Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 20

by Maxwell Avoi

  He slipped his hand beneath my skirt and my panties as if he had his own private map. He started stroking the smooth, soft lips he found down there and I closed my eyes and moaned. I was totally transported by the feeling but when he slipped a finger in I opened my eyes wide and gasped so loudly that it was closer to a yelp. No matter how horny I was or how much the curse did to me, nothing could have prepared me for the feeling of someone’s fingers inside me. It all felt very real and immediate all of a sudden, but no matter how much I wanted to I couldn’t stop either one of us. I couldn’t even make the barest whisper of protest.

  He started to run his finger in and out of me, joining it with two more as he went, and the pleasure took over. He found one of my giant nipples and sucked it between his lips before nibbling on it. I heard myself whisper, “Yes!”

  He pulled back to fumble at his belt and I frantically tore one of the condoms open. He hesitated at the sight. I said, “No glove no love, baby,” and immediately felt dirty. Even that turned me on, though, and by that time I was panting with need. My true form was no longer a factor; nothing mattered but my desire. He finally got his cock out and while it was nothing special I got even hotter at the sight of it. Carol had mentioned that being around just one guy would intensify the longing and I was living proof that she was right.

  I braced myself and spread my legs as wide as I could, bracing against the cold vinyl seat. He rolled the condom on before pushing my panties out of the way and then pushing into me. I moaned deeply as he went in, and then I was playing with my own tits as he bucked against me. The sensations overwhelmed me, shorting out all comprehension of anything but the pleasure. I could feel it building up and up inside me.

  My first female climax was a time for screaming and helpless moans as I scratched his back with my longer nails. I could barely control myself, forcing myself to keep my head well away from him so that I wouldn’t be tempted to bite, but that took all my concentration as the white-hot ecstasy rolled over me again and again, so intense that I could barely see. I think he stiffened and came at some point but I was so wrapped up in my own pleasure that I couldn’t tell.

  I finally calmed down but I was still in the mood. And, young man that he was, so was he. As much as I wanted to try other positions there wasn’t a hell of a lot of room in the car for anything that creative. We had to content ourselves with the knowledge that I was unutterably hot and ready for him. There was no hesitation from me at all this time; the pleasure had knocked all reticence out of me. I enthusiastically wrapped my legs around him, bucking as hard as he was and urging him on with breathless gasps and entreaties. At that point I couldn’t have stopped on a bet and I was rewarded by mounting pleasure from his magical cock.

  It hit me like something from the Old Testament, driving my breath from me as I clenched around him with every muscle that I had at my command. I screamed when I could finally draw breath. His answering cry when he released into me was just as loud. I don’t know what the passerby thought was going on but by the way the car was rocking by that time they probably had a good idea.

  Daniel or Luke collapsed on me, panting, and it wasn’t long before I heard him snore slightly. I rolled him off of me, making a popping noise when he disengaged, and I got my bra and my top back on with a little effort. I considered leaving the bra off but I figured that a girl with a rack like mine needed all the help she could get. I didn’t relish the idea of my tits bouncing around unbound for however long I was going to be female.

  Now that I was sated I could think straight again. I carefully withdrew from Luke (I remembered his name, finally) and snuck out of the car. I forced myself not to think about what just happened; there would be time enough to contemplate the situation later. I wished I’d asked Carol how long after sex the change took place.

  As it turned out, not long at all. Now that the heat was gone I felt a swelling coolness filling my body, the opposite of the insidious heat that signaled the lust that led to my recent encounter in Luke's back seat. Between the time I realized that it was there and the time that I started to change, I barely had time to duck down between a pair of cars in the parking lot. I was just lucky that no one saw me and that I was able to keep my feet during the entire process.

  It sucked, don’t get me wrong. Radical alteration of everything about my body and clothing in the space of something like thirty seconds was not my idea of a good time but at least I didn’t fall over. Parking lots in bars are gross. Those kinds of thoughts distracted me from the enormity of my new life situation. I felt that I’d been a bit passive about the whole thing, just letting myself go with the flow, and I vowed that I would do the research to fix this curse starting tomorrow.

  I didn’t go back into the club. My clothing had changed with me but I still didn’t have my wallet or cell phone. I figured that it was just easier to go wait in the car, which is where I eventually fell asleep.

  Joe woke me up about a half hour later as he climbed in, and we drove home without another word. When we finally got home, we went inside and headed for our respective rooms. I stopped before closing the door and said, “I’m going to find a way to break this thing.”

  Joe sighed and said, “I really wish you’d just let it go. I know it’s not, like, optimal, but it’s dangerous to mess with. The only person I know who really tried to break it was my uncle Don.”

  “What happened?”

  “He’s aunt Donna full-time now. On the plus side, she looks like she hasn’t aged in twenty years.”

  I swallowed. “Still, I have to try.”

  He nodded. “I understand, I guess. I’m used to it by now. If you decide to accept things, let me know. I make really good money from my clients, and I know you could too.”

  “I, ah…thanks? I guess? I don’t really want to think about that right now, though, you know?”

  He nodded. “I can understand that. Well, good night.”


  The next day after my classes were over I started hitting the books. I had never researched anything as hard as I researched that damn curse. I went all out, until it felt as though I had two majors. Fortunately my actual major was simple enough since I’d done so much studying anyway, so I didn’t lose any ground as I spent hours learning how to break a curse.

  Information on curses wasn’t very easy to find. Or rather, it was easy to find but hard to distinguish between what was real and what was made-up. Even a lot of the stuff that was supposed to be real did precisely nothing, as I found when I consulted with a couple of the anthropology professors about primitive cultures. Earnest belief in something wasn’t enough. I started finding really odd little nooks on the Internet, forums full of people who posted stuff that made no sense but that they insisted was the real deal.

  And of course a week after my first remembered change I found myself becoming Deanna again. Joe had been scarce that week, so it wasn’t until I had changed completely that I found out that he was still male. Apparently our changes didn’t synch up exactly so I was forced to be Deanna in front of him while he stayed male. I was more embarrassed than anything else. For some reason it was worse to have him watching me with male eyes than it had been when he was in the same boat. “What happened?” I said.

  He put his hands up in surrender. “Beats me. I’m not an expert in this stuff, you know? I changed and went out last night.”

  “Lived with it for what, however old you are and all your ancestors before you and you’re not an expert? The hell, Joe?”

  “Do you really want to take the time to argue about this right now?”

  I sighed and his eyes flickered to my monumental chest for a moment. “Yeah, yeah, get an eyeful. And no, I guess I don’t care right his second. So what do I do now?”

  He coughed and blushed a little, and I said, “No, no way. I mean, I’m sure you’re a nice guy and everything, but-“

  “Okay, okay, geez,” he said, waving his hand. “Yeah, Joe, you’re a nice guy, but you’re not for
me. I know. Okay, look, if you want, I have something set up for you.”

  “Something? What do you mean?”

  “One of, you know, my clients. He has a younger brother, and I thought since Deanna looks a little younger than Carol, that maybe you wouldn’t mind…”

  I wanted to protest but I shut up and thought instead. “I don’t really have a choice, do I.”

  “Well, you don’t have to go with him, but he’s offered a pretty good price for the night, and-“

  “What are you, a pimp?”

  He rolled his eyes and I felt a little ashamed. Joe was in the same situation I was even if he wasn’t showing it right then. “No, I’m just setting something up that you might appreciate since you don’t have a lot of choice.”

  “Okay, okay, look, I’m sorry. What about this guy?”

  “Well, his name’s Albert, he’s about nineteen, and his brother says that Albert’s never been with a girl. So we thought that it might be a good setup for both of you.”

  “His brother’s paying?”

  Joe nodded. “He’ll give you the money when you get there. Albert doesn’t know that you’re being paid, though, and everyone would like to keep it that way. Cool?”

  I shrugged, bouncing. “Sure. Lead the way, I guess. Sorry about the pimp thing.”

  He nodded. “I know it’s not easy.”

  “No, but it’s getting easier to wrap my head around, and that’s not a good thing in my book.”

  He led me to the car, and we pulled out. As we merged into traffic, something occurred to me. “I’m not going to get, you know…turned on by you, since we’re in the car together. Right?”

  He shook his head. “Not if I drive quickly.”

  “…oh.” I settled back into my seat, my arms crossed under my tits, and stared out the window. I felt the heat building inside me again and I didn’t want to have to resort to using Joe to fix it.

  “Got enough condoms?” he said after a while.

  “Yes. Also kinda freaked out that this has become a legit topic of conversations between us.”

  “Sorry dude.” He smiled a little. It was a cute smile, and I found myself looking at him with interest. Sure, he was very very average, but there was nothing wrong with average. He was actually sort of cute.

  I realized what I was doing and looked away. I didn’t want to sleep with Joe. I didn’t want to sleep with any man but the curse was insistent. My magnificent body was just forced to want sex and that was all there was to it.

  Joe got us to our destination before I felt the need to tear my clothes off and go after him in the car. The house was a big one, in one of the nicer parts of town, and I said, “Wow. So, this guy must pay pretty well, huh?”

  He glanced over at me. “I thought you didn’t want to talk about it.”

  “Well, I mean…you know, we’re here , so I guess I might as well think about it, right? Since it’s going to happen whether I want it to or not.”

  He nodded. “Okay, yeah, he usually pays pretty well. Since he’s, you know, renting you for his brother, I dunno if you’ll get more or less or what.”

  “Renting. Wow.”

  “Well? Anyway, just don’t let him know that you’d do it for free and you’ll be fine.”

  I sighed and got out, making sure that my tits were settled correctly and my skirt covered my ass. Being female took a lot more consideration than being a man. Joe and I went up the steps and were greeted by a tall, toned guy who immediately made my internal heat ratchet up a degree or two.

  “Hey, you Carol’s brother?” he said. He wasn’t truly interested in the answer, instead staring at me and letting his gaze travel the length of my body.

  “Yeah, I’m Joe, and this is Deanna.”

  “I’m Tate. And I had no idea that when Carol said she had a friend, she meant that she had the hottest friend I’d ever seen.” He whistled at me, and I was simultaneously embarrassed and turned on by the attention. I looked down to break his gaze and saw that I was blushing a bit, my upper chest turning a delicate pink. I was breathing faster, too, with predictable results.

  “Come on in,” said Tate. He turned and led the way, leaving us to follow. I watched him walk, hypnotized. I was warm by then, the signs of arousal starting to make themselves known. I disliked them, hated them, but they were stronger than I was.

  Tate led me to a bedroom door and stopped in front of it. “Now look, Deanna, he’s eighteen as of two days ago, and he’s never been with a girl. Show him a good time, huh?”

  I half-forced a smile and said, “Hey, it’s what I do.”

  He held up a folded wad of cash and tucked it into my cleavage. I didn’t check to see how much it was. It honestly didn’t matter; I was going to screw this Albert guy no matter whether his brother paid me or not. The tickle from Tate’s fingers sliding over the delicate skin of my inner breasts made me coo a little and I blushed. He grinned. “Joe my man,” he said, still staring at my tits, “Let’s go shoot some pool while she shows Al a good time, huh?”

  With that he swatted me on the ass and opened the door at the same time. I uttered a little squeak and stumbled slightly as I went in. I closed the door behind me before looking around.

  It was more of a suite than a bedroom so it took a little searching to find the bed, but when I did I stopped and stared. It was the biggest bed I’d ever seen and sitting on it was one of the biggest human beings I’d ever seen.

  Albert wasn’t fat, though he was slightly pudgy. He was just built on a scale larger than the normal human being. He was six-eight if he was an inch, hairy and heavily muscled, and he had the classic Neanderthal brow. His face looked as if it had been constructed out of slabs and his brown eyes glittered at me. He wore a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, both of which were stretched tight over his powerful frame.

  I was both frightened and turned on. Normally in the presence of a guy like this I would have ducked my head and tried to look as inoffensive as possible but this time I felt a deep surge of desire shoot through me. These weren’t normal times.

  He just stared at me, mouth slightly open, and I wondered if he was challenged somehow.

  “Are you Albert?” I said.

  He nodded. “Hi,” he whispered.

  I went over and sat next to him. He was so tense that he was thrumming. It took me a few seconds to understand the expression on his brutish face: it wasn’t lust, it was fear. I said, “I’m Deanna. I heard you just had a birthday.”

  He nodded. “Eight…eighteenth.”

  “You’re awfully big for eighteen, Albert. I’m here because I thought you might want me to help you celebrate.”

  He brows lowered dangerously. “Tate bought you.”

  I blinked. “What? No, I-“

  He waved his hand, big enough to palm a basketball. “Whatever. I don’t need your charity or his.”

  Well, I had to do something quick. The sight, sound, and even smell of him did something to me, reached right past my thinking brain and down into the lizard parts that were concerned with survival and fucking.

  I did the only thing I could think of: I reached into my cleavage and fished around for the money that Tate had given me. I had huge tits and deep cleavage, so it took a bit of fishing. Albert watched me the whole time, mouth slightly open, and his eyes widened when I finally pulled the cash out. I showed it to him and said, “I didn’t ask for this. Your brother gave it to me when I came in.” I tossed the cash to the side, wincing mentally but far more concerned with having his cock than the money.

  He looked down at the bills and then up at me, something new surfacing in his eyes. “Really?”

  I saw the gentle spirit there, the bruised hopes and the desire, and everything in me responded to it at once. My belly heated up as slickness and fire traced down between my legs, and my nipples hardened until they could cut glass. “Really.”

  He sat back down. “Um. Okay, well…what do we…I’ve never…”

  I sat down next to him and said, “How
about both of us take off our shirts?”

  He clicked his mouth closed and widened his eyes, and I giggled. I reached down and pulled my tank top up, then tossed it to the floor when it was off. He stared at my chest, at the way that my nipples tented the cups of my bra, and he swallowed. I said, “Now you, and then it’s my turn again. I have more up top than you.”

  He blushed and stammered until I thought that I was going to have to simply tear his shirt off his body, but finally he pulled it off. His torso was just as hairy as the rest of him. I slid my fingers up and down his deep chest. The muscles that the shirt promised were delivered indeed; I was starting to see that he didn’t have much pudge after all, that all his extra weight was in heavy slabs of muscle instead. I said, “Wow. Are you sure you’re eighteen?”

  He blushed a little and I giggled. He said, “Yeah, I just kind of had a growth spurt and never really stopped, and hnah.”

  His last word came from the sight of me undoing my bra and tossing it next to my shirt. I smiled at him, my enormous breasts bobbing and jiggling every time I moved, and his eyes bulged. I gathered up the condoms that had fallen out and put them to the side. I said, “And you’ve really never been with a girl?”

  He shook his head, his deep voice strangled. “They all say I’m…I’m ugly.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I don’t think so. I think you’re just different. And definitely strong, and you know why that’s a good thing right now?”


  I whispered as if imparting a secret. “’Cause I have huge tits.” I giggled again. “And if you’re gonna play with them, you’re gonna have to be able to lift them. I think you’re strong enough to do that, don’t you?”

  I pulled my shoulders back and proudly presented the tits in question to him, and after only a moment’s hesitation he rested his broad hand on one. His touch was like lightning, though much more gentle than his brutish appearance implied. A tiny moan of pleasure drifted from my lips and he stopped immediately. “Am I hurting you?”


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