Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 2

by Renee Larsen

  Nicholas reached for her hand. “Thanks Mom.” He started to stand up.

  “Nicholas, I’m not finished yet… The seduction, romance thing…please, don’t do it unless you find you have those special feelings. Don’t take advantage of her. Don’t hurt her.”

  Nicholas leaned over kissing Emily’s cheek. “Mom, I love you to death.” He said smiling.

  Emily returned his smile. “And I love you more. You’d better get going; your girl is at the theater waiting to be let in and she’s freezing.”


  Danielle stood outside the front doors of the theater. She huddled against the building trying to break the wind. It was freezing cold and snowing. It was six thirty and no one was here yet. The icy wind blew through her threadbare coat. She shivered as the next gust of wind blew through the alcove. I should have bought a new coat instead of a pink v-neck wrap sweater to impress Mr. Burnes.

  Nicholas came around the corner and walked to the front of the theater. He saw Danielle huddled in the corner of the alcove trying to keep warm. He quickened his pace and was soon at the front doors of the theater. “Cold tonight isn’t it?” he asked as he stuck the key in the lock.

  Danielle looked up. “God, I’m glad you’re here. I’m frozen.” She said shivering. Nicholas held the door open and she almost ran into the lobby of the theater. Nicholas followed her inside and then relocked the door.

  “Come with me I’ll fix you something to warm you up.” He said turning on some lights.

  Nicholas led her up a staircase at the side of the theater hidden by heavy red velvet drapes. Then they walked down a short hallway and up another flight of stairs. He looked over his shoulder at her. “Not afraid of dogs are you?” he asked.

  Danielle shook her head “No, I love them.”

  “Good.” He said as he opened the door. Silently he called Killer we have a guest; don’t scare her “After you Miss. Robbins” he said. Danielle entered the large apartment. Nicholas closed the door. “Let me take your coat, and then I’ll introduce you to my dog. He helped her with her coat and hung it on the coat rack along with his own.

  They walked into the living room. Nicholas chuckled as he spotted Killer lounging on his back on the black leather couch with his head on Nicholas’s pillow. He looked at Danielle. “This big gray, very spoiled, animal is my dog. His name is Killer. Don’t let his name scare you.” He glanced back at Killer. “Hey, we have company.” Nicholas said loudly. Killer stretched his front paw out and groaned. “Killer, get down.” The gray wolf groaned again and looked at Nicholas showing his teeth. “This animal just kills me; look at him laying there smiling at me.” He said laughing. “If you can excuse me for a minute I have to tend to my spoiled rotten companion.” He walked over to the couch. “Killer, floor,” he said sternly. Killer growled at him. “Killer, down,” he said pulling the pillow out from under the wolf’s head. Killer groaned and got off the couch. He saw Danielle standing in the entryway and walked over to her sniffing her. He took her hand gently in his mouth and led her to the couch.

  Nicholas watched Killer with Danielle amazed. “I’m impressed.” Nicholas said lightly.

  Danielle looked at him. “About what?”

  Nicholas sat next to her on the couch. “I’m impressed that Killer, my normally unsocial companion, didn’t try to scare you. He tries to scare everyone.”

  Danielle reached out and ran her hand through Killers thick gray fur. “He’s beautiful. Oh, wow, he has a star in the center of his forehead.” She said softly as she continued petting the wolf.

  “Ms. Robbins would you like coffee, tea, hot chocolate or blackberry brandy?” Nicholas asked as he stood up.

  Danielle smiled, “How about a blackberry brandy and a hot chocolate chaser?” she replied.

  Nicholas chuckled, “A girl to my own heart. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  He returned with the bottle of brandy and two glasses. As he filled the glasses he said, “The chocolate will be ready in a few minutes.” He handed a glass to Danielle and then added, “Is there something I could call you other than Ms. Robbins?”

  Danielle smiled, “Danielle” she said lifting the glass of brandy to her lips. “This is good; it warms you all the way to your toes.” She finished the shot of brandy and set the glass on the table.

  Nicholas poured more into their shot glasses and said “I’ll make the hot chocolate in to-go cups. We need to get downstairs.” He stood up and walked into the kitchen and returned a few minutes later with two travel mugs. Nicholas sat on the couch and picked up his shot glass. “Drink up, we have to go.”

  They walked down the stairs and out from behind the heavy drapes. “Tonight, we will practice the three or four songs you’ll be singing with me. As I told you I am an absolute perfectionist. This all has to be perfect.” Nicholas said as they walked to the stage.

  Danielle followed him up the stairs and onto the stage. “When will the others arrive?”

  Nicholas looked at his watch. “In a little while.”

  Danielle walked to the CD player on the side of the stage. She flipped it on; then turned to face him. “I quit my other job; I hope you weren’t lying to me last night.”

  Nicholas grinned. “I wasn’t.”

  Danielle walked closer to him. “Shall we try another dance lesson?”

  Nicholas pulled her into his arms and danced her across the stage. To his amazement she followed him perfectly. She was graceful, limber, and moved like a ballet dancer. The song ended.

  Nicholas released her. “You, Ms. Robbins lied to me.”

  Danielle shook her head no. “I haven’t danced in years. I took ballet as a child, and general dance classes in school. That’s what I wanted to do with my life. Then someone I cared about humiliated me at a recital and I haven’t danced again until last night. I was tired and it terrified me. I didn’t think I’d be able to dance with you or anyone else.” Nicholas pulled her into his arms and again they danced across the stage.

  The musicians arrived promptly at eight o’clock and rehearsals began. They sang together, her voice blending with his when he prompted her to sing. It sounded almost magical. After almost six hours Nicholas slammed his cane on the floor stopping everyone in their tracks. “This song sounds like shit.” He looked at the musicians. “What the hell are you doing? Can’t you read the music?” He again banged his cane to the floor. “If you can’t play it the way it’s written, then pack your shit and leave. If you can’t keep your instruments in tune, and want to play in my theater, buy a new instrument. Do I make myself clear? Now, again, from the top,” he bellowed.

  Danielle took a few steps backwards; her eyes filled with fear. Nicholas glanced at her. “Where do you think you’re going? Get back here, we are far from finished,” he said gruffly.

  Danielle wanted to run…run far away. She reacted that way every time someone raised their voice in anger. It had been that way since she was a very small child. Something must have happened to her; she couldn’t remember what it was. But the fear she felt was real, the fear was paralyzing. She took another step backwards…away from him. Nicholas smelled the fear that flowed through her veins; he turned looking into her eyes.

  Nicholas looked at the musicians and calmly said, “You’re dismissed, come back tomorrow night at the same time.” Once they had gone he turned his attention back to Danielle. “Danielle, what’s wrong?” he asked, not knowing his anger had sparked the deep paralyzing fear in her. He stepped towards her. “Danielle,” he said softly.

  Danielle took a step backwards. “Please, don’t hurt me,” she whispered her voice trembling with fear.

  Nicholas sat where he stood. “Danielle, I wouldn’t think of hurting you.”

  Danielle stood unable to move.

  “Danielle, I won’t hurt you,” he said gently.

  Nicholas tried to get into her head, to see what she was thinking and all he saw was darkness. He heard people yelling. He saw nothing but darkness and felt nothing but fear
. Then he saw light for one moment and felt her pain as a hand slammed into her face and then there was darkness again.

  Nicholas stretched his arm in her. “Danielle, no one will hurt you. It’s just you and me here. I sent everyone else away. Come, sit with me.” He said coaxing her back to the moment. “Danielle,” he whispered.

  Danielle blinked a few times and then looked at him.

  “Danielle, come sit next to me.” He said softly.

  Danielle walked towards him slowly and sat next to him. He reached out to brush a lock of hair from her face. She flinched pulling away from him. “What happened to you?” Nicholas asked.

  Danielle shook her head trying to clear the intense darkness that had settled over her. “I don’t know. Ever since I was a small child whenever someone yells something happens to me. It happened a lot when my mom and dad fought.”

  Nicholas looked into her eyes. “Danielle, I yell when I’m frustrated. I yell about my work. I can be an arrogant prick when it comes to my performances. You were great…it was the violin. It was off key. Shit, Danielle, I need you to know I would never hurt you. You don’t ever have to be afraid of me or my tantrums.” He took her hand and squeezed it gently. “Come upstairs with me. I’ll make you something to eat.”

  Danielle smiled slightly. “I’m not hungry, but coffee would be good.” Nicholas stood up and took her hand helping her up. They walked up the hidden staircase and back to his apartment.


  Nicholas looked at his watch, it was four thirty. He glanced outside through the window, “There’s a lot of snow out there. I’ll call you a cab. It will take them a while to get here. He picked up his phone and made the call to the cab company. Danielle stood up and put her coat on. The thought of going outside in a blizzard didn’t thrill her. They walked downstairs and stood by the doors watching the snow blowing through the streets. “Danielle, what’s your phone number, I’ll call you tomorrow to let you know about rehearsals.” She rattled off her number just as the cab pulled up.


  At five in the afternoon Nicholas climbed from his bed and walked to the window. It was still snowing. He couldn’t remember New York City ever having this much snow. He sat on the bed and dialed Danielle’s phone number. She picked up on the third ring. “Hi, Danielle, this is Nick Burnes. The weather is bad, the snows still blowing and I don’t think the roads look to good; so I guess there won’t be any rehearsals tonight.”

  Danielle smiled to herself, he actually sounded disappointed. “I just looked outside myself, there is a lot of snow isn’t there.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “I guess Killer has me all to himself tonight, we’ll try for tomorrow night. I’ll call you tomorrow around the same time.”

  Danielle replied “I’ll wait for your call. Have a good night.”

  Nicholas wanted to see her, talk to her. He didn’t want to hang up the phone. “Hey, where do you live? Is it far from the theater?” he asked.

  Danielle laughed “About five miles, why you wanna visit in the blizzard?” she asked.

  Nicholas smiled “Is that an invitation?” he asked hopefully.

  Danielle looked around her small not so elegant apartment with its early attic furnishings and replied “Sure…. I don’t know how you’ll get here, but come on over.”

  Nicholas was thrilled. “I’ll be there in ….an hour.”

  Danielle smiled with anticipation. “If you pass an open pizza place, bring a pie, I have wine.”

  Nicholas stood up looking outside. “See you in a little bit… hey do I have your address someplace?” he asked.

  Danielle giggled “On my bio sheet. If you change your mind about coming call me so I don’t worry, Okay?”

  Nicholas grinned. “I’ll be there.”


  Danielle ran around her apartment picking things up, doing the dishes and fluffing the pillows on the couch. She took a quick shower and dressed in jeans and a black V neck sweater. She dried her hair and put on some makeup. She walked around the apartment one last time making sure it looked okay then lit some fragrant candles on the coffee table and dimmed the lighting. She looked around again and smiled. Rusty rubbed up against her legs. “You hungry honey boy?” she cooed as she walked towards the kitchen. She opened a can of cat food and put it in his dish. “Rus, we’re getting company tonight. You’re going to meet the great Nicholas Burnes.” She was interrupted by the buzzer. She walked to the speaker and pressed the button. “Yes” she said excitedly. Then she heard his voice.

  “Hi Danielle, it’s me with a pretty cold pizza.”

  “Come on up…. Sorry, lots of stairs…” She pressed the buzzer giving him access to the building. Nicholas stood in the lobby for a few minutes and then was instantaneously outside her door.

  Danielle opened the door. “Hi, come in to my humble home.” She said taking the pizza box from his hands. She set the pie on the kitchen counter. “Just hang your jacket it that closet.” Rusty walked out of the kitchen, looked at Nicholas and hissed then ran into the bedroom under the bed. Danielle laughed. “He must be feeling anti- social. His name is Rusty; he gets jealous when I get company.”

  Nicholas smiled glancing around the small apartment. “This is nice,” he said walking into the living room.

  Danielle smiled at him. “Thank you, can I get you a drink, maybe some blackberry brandy?”

  Nicholas grinned. “That sounds great.”

  Danielle walked into the kitchen followed by Nicholas. He leaned casually against the counter and watched her. She took out two glasses and the bottle of brandy. “I need to put the pizza in the oven to heat it up. It is pretty cold.” She turned the oven on warm and slid the pizza box in. “Let’s go in the living room.” She said picking up the glasses and brandy.

  Danielle set the glasses on the coffee table and poured the brandy. She handed a glass to Nicholas and sat back sipping hers.

  “You look nice tonight and you smell wonderful. You’re perfume is great,” Nicholas said smiling.

  Danielle blushed. “Thank you again,” she said softly. “Would you like to watch a movie? I have quite a DVD collection most of them are old movies.” Nicholas nodded. Danielle stood up and walked to the DVD case. “Ok we have all kinds of movies. Scary ones, funny ones, love stories, war stories, most are pretty old because they were my moms. Maybe you should look and pick one out.” Nicholas stood up and joined her in front of the small cabinet that held about a hundred DVD’s.

  Nicholas scanned the titles and reached for one handing it to Danielle. “How about this one?”

  Danielle smiled. “I haven’t watched this since I was a little girl. It was one of my mom’s favorite stories.”

  Nicholas chuckled. “Mine too. My mom loves this movie.”

  Danielle put the DVD in the player. “Let me check the pizza, I’ll be right back.”

  Danielle came back with the pizza box, two plates and paper towels. “Dinner and a movie” she giggled. She set everything on the table and sat next to Nicholas. She put a slice on each plate and closed the box. “Ready to start the movie?” she asked. He nodded as he picked up his plate and leaned back. Danielle picked up the remote and pressed play and then settled back with her plate. “Oh shit, I forgot the wine.” Danielle pressed the pause on the remote and stated to get up.

  Nicholas set his plate down. “Where is it, I’ll get it.”

  “Wine is in the refrigerator and glasses are on the counter,” Danielle replied. Nicholas stood up and made his way to the kitchen and returned with the wine. He opened the bottle and poured two glasses. As he settled back on the couch Danielle pressed the play button. The 2004 version of the movie Phantom of the Opera began. They watched the movie as they ate and sipped wine. As Danielle emptied her glass Nicholas refilled it.

  Danielle pressed pause, set her plate down and turned looking at Nicholas. “Hey, you need to sing this song. Your voice is so… so sexy; you really need to sing this.”

  Nicholas smiled. “Wi
ll you be my Christine?”

  Danielle looked into his eyes. “I’d be honored.” Nicholas took the remote from her and jumped to the beginning of the scene and pressed play. They both watched the scene intently. He pressed pause again.

  “Danielle, how fast can you learn this?” he asked.

  Danielle smiled. “Nicholas, I’ve heard this DVD a hundred times when I was a child. I still listen to the CD off and on because I love several of the songs. I don’t have to learn it. I know it.”


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