Girl on Geek: A Lesbian Romance

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Girl on Geek: A Lesbian Romance Page 14

by Mia Archer

  The elevator dinged and I realized it was about to close with me in it and Kaitlyn in my room. Damn it. I was getting distracted by the sexy. I needed to stop getting distracted by the sexy. I quickly put a hand in the door before it could close leaving Kaitlyn alone in the suite. I made sure to shove my hand through because I didn't want it to ruin the costume and my wrist was the only bit of my anatomy that didn't have a fragile piece of plastic attached to it.

  “You’re looking pretty good yourself,” I said as I stepped through the door and it closed behind me.

  “Well I wouldn’t want to disappoint my lady Maia,” she said.

  It was odd hearing her use my in game name. Of course that’s what I went by most of the time, considering how much time I spent in game, but it was still weird hearing it in the real world. Over voice chat? Sure. In guild chat? Not odd at all. It really was my second name. This was just the first time that name had intruded into real life other than brief conversations with Megan.

  I kind of liked it.

  “My Lady is too kind,” I said. Talking like this actually helped to take the edge off. If I was in character then it’s as though it wasn’t happening to me even as this most definitely was happening to me. It was like I was in the world’s sexiest out of body experience as she took a step towards me. Was this really happening? It was happening. I couldn’t believe it but it was happening.

  I gasped. she looked so amazing. It was obvious from her catlike grace and the way her toned body moved that she spent her fair share of time in the gym. She took another step, and another. My breathing was picking up. This reminded me of her character advancing on mine in the forbidden role-playing scenario from a few weeks back. From that night when I violated all of my principles for this girl.

  From the barely concealed lust playing across her face it was obvious that’s what she was going for. That’s what she was remembering.

  “I think my Lady elf is just being polite,” she said. “I think my Lady elf is only saying such things because I’ve managed to capture her.”

  I turned my head away, both so she couldn’t see the blush on my face and because it seemed like the right thing to do. I knew where she was going with this and it had me so fucking turned on for some reason. There were so many things we could do with this scenario in the real world that we couldn’t when it was just two characters on the screen chatting at one another. The way Kaitlyn was able to switch into a role-playing scenario at the snap of a finger was so damn hot. Just like with the online session I couldn't believe I was doing this, this wasn't something I'd ever done before, and yet I was so fucking turned on that I couldn't stop!

  My nipples strained out towards her body, brushing against the hard plastic of my bikini top, and I could feel myself soaking through my panties. Damn. I was going to have to get control of myself before I ruined this damn costume before I even had a chance to wear it out on the convention floor.

  “I would never try to deceive my Lady,” I whispered.

  I felt her rather than saw her as she approached. My head was still turned to the side. I was still looking down. Demure, proper, exactly how I imagined an elven sorceress would act when captured by a dangerous and devastatingly beautiful human.

  Or at least how I would want to act in this scenario. This was all play, after all. Probably the hottest role-play I'd ever had in my life. Damn!

  “Yet my Lady elf mocks me even with her words,” she said.

  I gasped and closed my eyes as one of her delicate yet surprisingly strong hands reached out and cupped my chin. Forcefully she pulled my head to the side, and I felt another thrill run through my body accompanied by a rush of wetness between my legs as she held my gaze. She was staring down at me with that same intensity, that same hunger, and I saw her eyes run up and down my body. My chest was heaving, my breasts pressing up as they strained out to her.

  “How am I mocking my Lady?” I asked.

  “Every time you call me my Lady, elf,” she said, making “elf” sound like a four letter word. “I am no Lady.”

  “But you’ve captured me,” I said. “Doesn’t that make you my Lady?”

  Kaitlyn grinned, a suddenly rakish grin that had me conjuring up images of a powerful warrior taking control that was completely at odds with the rather mundane surroundings of the suite. I smiled and I melted under that grin. I was starting to feel weak in the knees. It was everything I could do to maintain my composure, to stay standing while she looked at me like that. That smile, a cocky half grin, was such a turn on. All I wanted her to do was lean down and press her lips against mine. Only she couldn’t. Not yet. That wouldn’t be in keeping with this suddenly deliciously dominant character, and keeping in character was part of the fun.

  “I think I like the sound of that,” she said.

  I licked my lips. “What else would my Lady like now that my Lady has me at her mercy?”

  Her eyes running down my body left no doubt as to exactly what it was she wanted. Our one role-playing session that veered into this territory also left no doubt in my mind as to exactly what she wanted from me. I was a little hesitant because this was so new, because I'd never done this with a woman before, but at the same time the horny side of me that was so intrigued by this woman was throwing caution to the wind and saying "fuck it." It was one hell of an introduction to the fairer sex!

  “It’s not what I want,” she said. “It’s what is mine. What I’m going to take.”

  Besides, in the context of this role-play it's not like I had any choice anyways. Of course I could tell her no. I could back out and she'd go along with it, but that wouldn't be any fun, would it? I licked my lips as she moved closer. As her hand reached out.

  I moaned as her hand made contact with my skin. She ran it up and down my stomach, moving down to just over the top of my bikini bottoms where she ran the tips of her fingers just inside but refused to go further, leaving me panting and wanting so much more.

  It was crazy. It was just a little forbidden. It went against everything I thought I knew about my sexuality before I found myself captivated by this woman. And I couldn't deny it. I wanted to feel her touch, I needed to feel her body against me. I wanted to feel her hands against my pussy. Yet she withdrew her hand with a smile and a quiet giggle. Obviously she could tell exactly what I wanted and obviously she was going to leave me in delicious agony for a little longer.

  Kaitlyn's other hand traced up my stomach and in between my cleavage, pausing to run along the underside of my breasts. Looking at her eyes looking at me and my costume, seeing the hunger there, was too much for me. I took a deep breath and pressed my tits out, wanting her to appreciate them.

  I’d dreamed this would happen when I invited her up here, and now that we were actually doing this I was ready to throw myself at her. It had been far too long, I was far too turned on, and who cared if this was another girl making me feel this way? Fuck it. I was going with it if it felt this good! Standing here in this costume, wearing this outfit that I wore so often in the game, feeling her eyes on me and knowing this gorgeous creature obviously wanted me so much, it made me feel like I could be myself, the game me, the real me, out here in the real world. It made me feel bold in a way hadn’t been in a good long while. The way I was acting with her considering we’d just met in person for the first time was so brazen that I was astonished at myself, and yet I was completely at her mercy.

  Here I was in a suite over the biggest Elassa convention in the world, this amazing girl pressed against me acting out a scorching role-playing improv, and all I wanted to do was get down on my knees and beg for more. Get down on my knees and beg to be her captive elf slave. Get down on my knees and do a hell of a lot more than beg, if you catch my meaning. Submit to her entirely.

  Kaitlyn’s hand ran along my tits and then she was moving her hand around the back of my outfit where I’d pulled my hair together in a braid to give a good view of my pointed prosthetic ears. I made another mental note to ask her if she c
ould maybe get me access to some of the prosthetics they used on the cable show because they were always so much better than anything I could do myself. I closed my eyes and gasped as her hand wrapped around the braid.

  She gripped my hair and pulled, just hard enough that it was obvious she was in control, just on the edge of pain, but not to the point that she was actually hurting me. I gasped.

  “I think I see something I want to take right here,” she said.

  “No…” I whispered.

  I thought things were hot and heavy when we were doing this sort of thing in-game, but it was so much hotter, so much more incredibly sexy acting this out in person. Feeling her pressing her body against me, actually having her hand wrapped around my braid taking command in a way she hadn’t even when we were together in-game.

  “What was that?”

  I opened my eyes and glared at her. Decided to really play it up. “No. You’ll never have me!”

  “Are you defying me?”

  I wasn’t sure how this next part would be received, but I did it anyways. I leaned back, summoned all of my courage wondering if this would ruin the moment even as I did it, and spit in her face. Talk about going for some veritas!

  “That’s what I think of you and your orders,” I said.

  I didn’t ruin the moment.

  Kaitlyn's response was immediate and incredibly hot. She whirled me around, keeping a hold on my hair while her other hand ran around behind me so she could pull me along. Which might've hurt but I got the idea so I just went along with it as she pulled me by my pony tail through the suite and into my room. After a false start where she started towards Megan's room and I had to grunt and point her in the right direction with my eyes. Once we were in my room she pulled me right over to my bed and threw me down. Briefly I worried that being thrown around like that might be enough to dislodge something on my costume. It was certainly enough to dislodge my phone from where I’d wedged it between my tits.

  I wasn’t really concerned about my tits popping out so much as something on the costume breaking. I’d taken a long time putting the thing together, after all, and no matter how hot this was I didn’t want my elaborate costume breaking right before the convention. But it held. Surprisingly enough even the double-sided tape keeping my top in place held. I suppose this was as good a stress test as I could hope for.

  Only I didn’t want to think about my real world costume. I wanted to be lost in the fantasy right now. I wanted to be as far from the real world as possible. I wanted to feel like I was in the world of Elassa, that this was my lusty human guardian being overcome by her desires as she captured me and took me for the first time. I wanted to feel it all. I didn’t care if I’d just met her in person for the first time. I didn't care if I'd never done this with a girl in a non-textual way. I didn’t care if this was crazy. It was crazy, but I didn’t care.

  I wanted Kaitlyn. Needed her.

  I quickly got my wish. No sooner had she thrown me down on the bed, the springs squeaked under me as I bounced once then came to rest which was a little surprising considering how expensive everything was here, than she was on top of me. Our plastic armor clacked together and I couldn’t help but giggle. She looked down, realized what was going on, and let out a laugh of her own. It was definitely an odd little out of character moment, but it was comforting for all that.

  Only she didn’t give me much of a chance to think about it. No sooner had she looked down and chuckled at our costumes clacking together than she was on me again, attacking me. Her lips pressed against mine, insistent. I didn’t open my mouth to her so much as she pressed her tongue against me and forced it open. I clenched my teeth, pretending to fight her, and she tightened her grip on my braid until I opened my mouth with a gasp and then her tongue was inside exploring my mouth.

  Kaitlyn was playing me like I was a familiar instrument and she knew how to hit every note. And now that we were coming together in the real world, having a real experience instead of secreting ourselves away in some secret online dungeon, it was oh so much hotter. Oh so much more incredible than anything we’d done online. The only thing that was preventing this from being even more awesome was the plastic armor getting in the way. Time to fix that.

  I reached down and ran my hand along her costume but couldn’t figure out how to get it off. When she realized what I was doing Kaitlyn rolled to the side and started fumbling at the plastic from her top. I heard a snap and a moment later the plastic fell to the bed and she kicked it off the side as her perfect breasts stood out proud just begging to be licked and sucked on. I was surprised she’d toss around her costume like that, but at the moment I was more concerned with what was under her top than with her willingness to risk breaking her costume that she could probably replace in an instant anyways. In a daze I reached out and ran my hands along her nipples and she closed her eyes and gasped in pleasure.

  I spent what felt like an eternity just exploring the contours of her breasts. They were so soft and yet the tips were so hard as they strained for my touch. Holy damn was this amazing! I mean I'd felt a pair of tits before. I had my own, after all, and I knew how much fun it could be to have them played with. Yet there was something different about feeling hers. Something so naughty and forbidden and different about exploring another woman's body that was setting my own body on fire.

  I'd never seen what the big deal was before when guys got so obsessed with these things, but I was starting to see the appeal now! Damn! And if her tits felt that amazing then who's to say other parts of her wouldn't be equally fun?

  With that in mind I slipped my hand into her bottoms, though it was made more difficult because the costume was so tight against her body. Once more she reached down and gave me an assist, pressing her breasts into my stomach as she lifted her ass up and worked at the clasps on her bottoms, then they came loose and my hand was moving down between her legs. I sighed even as she moaned as my hand made contact with that treasure between her legs. My eyes widened in surprise.

  “Oh God Amber,” she said, apparently forgetting herself in the moment and using my real world name rather than my in-game name. Not that I was complaining.

  “I think this is my favorite surprise of all,” I purred.

  “I hoped you'd like it,” she said.

  God. The cockiness was such a turn on. I moved my hand up and down her pussy, feeling the delicious contours as my fingers danced over its warmth. She felt so amazing, so soft, and I pressed a finger inside her in a little move that I always loved when I was having a little fun on my own. My mouth watered feeling her.

  I had to see her.

  Only first things first. I had to make sure I was staying in character, after all.

  “Please don’t make me,” I said.

  Confusion crossed her face for the briefest of moments, and then confusion was replaced with understanding. She smiled at me, but then her smile turned to a scowl.

  “I command you to pleasure me,” she said.

  “No please,” I said. “Anything but that!”

  Okay, so it wasn’t like I was going to win any awards for my acting, but at the same time it’s not like there was an Academy award for best female lead performance in a dirty hotel fantasy scenario. Plus, judging by the way her body twitched against my hand as I said that, she definitely seemed to approve of my performance.

  Kaitlyn’s hand moved around and pulled on my hair again, only this time she pulled up just enough to guide me down. My mouth watered and my eyes twinkled as I looked up at her, not quite believing that I was actually doing this, but then I let out a cry as though I was in pain. We both knew it was bullshit, but it was all part of the performance. All part of the fun.

  And talk about fun. I was turned on in a way that I'd never been before when I was going down on a guy, and I hadn't even gotten down there with her yet! Usually going down on a guy was something that I did out of a sense of obligation more than any sense of enjoyment, but this was something that I was anticipa
ting in a major way. My body was shuddering with desire.

  Kaitlyn continued pulling down and my face was moving past her amazing chest, down past abs that I couldn’t help but flick my tongue out and lick. They were rock hard. And they were fucking amazing. Everything that I’d fantasized about, everything that I’d imagined and hoped for, and then some.

  Then she was pressing me down between her legs and I was lightheaded. I was on fire. I felt more alive sexually than I ever had before. Like I was discovering something for the first time. Like I'd found a key to open a door that made everything right with the world and I hadn't even realized anything was wrong. I couldn’t help myself. I took a deep breath and inhaled her scent, moved my tongue out again and ran it along the outer edge of her pussy lips which tasted different, but amazing.

  I moved my tongue out a third time and pressed it in between those lips, exploring the contours of another woman's body. Hers was similar to my own and yet completely different. The taste was different, the feel was different, everything was different and it was intoxicating.

  “Yeah, that's it!” she gasped.

  The commanding tone sent a delicious shiver running through me.

  My eyes widened in astonishment as I buried my face between her legs. As I decided to jump straight into that forbidden world I'd started to explore online and needed to continue exploring now that I had this opportunity right in front of me in every sense of the word. Her taste was intoxicating. Her smell was intoxicating. The way her body jumped and writhed under my tongue's movements was dizzying. Hearing her gasps, feeling the way she was pulling on my braid and using it to subtly exert control as though I was still some captive elf under the thrall of a sexy human warrior drove me wild.

  Hell yes!

  I didn’t have any experience with this. It wasn't anything like sucking a dick which I had more experience with even if it wasn't my favorite thing in the world. So I just did what I liked. I thought about what I enjoyed, what I wished a guy would do for me when he was going down on me. I took every fantasy, every little trick that drove me wild when I was working on myself. I figured that was as good a place as any to start, and from the way she was writhing under my tongue it seemed like it was working! Making her feel good made me feel good. It was sending an impossible warmth coursing through my body. It was setting every nerve ending in my body on fire in a way that being with a guy never had.


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