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Gigantic Variations

Page 25

by Maxwell Avoi

  Bree nodded again. “I didn’t really need the break. It’s easier for me than for them.”

  “But you’re changed too, right?”

  Bree shrugged and nodded at the same time. Jamie wasn’t sure if she was slow or just wasn’t much of a talker. “Yeah. I just don’t mind as much.”

  “What do we do?” said Maria. His voice wasn’t quite as commanding or powerful now that they’d had sex three times in the last half hour but Jamie still felt her new body react to it a little.

  “You can stay back here or whatever. TD’s a bartender, but you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to or don’t know how. Stacy’s the hostess. She says that it’s okay if she’s not around for one night. So you can do whatever you like. Going outside might be a bad idea for a while, though, since you’re having control problems.”

  “I. Ah,” said Jamie.

  Bree held up one broad hand. “It’s okay. I know it’s just how you’re made right now.”

  “What…what happened to them, anyway?” said Jamie.

  Bree shook her head and said, “They’ll have to tell you that. They’re just changed from what they used to be, that’s all I can say. So am I. I’m just luckier than they are, and don’t mind as much.”

  “I think you’re beautiful,” said Maria suddenly. Jamie realized that he hadn’t said anything for a while, and that he hadn’t been eating his eggs; he’d mostly been staring at Bree.

  Bree blushed and gave him a shy look. “Really?”

  Maria nodded as if hypnotized. “Want to go back to my room and, ah, talk about things?”

  Bree hid her eyes and smiled slightly, as if not sure that she should do so. “Really?” she said again.

  “Right now, if you like.”

  Finally Bree lifted her head again, though it looked as if it cost her some effort. “Okay.”

  Maria stood and Jamie said, “Wait, what about me?”

  “You can come too,” said Maria.

  “You can do whatever you like, the staff has things under control,” said Bree. She gave Jamie a hopeful look that was impossible to misinterpret.

  “Oh, well, I…think I’ll go look around the club. Then,” said Jamie. Bree’s look turned to a smile as Maria took her hand and led her away back toward the residential rooms.

  Jamie sat there, eating eggs. Her body glowed gently in the aftermath of the sex with Maria, and she tried to work out how she felt about it. The problem was that even considering the situation poked at her body’s built-in instant arousal. She couldn’t figure a way out of it; the only person who had given her any information at all was probably underneath Maria by now, writhing and probably moaning in pleasure as he-

  Jamie gasped and looked around, her body warm and her pussy damp. Her own thoughts had snuck up on her, turning so quickly to arousal and sex that she hadn’t even noticed when she’d crossed the line. She stood and put her dishes in the sink, along with Bree’s and Maria’s. She thought about going back to her room to sit and wait but she knew that she would just end up masturbating over and over. It was probably going to happen anyway thanks to the way that her new body was set up, but she wanted to put it off for a while longer if she could. She had a sudden surge of sympathy for Stacy’s position.

  The club looked different with the lights up, though it was still classier than Jamie expected such a place to be. If she had been anyone else, or wearing anyone else’s body, her slutty-nurse outfit would have brought the tone down a bit. She suspected that Stacy could make a potato sack look sexy, though, so she was safe. There wasn’t anyone else around to see her anyway.

  She wandered through the club, taking advantage of the opportunity to see what such a place was like. She poked around backstage, looking at costumes and props as she tried to figure out what some of them were for. Her imagination, fired by the slowly growing arousal, got pretty graphic. She got more and more absorbed in the images that her mind conjured until she started to touch herself. She had easy access through the short skirt and low-cut top, allowing her to reach her own skin and rub at everything that she found until she had to support herself against a nearby wall.

  Her back arched in climax as she came hard, clenching down on her hand. She fought to keep from screaming and was mostly successful, letting out just a few yelps and short cries instead. She slid to the floor and sat there while she recovered, reflecting that she understood why it was that Stacy wanted a break. The ongoing arousal, apparently insatiable, was starting to wear on her. It felt incredibly good, but there was more to life.

  She gathered herself and managed to stand without falling over, her legs strengthening as she started for the back door. She was stopped by a voice saying, “Miss Stacy?”

  She turned and found a tall, slim woman standing there. Jamie hadn’t seen her before, but she didn’t have the look of a woman who worked at the club. “Um. Yes?” said Jamie.

  The woman grinned. “Nice try. I’m Nellie. What’s your name?”

  Jamie sighed, her shoulders slumping just a little. She was sure, given the way that things seemed to be going, that the motion only accentuated her bottomless cleavage. “Jamie,” she said, seeing no reason to lie.

  “Jamie. Nice to meet you. I’m guessing that you had kind of a shock this morning?”

  “You know?”

  Nellie nodded. “I’m the one who set the whole thing up. Are you doing okay?”

  “You’re responsible for…for all this?”

  Nellie held up her hands. “Whoa, whoa. Just the swap part, not the rest of it. Stacy was Stacy long before I met her. She told you that it was only temporary, right?”

  “Yeah, she left a note. When she, you know, hijacked my life.”

  “Hey now, it could be worse. I’m guessing…Jamie, must be a boy’s name?”

  Jamie nodded, reluctant to give this woman any more information.

  “Well, then it must be a double shock. My advice is to just relax and think of England, as it were. The magic on Stacy is powerful and would be really hard to fight. Just remember that it’s only for a few more hours, and then you can think of this as a very weird dream.”

  “Great. That’s just…that’s great. And I can’t even do anything about it because no one would ever believe me, would they. You people suck.”

  Nellie smiled and approached, her movements controlled. She reached out and patted Jamie on the cheek. “Have a good time with Stacy’s body, honey.”

  Jamie shook off the hand, frowning at Nellie. She turned and headed for the residential area, determined not to spend any more time around Nellie than she had to. Her attraction to the woman only underscored her anger.

  On the way to her room she passed by one door that was apparently the one where Maria’s body stayed. She heard moaning and gasps from the other side, paired with a rhythmic pounding noise that she didn’t want to think about.

  Unfortunately, once she got back to her room there was almost nothing else that she could think about. The idea of sex had gotten into her head and there was no getting it out. Or at least, she amended to herself, there was only one way to do it.

  Jamie spent the early afternoon in her apartment, stark naked and writhing on the bed. She decided, after the third or fourth climax, that she would test the limits of Stacy’s apparently magically-augmented body. She dug around until she found the toys and went to work. It amazed her how far she’d come in less than twenty-four hours, and how quickly she’d accepted things. Of course, having been told by three different sources that her situation was both temporary and impossible for her to change, she was in a good position to accept it.

  Soon she was in all kinds of positions, screaming in pleasure. Stacy had a library of books about, yes, sex, as well as an extensive collection of videos on DVD. Jamie had to admit that she learned more in those few short hours than she had ever dreamed about sex, women, and pleasure. There was no sign that Stacy’s body had any limits at all; no matter how she worked, she didn’t get tired. She seemed t
o recover from each monstrous climax within seconds, more than ready for another go almost as soon as the last one was done. Everything felt amazing, everything worked, and she started to think that she was going to get a warped view of female sexuality from what she was doing. She didn’t stop, though, bringing herself to orgasm again and again.

  After several hours, well past the point where she’d kept any track of time, she forced herself to stop. The pleasure had begun reverberating back on itself, making her new orgasms begin before the last one ended, to the point where she was afraid that she might get stuck in a state of climax until she died.

  She wasn’t, of course; she only went through four or five more before they finally stopped. Eventually she could breathe without coming so hard that she screamed, and soon she was able to move. She lay there panting, and delicious lassitude filling her now that the sex was over for the time being. Part of her, the part that was eternally aroused, would have happily gone back to what she’d been doing, but the rest of her wanted to take a nap.

  She closed her eyes and relaxed into the soft bed; Stacy hadn’t held back on buying a top-notch mattress, probably knowing how much time she was going to spend on it. Jamie was surprised at how quickly she fell asleep. The only problem was that her dreams were the same as last night: endless sex, endless partners, many of them wearing the face that she usually did as a male. The pleasure surged again and again as her climaxes rocked her.

  She woke feeling rested and refreshed a few hours later, surprised again; this time she was surprised by how well Stacy’s body recovered after a long session in bed with yet another long session in her dreams. She even felt a bit horny, though she wasn’t prepared to deal with it just then. A quick check of the clock told her that it was only a couple of hours until the alleged change back. Since she was there, she decided to get up and take a look around the club. When was the next time that she would be able to walk around a strip club as possibly the world’s most desirable woman?

  A quick shower turned into a longer shower than she’d anticipated, and a handful of orgasms later she was stuffing herself back into the nurse’s costume. She went out, sauntering slowly as seemed to be her body’s wont, and quietly let herself into the club from the residential area.

  As it had been the night before, the club was loud and dark but still had that classy aura. Jamie had no idea if all strip clubs were like that but she suspected not. She looked around; Bree was at the door, looking cheerful for once, but there was no sign of Maria. She shrugged and headed for the bar.

  Conversations slowed and stopped in her vicinity, reminding her of precisely what she looked like. She smiled at everyone, touching shoulders and laughing when told terrible jokes. That part wasn’t as automatic as the flirting; Jamie just figured that she might as well keep up Stacy’s rep as a good hostess. She got a rum and Coke at the bar, which seemed to surprise the man on duty, but Stacy was the owner and she got what she wanted.

  Mighty Mona came out onstage and Jamie remembered that Stacy seemed to prefer to disappear during the dances. Given how much distraction she was causing just by standing there, it made sense. She turned to head back to the kitchen area and had almost made it when a hand grasped her upper arm.

  She turned, prepared to give him both barrels of Bree’s bouncing technique, but she stopped when she recognized her friend Will. She held up a hand to stop Bree, who had started their way immediately, and she said, “How can I help you?”

  “What’d you do with my buddy Jamie?” said Will, the beer fumes rolling off of him.

  “What’s wrong, haven’t you seen him today?” she asked, fully aware of the purr that filled the lower tones of her voice.

  “Yeah, but he blew me off. Said he had stuff to do and I should come back here and see you tonight. Then he wouldn’t answer his phone. What’s he talking about?”

  Jamie’s lips curved into a precise smile. “I suspect that he had a good time last night and wanted to make sure that you did the same. What a nice friend.”

  He leered at her, staring down into her cleavage as he spoke. “Yeah, I bet he had a good time.”

  If it hadn’t been for the horniness that had plagued her since waking up, Jamie would simply have left. Instead, she heard herself say, “Want to find out just how good a night he had?”

  He blinked at her, sharing in the surprise that Jamie felt. Jamie let no sign of it show on her face, giving him a challenging expression instead even though she wasn’t sure that she wanted to get involved with anything like this. Her body did, of course; by now she knew that her new body was always up for getting involved with sex. Whatever had been done to Stacy was thorough. She just wasn’t sure if she was mentally prepared to let one of what she thought of as her real-life friends into her bed.

  When he grinned and said, “Sounds amazing,” the surge of arousal told her that it was either going to be him in her bed or it was going to be her and the toys for the rest of the night.

  Jamie dithered back and forth for a moment, finally deciding something along the lines of what the hell . It wasn’t like it was her body, and she knew that whatever they did together would feel amazing. Stacy’s body guaranteed that. The combination of that knowledge and the way that the ongoing pleasure of her long day had battered down mental walls made her lift one finger in the come-along gesture that Stacy had given him about twenty-four hours before.

  She led Will out the back and down the hall, her hips swaying as she fought off a feeling of deja-vu. She’d had no idea that such a short time later she would be doing the same things that Stacy had done, up to and including the way that the night had ended. Once upon a time it would have brought disgust and horror bubbling up strongly enough to freeze her in her tracks. Now those parts of her mind barely shrugged; they couldn’t get any traction against the lust and the conditioning of the previous day.

  She opened her door, absurdly glad that there was no lock because she had no place to put the key in her costume. She led him inside through the living room and into the overstuffed bedroom. She turned, stood up on her tiptoes, put an arm around his neck to pull him down a bit, and kissed him. She could feel the bulge at his groin and it excited her beyond all measure. She doubted that Will was anywhere close to as good a lover as Maria, but images started to fill her mind as her body or the magic that drove it figured out precisely what it was that Will liked best.

  She turned them around, her hips moving gracefully, and she pushed him down onto the bed. He sat there staring at her as she slowly peeled the nurse’s costume off, first her amazing breasts bouncing free and then the rest of her. She barely got it down over her hips; the twin thickness of material was incredibly tight. With his help, and a little extra touching that made her desire spike and her need to get out of the dress turn into a white conviction, they got her out of it so that she stood before him clad only in her tiny hat.

  “Hoh. Lee. Shit ,” he said, barely breathing at the sight of her.

  Jamie tilted her head so that her hair hid her face and she giggled, playing at being shy while still flaunting her curves. “You like?” she said, as if she didn’t know.

  “You’re beautiful.” His eyes were wide, as if only now realizing that she meant business.

  She did. Jamie had learned in a very short time that her new body wanted what it wanted, and that it was best to just relax and go with it. After all, it was going to feel incredible no matter what happened.

  She knelt before him, reaching up to undo the front of his shirt. Once that was done and spread wide, she kissed her way down his bare skin toward his belt buckle. She undid that as well, and then his jeans. With his help, she pulled the jeans and boxers down until they were around his ankles and he was free for her to touch.

  She kissed at his cock, somewhat shocked at herself but still willing to let her body do its thing. She was much more surprised at the feeling when she opened her lips to pull his first few inches inside: he was hot, and hard, both of which she’d expected,
but she hadn’t planned for the rush of pleasure that filled her at the same time, radiating from the bottom of her throat down and from her pussy upward. It was as if some invisible lover was fucking her at the same time, and made it a lot easier for her to pull him the rest of the way into her mouth.

  She had never even read about a blowjob before, but her body knew what it was doing. She reacted to every moan and gasp, the pleasure spiking when he put his hands on the back of her head and pushed her down even further. He went into her throat without any problems, her breathing automatically switching into a rhythm that matched his thrusts. When he stiffened and held it, she came at the same time that he did, her screams vibrating up and down his length as she drank from him.

  She licked him clean without the slightest bit of hesitation, then climbed him to kiss him awake before. She’d suspected that there was something in her kiss (and in Maria’s) that helped her partner recover for more, and her suspicion was confirmed when Will inflated again beneath her leg. She settled in his lap, straddling him with her heavy bosom pressed against his chest. She guided him into her with a practiced twist of her hips, her body having no problems with the logistics. She moaned loudly as he filled her. He wasn’t as big as Maria, nor as long, but her body didn’t care. They rocked together, their mouths busy on one another as he reached up to squeeze and pinch at her breasts and nipples. She came twice more before he did, and again while he pumped her full. Jamie was stunned by the pleasure, by the way her body was always ready to go again and again.

  And go they did. She lost track of how many times they went; her kiss always brought him back to readiness, and she was always ready. She tried some of the positions that she’d seen in Stacy’s videos, glad to find that she was flexible enough to pull them off without any strain. Will mostly held on for the ride, fucking her as hard as he could with his merely human energy.

  She lost track of time in the haze of orgasm, and when she looked at the clock she realized that she was just seconds from the midnight curfew. She didn’t know what to expect but there wasn’t much she could do about it. At that point she was on her hands and knees, his cock buried deep in her ass and pumping her toward the latest of her uncounted climaxes. Just as the pleasure hit, it seemed to bear her up and up and finally let her down into darkness, the ecstasy chasing her most of the way before allowing her to sleep.


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