Daring Daddy (Montana Daddies Book 5)

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Daring Daddy (Montana Daddies Book 5) Page 4

by Laylah Roberts

  What if she was normal?

  What if she was whole rather than broken?

  What if she could give him what he needed and in return, get everything she’d ever desired?

  What if this could go further than tonight?

  The ‘what ifs’ would kill her. So she had returned to his original question.

  “That’s no good, baby girl.” Those words slid through her, both soothing and slashing her insides to pieces. “Do you get headaches often?” His hand had slid around to the back of her neck, massaging lightly as he spoke.

  A groan escaped her lips, her eyes fluttering shut.


  “You’re all tense. I have a way to help. How about I sit behind you and rub your neck and shoulders?”

  “Yes, please.” He stood and then sat in the same position as he’d been in before.

  “Glad this couch is so sturdy,” she joked.

  “Hey, what are you saying about Daddy?” he grumbled.

  “I wasn’t saying anything, Daddy,” she said with fake-innocence.

  “Little brat,” he told her. But there was affection in his voice. He started gently rubbing her shoulders, digging his fingers into tight muscle. She groaned in pure bliss.

  “You’re so tight. Don’t know how you sleep like this.”

  She didn’t sleep. But, oh God, if he kept on, she might just fall asleep sitting up.

  “I need to learn how to give you a proper massage. Don’t want to inadvertently hurt you.”

  “I’m not that fragile,” she grumbled.

  “I know that. But you can’t be strong all the time and you shouldn’t have to be. You’re precious to so many people, princess. You need to let us help you.”

  People were always helping her. That’s what she hated about this life she led. That she was so fucking reliant on others. A burden.

  “You’re growing all tense. Just relax. We went a bit off track there, let’s get my baby all ready for sleep. Would you like a bedtime story?”

  “A bedtime story?”

  “Yes. All little girls like stories, don’t they? About princesses being rescued by white knights in shining armor.”

  “How about some stories about badass princesses who rescue white knights?”

  “Hmm, I’m sure we can find some of those too.”

  “I don’t have any storybooks.” She didn’t have anything in her bedroom for her Little.

  “Ah, then I’ll have to make something up, won’t I?” As he spoke his fingers continued to work their magic. “Once upon a time, there was a very handsome white knight, his name was Zekial.”

  “Zekial, huh? Sounds familiar.”

  “Does it? I don’t know what you mean,” he joked. “And Zekial had been imprisoned by an evil wizard.”

  She shuddered. “Scary. . .”

  “Don’t mock your daddy, little one,” he said with a false sternness. “Now, Zekial could only escape his prison through the love of a special princess. One who was both an adult and a Little. But first she had to fight her way through the obstacles the evil wizard had put up to keep Zekial imprisoned. She had to be brave and smart and loyal.”

  “And a badass.”

  “Total. Badass.”

  She grinned at that.

  “So, the brave and loyal princess battled dragons and demons and ghosts to make her way to Zekial, who happened to be extremely handsome and very strong, if I forgot to mention that.”

  “Of course. Goes without saying, Daddy.” She barely refrained from rolling her eyes. She had to admit it was getting easier to call him Daddy. Maybe it was because she was starting to relax or maybe it was just the effect Zeke had on her. Her muscles felt like mush under his hands. The man sure knew what he was doing. “Aren’t all knights in shining armor handsome?”

  “Well, Zekial’s armor is slightly tarnished and dented but he’s hoping to make it shine again.”

  There was a meaning to those words she’d try to figure out when she wasn’t so close to falling asleep.

  “Did the princess rescue Zekial?”

  “Of course. She’s a badass.”

  “Too right,” she muttered.

  “But once she had rescued him, Zekial had no choice but to put her over his knee.”

  “Hey! That’s not fair, Daddy.” She turned her head to scowl at him. “That’s not the way the story should go! She’s a badass.”

  “She’s a badass with a daddy who wants her to be safe.” He raised his eyebrows. “She put herself in danger. No matter that Zekial needed rescuing, he’d never want her risking herself for him. And then they lived happily ever after, the end.”

  “Daddy, your bedtime stories need work. That’s not the way the story should end.”

  “No? I thought it was rather a good story.”

  He would.

  “And now it’s time this little princess was in bed.”

  “I’m no princess, Daddy.” She had plenty of her own dented and tarnished shields.

  “You’re my princess. And you’re tired. And if little girls don’t get enough sleep then they get very cranky and end up doing or saying something they shouldn’t. So, let’s get you into bed, huh? Is there something special you sleep with?”

  She stiffened. “No.”

  “That’s all right, baby,” he said soothingly. “Whatever makes you feel comfortable. You don’t have to have a special stuffy or blankie.”

  “I, well, just because I don’t doesn’t mean that I, uh. . .” Shoot. Why was this so hard for her to say? That she wished sometimes that she did have something? That she’d kept some of her toys from her childhood? That she regretted telling Clint to get rid of them all?

  Was that what Zekial the knight had? Demons from his past that the princess had to fight?

  It was just a story, Eden.

  Zeke moved, sliding off the sofa. “Do you have some painkillers for that headache?”

  “Yes, in the bathroom cabinet above the sink.”

  He returned with the painkiller then walked over to grab the bottle of water from her bedside table. Sitting on the coffee table in front of her, he tipped two pills onto his palm.

  She reached for them, but he closed his hand over the pills. Eden frowned, confused.

  “Daddy will give them to you, little one. I don’t like you taking pills, you could choke. We’ll have to get you some liquid painkillers from Doc.”

  That wouldn’t be happening. For one, she avoided Doc as much as she could. For another, this would likely be the only time Zeke would be taking care of her like this.

  “Open up.”

  She wasn’t sure how she felt about this, but he just waited patiently, a look of caring on his face. If he’d gone all bossy, she would have fought him. But kind and caring Zeke was doing one hell of a job on her shields.

  Spend too much time with him and she had no doubts he’d smash his way on through them. No, he’d do a sneak attack. And that would be so much worse.

  He held the bottle to her mouth and she drank, swallowing the pill. Yuck. She grimaced.

  “You don’t like pills, baby girl?”

  She shook her head. “No. Gross. One’s enough.” She stared down at the other pill he held up.

  “No, princess. Have another one. I want you to get a good night’s sleep and you won’t do that with a headache.”

  She took the next pill obediently, basking in his approving look.

  “That’s my good girl.”

  She closed her eyes as he stood to put the bottle of water and painkillers on the bedside table. He was killing her. Slowly. This side of Zeke wasn’t one she’d experienced before. His kindness and caring could destroy her in ways his hard words never could.

  Toast. She was toast.

  He leaned down to carefully pick her up, carrying her bridal style to the bed. Her covers were already pulled back. He must have done that while she was getting ready in the bathroom.

  He paused before he laid her down. “Did
you go potty?”

  Her face went bright red. He did not just say that.

  “Little girl, Daddy asked you a question.”

  “You can’t ask me questions like that!” she managed to get out.

  “‘Course I can,” he said matter-of-factly. “I’m your daddy.”

  For now.

  She took a shuddering breath. “Yes, I went,” she muttered.

  “Don’t be embarrassed, princess. Nothing should be secret between us. Nothing forbidden. I want all of you.”

  All of her? That wouldn’t happen.

  He laid her down on her back. “How do you sleep?”

  “Um, on my side.” She hesitated.

  “What is it?” He brushed the hair back from her face.

  “Under the bed is my body pillow.”

  He reached under and pulled out a long, heavy pillow. “This?”

  “Yeah. Can you lie it alongside me?”

  He put it down and she lay facing him, hugging the pillow against her. She maneuvered it between her legs.

  Zeke pulled the covers up, tucking them in firmly. And then he kissed her on the cheek.

  Jesus, when was the last time someone had put her to bed? Had tucked her in? Part of her wanted to make a smart-ass comment. But the other part of her just melted in delight. Being taken care of was something she’d rebelled against for years.

  Yet, here she was a pool of goo with this man doing just that. Her guards were coming down and that was scary as hell.

  “What else do you need, baby girl? Do you want some music? How about a nightlight?”

  “Um, I usually just leave my salt lamp on low.” She gestured to the lamp on the bedside table. What was it about having him put her to bed like this that made her feel so cherished? He hadn’t done anything overtly Daddy Domish with her. Not that she had much experience but she had seen her brothers in Daddy mode so she had some idea. And yet her Little was practically purring like a kitten, begging to have free rein.

  He ran his hand over her hair and she found her eyes drooping closed. “I’ll switch this on for you and turn off the main light. Sure, I can’t get you anything else?”

  “No, Daddy, I’m good.”

  His weight shifted and she reached out a hand to grab his. “Don’t go.”

  She didn’t mean to say those words. Immediately felt herself tense at the vulnerability she’d displayed.

  “I’ll stay if you need me,” he reassured her. “I’ll turn off the light and come back to help you sleep.”

  “It’s not. . .you don’t have to stay if you don’t want to,” she muttered. Last thing she wanted to be was pitied by him.

  He kissed her forehead again. “Baby, there’s no place I’d rather be.”

  The light went off and then she felt him return. There was the sound of clothing being removed before the covers were pulled back and he climbed in on the other side of the bed, spooning in behind her.

  “Zeke,” she said nervously. She could feel the heat of him against her. Was he wearing anything at all? He couldn’t sleep with her. That wasn’t what she’d meant, was it?

  “Sh, princess. Just close your eyes. I’m here. I’m going to keep you safe.”

  She should tell him to go. She’d just end up keeping him awake. But as much as she tried, the words just wouldn’t come. He wrapped his arm around her waist, holding her tight.

  Oh hell. The feel of him pressed up against her was almost more than her poor body could handle.

  Bad idea, Eden.

  “Do you need help getting to sleep, baby girl?”


  “Hmm. . .I have some ways to help you.” He reached his hand up into her hair to massage her scalp. Oh hell. Her breath came out of her in a deep moan of pleasure.

  “Would you like me to try and help you sleep?” He removed his hand from her head and she whimpered a protest.

  He moved her hair back off her shoulder and kissed his way down her neck. She shivered. God, that felt so good. Almost too good.

  “Would you like me to help you feel good?”

  She stiffened. Was he really asking her if he could. . .

  “This will just be about you.”

  Right and she had some magic beans to sell. She snorted.

  “Not saying I won’t enjoy it. That I haven’t dreamed of getting to touch your pussy, to play with your clit, to have you cry my name as you shatter in my arms.”

  Her breath grew more rapid at his words and she could feel herself growing wet. Oh Jesus. She couldn’t let him do that, could she?

  “Nothing more,” she murmured, completely uncertain as to whether she wanted to stick to her own rule.

  “I promise. I won’t take off your nightgown, even if the thought of sucking on these gorgeous nipples consumes me.” He reached around and lightly plucked her nipple through the thin cotton material of her nightgown.

  Oh fuck. Oh shit.

  “How do you know they’re gorgeous?” she said, her voice catching as he lightly twisted her nipple. Fuck. She felt that in her clit. He wouldn’t even need to touch her down there because she was pretty certain she could come just from him playing with her nipples. “I could have ugly nipples.”

  He paused. His fingers pulled away from her breasts.

  Oh, dear Lord, just kill her now. Had she really just said that?

  “Ugly nipples?”

  Yep. That was definitely amusement she heard in his voice. What was wrong with her?

  “Baby, there is no way you have ugly nipples.”

  “I could,” she muttered.

  Shut up, Eden!

  “I promise you don’t. There is no part of you I would ever consider ugly.”

  What about the parts of her he couldn’t see? The pieces of herself she kept hidden? Would he be shocked by how ugly they were? Uglier than any physical scars could ever be. He cupped her breast, surprising her out of her dark thoughts.

  “Of course, if you want me to check then I guess I could make that sacrifice.”

  Since when was he playful? He was normally so serious. He rarely smiled. Probably just as well. If serious Zeke was a drop dead gorgeous, then smiling Zeke could give her a heart attack.

  “I don’t think so,” she said breathlessly as he expertly played with her nipple until it was hard, throbbing.

  “Pity. I’d love to play with these pretty nipples. To bury my head in your breasts and forget the outside world. I swear I could lay here for hours just worshipping your breasts.”

  “Sounds boring,” she lied.

  Crap. She hoped he didn’t hear that lie.

  “Now that was naughty, wasn’t it, princess? Lying to me. Because I know that turned you on. I could hear it in the way your breath hitched. In the shiver that rocked your body. What happens when you lie, huh?”

  She got punished.

  She didn’t answer him, couldn’t answer him. He’d worked his hand under her nightgown and was lightly squeezing her breast. She’d always thought her boobs were too large. They were cumbersome. She’d always done her best to hide them. But the way Zeke talked about them. . .they felt almost special.

  She felt special.

  Bad, bad idea, Eden.

  Only she knew there was no going back now. Her pussy was aching to be filled. To be taken. Hard. Fast. Soft. Sweet.

  She groaned as his fingers lightly pinched her nipple then he moved his hand to her other breast.

  “Can’t have this breast getting lonely, can we? Don’t want to give it an inferiority complex.”

  She shook her head. No, they definitely couldn’t have that. He placed kisses along her neck. Goosebumps broke out across her skin.

  He was lethal. She’d always known that. But she just hadn’t let him get close enough to her to feel the burn.

  “Zeke. Zeke, please,” she begged.

  “Now, how do you think you should be punished?”

  “I. . .I don’t know.” She cried out as he pinched her nipple just a little too hard.
The pain was sharp. The pleasure was indescribable. Jesus, who knew she’d like a bit of pain with her pleasure?

  “Wrong answer.”

  “You. . .you could spank me.”

  Oh hell. Had she just said that?

  “Have you thought about being spanked by me?” he asked in a deep, hard voice. “Have you dreamed of me taking you over my knee, baring that naughty bottom of yours and turning it pink. Hmm?”

  Oh fuck. Oh shit.


  “No? Really? Are you lying right now, princess?”

  Oh hell.

  “I think you are. And I think that you very much deserve to be punished. That’s two lies. However, I’m not going to spank you tonight.”

  He wasn’t? Well, damn it.

  “Your punishment is that you aren’t allowed to come without my permission.”

  What the hell?

  He slid his hand down her stomach to her pink, cotton panties. Now she wished she’d worn something sexier. He ran his finger along the top seam of her panties. She drew in a sharp breath. She was on the edge. Close to grabbing his hand and demanding he do something about the arousal raging through her.

  “Zeke. . . please,” she begged.

  “Please what, princess?”

  He cupped her mound and she knew he could feel how wet her panties were. That should probably embarrass her. But she was well past embarrassment and very close to begging him to make her come.

  “Please touch me. I. . .I. . .need you.”

  “Good girl for asking for what you need.” The approval in his voice warmed her. “I know how difficult it is for you to do that. I’m going to teach you that you can put your trust in me, princess. You can always tell me what you need. And I’ll always do whatever I have to in order to give that to you.”

  “So I don’t have to wait for permission to come then?”

  “Cheeky brat,” he muttered as he slid her panties down her thighs.

  Please. Please. Please.

  “I can see I’m going to need all my wits when it comes to being one step ahead of you.” He pushed one finger along her slit. “You’re so wet already. You’ll get what you need, baby. It’s just that you have to wait for it.”

  She hated waiting. She was impatient.

  “Is it all right if I move your leg over mine?”

  “Y-yes.” She loved that he could be careful with her sometimes. Yet had no problem assuming command at others.


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