Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 23

by Maxwell Avoi

  All thoughts of the rest of the party faded from his mind. Jamie had no idea what to expect; as with so many other things, a lap dance fell under the heading of “things he’d never done.” He considered for a moment that he was walking into a situation that he didn’t understand with a woman he’d never met before. The stray thought was immediately tackled, tied up, and thrown into a vault somewhere in his mind by the rest of his brain. It went quietly.

  Miss Stacy opened up a door in the back behind the stages. Jamie expected to find a small room with a chair or two, perhaps something like a glass of scotch or some candles given the class level of the rest of the club. He was surprised to find a short hallway with another series of doors. Miss Stacy stopped at the first one, gave him a smile, and said, “Are you ready for a wonderful birthday, hon?”

  “I, ah…”

  She patted his shoulder. His nerves shot an explosive burst into the rest of his body at her touch, and he felt himself stiffen even more. “It’s okay, honey,” she said. “Just relax and let it happen, and you’ll be fine.”

  Her voice was sensual and reassuring at the same time in a way that Jamie had never heard before. The tiny thought locked in the vault struggled again, but the other parts of his brain kicked at its prison until it quieted down again.

  When she unlocked the door he was surprised to find that the room beyond was nothing like what he’d expected. It was more like the living room of a small apartment. She reached out for him again and took his hand, pulling him toward a doorway in the rear of the apartment, and suddenly he found himself in a bedroom next to a bed so large that it barely left any space for them to stand. Everything smelled fresh and clean, with an overlay of Stacy’s personal smoky scent.

  She turned to him and said, “I thought that a twenty-first birthday might call for something more than just a lap dance, hon. They’re so…impersonal sometimes, don’t you think?”

  “I…ah…” Jamie wished that he could think of something else to say but his language skills appeared to have been locked up in the same vault as his caution.

  Miss Stacy stepped closer to him, making it hard for him to breathe as she brought her hands up to his chest. She ran them up and down the front of his shirt, finally reaching the bottom edge and pushing underneath so that she could stroke the bare skin. Jamie felt as if he was incredibly drunk though the rum and Coke from earlier was the only bit of alcohol he’d ingested since the start of his party. He also felt strangely focused, as if he could see beneath her skin. Frozen between the two extremes, he wasn’t sure what to do next.

  Miss Stacy had some idea. She pulled his shirt off over unresisting arms and then started to kiss at his torso and belly with lips that felt like fire. Jamie groaned softly, harder than he had ever been before in his life. He groaned even louder when she stood again, the top of her head coming to his chin, and undid the costume that she wore by releasing a catch at her throat.

  She let the material slide down in stages, first revealing her flawless shoulders and then her giant breasts, then her toned but sleek belly, and finally the hips that had filled his mind with their song mere moments ago. The promise of the costume went partially unfulfilled; she wore underwear, though it was just as diaphanous as the rest. Jamie wasn’t disappointed. There was so much to see that he didn’t know where to look, and when she took his hand to press to her belly he found that there was just as much to touch.

  He hesitantly moved his hand upward, the way that she had, until he cupped one breast through the material of her bra. He was gentle, caught in a mire of fear and desire without knowing precisely how far she wanted to take this. When she reached behind herself with nimble arms and undid the bra, he felt it loosen and the weight of her breast fill his hand at the same time. He had never imagined that it would be so soft and warm, and he squeezed almost by reflex. She giggled, the muscles of her chest moving under his hand. Jamie allowed the bra to fall away, her bare skin at last filling his cupped palm. He froze when she gasped at the touch of his thumb on one hard nipple.

  “Sorry,” he said, cursing his lack of eloquence.

  “It’s okay, hon,” she said. “It felt nice, that’s all. I think you’ll find that it’s hard to go wrong with me. It’s just how I’m made.”

  “Well that’s good, ‘cause I have no idea what I’m doing.”

  “Feels like you’re doing fine.”

  Stacy let him fondle her breasts as she undid his belt, eventually letting his pants slide off of him. Finally they were dressed in the same way, with just the lower items still on, though she still wore her halo and that choker with the amulet. At her gentle insistence, Jamie let her lead him down, onto the bed, and they simply explored each other for a while. He was amazed at the flawless nature of her skin and body; he looked everywhere that he could think to, and he never found the slightest imperfection. She seemed to enjoy it as well, her breath coming faster as he touched and stroked her until she was gasping lightly.

  Finally she took his hand and slid it down her belly into her panties. She guided his fingers to the slickness and heat. “That’s…that’s my clit, it…OH touch it just like that, Jamie, yes, please, just like that,” she whispered, her voice going lower as he did as she asked. He moved his fingertip in a circle, around and around the hood until the nub itself was exposed and he could touch that. One of his fingers went inside her, also, the way paved with her juices, and he froze again for a moment. She seemed to welcome it, her gasps semi-muffled by his hair.

  Stacy nibbled at his earlobe and kissed his neck, her lips still just as hot, and just when he thought that he was going to pass out from sheer drunken desire she stiffened against him. Her entire marvelous body flexed at once, her hips slamming into him, and his fingers suddenly became even wetter as she gave voice to a series of tiny cries. Her body bucked against him again and again, and when it finally stopped she hugged him close.

  “Thank you Jamie. It’s your turn, though, honey.”

  Later Jamie couldn’t remember how he’d gotten his boxers off. Her panties came off in one swift movement, traveling the length of her spectacular legs as if by magic. He had never been with a woman before but some things are simply instinctual; she spread her legs and he fumbled himself into her, thrusting deep as she sighed with apparent pleasure. At that moment he didn’t care whether she was faking any of it, or what was going to happen without protection; he simply exploded, emptying himself into her in a geyser that felt as if it came from his toes. It had never been so powerful for him before and for a moment he lost track of where he was or why.

  Miss Stacy held him as he came down, and then she surprised him with a kiss on the lips. He was surprised that he could still be surprised, but she short-circuited the loop by kissing him again. He joined in hesitantly, and she taught him more about kissing in the next five minutes than he’d ever imagined was possible. By the time he came up for air he learned that he was hard again, and by that time his ability to be surprised had joined his caution and his eloquence in the vault.

  Jamie lasted longer the second time, as the day ticked down to the end of his birthday. Stacy was as talented with sex as she was with kissing, varying her internal and external movements with consummate skill as she stoked his pleasure higher and higher.

  They came together the second time, just a few seconds before midnight, and he rode the pleasure down into darkness as the strength left his arms and he collapsed on top of her.

  Strange dreams chased him out of sleep. He had been drifting in a deep, warm place for a long time before it gradually turned to images of sex of all kinds. The strange part wasn’t that the men involved a;; had his face but they were all desperately fucking him. He seemed more than capable of accommodating and happy to comply with their desires, each of them bringing him to a height of pleasure that he hadn’t known before. The dreams went on and on, often with multiple partners, but all of them were men. Finally the essential weirdness of it all made him wake up.

  He loo
ked up at an unfamiliar ceiling and worked out that he was still in Miss Stacy’s apartment. Her dark hair drifted across his face, and he brushed it back.

  That was when he realized the start of his problems. His hand and arm had changed, becoming smaller, their bones finer. His arm brushed against an obstruction on his chest, as well, something heavy and soft that shouldn’t have been there. He raised his head, wincing when his hair pulled at his scalp; it was caught under something,

  Soon he realized that it was caught under his own shoulders, which shouldn’t have been possible. He had other things on his mind, though. Sitting pooled on his chest was a very large, very familiar pair of breasts. Their dark nipples were tall and hard, sitting proudly on their quivering bases. Jamie opened his mouth to say something, to shriek, anything, but nothing came out at first.

  He took a deep breath, watching with unbelieving eyes as his new breasts rose, and then he cried out in a voice that was nothing like his own. He did it again, a distant part of him aware that his new voice was decidedly feminine. It made sense, said that tiny piece of logic, because of the breasts.

  Panic was in charge, though, and logic quietly went to the vault to start a card game with the other locked pieces of his mind. Gray waves of horror burst over him as he tried to scramble away, but he only ended up flailing with arms and legs that were much different than his usual models.

  Panic can only go so long before burning itself out, and Jamie eventually ran up against the limit. As he started to calm down and assess what was going on, he found that there was another pressing matter. Usually when he woke up he had to piss, but that wasn’t the problem here. The panic had receded along with the adrenaline, but it had left a residue of a hot, heavy feeling that was so strange in his current state that he didn’t understand what was happening until one hand drifted down between his legs.

  He was hot and slick down there, the same way that Stacy had been the night before, and he suddenly realized that he was feeling extreme sexual arousal; it had taken him so long because the sensations were tied to new body parts. His nipples were hard, his breasts felt tight, and his…he had to think it…his new pussy was soaked. The slightest touch sent shockwaves through him that threatened to upset his fragile calm, but he could no more stop his hand from going to work between his legs than he could wake up from the horrible dream that had become his life. He finally closed his eyes and decided to treat it like a dream, if only so that he could get some relief from the terrible, aching emptiness that needed filling. He didn’t even know what it was but it was huge inside of his new body.

  It was a good thing that Stacy had taught him what felt good, he thought. He did the same again with new fingers, finding that the clitoris was even more powerful than Stacy had let on. It wasn’t long before he was on his side, his hips feeling enormous and awkward as he clenched down on the tiny hand between his legs. It felt different from when he’d masturbated as a guy; he felt as if he was in a small boat on top of a rising wave, and that it would soon crash down and destroy him. He couldn’t stop, driven on by the raw need that filled his body, and eventually the wave came down.

  He heard a woman screaming and was unsurprised to find that it was him. The ecstasy was so great that there was simply no other way to express it; gold and light filled every cell of him, burning and healing at the same time until he thought that he would either burst or set the sheets on fire.

  In the aftermath, the bliss made it possible to forget about his situation for a few seconds. Then he realized that not only could he feel his fingers inside a woman but that he could also feel them inside himself. Jamie yanked them out and forced himself to sit up to take stock. He already feared that he knew what he was going to find, but he had to be sure. At least the monster climax provided a buffer to the weirdness.

  He was definitely in Stacy’s bedroom and he was almost sure that he was in Stacy’s body. There was no sign of her, either in his body or otherwise. He looked down at himself again, this time able to see past the breasts. Well, a little bit, anyway; they were huge and filled up a lot of his field of vision. He sat with his legs cocked to the side, his chest held outward as if on display for someone, his hair flowing down it in cunning little ringlets that concealed and revealed at the same time. His legs were just as spectacular as the rest of him, smooth and long and well-made.

  A new insistent pressure told him that he would have to make his way to the bathroom unless he wanted to have another problem added to the list. Jamie held his hands out to both sides, carefully pressing against the wall and the dresser in an effort to keep himself from toppling over as he stood for the first time on his new, petite feet. He got another shock when he did so: not only did he not feel unbalanced, he actually felt more centered than he ever had before. He thought that he could walk, run, even tumble without any problems at all.

  The realization was paired with the one that he was standing with one leg forward and one underneath, posed perfectly to draw attention not only to his legs but also his hips. “What the fuck?” he said, only just remembering the altered voice as it came from his lips.

  He didn’t have time to do much more than express amazement, though; he had business to attend to in the bathroom. He…well, he certainly didn’t stagger to the bathroom. He sauntered, possibly, his hips swaying deliciously. The worst part about the walk wasn’t the altered balance but the way that his new breasts bounced with each step. He finally had to hold them against his chest, his hands pressed flat against them. He yelped softly when one finger brushed over a nipple, causing a spike of lightning to shoot through him.

  He went and sat down on the toilet, remembering his situation enough to avoid a potentially messy embarrassment. He did his best to ignore everything that was happening, particularly when he wiped without thinking about it; apparently Stacy’s body retained a big chunk of her female training. Jamie imagined that those skills had become ingrained over many years as a beautiful woman.

  He stood and went to the sink to wash up, but spent most of his time staring at himself in the mirror. Stacy was gorgeous, no doubt, and now he had her body. She was about as far from the girl next door as anyone could be without being an alien, but it was only now that he saw and understood some of the serious differences. The night before, Stacy’s skin hadn’t had the reddish tint. Her eyes hadn’t been red, they’d been dark blue. She certainly hadn’t had the slightly pointed teeth. Jamie could see all those things because he wore absolutely nothing beyond the choker with the amulet.

  It was a credit to Stacy’s sheer arresting beauty that Jamie didn’t see the note taped to the mirror at first. Finally he reached out and pulled it off, bringing it close to read. It was written in a flowing, feminine hand that managed to be sexy. He wondered in passing if there was anything that she did that wasn’t somehow tinged with sex.

  Dear Jamie , it said. By now you’ve figured out that there’s something strange going on. I want you to not freak out. You’ll get your body and your life back, good as new without any major changes, at midnight. Enjoy your time in my body and just go with the urges. Think of this as a very realistic Halloween costume. Love and kisses, Absolute Ecstasy (Miss Stacy).

  Jamie looked in the mirror again. This was crazy. Everything about this was crazy, and yet there it was, plain as the tits on his chest. “Not exactly a he any more, I guess,” he said out loud.

  He…she read the note again. If that part was for real, and she didn’t have any real reason to think otherwise given the rest of the insanity, then she had less than a day in this body. Jamie had never considered life from a woman’s perspective before; her real life was often difficult enough. Of course, the woman in the mirror wasn’t exactly normal.

  She felt dirty, though, and she knew that both men and women got clean in the same way. She turned to the shower and found that it was heavily customized. There were padded seats in there, and toys that ran on water that could be connected to any one of four different hoses when they were in use
. She blushed at the thought, a surge of arousal shooting through her. Whatever else Miss Stacy had going for her, she was certainly easy to turn on.

  She dialed up a warm shower and got in, the water sluicing across her skin like a lover’s caress. She forced her mind away from that image and the myriad images that it brought with it for company, concentrating on finding the soap.

  She (and Jamie still struggled to think of herself as she, even temporarily, even in spite of everything) had a much longer shower than she had planned. The problem wasn’t that the water pressure was low or the soap hard to find; the problem was with her body. Stacy’s nerves were supercharged, making everything that Jamie did turn herself on even more until she found herself desperately fingering herself to another world-shattering climax on the floor of the shower.

  After that was done and the screams had faded, she found her gaze resting on the toys that were lined up in a neat rack on one wall of the shower. One was just a simple dildo, shaped like an erect cock and about eight inches long. In moments she wished that she had never looked at it; she was unable to think about much else for more than a few seconds afterward. She did her best, keeping her focus as tight as she could while washing her magnificent form, but it was no use.

  While she was soaping her breasts, the arousal spiked again. By the time she was able to fight it off, she found that her free hand had slipped over to the rack and was full of the eight incher. Jamie stared at it for long seconds as the water misted over her, finally giving a mental shrug as her body yearned toward it. Stacy was just horny a lot, she figured, and now so was she. It was easy to give in to the needs of her new body as they became stronger and stronger.

  She settled herself on the bench and spread her legs wide, allowing herself easy access. She was wet in all possible ways, and starting to wonder if there was ever a time when Stacy wasn’t ready to go. It didn’t matter right then; she had other things to think about besides her arousal. Things like sating her arousal.


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