The Raven & the Wolf

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The Raven & the Wolf Page 4

by Melissa Rodriguez

  I feel a cold shiver runs through my veins. As they whisper nothing but sweet sins they wish for me to commit.

  I can feel their cold touch as they lay their hands upon my skin as I sit frozen to this world.

  I hear nothing but their voices so dark and menacing as they persuade me to join them.

  As my vision grows cloudy I can feel myself slipping into this dark world as I feel their energy running through my body as they show me the dreams I can achieve with their help.

  As I feel their lips upon my ears as they whisper so sweetly “All this can be yours with a little price of a simple sacrifice”

  With my vision returning as I start to become free

  I hear one last thing like a whisper in the wind “three days and we will return”

  Deceitful One

  We know him by many names,

  but one name stands out from the rest “Lucifer”.

  He comes to us in many shapes and forms, but in the end, only wants us for one thing.

  He will deceive us to no end to get what he wants and desires.

  He will send his demons to try and break us.

  He will show no mercy as he drags us down into the darkness to this bottomless hell.

  Forever to hold us captive in our addiction, that lead us into this place.

  But do not show fear for there is a way to escape his enchantment.

  For you are far stronger than he is and have a stronger army to defeat his pawns.

  So pour your belief into God and he will set you free.

  I walk this earth oh so numb. This heart of mine you see, it does not work, for it does not beat.

  The blood that flows through my veins is nothing but a cold chill that leaves me frozen. I walk around so lost and emotionless seeing nothing but hate around me.

  As I walk through these gloomy streets contemplating these wicked thoughts, as I look up to meet your eyes that hold a sense of warmth and kindness, I’m taken back by such a beautiful sight.

  You smile my way and I swear I felt my heartbeat for the first time in years. As you walk my way I feel my body heat up as I get nervous not knowing what this new feeling is.

  As you introduce yourself with a voice that should belong to the heavens, as you radiate this warmth that I have not known in years.

  Within our conversation, I ask myself, why this intelligent beautiful soul is speaking to someone so cold. Being lost in my thoughts, you ask me if I would like to grab a coffee with you, and how could I decline as you look at me with this spark in your eyes.

  As you grab my hand to lead the way, I feel this electricity run through my veins sending my nerves into shock.

  As we sit at this little cafe at a table in the comer with a cup of coffee in between my hands as I listen to you talk; with the warmth of this coffee, I contemplate how

  it doesn’t give me that same warmth as you give me.

  The time flies by as you look at your phone and realize how late it had gotten. I walk you to your car as we exchange numbers, as you tell me to keep in touch.

  As I watch you drive away, I can feel the

  warmth that you have given me fade away as your car fades from sight.

  As we meet up for weeks, I can feel the warmth in me growing and I never knew that my life would change the day you walked up to me.

  As time passes I can see that my outlook on life has changed and I have no one to thank but you.

  You have shown me the beauty in these streets that I once saw as dark and gloomy.

  You have brought lightness to my soul that I could never in my life thank you for. I smile everyday knowing I get to wake up next to an intelligent beautiful angel whose soul has intertwined with mine.

  As I look at you, I know I will never let you slip from my arms as I vow to always bring a smile upon your face.

  As I laid my eyes upon you watching you walk down the aisle to me to make our vows to forever to hold. I thank the lord for the beauty he has blessed upon my life.

  Once you meet my side and as we make eye contact, I can see my life play out within your eyes and I know my heart and soul are in the perfect hands. As we start are forever with two simple words I DO.

  Walking through this world seeing all these wicked things creating all these wicked dreams.

  As I lay at night frightened about what wicked things the night brings.

  Leaving a dim light on to chase away these wicked things.

  Not knowing that once I sleep these wicked things sleep right next to me.

  Corrupting my dreams to terrifying nightmares. As I toss and turn trying to escape these wicked things.

  Jumping from my sleep with my eyes wide open going back to being terrified of what the night brings.

  Gone like the smile that brightened my day.

  Gone like the laughter that filled me joy.

  Gone like the touch that left me with warmth.

  Gone like the hugs that left me secure.

  Gone like the voice that left my heart beating.

  Gone like the kiss that filled me with passion.

  Gone from that day you took your last breath.

  Gone from my life until the day we meet again.

  You’re not gone from the memories that stay with me until my last breath.

  As I lay these roses upon your stone I will leave you with these last words

  I will carry your memory with me forever in my heart as I wait for the day to hold you in my arms as we tell each other stories of the lives we have seen.

  We started our journey on this earth so innocent and full of life as if we knew we could take on the world.

  But as the years passed we have been broken down to conform to what others have become as they trapped our free spirits in a cage being held against us.

  As we are told what we can and cannot do.

  Walking in a line to afraid to walk off the path in fear of the repercussions.

  As we hold our tongues in fear of being looked down upon.

  We walk as if we live our lives in a factory going down a conveyor belt as they strip us of our personalities.

  We have lived our lives to the image they have bestowed upon us without missing a beat, as we daydream of the day we are set free to be who we truly are.

  As we sit back and take on the verbal abuse as we plot in our minds the ways we can rebel when the day comes.

  On that day we will use our voices and scream out as our free spirits will break free from the cages they have been locked away in.

  As we vow to never lose our true selves to sacrifice who

  we are for others. Our personalities are what make us beautiful in this world full of diversity.

  Your imperfections are beautiful.

  Your scars are beautiful.

  Your birthmarks are beautiful.

  Your skin color is beautiful.

  Your mind is beautiful.

  Who you are is absolutely beautiful to me, even if I don’t know you.

  You Are Beautiful.

  Through light there is dark

  Through dark there is light.

  With every smile lies a frown

  With every frown lies a smile.

  We laugh even though we hide our pain

  We seem sad even though we hide our happiness.

  Afraid to slip from the faces we show in fear to face what lies below.

  Hidden behind the walls we create to keep us safe, not knowing when the pain or fear will fade.

  Behind these walls, we cower in fear not knowing how to handle these feelings you show oh so dear.

  Two Faced

  Two faced like a flip of a coin; let’s see what side it lands on.

  For whatever side it shows will be the face that I show.

  You might get the sweet and nice face or you might just get the conniving mischief face.

  The future me that you will see is destined by this coin you see in my hands, so let’s take this time to press your luck to see which of me you will se

  You came to me through the darkness of this room as you secretly watched my frustrations grow.

  As you made yourself known by wearing a mask, you spoke to me with such enticing words that had me hypnotized by the picture you painted of the future you could give me.

  You spoke of the fame you could bring and the talent you can bestow upon me that would eliminate all frustrations.

  As you look down upon me you say all

  of this can be yours by signing on the dotted line.

  Now who would have known by signing this dotted line that my life would be turned upside down by taken to the top of the music world filled with fame, money, love, and cars.

  I spend every day living the dream that I have always wanted by playing in front of thousands of people in sold-out arenas hearing them sing the songs I have written. As they scream my name from city to city.

  Living this dream that has been granted to me not knowing that the man I signed this contract with is holding my life’s string as time runs down by every tick tock of the clock.

  With my life’s string getting shorter and shorter you have given me a sickness that one cannot come back from. While I sit in the hospital bed with fans sitting outside wishing for me to regain my health.

  You visit me one last time without your mask as I look up to see the man I signed this contract with was truly not a man but the devil himself.

  As you look down upon me and laugh knowing that you have tricked me into giving you my soul with your enticing words.

  You ask me if I have any last words before you truly end my life’s string, as I join the club of those who sold their souls before me is “Never knew that the deal I made would end like this

  “Through darkness there is light”

  You see even with the darkness of night, there is always a light that shines bright.

  Breaking its way through the thickness of the night to guide you through these dark times.

  If you feel the darkness closing in and dragging you down.

  Do not panic or show fear for the light will shine through and wipe away your tears.

  Forgive me father for I have sinned, but you see this world is not what it seems for it is filled with sin.

  For each day that passes the light is dying out and the saints are starting to fall to sin.

  With every sin we commit we still wish to feed the saint within us.

  For there is no true saint in this world just those who fall to both.

  I can see that you are fading away with each passing day. The life that is held within your eyes is slowly starting to fade.

  As I hold your hand the tears start to fall as I pray to god to let you live. I plead with him, telling him that we still have a life to fulfill.

  As each day passes we replay the memories of the adventures we have captured. As I watch these memories I can’t help the tears that fall as I wish we could go back to when you were full of life.

  I tell you of the life we will live once this passes and how we will grow old together as we share our life’s story with our grandkids.

  You smile my way and tell me you love me. You make me promise that no matter what happens that I will continue to live my life and love again. I look at you and tell you that you will make it out this and that we will live our life together.

  As the tears fall you ask me to hold you through the night, as we share a kiss and say I love you as we fall asleep in each other’s arms.

  I wish I would have known that would have been the last time I hear those words, for I would have held you tighter.

  I loved you with everything in me. I gave you my heart and soul as I let you in. Our love grew as we shared our hearts and our dreams to build a life as one.

  With every day we grow more in love with each other as we shared experiences and traveled this world.

  Together we saw this worlds amazing natural phenomenon and experienced many different cultures everywhere we went.

  As time passed I felt you pulling away and becoming distant. Every time I asked what was wrong you would snap at me telling me everything is fine.

  Our days that were full of love turned to nightly fights. I would tell you I love you and you would walk away. I can feel us falling apart as I cried for our love to be the same.

  I came home to find all your stuff gone and all you left behind was a note. In this note, you stated how sorry you were and how your love for me has faded.

  I fell to my knees at your last words as I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces as I cried for it to not be true.

  For days I have cried and felt empty as I look around this home we shared, as I see all the memories we made and the love we have created.

  I still wake up wishing that it wasn’t true, that I will find you downstairs with a smile as you tell me you love me.

  Today is the day that I move out of the home we shared for it is just an empty shell of a reminder of what we had.

  My heart is slowly healing but is still learning to not yearn for your touch.

  I will cherish what we had but I know I need to move on and let you go for me to truly heal.

  Your beauty is not defined by others; it’s defined by you.

  Fire & Ice

  As your fingertips glide across my skin setting ablaze upon me as I succumb to the intense passion of who you are.

  I lay my hand upon you as I slide it across your chest as the coolness of my skin creates a reaction across the warmth of yours as our bodies intertwined mixing fire and ice together as one.

  We look upon each other with a lust that no longer can be held back as our lips meet with the intense passion that we hold for one another.

  As our bodies become one we know that our passion will never fade for you are the fire that sets my skin a blaze, as I am the ice that sends coolness to yours.

  Life is like a game of chess.

  You go through it sacrificing your pawns in your early years for relationships that don’t last.

  As time passes, and you grow wiser your stronger pieces step forward to protect your heart from those unworthy of such love.

  Waiting for the day that a king or queen worthy of your love will step forward to be by your side as you face this world head on hand in hand.

  I beg you to lay your gun down.

  I know this life is hard and unbearable right now, but if

  you pull that trigger your story will be over.

  The people in your life will only be able to read the pages in your story that have lead up to this point, but if you pull that trigger the pages in your story will be filled with other people’s words of who you used to be.

  If you pull that trigger you will never know what your future chapters in your story hold.

  If you pull that trigger the love and adventure you could hold will be nothing but the gun powder left behind.

  If you pull that trigger you will never know the ways that your life could be enlightened with the future love you haven’t met yet.

  So, I beg you please lay your gun down.

  I know it’s hard right now for I have been in your shoes, but I promise your story will get better.

  Lay your gun down and fight to write your story with your own words.

  Let your strength pour onto these blank pages and fight through this low point for your story is beautiful and is waiting to be written.

  Walking down these streets that are now filled with nothing, but burning, and shattered buildings being haunted by the memories of laughter.

  This community used to be filled with people and culture that now have been burned to the ground as the ashes turn the sky grey.

  To know that there are only a few of us left to carry out our culture all because of greed, envy, and the pursuit of power.

  Walking under the moonlight surrounded by Mother Nature contemplating how I feel so alone in this world.

  Talking out loud as I vent out my frustrations to trees around me, as I hear this voice coming from afar.

  I look around to see who is there but no one is in sight. Then I hear, “I’m Mother Nature child and I have been hearing everything that you have been saying to my trees”

  “I just want to let you know that you are not alone for you have the sun, the moon, and I with you every step that you take”

  I ask Mother Nature “how can that be”

  She replies “my child the sun kisses your skin every morning with warmth that fills you from within.”

  “The moon shines upon your skin every night as it helps relax your mind”

  “For myself, I am with you wherever you go. You feel me in the wind, the rain, the snow, the trees, the grass, and the dirt that’s around you”

  “For you see my child, we will be one with you till the end of time”

  Walking in the light of love and positivity will always triumph over hate and negativity.

  Prayer before death

  Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the lord my soul to keep.

  For I shall die before the sun wakes.

  I pray that god protects my soul from the vultures lurking through the night.

  I know this path to you is filled with such light to bare the coldness of such a night.

  With the sins I have committed I pray to you father to forgive me for being naive in my ways.

  I know I was lost for some time but I was found in the glory of your light and love.

  I have worked hard to live my life walking on the path of love that you have laid out for your children.

  For this night is my last and I shall take my last breath with a smile on my face knowing that I will soon get to meet you.


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