Never and Always (Emerson Book 6)

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Never and Always (Emerson Book 6) Page 16

by Maureen Driscoll

  Letty put her arm around her friend’s waist. “I know he is studying very hard and has been keeping busy by volunteering his services. I do not think he is wasting his time over there.”

  “It should not signify to me one way or another what he does. But I can’t help but think what it would be like to see him again. Despite his abominable departure from our come-out ball.”

  “It was quite abominable,” said Letty. “I am not certain why we were so cursed to fall in love with two of the most stubborn men in England, but at least we are suffering together. Well, I had better set off for the farm if I do not wish to be late.”

  “Everything will go well. I just know it.”

  Letty prayed it would be so as she left the Kellington home and set out for the house she hoped one day would be hers.

  * * *

  Robert tried not to keep looking for Letty’s arrival, though he could not really help himself. He came alive the moment he saw her, then his day turned gloomy when she left. Occasionally, he allowed himself to walk her back to the Kellingtons, knowing he would be asked to stay for supper. He enjoyed being with her too much. He dreaded the day she would eventually leave.

  He was near the stables when he was first alerted to her presence. But it wasn’t one of his stable lads who let him know. It was Fidem, who whinnied and galloped to the fence. Robert turned to find Letty approaching, her brilliant red hair glowing in the sun. But there was something different about her today. “You are wearing your riding habit,” he said like a dullard stating the obvious. “Are you going riding?”

  “We both are,” she said quietly. “It is high time you rode Fidem.”

  As if the horse could understand, Fidem nodded his head and walked up the fence line toward them.

  “Letty, I cannot.”

  “Perhaps not. But we will never know for certain until you try. He will not throw you, I am sure of it. But he is such a magnificent animal that it would be a shame if you never even tried.”

  Robert looked over at Fidem and had to admit Letty was right. He did want to ride his horse. He also wanted to do it with Letty by his side. “I may fall.”

  “Then I would help you get up. What do you say? Will you ride with me today?”

  Half an hour later, Letty was astride one of the farm’s geldings and Fidem had been saddled and was awaiting his rider. Robert had been beside the horse hundreds of times, but he had never looked so big until today.

  Three of Robert’s most trusted grooms stood by to help him mount. It would be humiliating to fall in front of them. Unfortunately, he knew Letty was used to it. He had taken a few tumbles on the Emerson land through the years. But he did not wish for his men to lose respect for him.

  Robert approached Fidem with great trepidation. He rubbed the stallion’s neck, then a groom held the reins as Robert prepared to mount. The horse looked at Robert as if to say there was nothing to worry about. Either that or he was hungry.

  Robert grabbed the horn of the saddle as one of his grooms gave him a boost while the other helped him swing his leg over the horse. He settled into the saddle with little grace. But Fidem didn’t sidle in the slightest. Robert exhaled the breath he didn’t know he had been holding as his muscles seemed to remember what was required of him from those long ago rides on Sadie. He looked over to see Letty smiling brilliantly at him.

  “Shall we go?” she asked.

  “I believe a slow walk would be best,” he said, as they began their journey.

  * * *

  They had ridden about a mile away from the stables and Letty couldn’t remember ever being this nervous. She might be making the biggest mistake of her life, but she was tired of waiting. “That was very brave of you,” she said quietly. “To risk falling in front of your men.”

  “They have seen me fall more than once. The farm does get slick with mud. But my men are loyal and more than a few have challenges of their own.” Many of his workers had been wounded in the peninsular wars, while others had been in prison for minor offenses.

  “Yes, but it was brave just the same. Most would not risk it. But both you and Fidem seem to be enjoying your ride.”

  Robert patted his horse’s neck. “I am quite certain this is the most boring ride he has ever been on. Quite frankly I am surprised he has not turned back home in sheer boredom.”

  “On the contrary, I have never seen him so proud. I believe he has waited a long time to take his master for a ride.”

  “Mayhap he knows I am responsible for introducing him to his mares.”

  “Mayhap he is just a smart horse and knows a good man when he sees one.” She looked over and caught Robert’s eye. “I know I do.”

  They looked at each other for a long moment, until Robert cleared his throat. “We should think about going back.”

  “On the contrary, I think this would be a good place to have something to eat. I packed food for both us and the horses.”

  “Letty, even if I can slide off Fidem, I sincerely doubt I shall ever be able to mount him again.”

  “Ah, but there you are wrong. There is a hill which should help you dismount and mount. I can also assist.” Before Robert could argue further, she slipped out of her saddle and slid to the ground. She tied her horse to a nearby tree, leaving plenty of rein to allow him to graze. She also gave him an apple for good measure. “Now it is your turn.”

  “Letty, this is a terrible idea.”

  But Letty had already approached Fidem and murmured to him while petting his nose. She clicked her tongue, then the horse followed her to the slope of the small hill. Letty maneuvered the horse so that Robert could dismount onto the slope. Fidem stood patiently, as if aware of the plan and approving of it. “Robert? Are you going to join me for lunch?”

  “I should be back at the farm working.”

  “You are the farm’s owner. No one will begrudge you time away to eat your lunch.” She pulled another apple out of her pocket and gave it to the grateful Fidem, who made short work of eating it.

  “You should not be bribing my horse to get what you want.”

  “I am bribing him to get us both what we need. Now, pray slide off that horse.”

  For a moment, she was afraid Robert would remain astride. She was not sure what she would do if that occurred. But then he sighed and slid off the horse, catching himself on the slope of the hill. Fidem remained motionless until Robert righted himself. Then without needing to be led, Fidem made his way to where the gelding was tethered. Letty tied off the horse far enough away from her own so the two wouldn’t fight over grass. Then she opened her saddlebags, pulling out a blanket and a cloth bag.

  “You packed as if you thought I would agree to this ride.” He reached for the bag.

  “I had no intention of allowing you to refuse.” She walked a little ahead of him, looking for the perfect spot. She had chosen the location well. They were in the hills overlooking Robert’s property, but, most importantly, the spot also afforded them privacy.

  Letty laid out the blanket, then turned to face Robert, who was admiring the view. “Now,” he said, “would you like to tell me why you brought me all the way out here?”

  “To seduce you, of course,” said Letty, as she unbuttoned her riding jacket.

  * * *

  Robert could not quite believe what was happening. The woman he had loved for years, who had made herself a part of his home and his life over the past few months, was disrobing in front of him. Her fingers trembled just the slightest and her cheeks were taking on a rosy glow, but she showed no sign of slowing as inch by inch she revealed more of the skin he had longed to see. The skin he had fantasized about during the long, lonely nights in the bed which was meant to hold a wife.

  “Letty, I do not think this is wise.”

  “Trust me, it is. Though I must warn you there will be a moment when I do not know how to proceed further. But I take it you have experience in these things?”

  “Yes. I do not keep a mistress, but I have engage
d in relations before – being careful not to expose myself to disease, of course.”

  “That was wise of you,” she said as she took off her jacket, then seemed at a loss as to where to put it. Finally, she folded it, then lay it neatly on the blanket. As she bent over, he could see the tops of her breasts under the fine silk chemise. Robert could barely keep from groaning.

  She then went to work on her skirt. “Do you wish to begin disrobing?” she asked. “I am afraid if we stay away too long, your workers may come looking for us. And I would like to spend some amount of time in our activity. I do not know much and you will have quite a job on your hands teaching me.”

  Robert was hit with the blinding pleasure of just how much he would enjoy teaching Letty about anything she wished to learn. But honor called. “Letty, we cannot do this because I will never be able to part from you if we do. And you certainly cannot be my mistress.”

  “Of course not. I will be your wife. Perhaps I should have asked you to marry me before doing this, but we can attend to that small detail later.” She let her skirt fall to the grass. “I have now reached the juncture where I shall need instruction from you. I do wish you would remove your clothes. Unless you would like me to remove them for you.”

  Robert would give anything to have Letty take his clothes off him. But once he felt her hands on him he wouldn’t last long. He couldn’t believe he was even considering this. “Letty, if we do this, we must wed.”

  “I know!” she said with a brilliant smile. “That is the point of my seduction.”

  “I do not believe your brothers would approve.”

  “I do not think you should tell them about the seduction.”

  “Believe me when I say the subject will never come up. I mean they will not approve of the marriage. I suppose the title is sufficient and the estate comes with a certain amount of wealth. But would they want their beloved sister to marry a man who can barely walk?”

  “I hate to tell you this, but I do not believe anyone in my family gives a whit about your title and I am well-dowered enough that we wouldn’t have to worry about money even if you didn’t have any. I also know that your farm is quite profitable, so we certainly will not starve. My family already holds you in great esteem. They love you. I believe they would be overjoyed to have you as a brother. All they want is my happiness. And while one person should never wholly depend on another for their well-being, I know I will be much happier with you as my husband than without.”

  “But you will never be able to dance with me. You will be the object of pity, the beautiful lady with the gimp of a husband.”

  “I will be the envy of other ladies for I will have the most wonderful husband, a handsome man who makes me laugh, who is loyal and who makes me look forward to the future. He also, and I hope I am not too presumptuous about this, loves me as I love him. Do you?”

  Robert could barely keep the tears from his eyes. “What of our children? I cannot wish this condition on any of them.”

  “There is no guarantee any child would be born healthy and whole. Nor do we know for certain if we would be blessed with them. But I do know I would love our children with my entire being, as I know you would, too. And you have not answered my question. Do you love me?”

  There was no way Robert could lie to her, even for her own good. He was tired of resisting. He was unable to keep the woman he loved at arm’s length for even one moment more. He walked to her and caught her in his arms. “Of course I love you. I knew from the first moment we met that you were kind and loving. But it has been a while now that I knew if I ever married, there was only one woman I wished for my wife. Letty, you could do so much better than I for a husband. But I will love you for the rest of my life. Please, say you will marry me.”

  “I will, my love. I will.”

  Robert had thought so much was impossible, had felt his life would be limited. Now he had hope and the love of the woman he adored.

  He was also acutely aware that she was in naught but a shift, while he was fully clothed. Perhaps coming to the same realization, Letty began to peel off his jacket.

  “Take this off,” she said.

  “With pleasure, my love.” He tore the jacket off as quickly as possible. Fortunately, it was not cut as snugly as the ones he wore in London. Her hands were untying his cravat as he undid his shirt. As he saw her look of appreciation for his chest, he was thankful that his physical exertions on the farm had shaped his upper body as much as it had. She ran her fingers down the ridges on his stomach and he caught his breath.

  He captured her hand and kissed the palm. “I do not have to disrobe entirely, though I do look forward to seeing you without that shift.”

  She held his face between her hands. “If this is your way of not letting me see your weakened leg, know that it will not work. I love all of you. Not just certain parts.” Then she looked at him with the most seductive expression imaginable. “Though I must confess there are a few parts of you I am most curious to see.”

  He kissed the palm of first her left hand, then her right. “I hope your anticipation of seeing the one helps make up for the disappointment of the other.”

  “Nothing about you disappoints me, other than you are being remarkably slow in disrobing. Would it help if I took off the rest of my clothes?” She took off her shift and for one stunned moment, Robert could not move.

  He had seen the naked female form, of course. But nothing had prepared him for this moment, seeing the love of his life without clothing and preparing to give herself to him for the first time. He had to sit on the blanket to shed the remainder of his clothes – it was always a tricky thing to take off his pants, and he really did not want to fall in front of her. Her eyes widened and for a moment, he felt the shame of his weakened leg.

  Until he realized it wasn’t his leg she was looking at.

  “Are you certain you wish to do this?” he asked her.

  “I am more than certain.”

  “And you understand there will be no going back from this point. You will have to marry me.”

  “That is rather the point, is it not? I am quite anxious to lie with you. But even more than that, I want to be your wife.”

  He was warmed to his soul by her words. “And I always thought you were sensible, Lady Leticia Emerson.”

  “I can think of nothing more sensible than lying with the man I love,” she said as she lay next to him.

  It was almost more than he could take in. He had the woman he loved – who loved him – lying next to him, her beautiful body bared to him. They were in the sun and on his land. Nothing could be better.

  He touched her cheek, then ran his fingers to her neck, then to her shoulders. His eyes feasted on her rounded breasts, even as his hand lightly touched the side of one. He was rewarded with a gasp from her. If she was this responsive to such a simple touch, he would be a very happy man.

  He lowered his head to one breast, pressing gentle kisses all around it. Finally, he could no longer resist the appeal of her raspberry colored nipple. He brought his lips down to kiss it, then gently pulled it into his mouth. She gasped and moved her body closer to his.

  Realizing just how quickly he was losing control, Robert moved his hands over her belly as he suckled on her breast. Letty was touching him wherever she could reach. He wanted her hands all over him, but knew he would never last. He moved one hand between her legs and felt her wet and warm for him. He groaned, even as he pulled his mouth from her sweet breast and rolled her onto her back.

  “Letty,” he said between kisses neither could resist. “I wish I could spend more time worshipping your body.”

  “We have a lifetime for that, do we not?” she asked, even as she moved her hands slowly down his back.

  “We do,” he said as he spread her legs, then slowly inserted first one, then two fingers inside her. She was so tight he groaned. He moved them in and out, slowly stretching her, trying to make her as ready as possible. She was moving in time with his hand
and he could feel her warmth throughout him.

  He kissed her as he removed his hand and prepared to enter her. He had never been this hard before. He had never been in love.

  He pressed into her opening, easing his way in until he felt her resistance. “Letty,” he said. “I do not know if I can hurt you like this.”

  “Hush,” she said, as she moved her hips toward him, pressing him all the way in.

  He kissed her, then slowly began to ride her, secure with her arms wrapped tightly around him. It had been more than a year since he had last had relations. And he had never had them with a woman he loved. With the woman he would love for the rest of his life.

  She matched him thrust for thrust as they stared into each other’s eyes. He felt the sun on his back and the warmth of Letty beneath him. Surely he had never been this happy, this transformed. Their rhythm increased and it was difficult to tell who had moved first. He had a feeling it would always be this way.

  Finally, as he rode her faster and faster, he felt Letty tense beneath him, then cry out with her release. A moment later he followed her into oblivion, then collapsed on top of her, sated, loved and incredibly fulfilled.

  Several moments later, when their breathing had finally returned to normal, he rolled onto his back pulling her with him. He tried to cover her with the blanket, but she wiggled up to look down at him.

  “Is it not a bit late to cover me now?”

  “I wouldn’t want you to take a chill from the wind. Besides, I find myself quite protective where you are concerned.”

  “I like being protected, though I reserve the right to do the same for you.”

  “When may I speak to your brothers?”

  “Do you really feel you must speak to all of them?”

  “Why? Do you think they will object? They should, you know. Though I am afraid I would be forced to run away with you if they said no.”

  “Colin has raised me as a father, though I am close to all my brothers and sisters, as you know.” She rubbed his chest for a moment, then spoke again. “Shall we tell your parents? I am quite willing to meet them, though I will be hard pressed not to strike your father.”


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