Nicholas 02

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Nicholas 02 Page 34

by Renee Larsen

  Emily watched as Danielle tried to open a bag of blood. “Honey, you waited so long.” Emily took the bag from her hand, opened it, poured its contents into a glass and handed it to Danielle.

  Danielle guzzled it and nine more down quickly. She set the glass on the counter and smiled contently. “Oh my, I feel so much better now.”

  Claire looked at Danielle. “Thank you Danielle for voting in favor of Jen, I’ve missed her terribly.”

  Emily nodded in agreement, “Me too. Danielle, you’ll like her. She’s fun. But we’ll have to be careful with what we tell her. We’ll pick this conversation up tomorrow, we have to be getting home the sun will be up soon. The kids went to sleep just before you got home.” Emily said as she turned to leave.


  Gerry misted into the house and made his way to the bedroom. Jen was asleep. She looked tiny in the big king sized bed. He sat on the edge of the bed and reached out running his hand gently along her cheek. “Jen, you can come home,” he said softly. She smiled in her sleep. Gerry leaned down kissing her lips gently. “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered.

  Jen opened her eyes and smiled. “Oh Gerry, I can’t believe it’s you.” She sat up wrapping her arms around him burying her face in his neck.

  Gerry wrapped his arms around her caressing her back. “Jen, it feels so good to hold you in my arms again,” he said kissing the top of her head.

  In the joy of their reunion Gerry didn’t notice that Jen’s nails had grown pointy and razor sharp, her fangs had fully extended. He felt her lips against his neck, a wave of excitement ran through him. Then without warning her fangs ripped the flesh of his neck as she laughed insanely. “You murdered my daughter, now I’ll kill you.”

  Gerry silently called to Derek, Merrek, Nick, Frank and Nicholas; she’s going to kill me. She’s fooled us all. Gerry was resigned to dieing in Jennifer’s arms; at least he wouldn’t be alone anymore or have to live with the guilt of killing the girl he had raised, the girl he thought was his daughter for twenty two years. He didn’t struggle as her teeth savagely tore at the flesh of his neck.


  Nicholas sprang out of bed. Danielle sat up looking at him questioningly. “Drac, what’s wrong?”

  Nicholas looked outside, it was dawn, it was gray and overcast. “Danielle, she’s killing Gerry. That bitch fooled all of us. That sums it up. We can’t even get to Gerry to help him, she’s killing him.” Nicholas sank to his knees covering his face he cried, “I’ve killed my best friend.”

  Danielle climbed out of bed and wrapped her arms around him. “Oh Nicholas, I’m so sorry.” She too began to cry. They held each other as they grieved for their good friend.


  Unbeknownst to the rest of the family, Nick and Frank had followed Gerry. They hid in the darkness listening, watching. They heard Gerry’s distress call shortly after he entered the house and immediately sprang into action. They misted into the house. Jennifer intent on her mission continued to tear and claw at Gerry’s flesh. She was unaware that Nick and Frank were there to help Gerry.

  Nick tapped Jen on her shoulder. “I never trusted you, you bitch.” he growled as he grabbed a handful of her rich red hair pulling her head back exposing her neck. He looked at Frank. “Do it, waste no time.” Frank raised his knife and in one swift move he severed Jennifer’s head.

  Nick looked at Frank, “Tend to Gerry, I’m putting this in the freezer until we can dispose of it. I’ll bring blood. Try and get his neck back together,” he said almost frantically as he walked from the room carrying Jennifer’s head.


  Danielle tensed in pain. “Nicholas,” she said releasing him and grabbing her stomach. “Nicholas, I think the baby’s coming.” She winced in pain. Nicholas stood up helping Danielle to her feet. “Baby, it’s too soon.” he said helping her to the bed.


  Frank quickly ripped a sheet into strips and then pushing the flesh of Gerry’s neck together licked at the wounds silently saying, Gerry, you’re an old vamp, you’re strong, heal yourself. Don’t let that bitch have her way. Gerry, we all need you, Derek need’s you. Alexander and Lexie need you. Gerry, you ground us, heal yourself. Frank continued to lick at the wounds on Gerry’s neck.

  Nick knelt beside Frank and touched his shoulder. “Frank, lets get him in the other room and see what the damage is. He’s breathing, so he has a chance.” Together they lifted Gerry and carried him to the living room laying him on the couch. Nick looked at Gerry’s neck. “Frank, its knitting, lick some more and then we’ll wrap it and feed him.”


  Nicholas called to his parents. “Danielle is in labor.” he said out loud.

  Derek looked at Emily who slept soundly through all the pain and despair he was feeling at the thought of Gerry being gone. He sat beside her and kissed her cheek. “Darling, wake up. Danielle is in labor.”

  Emily opened her eyes. “Did I hear you right?”

  Derek nodded and turned away from her. “Quirky one, what’s wrong,” she whispered. He turned to face her, his face streaked with blood tears. Emily slipped out of bed and took his face in her hands. “Derek, please tell me Gerry’s okay?”

  Derek shook his head. “I can’t.”

  They were interrupted by Nicholas’ desperate plea for help. “Emily, we have to get over there.” Derek said pulling away from her. “Get dressed and meet me in the garage, the car has tinted windows, we’ll just have to figure out how to get into the house without going up in flames.” Derek said as he headed down the hall.

  Derek waited patiently for Emily in the car. Finally the doors opened and Emily, Tanya and Eve climbed into the car. Derek turned to look at Tanya and Eve. “Why are you two up at this hour?”

  Tanya shifted in the seat nervously. “Nick and Frank followed Gerry and we couldn’t sleep.” Tanya said as casually as she could. Derek looked from Tanya to Eve and then to Emily who sat beside him.

  “He might have a chance if Frank and Nick are there.” he said with hope in his voice.

  Tanya leaned against the front seat. “What do you mean?”

  Derek frowned. “Shortly after Gerry left us he sent us a message.”

  Eve now leaned forward. “Derek, what was the message?”

  Derek looked down for a moment. “The message was and I quote, “She’s going to kill me. She’s fooled us all.”

  Tanya called to Nick, what’s happening Nick, is Gerry ok? Are you and Frank ok? She sat quietly waiting for the reply. Derek started the car and pressed the remote to open the garage door.

  Derek drove quickly to Nicholas’ cabin. He pulled the car as close to the front door as possible and tapped the horn. The door to the house opened a crack. “Okay ladies, cover up as best you can and run for it. It’s only a few steps and we’re lucky, it’s very overcast.” Emily was the first out of the car and she ran to the house and inside. Derek slid across to the passenger seat and then he too sprinted to into the house.

  Tanya looked at Eve. “Eve, I’ve gotten no response from Nick, have you heard from Frank?”

  Eve shook her head no. “Not a word. We’ll just have to keep trying. We’d better get inside incase they need help. Ready?” Tanya nodded as she opened the car door and ran into the house followed by Eve.

  Derek came down the stairs and looked at Tanya. “Hon, did Nick answer?” Tanya shook her head no. Derek frowned and motioned towards the loft, “Can you go help, a true vampire child is about to come into this world and I think Em would appreciate your help.” Tanya nodded and went up to the loft.

  Eve sat on the couch beside Derek and took his hand. “Derek I’ve known you for more than a century, stop blaming yourself, we don’t even know what’s happened yet.” she said gently.

  Derek looked at her. “Eve, will you feel that way if Frank and Nick don’t come home? I’ve made a terrible miscalculation that could ruin all we have worked so hard for.”

  Eve squeezed his hand. “Derek, this was n
ot your decision alone. We all voted.”

  Derek nodded. “We did vote. But we voted on the information I provided.” Derek stood up and began to pace.

  Eve walked over to Derek taking his hands in hers. “Derek, you have led us through many dark hours. We have lost many friends over the years. You’re in a terribly hard position as leader of this group. I haven’t heard from Frank… but I know he’s okay. Tanya knows Nick is okay and if you looked inside yourself you’d know they are okay,” She paused for a moment as she reached up taking his face in her hands. “You have been a fine leader; you will continue to lead us through many more centuries. You and Gerry are like brothers, you took him under your wing when he became. Derek, reach out and feel him. If there’s life, you will find him, you’ll feel him. Settle yourself and reach for him. I’ll leave you alone and go up and help with the birth.” Eve turned and walked up the stairs to the loft.

  Hours passed and Derek’s thoughts were interrupted when Alex and Lexie toddled in and climbed up on him. Lexie took his face in her tiny hands and studied his face. “Papa sad?”

  Derek smiled at her and hugged them. “Papa is okay.”

  Alex looked at Derek. “Papa, I ungry.”

  Derek smiled. “Come on, lets go into the kitchen and Papa will fix you something.” Derek lifted the children from his lap and set them on the floor. Standing he took their hands and walked into the kitchen.

  Derek prepared two bowls of cereal and then one by one put the twins in their high chairs. He turned towards the counter and picked up the bowls and set them in front of the children and sat between them in a chair. Lexie looked at Derek “Mama?” she asked.

  Derek raised the spoon to her mouth. “Mama is upstairs resting. I’m going to take care of you today okay? Lexie giggled and opened her mouth accepting the spoonful of cereal.

  After feeding the twins he walked them to their bedroom and changed them into jeans and polo shirts then took them back into the living room to play. He watched them play on the floor and he again tried to reach Frank, Nick and Gerry. He loved Gerry like a brother and the pain of hearing him call out haunted him. He had let Gerry go to Jen like a lamb to the slaughter and he didn’t think he would ever be able to forgive himself.

  It was almost dark when Emily came down the stairs carrying the new baby wrapped in a blanket. She walked over to Derek and sat next to him. “You okay?”

  Derek nodded. “Thank god for these two, they’ve kept me busy.”

  Emily smiled. “Want to hold your new grand baby?”

  Derek smiled as he reached for the baby. “She’s tiny, but I think she’ll be fine. We need to get Doc here to examine her.”

  Derek pulled the blanket away from the baby’s face and looked down to see a tiny, strawberry blonde haired baby with rich blue eyes, pink cheeks and a perfectly shaped mouth. “Em, she’s absolutely beautiful.”

  Emily nodded and looked at Alex and Lexie. “Come here babies, you have a new baby sister. Come see.” Lexie and Alex toddled over and looked at the tiny baby in Derek’s arms.

  Nicholas walked into the room and sat on the floor next to Lexie and Alex. They climbed on his lap and hugged him. “Amanda, we’ve named her Amanda what do you think?”

  Derek nodded his approval. “Nice, I think Amanda suits her don’t you Em?”

  Emily looked down at the baby, “Amanda suites her and she’ll fit right in with Alexander and Alexis. You guys have a thing for A names,” she said lightly.

  Tanya and Eve walked into the room. Tanya looked at Nicholas. “Doc’s on his way and Danielle is asleep. For such a tiny baby she had a long hard labor. I think she’ll sleep for a while.” She was interrupted when the cabin door opened. Frank came through the door first followed by Nick supporting Gerry.

  Without saying a word Derek handed the baby to Emily and quickly crossed the room helping Nick get Gerry inside. They led him to a chair and helped him get comfortable. “Gerry, are you okay?”

  Gerry smiled weakly. “Thanks to Frank and Nick I’ll survive. He motioned towards the baby. “Who’s the littlest Vamp?” he asked.

  Emily stood up and carried the baby to him. “Gerry, meet Amanda.” she said showing him the baby.

  Gerry smiled “She’s beautiful Nicholas, is Dani okay?”

  Nicholas nodded. “Sleeping but she’ll be fine. How are you? We’ve been worried all day.”

  Gerry frowned. “She fooled us all. I never thought she would do that.” He looked down at Alex and Lexie playing on the floor and then back at Nicholas and Derek. “She’ll never hurt anyone again. I’m sorry about all this.” he added.

  Derek leaned over and hugged him gently. “Brother, you’ve got nothing to be sorry for. Just get your strength back. Doc’s on his way to see Danielle and the baby, we’ll have him check you out when he gets here.”

  Lexie reached up and took Gerry’s hand and kissed it then she pointed to the flowered strips of sheet wrapped around his neck. “boo boo”

  Gerry smiled down at her. “Yes sweetie, but it’s almost better. Come up here and give me a kiss to make me feel better.” Derek reached down and lifted Lexie setting her on Gerry’s lap. She hugged him gently, kissed him and rested her head on his chest.


  Gerry’s physical wounds healed quickly. The closeness of the family and the antics of Alex and Lexie helped his emotional healing. He knew he would again fall in love, but that was for another time. For now he would love and play with Alex and Alexis; he would help care for Amanda, the first baby to be conceived and born by two vampires.

  Nicholas and Danielle remained in upstate New York raising their children. Nicholas released several CD’s and when Alex and Alexis were three he went on a short tour performing to sold out houses in seven major cities.

  Over the years the family all helped raise and nurture the three littlest vampires, the vampires that would one day rule. They taught each of them how to live as a vampire in a human world.

  The family waited… it would be years before they would know who would grow to be the next ruler.

  About the Author

  Renee was born in New York City. She moved to South Florida when she was eleven where she finished school and got her first job.

  Renee moved back to New York in her early twenties because she wanted to experience it as an adult. She lived on Long Island for about six years and returned to Florida and settled in the Orlando area in her late twenties where she met her husband Michael.

  As a child she wrote stories all the time but then she grew up and life took hold leaving little time to write. She has always loved Vampire stories. One day late in 2005 she scribbled some thoughts on paper; later that evening she read what she had written and liked it. She decided to continue with the story and that was how the Vampire Derek was conceived.

  Soon people were asking her for a sequel to Derek. They wanted more. Nicholas is a sequel that brings back all your favorite characters from Derek and tells the story of the first Vampire child.

  Other books by Renee Larsen


  ISBN: 978-1435711655

  Emily had lived a relatively sheltered life in Bar Harbor Maine until Derek Burnes walked into her families gift shop. Derek, a tall incredibly handsome man with a quirky smile and penetrating green eyes knows that Emily is his destiny. He has to win her love or she will die at the hand of his adversary. But Derek has a secret, he's a vampire. In order for Derek to protect the delicate blonde Emily he must charm her into loving him. Derek's plans are sabotaged when the evil Jacque pushes the envelope and attacks Emily's father. In the midst of turmoil will Emily see Derek as a monster or take him as her lover.



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