Moore, Marianne, 209
Mount Wilson Observatory Hooker Telescope, 5
Moyers, Bill, 458
Moynihan, Daniel, 458
Mudflap (U.S. antisatellite system), 342
Murphy, Audie, 56
Murrow, Edward R., 116, 268–70, 289
NACA (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), 6, 9, 26, 68–69, 154, 161, 162, 163–64, 168, 169, 172; Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory, 69, 162; “human computers” at, 119
NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), xv–xvi, xix, xxi–xxii, 154, 185, 204; ABMA absorbed by, 168, 177, 194; African American astronaut issue, 270; budget, 168, 254, 255, 259–60, 263, 386–88, 389, 405, 406, 414–15, 426–27, 428, 449; chimpanzees in space, 208, 213–14, 314, 326; civilian control of, 163, 164, 167; creation of, xxii, 154, 163–64, 165, 167, 283–84, 413; critics of, 164, 165, 167–68, 169, 351, 367, 405, 406, 414; Distinguished Service Medal, 241–42, 327, 329; DOD and, 342, 426, 428–29; employment at, 168, 449, 450; environmental stewardship and, 300; expertise at, 406; facilities of, xxi, 154, 164, 198, 274; Gilruth as head of Houston Center, 365; Glennan’s leadership and, 169–70, 194–95, 213, 214; “Godspeed, John Glenn,” 321; government-business partnerships, 171, 172, 184, 185, 230, 237, 251, 265, 266–67, 268, 273–74, 284, 295, 296, 297–98, 336, 349, 368–69, 413, 426–27, 432, 437–38; in Houston, xiv, 284, 300–304, 360, 362, 452; JFK and, iv, 177–78, 188, 200, 204, 210, 212, 217, 226; JFK and funding of, xvii, xviii, xxi, 178, 191, 219, 231, 294–95, 354, 369–70, 389, 396–97, 405; JFK and naming of spacecraft, xviii; JFK’s five point memo and, 233–34; JFK’s leapfrog strategy, 229–34, 253, 259, 284, 295, 456; JFK’s moonshot speech and, 261; LBJ and, 234–35, 400–402, 449; main office, 168; mandate of, 168, 169, 348–49, 415, 425; medical advances and, 433–35; military’s connection with, 318; minorities working for, 379; MISS program and, 161; moonshot decision made, 243; mythology and naming of projects, 198; NACA’s facilities absorbed by, 168; national security and, 398–99; Office of Launch Vehicle Programs, 268; Office of Manned Space Flight, 386, 414; “open policy” of space information and, 290; publicity and, 399; scientific evidence collected by, 300; Space Flight Programs, 198; spacesuits, 173; Sun Belt cities and, 266, 274, 298, 352; supporters of, xviii, xxiv, 406–7, 414, 437; systems engineering adopted at, 297; technological needs in six areas, 266–67; Technology Utilization Program, 349; televising missions, xiii, xxiv–xxv, 237, 239, 240, 259, 289, 291, 293–94, 321–22, 344, 381, 403, 442, 448, 450, 458–59; technological innovations and, 512n434; USAF and, 194, 253, 337–38; U.S. Army and, 337; U.S. Navy and, 337; von Braun and, 194; von Braun’s four goals for, 235, 236; weather satellites of, 300; Webb’s leadership and, 215–21, 218, 227, 267–68, 276, 290–91, 297–98, 378, 387; Webb’s reorganization, 312; Wiesner Report and, 212–13, 214, 217, 219; women and, 376–79. See also Apollo program; Gemini program; Mercury program; specific missions; specific rockets
Nasaw, David, 83
National Aeronautics and Space Council (Space Council), 214, 283, 302, 400
National Conference on Peaceful Uses of Space, Tulsa, OK, 265–68; Murrow at, 268, 269–70
National Defense Education Act (NDEA), 140, 160, 399
National Geographic, 181, 201 294
National Rocket Club, 351
National Security Act, 88, 95
National Security Council (NSC): Paper Number 68, 104; space program review, 128
NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), 100–101, 126, 279, 337, 422
Naval Air Station Patuxent River, MD, 174, 238; Test Pilot School, 344
Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Washington, DC, 128, 129, 144, 145, 146–47, 155, 243
NBC, 147, 288–89, 293–94, 299, 458; World Wide ’60s, “Report from Outer Space,” 195
Neal, Roy, 289
Neufeld, Michael, 35, 61, 295, 456
Neustadt, Richard, 263
New Frontiers (Wallace), 195
New Republic, The, 223
Newsweek, 163; on Eisenhower’s space policy, 187; on moonshot and record profits, 266
New Yorker, Hershey article on JFK and PT-109, 51, 55, 56
New York Times: on Apollo capsule manufacturing, 427; on Apollo 11 moon landing, 448; Bulganin in, 140; on costs of space goals, 386; on German V-2 threat, 61; on Glenn’s flight, 322; on Goddard, 8, 9; on JFK’s moonshot pledge, May 25, 1961, 255, 258; Krock column on CIA threat to JFK, 426; Luna 2 reported on, 186; NASA critics and, 414; open letter on test-ban treaty, 409; Reston on Mercury program, 183; Reston on moon landing, 431; on Soviet man in space, 223; on Sputnik, 129; on U.S.-Soviet space race, 171
New York World’s Fair, 453–54
Nikolayev, Andriyan, 382
9/11 terror attacks, xv
Nixon, Richard, 87, 186, 187, 191, 202, 210, 229, 286, 351, 458; Apollo 11 moon landing and, 458, 459; JFK debates, 203–4, 205; Kitchen Debate, 186; presidential race (1960), 199, 201, 203; space race and, 202
Norris, George, 148
North American Air Defense (NORAD), 417
North American Aviation (Rockwell), 200, 266, 295, 296, 336, 392, 413, 427, 437; Rocketdyne Division, 171, 336
Northrop Corporation, 200
Nouasseur Air Base, Morocco, 110
Nova rocket, 274, 275
Nowlan, Philip Francis, 22
Noyce, Robert, 172
nuclear submarines, 211
nuclear weapons, 119–20, 317; banning in space, 422; Cuban Missile Crisis and, 383–86; damage to Van Allen belt, 348; doomsday scenario, 417; fears of Soviet bomb in orbit, 408–9; fears of nuclear war, 309–11, 337, 385; first U.S. underground test, 144; Gilpatric’s Wilton speech and, 342; hydrogen bombs, 211; JFK at simulated Russian strike, 417; JFK seeking test ban treaty, 310, 317, 337, 339, 340, 341, 343, 346, 408, 409; JFK’s response to Soviet testing, 102–3; Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, 385–86, 419, 422; Soviets and, 78, 94, 101–2, 120, 339, 340, 341, 346; Soviet threat and, 158, 178, 251, 309, 311, 337; Soviet Tsar Bomba tested, 417; U.S. testing, 87, 339–40, 341, 346–47, 351
Oberth, Hermann, 10–11, 12, 13–14, 16–17, 25–26, 114, 192
O’Brien, Michael, 37
O’Connor, Frank, 435
O’Donnell, Ken, 200
O’Malley, Tom, 321
Onassis, Ari, 456, 457
O’Neill, Tip, 84
Only Child, An (O’Connor), 435
Operation Fishbowl, 346
Operation Overcast, 76
Operation Paperclip, 76, 81, 88, 104, 150, 156, 434
Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 230, 236
Ordnance Guided Missile Center (OGMC), Huntsville, AL, 104, 114
Orlando Sentinel, 157
O’Rourke, Terry, 364
Pasadena, CA, xxi, 98, 149, 154, 198, 200, 210, 268
Passage of Power, The (Caro), 118
Peace Corps, 223, 260, 428, 445
Peale, Norman Vincent, 203
Pearson, Drew, 147
Perkins, Frances, 379
Perrysburg, OH, xiii
Person to Person (TV show), 116
Petersen, Forrest, 349
Philadelphia Inquirer, 8
Pickering, W. H., 155, 164
Pioneer satellites: 1, 169; 3, 172; 4, 168
Pitzer, Kenneth, 361
Pius XII, Pope, 30
Plan 9 from Outer Space (film), 181
Polk, James K., 254
Popular Science, 17; von Braun column, 399
Potsdam Conference, 75, 311
Potter, Christopher, 71
Pou, Edward, 215
Power of Positive Thinking, The (Peale), 203
Powers, Dave, 138
Powers, Francis Gary, 197–98
Powers, John “Shorty,” 323, 324
Prather, Victor A., 237, 240, 244, 293
Prather, Virginia, 244
Prelude to Space (Clarke), 127
“Present Status of the Satellite Problem, The” (Grosse), 116–17
Presque Isle
Air Force Base, 291
Princeton University, 24
Profiles in Courage (JFK), 147, 148
Progressive Party, 195
Project SCORE, 172
Proxmire, William, 270–71
“public discovery,” 249, 328
Pusey, Nathan, 160
Putt, Donald, 161, 164
Pynchon, Thomas, 78–79
Rabanne, Paco, 328
RAND Corporation, 98, 200
Randolph Air Force Base, TX, 434
Rayburn, Sam, 100, 210, 256
RCA, 313
Reader’s Digest, Hershey article in, 55
Reagan, Ronald, Strategic Defense Initiative (Star Wars), 340
Redstone rockets, xi, 107, 108, 109, 114, 122, 155, 184, 185, 198, 228, 264, 292; Mercury-Redstone, 214, 238, 239, 292, 305, 312, 313
Reedy, George, 133, 149
“Report to the President-Elect of the Ad Hoc Committee on Space” (Wiesner Report), 212–13, 217
Republican Party: blocking NASA’s growth, 397–98; Nixon and, 87; postwar popularity of message, 85; presidential election (1952), 110–1; presidential race (1960), 191, 200–201; presidential race (1964) and, 350–51; Senate race (1952), 108–10; Sputnik as setback for, 135
Reston, James, 183, 279, 287, 431
Rice Institute, 155
Rice University, xiii, 301, 302; graduate school in space science, 361; JFK speech at, xxii, xxiii–xxiv, 358, 359, 360–64, 365, 367, 444; NASA and, 301, 302
Ride, Sally, 379
Right Stuff, The (Wolfe), 219, 283, 346
Rockefeller, Nelson, 350–51
Rocket and the Third Reich, The (Neufeld), 61
Rocket into Planetary Space, The (Oberth), 11, 13
rockets, 198, 249; dawn of the missile age, 64; failed launches, 249–50; first multistage, 8; first rocket in the ionosphere, 44; German advances, 33; German engineers fleeing Hitler, 35; German rocketry pioneers, 10–14; German technology and scientists brought to the U.S., 75–77; German technology and scientists seized by the Soviets, 73–74, 79, 120, 141–42; German top secret war rocket facility (Peenemünde), 34–35, 36, 73; Goddard and, 2, 7–10, 14–15, 68; liquid-fueled, 2, 7, 9, 13, 14–15, 68, 263; as military asset, 81–82; propulsion in space and, 9; radar and radio navigation technology for, 94; Soviet program, 74, 94, 220, 223, 225, 226, 263, 452; throttle ability factor, 15; thrust, 14, 44, 101, 147, 162, 187, 195, 204, 229, 296, 313, 321, 353, 413; U.S. first hydrogen-fueled rocket, 445; U.S. rocket programs, 75–77, 79, 88, 122, 135, 144, 145, 149; U.S. superiority in, 229, 418; von Braun and, 12–14, 26, 33–36, 38, 76, 296. See also German V rockets; Saturn rockets; von Braun, Wernher; specific rockets
Rome Air Development Center, NY, 162
Roosevelt, Franklin D. (FDR), 24, 29, 30, 75, 85, 210, 241, 254, 284, 285; impossible achievements of, 230; New Deal, xix, 193, 215, 250, 254; rocketry and, 26, 29; World War II and, 42
Roosevelt, Franklin, Jr., 58
Roosevelt, James, 111
Roosevelt, Theodore, 5, 182, 254
Ross, Malcolm, 237
Roswell, NM, 18, 68, 75, 78
Rubel, John, 243
Rudolph, Arthur, 48, 80–81
Rushworth, Bob, 162
Rusk, Dean, 341, 409, 416
Russell, Richard, 400
Ryazansky, Mikhail, 94
Saarinen, Eero, 185, 328–29
Salant, Richard, 294
Salinger, Pierre, 200, 286, 287
Saltonstall, Leverett, 108
SAMOS (Satellite and Missile Observation System), 243
Sands of Mars, The (Clarke), 127
San Francisco, 82, 83, 164
San Francisco Chronicle, 157
Santa Monica, CA, 200
satellites, 319; Cold War and, 155; communications satellites, 202, 211, 349, 381; Corona spy satellites, 152, 210, 211; Eisenhower and, 121, 122, 132–38, 141–42; first photograph of Earth from space, 186; first voice sent from space, 172; gloomy predictions about, 314–15; GPS systems and, 315; Grosse report and, 116–17; LeMay’s question on, 95; military applications for, 96, 98, 164; missile-detection satellites, 211, 243; as nuclear threat, 251; “open skies” treaties and, 315–16; Project SCORE, 172; Project Vanguard, 144, 145; public appeal of, 155; RAND report on, 96; RAND’s influence and, 98; Soviets and, 120–21, 130, 137, 186, 187, 202, 427; Soviet-U.S. weather satellite system, 339, 343; U.S. antisatellite system, 342; U.S. capability in 1957, 122, 129, 135, 138, 144; U.S. companies and, 315; U.S. costs, 96, 128; U.S. launches, 348; U.S. program, 129, 141–42, 145, 147, 148, 211, 229, 337; U.S. vs. Soviet satellites in 1958, 171; von Braun’s predictions and, 115; von Braun’s team and, 98; weather satellites, 211, 300; WS-117L reconnaissance satellites, 211. See also Sputnik; specific satellites
Saturday Evening Post, 109–10; Eisenhower’s platform on America’s future in, 367–68
Saturn rockets, 168, 169, 187, 194, 198, 211, 229, 264, 267, 276, 277, 312–13, 440, 449; C-1 booster, 295, 296, 353, 355, 431, 433; C-1 booster launch, JFK’s initials on, 454; “Super Guppy” transport plane, 296; V moon rocket, 276, 296, 297, 336, 350, 354, 413, 417–18, 445, 449, 456, 458; V moon rocket, contractors for, 296, 336; V moon rocket, test site, 336, 352; V moon rocket launch, 456; von Braun and, 169, 187, 194, 229, 267, 273, 276–77, 295, 296, 313, 355, 418, 449
Scher, Jacob, 365
Schirra, Josephine “Jo,” 189, 380
Schirra, Suzanne, 382–83
Schirra, Walter, III, 383
Schirra, Walter “Wally,” xi, 108, 150, 294, 379–83; JFK and, 382–83; in Korea, 380; Mercury Seven and, 182–83, 184, 380; parents of, Walter M. and Florence, 380; Sigma 7 mission, 375–76, 381–82; as test pilot, 380
Schlesinger, Arthur, Jr., 86–87, 239, 309
Schlidt, Dorette Kersten, 64
Schneikert, Fred, 72–73
Schriever, Bernard, 234
Schweitzer, Albert, 419; letter to JFK, 419, 423
Scientific American, 7
Scott, Susan Marie, 376
Sea Around Us, The (Carson), 131
Seaborg, Glenn, 341
Seamans, Robert, 234, 247, 259, 261, 276, 297, 431, 432; Apollo and, 268, 353, 451; lunar landing decision and, 243
Seattle Post-Intelligencer, 332
Seattle World’s Fair Space Needle, 331
See, Elliot, 372, 375
Shapell Manuscript Foundation, 52
Shapley, Willis, 243
Shepard, Alan, xi, xii, 237–38, 250, 255, 284, 312; Apollo program and Apollo 14, 442; Freedom 7 mission, xii, xxiv, 219, 227–28, 237–40, 239, 242, 248, 257, 259, 403; on government contractors, 298; JFK and, 241–42, 245, 248, 272, 283, 365; JFK’s assassination and, 442; “light this candle,” 238; Mercury Seven and, 182–83, 219; post-Gagarin frustration, 228; public response to televised flight, 240–42; on Schirra, 382; as test pilot, 238, 344
Shepard, Louise, 189, 238, 245
Shooting for the Moon (TV special), 177
Shreveport Times, 287–88
Shuster, Alvin, 258
Siddiqi, Asif, 12
Sidey, Hugh, 191, 227, 229, 230, 340
Sigma 7 mission, 381–82
Silent Spring (Carson), 300
Silverstein, Abe, 198, 243, 266–67, 313
Siri, Joe, 144
Slayton, Donald “Deke,” xi, 182–83, 184, 262, 284, 313, 365, 374, 381, 382
Slayton, Marjorie, 189
Smathers, George, 176–77, 432, 438
Smith, Al, 109
Smith, Benjamin, 303
Smith, Levering, 313
Smithsonian Institution, 7, 8, 9, 10
Sorensen, Theodore, xx, 147, 193, 200, 201, 209, 226, 229, 231, 257, 309, 361, 423; on the Bay of Pigs, 232
Soviet Union: atomic bomb and, 78, 94, 101–2, 120; Berlin and, 99, 101, 102, 279; Commission for Interplanetary Communications, 120; control of Eastern Europe, 85; cosmonauts, 220–21, 223–24; dogs in space, 136–38, 202, 223; economic problems, 120; expansionism of, 85, 101, 227, 393; fa
scination with space travel in, 12; fear of U.S. world domination, 120; first man in space, 222, 223–29; first woman in space, 378, 428; Flight 1 unmanned satellite launch, 427; German research facilities and personnel captured by, 73–74, 79, 120, 141–42; Goddard idolized in, 11, 15; H-bomb test by, 114; ICBMs and, 94, 101, 118, 119, 120, 137, 166–67, 210; “iron curtain” and, 85; JFK and, 30–31, 86; JFK’s moonshot speech and, 262; Luna satellites, 130, 186, 187; Mars probe failure, 408; militarization of space and, 343; military aviation and, 78; moon rocket disaster, 452; moonshot plans of, 262–63, 408, 419, 425–26, 427–28, 452; nuclear test–ban treaty and, 419; nuclear testing and, 339, 340, 341, 417; nuclear threat to the U.S., 158, 178, 251, 309, 311, 337, 417; nuclear weapons, 78, 94, 101–2, 120, 339, 340, 341, 346; nuclear weapons banned in space and, 422; OKB-1 research institution, 408; Peenemünde overrun by, 71; postwar technology race with the U.S., 73–74, 82; reaction to U.S. moonwalk, xxiv–xxv; record for human endurance in space, 382; rocket development in, 11, 94; rocketry for military use and, 120; satellite development, 120–21, 137; secrecy and, 94, 291, 339, 407, 417; Sochi Six, 224; Society for the Study of Interplanetary Communications, 15; Soviet-U.S. weather satellite system, 339, 343; space program, xviii, xix, xxi, 94, 118, 187, 202, 219–20, 226, 250, 262–63, 278, 307–9, 312, 339, 388, 406, 407–8, 413, 414, 415, 419, 427–28; space station and, 263; Sputnik and, xii, xix, xxi, 124, 128–37, 138, 139, 148, 152, 288; Star City space training facilities, 416; U.S. moonshot and, 277; U.S.-Soviet joint moonshot idea, 419–20, 421–22; Venus probe attempted, 395; Vostok manned spaceflight series, 219–20, 223, 225, 226, 308–10, 312, 315, 329, 378, 382, 382; World War II and, 37, 44, 53, 70
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