trilogy Book 2) Page 20

by Christina Kirby

  Applause broke out as the lawyer stood and gave a small wave. His win wasn’t a surprise. He was rich and a well-known hunter who’d spent time in Africa, as well as up north for the sake of his hobby.

  Butterflies fluttered to life as Adam ran a hand across her lower back on his way onto the stage. She dropped her gaze to hide her smile. Once composed, she began. “All right, we’ve come to our final item up for bid. If you’ve ever wanted to play ball with a professional or go on a date with our own very talented, very handsome Adam Hamilton, now’s your chance. Remember this is our last item, so don’t hold back.”

  “Five-hundred dollars,” a female voice shouted from the back of the room.

  Jenny squinted into the light and saw Avery seated at one of the back tables. She was grinning like she’d just won the lottery. Which of course, for Avery, the chance to tease her brother was the next best thing.

  “One thousand,” shouted another voice, but this time, it was a man.

  The bids continued and all throughout the battle, Adam hammed it up on stage by striking poses. When men called out, he pumped his fist and for one woman he got down on his knee. After that, Jenny did her best not to look at him. His presence was distracting enough without the added acting.

  Finally, the bids began to slow.

  “Three-thousand seventy-five,” said a man.

  “Four even,” said another.

  “Four twenty-five,” the first man countered.

  “Five-thousand,” said a woman from the front row.

  Jenny blinked twice while she picked the new bidder out of the crowd. It was none other than Amanda Hillcrest. Twice divorced and a frequent visitor of medical spas in Atlanta.

  “Five thousand going once,” Jenny waited a beat for one of the others to counter, but they remained silent. “Going twice.” She waited another second. The thought of Adam spending hours on end with Amanda Hillcrest was frightening. “Sold.”

  Applause broke out and Jenny eyed Adam. He turned his pleading eyes back to her. She fought a laugh while Amanda made her way onto the stage in her sequined leopard sheath. She hooked her arm through Adam’s, and the woman’s over enhanced breasts were on the verge of spilling out of her dress.

  Jenny bit the inside of her cheek to keep from laughing outright into the microphone. “I’d like to thank everyone again for taking part in this year’s fundraiser. We couldn’t do it without your support.”

  Jenny’s mother took to the stage and offered her own thanks and then music played while people said their goodbyes and finished their last drinks.

  “I’d say it was a smashing success this year,” her mother grinned.

  “I think so,” Jenny agreed as she watched Adam with Amanda. “I’m beat.”

  “Me, too. I’d like to sleep for about a week and then it’ll be time to start planning for next year.” Her mother leaned her shoulder into her daughter’s and followed her gaze. “He was a good sport today. Remember to thank him again for me.”

  “I will, if he makes it out of Amanda’s grip alive.”

  Her mother laughed and they exited the stage together. Stopping to shake hands and offer thanks to the highest bidders and winners of the silent auction. As the crowd dwindled and the staff began clearing the empty glasses from the tables, Jenny slid out of her heels and dropped into an empty chair. While she bent over to rub one of her sore feet, a lightly bristled chin tickled her ear.

  “You owe me big time.”

  A slow, sly smile tugged at her lips. “Whatever do you mean? Amanda seems like a lovely woman, full of imagination and ideas.”

  Adam snorted and sat down beside her.

  “So,” Jenny linked her fingers and propped her chin on them feigning excitement, “when’s the big date going to take place?”

  “Later this week. I’m thinking of not showering until then as a deterrent. Or maybe you should go with us as a chaperone.”

  “Nice try, Hamilton.”

  He shrugged, leaned back against his chair, and with a sly smile he eyed her. “I still say you owe me.”

  She tilted her head to the side. “How exactly would you like me to return the favor?” Jenny used her bare foot and ran the tips of her toes up his leg.

  Adam glanced around the room and grabbed her ankle. She let out a quiet squeal and tugged, but he held firm. As he began rubbing slow circles across her skin, goose bumps fanned up her leg.

  “Adam, this is crazy. Anyone could see.” She tugged again.

  “There’s barely anyone left and none of them are paying attention to us.” He continued to rub her foot and apply light pressure.

  Between his hands and the way he looked with his tie hanging loosely down his unbuttoned shirt, she was sure she’d turn to putty and slide off of her chair. As his thumb ran over her heel, she fought the urge to moan as her sore feet found relief in his hands.

  “Are you two about ready to go?”

  Jenny sat up and banged her knee on the underside of the table at the sound of her mother’s voice.

  “We were just getting ready to,” Jenny’s voice sounded high, even to herself. “You?”

  “Yes, your father’s waiting out front with the car. He was nice enough to pull it around. I don’t think I can make it all the way to the parking lot.” Her mother squeezed her shoulder and then Adam’s. “You two have a good night.” As she started to walk away, she winked at Jenny.

  “I think the cat’s out of the bag,” Jenny murmured, once her mother was out of earshot.

  “Fine with me. I have nothing to hide.” He stood and extended a hand.

  Jenny grabbed her discarded shoes and let him help her out of her chair. “Want to take me home?”

  “There’s nothing I’d rather do.”

  As they walked out together, she rested her head on his shoulder. The feel of the rough tux fabric against her cheek reminded her of prom and she smiled to herself. They’d come a long way and yet, not so far they didn’t fit.

  “Maybe you can start returning the favor tonight.” He wrapped an arm around her waist. “You know, for this whole auction thing.”

  “Start returning it? How much payback are we talking here?”

  “Oh, I think it’ll take quite a lot.”

  “Oh really?” she grinned.

  “Yes. In fact, you might have to see me every night this week and maybe the following week, as well.”

  “I’ll see if I can fit you into my busy schedule.”

  He dropped a hand down to her butt and pinched. With a squeal, she took off running for the car.

  Later the same night, as they lay in bed together, Adam ran his fingers lazily over Jenny’s shoulder. A shoulder he’d had in his mouth only a few moments before. The pillows and down comforter on Jenny’s bed were soft, so much so, he felt like he’d sunken into a cloud.

  Light blues and whites decorated the rest of the room creating clean lines. Everything had a place, from her pictures hanging in a distinct pattern on the wall, to the decorative hooks holding her jewelry. Much like the woman, the room was efficient and welcoming. Though, to be with Jenny, he would go anywhere.

  “The World Series starts this week.”

  “I may’ve heard something about it.” She tilted her head back so their eyes met.

  “I have tickets to the first game.”

  She laughed. “I would think you could get into any game you wanted.”

  “Maybe, but this way it’s just for us. If I try to go through the back channels, I’ll get roped into press conferences and walking the hand shake line.”

  Jenny propped up on her elbow and grinned. “So, is this you asking me out? Like on a date?”

  “Maybe. Are you busy?”

  “I might be able to move a few things around.” S
he angled her body half on top of his and kissed him, the warmth of their lovemaking still present. “It’s been a long time since we went and watched a game together.”

  “It has.” He kissed her again, first her lips then her jaw. His body stirred at the promise of more of her. “I feel like we’re back to being us.” He kissed her mouth again, tasting only her and as he did, her leg slid over his waist.

  With a final kiss, she rose over him.

  “Do you think it’s possible that after only this small amount of time, we can go back to the way things were?” He sat up and kissed her again.

  She tilted her head back, exposing the long lines of her neck. “No.”

  She said it with a certainty that made him stop what he was doing.

  He pulled back. “Why? Don’t you want this?”

  “What I want, is to create something new.” She placed a hand on his face and kissed him gently. “We aren’t the same people anymore. We aren’t teenagers under the spell of first love and lust. We’re all grown up with the scars to prove it.”

  “I’ll spend the rest of my life helping to heal those scars, if you’ll let me.”

  She kissed him again, this time probing deeper and holding on tighter. He grabbed her hips and pulled her against him until they were joined and she was crushed against his chest. He never wanted to be away from her again.

  Chapter 22

  The crowd of people making their way into the stadium looked more like a sea of red and blue than a collection of fans. It was the kind of record breaking attendance only a World Series game could bring.

  Jenny stood with Adam in the midst of the chaos with her hair pulled through the back of her baseball cap. Adam used his to hide his face. Shoulder to shoulder with countless others, they passed through the ticket line. Jenny grinned as she thought about what the people around them would do if they realized who was under the navy and red cap to her right. As they grabbed a couple of beers and made their way to the killer seats located behind the home team’s dugout, she all but bounced down the concrete steps.

  “These are much better than the ones I had when I came to see you play.”

  “It’s all about who you know,” Adam said. “Do you want something to eat?”

  “Not yet. I’m too excited.” She continued to drum her foot against the ground as the team ran out onto the field a little while later.

  They cheered and clapped alongside the other fans and when the first pitch flew, Jenny held her breath. The umpire yelled, “Strike.” She exhaled in a rush, but it didn’t dampen the excitement. She turned her face to the side to study Adam. His shoulders were tense; his face a mask of determination. Movement caught her eye. Adam flexed his fingers, his focus on the pitcher who was gearing up for his second throw. As she placed her hand in his, he smiled at her and locked their fingers together.

  “Is it weird to be sitting in the stands?”

  He ran his thumb over hers. “Sort of, but it’s okay, because I get to be here with you.” His words were sincere, but the underlying longing in his tone pulled at her heart. No matter what he said, she knew how much he loved the game.

  Even in high school when he’d played other sports, they’d been place holders to help him stay in shape until baseball started again. His love of the game was a part of him. Her father used to say it was in his blood. And, he was right.

  As Adam viewed the game, his pulse seemed to keep time with the players. It quickened as balls were thrown and slowed when the pitcher ground the ball into his glove. Whether or not Adam was aware of it, she wasn’t sure, but her heart went out to him. He was young and already on the sidelines.

  Her father was right about something else, too. Their lives had gone in different directions for a while, and maybe it was because in the greater plan, Adam was destined to have a short career. She squeezed his arm, thankful to have him back in her life, but sad about how he’d gotten there. Though fueled by anger toward him for years, she never would’ve wished for him to lose his dream.

  “Let’s go,” Adam called as he clapped for the home team.

  A breeze moved through the stadium signaling the arrival of the cold front heading their way and with it the smell of popcorn swept through the crowd. Jenny spent the rest of the afternoon cuddled up beside Adam and reveling in her luck at getting to be the girl he chose, as they watched their team win game one of the series.

  In Adam’s truck on the way back to the house, Jenny sang along to the radio.

  “Hey, pop star, what do you want for dinner?”

  Jenny laughed and raised her voice, still riding high off of the win. “I might die if I eat anything else. I think the hot dog, nachos, cotton candy, and beer might’ve done me in.” She leaned across the arm rest and skimmed her lips over his ear. “I can think of one thing I do want though.”

  She continued to tease him as he drove through town, first by nibbling at his ear, then by rubbing her hand along his thigh. By the time they reached his house, she half expected him to throw her over his shoulder and carry her into the house.

  Instead, he used his front door to pin her and doled out some heavy petting of his own.

  “Miss Fillmore, I do believe I’m going to have to have my way with you.” He kissed her hard on the mouth all the while struggling to open the door at her back.

  When it opened, Jenny took off for the stairs, squealing as he sprinted after her. His heavy footfalls on the wooden floor changed to muffled stomps on the carpet and with each one, her muscles wound tighter. Giddy with anticipation, she squealed again when he darkened the doorway and moved toward her with deliberate slowness, like a large cat stalking its prey.

  “Have I told you how good you look in a baseball cap?” His voice was low and there was no missing the devilish gleam in his eye.

  “Is that right?” She took a step back as he drew closer, wanting him to touch her, but also wanting to draw out the sweet torture at the same time.

  “And, that shirt? Did you wear that baseball cut for me?”

  He’d once told her, he’d like to see her in nothing but a baseball shirt and panties. She planned to deliver on that particular fantasy. Hooking two fingers on either side of her jeans, she pushed them down over her hips, revealing dark blue panties chosen to complement the shirt. When his eyes raked over her, she bit her bottom lip. He remembered. Pleased with herself, she looked at him out from under her lashes.

  He groaned and lunged for her. “Jenny.”

  It was only her name, but on his lips, it broke the dam restraining her. His mouth moved over hers, hot and wet, demanding. His strong hands slid up her back and he removed her cap, sending her hair cascading down her back.

  It was the perfect ending to a perfect day. One that had been only theirs. Free from guilt and worry, she gave herself to him completely.

  As the morning light shone through the stained glass window above Adam’s tub and blanketed the room in greens and browns, he wrapped a towel around his waist. At the second sink, Jenny stood brushing through her wet hair. He smiled as he opened his bottom drawer. This was what he wanted more than anything, for every morning to be just like this one. For her to be there when he woke up and when he went to bed. To make love to her every night. He started to hum and didn’t care when she laughed at his inability to find a key.

  She set her brush on the counter and hopped onto the open area of counter space between the two sinks. “What time do you have to be at the high school?”

  “Not for an hour or so. What about you? Busy day getting ready to accept your big award tonight?” He moved in front of her and grinned when she pinned him in place by hooking her legs around his waist.

  “Not too busy. I need to get some work done and then it’s lunch with the girls.”

  He placed his hands on the counter, bringing their faces closer. �
�That sounds like trouble.”

  “Who? Us?”

  He nuzzled her with his light beard and made her laugh. “Do you still want me to pick you up?”

  “Yes,” she said slightly breathless, “pick me up at the office.” Her eyes came to rest on his shoulder. He knew without looking what caught her attention. The sadness in her eyes told him.

  She leaned forward and pressed a kiss onto each one of his surgical scars. The small gesture affecting him more than the actual surgery had.

  “What do you miss the most about playing?”

  He stood up straight and moved to lean against the counter beside her. What did he miss the most? The feeling of the ball in his hand. The cheers from the crowd. The smell of the dirt and grass. Grueling games in the heat. Traveling from city to city and living in hotels. They were all aspects of the game he loved, but none of those things left him with a sense of emptiness. He rubbed a finger over the calluses on his palm.

  “I guess I miss the comradery with my teammates the most. I’d played with some of those guys for years. When we were in our stride, we worked together like a well-oiled machine. I didn’t have to look at Jones on first to know what he was about to do or worry over whether or not Skinner was ready for me. We clicked.”


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