Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 3

by Maxwell Avoi

  It wasn’t to be; Todd had some staying power but there’s only so much that a guy can do when he’s being enthusiastically fucked by a woman who looked like me. Shortly after my second climax I felt Todd’s whole body start to clench as his breath changed from panting to sharp bursts, and then he gave a strangled cough as he came hard inside me.

  I held him close when he collapsed, and like before he just slipped right off to sleep. This time, though, I didn’t leave him there. I just settled a blanket over the top of both of us and held onto him, my heavy breasts pressed against him as I allowed the pleasure to relax me. I would have more chances to learn more, but for now I knew my name and where I had lived. The thought carried me into the dark, and I slept without dreaming in Todd’s arms.

  I woke up to find him hard against my leg. “Uh, sorry,” he whispered. “It’s like an early-morning sort of thing.”

  I didn’t want to tell him that I knew precisely what he was talking about. Memories of morning wood made me blush but we were underneath a comforter and it was too dark for him to see. I hoped. “It’s okay,” I said, speaking just as quietly. “In fact, I can think of a good way to put it to use.”

  We did, and without too much more convincing on my part. Todd was still nervous about me but the erection and the close proximity of a naked woman who looked like me went a long way toward smoothing over any problems.

  I came again, just as hard as last time, and I wondered if I was ever going to have a mediocre orgasm while wearing this body. I figured that I wouldn’t, was kind of glad, and then I settled back to wait for the rush of memory. I wasn’t disappointed. There was another building this time, a taller office-style structure, and I realized that I worked there. Or at least, I had worked there in my male life. I saw the address and everything, just like before.

  Todd kissed me before he got up to head for the shower. I watched him go, wrestling with the conflict between my body’s desires for him and my straight-male mind’s wish to do anything but be near another naked guy. I thought about just leaving, heading to the office building, but I realized that I had a lot of the same problems that I’d had the night before. I’d given Todd his credit card back so there was no way for me to actually get there unless I walked. A quick analysis of the address compared to Todd’s told me that it would be way too far to do that. I would have to find out more and then see if I could borrow a car or get a bus pass or something. At least a woman who looked like me had an easier time of convincing others to do things for her.

  When Todd came out of the bathroom he found me standing there, still naked, smiling. I approached him, putting as much sexy sway in my hips as I could given my limited practice over the last couple of days, and then gave him the kind of kiss that…yep, he immediately got hard again, though not the rock-hardness that he’d displayed earlier. He still needed time to charge up.

  “Don’t you dare put your clothes back on,” I said, tapping him on the nose before heading into the bathroom for my own shower.

  The shower was rough. I was still unsteady on my tiny feet, and adding slick shower tile to that equation wasn’t the best thing for my equilibrium. I managed, though, and scrubbed off the accumulated layers of the last day or two. Now that I thought about it, in fact, it might have been even longer than that since I’d showered; I had no real memory of what had happened to me before waking up on that park bench.

  I suppose that some guys would have done the movie thing and given themselves a slow, sensual wash with plenty of pauses on the boobs and ass, but I just went with a businesslike scrub. I was growing used to this body, and while it was still arousing when I thought about it, it was also just my body.

  Todd was sitting on the bed when I came back out, and I was both delighted and horrified to see that he was still naked. I fought down the horrified part of me and joined him on the bed, determined to both have fun and regain every memory that I could.

  Todd wasn’t ready for actual, serious sex, but he was more than happy to explore my body. I did the same to him, clamping down on my inner guy and letting my tiny hands find their way to sensitive spots. It was difficult, since I had a lot more sensitive spots than he did and I was much easier to distract with them. Soon I was on my back, gasping, my hips bucking slowly as he kept worshiping me. The touch of his lips on my nipples was light lightning, and when he rubbed against my pussy I moaned. “Mmm, yes,” I said, my voice low and purring in the back of my throat.

  Then he slid his fingers inside of me and I gasped, angling my hips to give him better access without thinking about it. He curled his fingers, stimulating something inside of me that I hadn’t even known existed, and by that time my super-charged body was in no mood to simply let me coast. I came, curling up against myself and squealing softly as I did so. I trapped his hand between my legs, and he kept curling his fingers inside me as I came. I thought that I would never stop; I saw stars.

  Then I saw a man that I recognized. He had a cruel smile, and I knew his name. It was Teren, and somehow I knew that he was my boss.

  I also knew that he was responsible for my current condition. Right then I could barely be upset by the knowledge; it just felt so damn good. I surprised myself by kissing Todd without thinking about it, without considering it as a tactical move to get him even more on my side. I just kissed the man who’d brought me that kind of pleasure, and then I smiled at him.

  He smiled back and leaned on his arm, propping himself up to give me an all-over inspection that my body and hormones, at least, really appreciated. I shivered. He said, “So what are we going to do about today?”

  I blinked. “What about today?”

  He shook his head and looked sad for a moment. He pulled it together and gave me a fragile smile. “You still don’t know who you are, do you.”

  Of course I did. I even knew my address. “Well…no. But Todd, I…I was just having so much fun with you, I want to just stay.”

  “Well, I can’t argue with that,” he said. I glanced down at him and saw that he was starting to harden again, and his words made me smile. “But we should really contact the authorities about you. Someone’s going to be wondering where you are.”

  I sighed and settled back on my shoulder blades. “I doubt it, if they let me get away.”

  He smiled. “There’s no chance that a woman like you isn’t missed somewhere.”

  I felt a sudden, irrational surge of tenderness at his words, and I rolled over to press the length of my amazing body against him. “The only person I want to be missed by now is you.”

  It turned out that we could couple when lying on our sides, facing each other. It was slow and soft this time, with no hint of fury, and my body seemed to understand that. We came together, and the quiet power of it was like being lifted by a swell in the ocean. I clung to him like he was my only hope of survival, and for a long time we were wordless as our bodies took over.

  In the midst of all of it, unbidden, another memory came to me. Teren wasn’t just my boss. He was…he was my teacher? That word didn’t seem right. No. He was my master. I had angered him, or irritated him, and…and that was all I got that time. What the hell? What did master even mean? It was right there in my mind just like my name was now, but it didn’t really connect to anything. How could he have done something like this? How could anyone?

  It was going to be a while before I found out again. Todd was asleep in my arms once more, and I figured that he had a good idea, so I dozed off as well. His head was pillowed on one of my enormous breasts, and I was careful to turn so that he wouldn’t accidentally smother during our little nap.

  It was not a thought that I would have ever had in my real life. I added it to the list.

  This time I dreamed. I dreamed that I was racing through a labyrinth, hitting dead end after dead end, and Teren’s cruel face was hovering over the whole scene like an irritated moon. It went on forever.

  Finally I woke and I found that I was alone in bed. I listened for noises and heard him
moving around in the next room. I got up and stretched, surprised that it was so late in the morning. I’d been more tired than I’d thought.

  I figured that I didn’t have a whole lot else to remember, so now I had to figure out how to get away from Todd and get to Teren so that this curse or whatever could be reversed. The thought set off a surge of deep sorrow that surprised me, but I clamped down on it. Whatever had happened, I had to get back to normal.

  Didn’t I?

  I went out into the kitchen wearing only my panties, and I smiled when Todd’s eyes widened at the sight. Acting like nothing was happening, I went over and sat at the table, my heavy breasts bouncing off of each other. I was getting used to the sensation and I was surprised at how normal it all felt. I had only been a woman for a day or two but in some ways I felt as though I had been one for years. The awkwardness of my steps had faded, and I walked confidently.

  “So what’s for breakfast?” I said. Even my voice no longer threw me; I didn’t have that half-heartbeat of hesitation that I’d had since learning the truth. It was just my voice.

  “Uh, eggs,” he said. “That was all I could, um…”

  I grinned at him and then stretched, leaning back in my chair and linking my hands above my head. He stopped talking entirely, his eyes even wider.

  “Eggs sound good,” I said.

  Once Todd got used to the idea of a major wet dream sitting naked in his kitchen, he turned out to be a pretty good cook. He slid half the eggs onto a plate that he put in front of me, and then he sat down with the rest across the table. I shook my head, smiled, and stood up. I slid my plate in his direction, making them clink together, and then I made my way over to him. I didn’t walk, exactly; that wasn’t the right word for the smooth way that my hips swung. At my insistence he pushed his chair away from the table so that I could settle in his lap, pressed firmly against him. Todd wore boxers and a t-shirt, so it wasn’t skin to skin, but I still liked the feel of him.

  By the time that I was done feeding him and myself, he was rock-hard again. He seemed a bit embarrassed about it, but I didn’t let him stammer out more than half of an apology before reaching down to grasp him with one small hand. I put my finger up against my lush lips and said, “Shh. Time for dessert.”

  I knew right away that the chair wasn’t going to hold us both up during anything enthusiastic, so I took him to the couch instead. Part of me was still railing against this in the back of my head, but I had bedded Todd quite a few times now and I hadn’t died. I could do this, and it all felt amazing thanks to the way that my body had been changed around me. I didn’t hesitate to push him down onto the couch and then work his boxers off before climbing back onto his lap. I straddled him and hugged him close as he slid into me. I was wet, of course, as I always seemed to be now, and there was no resistance at all. I was even used to the feeling of him stretching me now, and I welcomed the sensation with more than just hormone-driven desire; I really liked it. I figured that I would even miss it when I went back to normal, but not enough to stay the way that I was.

  I sighed as I felt the pleasure start up again; I could feel it in the back of my teeth as much as any other part of my body, tingling and soft and powerful. Somewhere in the middle of all of it, the silent storm and savage peace, I thought, “Maybe I could get used to this.”

  Then I came, and I had a vision of the final chunk of memory.

  I stood before Teren and he had that disapproving look on his face. Then he sighed and shook his head, the stern features turning soft. “Are you sure about this, Shane?” he said. “There are many things that I could teach you yet.”

  “Would this stop you from doing that?” I said. I felt my male voice in my head just as I heard it in my ears, and I was faintly surprised to find it as alien as Sherry’s had once been.

  He sighed again and stood, approaching me. The menace was gone, and I saw now that it had only been there in my mind; I hadn’t remembered the situation, and I had misinterpreted his reaction to my choice as anger. But what had my choice been?

  “I’ve needed this all my life,” I said. “It’s why I came to you.”

  He nodded and said, “I know. You’ve done well in your studies, and I’m proud to call you my apprentice. You must understand that it must be done in a certain way. A woman’s magic is different from a man’s, particularly in the erotic arts. What I’ve taught you…this spell will change it so that you can use your powers again, but it will take time. There is no way to be sure what other effects will take hold. I can make sure that you’re safe but that will be all I can do. You will change and you will find your soulmate.”

  I nodded and said, “Please, master. It’s all that I’ve wanted since I learned that magic was real.”

  He took my face in both of his slim hands and said, “Then I wish you all the best, my apprentice. Good luck, and I hope that someday you and I can talk about this.”

  Then he leaned forward and kissed me, and I felt ungodly pleasure that had no mortal analogue engulf me. It was ecstasy, the kind that caused transformation, and I felt my mind tearing away even as my body shifted around me.

  Then there was darkness, and then I was on a park bench and Todd was walking up to me to see if I was all right.

  I surfaced from the vision, blinking, and I found Todd staring at me. “Sherry?” he said. “Are you…are you all right?”

  I stared into his eyes as my mind adjusted to the reality around me. I had always wanted to be a woman. I had apprenticed myself to a magician in the hopes of living out my dream. The change had driven memory from my head, but the pleasure had brought it back. “Todd,” I whispered. “I know who I am.”

  He swiveled his head to the side a bit, as if afraid that he was going to have to roll with a punch. “…good?” he said.

  I grinned at him, sudden desire flooding me. I knew now that the need for him wasn’t just from my body; it was part of my magic, the erotic magic that I had learned from Teren. It had taken a while to change into feminine power, but now I could access it as well as I ever could. I said, “I think that you’re going to like what I’ve learned.”

  I leaned in and gave him a kiss, this time feeling it with my heart as well as my mind. In the middle of it I sent a surge of power into Todd, and I felt him harden inside of me. He gasped and stared at me, and I grinned. “Don’t you know what to do with a beautiful woman?” I said, eager to start my new life for real.

  Christmas Joy

  Christmas is a favorite time for a lot of people, and I usually enjoyed it, but the Christmas of 2010 was difficult for me to appreciate. I didn’t have many close relatives, and I had lost the last one, my mother, in March of that year. She had gotten sick in February, and by the time St. Patrick’s Day rolled around the complications had been enough to overcome her will to live. I was glad that she’d gone in her sleep, and that I’d been there to say goodbye, but it made for a hell of a lonely Christmas season. I’d never known my dad and had no siblings. I was across the country from any other family and what few friends I had were gone for the season to be with their families.

  I knew that the statistics about Christmas suicides were bullshit but when I looked around my empty apartment I could understand why that particular myth had taken hold. Now that the semester was over I didn’t even have classes to distract me from my loneliness.

  That morning was three days before Christmas and I just sat and read until ten o’clock rolled around, when I put my book away and bundled up to head to a nearby homeless shelter. I had found that volunteering at Open Arms was one of the few ways that I could get some reliable human contact. If this was a movie, there would have been a quiet, shy girl there who’d be a real beauty when she took off her glasses, and I’d rescue her from a mugger or something and we’d fall in love. This wasn’t a movie, so nothing like that had happened. Instead I dealt with tired, often surly people who had more problems than me. It had its high points, though, and there were always those people who made it worthwh

  One of my favorites was Jingle Mary. She was a tall, regal homeless woman who carried herself like a queen. She was called Jingle Mary for the multitude of tiny bells that she’d sewn into her clothes. Like many homeless, she wore all the clothes she owned, and every article had at least a dozen bells sewn into it. She was always kind to others, with a ready smile and a rich laugh. I often felt guilty at the thought of someone who had nothing and who was so happy while I had much more and was often sunk in misery. Jingle Mary didn’t seem to mind, though, and she usually had something unusual to discuss with me. The woman was happy and queen like, but she had a few bolts loose.

  She was at her best around Christmas. A week before she’d started talking about Santa’s helpers, both the people who worked at the mall and the elves from the stories. In her opinion, the men at the mall were Santa’s real helpers and the elves were hogwash. “He’s quite the hardest-working man I’ve met,” she’d said, her nose slightly elevated. “Does it all himself, you know, with little in the way of thanks or comfort.”

  It would be a busy day; there were a lot of people trying to escape the cold front that was moving in. It was bringing a lot of snow with it and I suspected that the shelter would be overcrowded at the end of the day.

  I was right. It wasn’t quite bedlam by the time I got there but it was close, and it just got worse as the day wore on and the chilly afternoon turned to a frigid evening. I worked hard, distributing clothes and blankets as fast as I could, and I was thankful for the work to distract me from my own problems.

  I was taking my first break of the day and eating some potato soup when I heard a familiar tinkling noise. I looked up and saw Jingle Mary standing beside the table, staring down her nose at me as if I’d cut a fart in the company of diplomats. I wasn’t offended; that was her usual look when she wasn’t smiling or laughing. She said, “Hello, Dane, is this seat beside you taken, by any chance?”


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