Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 30

by Maxwell Avoi

  Ryan wanted to slam the phone down but it cost more than her car. She got up instead, swaying a bit as her breasts settled. They were massive, bigger than any she’d seen in real life. She went to the mirror in the bathroom, her steps uncertain, and stared into it. There were only the barest hints of her usual face there, tiny details like the shape of an eye or the tip of her nose. The replacement face was absolutely stunning, with high cheekbones and sparkling eyes that made her look like a warrior queen of Ireland. Her coppery hair curled its way down, ending in a thicket of springy ringlets at the small of her back. Her skin was milky white with scatterings of freckles across her shoulders and the tops slopes of her breasts. Ryan closed her eyes for a moment to adjust and then opened them to look at her chest.

  The breasts were round and heavy, soft to the touch but standing proud. A quick examination told her that they were all real and impressively sensitive. Her nipples were small in proportion, pointing up and out to either side in perky little cones. Further down, her belly was flat and smooth, the muscles sheathed in a becoming layer of soft skin. Her waist was strong but small, flaring dramatically into hips that she could barely see in the mirror.

  She looked down instead, gyrating to try to get a look at herself without her new knockers getting in the way. It was harder than it sounded; as big and soft as they were they seemed eager to bounce with each movement. She finally had to just press them to her chest with both hands, trying not to notice how nice it felt for them to be touched. It sent strange signals to the area between her legs.

  Her hips were just as wide and wonderful as they’d looked in the mirror and her ass was almost as magnificent as her hips. Her legs were nice, long and smooth with tiny feet at the ends. Between her legs a lightly-trimmed bush hid what she knew was there. She sighed and released one breast, letting it bounce joyfully as she reached down to feel around her new equipment.

  “I’m gonna kill him,” she muttered, poking at herself with one slim finger. The woman in the mirror wasn’t her but she was close enough to her regular form that Ryan had to admit that there was probably a dimension where this was what she looked like.

  Aiko still didn’t answer his phone. Ryan thought about flinging the offending instrument across the room but reminded herself that she still couldn’t afford it. Instead she went to get dressed so that she could go look for the little bastard.

  She soon found that since she hadn’t been wearing anything during her change, she didn’t have any clothing made for her new body. She was about the same height that she’d been, which was her only saving grace. Her body was wildly different in a variety of ways, forcing her to be creative as she looked for something to wear.

  Unfortunately she had precisely zero skill or experience when it came to making makeshift clothing. Her muttering turned darker and darker as she tore up one of her shirts to make a sort of halter top, tying the bottom of the shirt tightly beneath her breasts in an effort to give herself some support. She’d always liked oversized breasts on a girl but now that she was the proud owner of same she was learning that they weren’t all roses and song. She hoped that they were more useful during sex than they were while she was walking around.

  She paused for a moment at that passing thought, wondering where it had come from. She wasn’t really thinking about sex, though the idea of having it with Mindi still appealed. She doubted she’d ever see that girl again but there were others who’d be interested in…

  She shook her head, snapping out of that train of thought. She had things to do, places to be, and scientists to beat down. That little kernel of fluttery panic in the back of her mind kept her on track as she put her new halter on and then another shirt over the top of that. It didn’t look great but she didn’t care. She wasn’t out to get anyone’s attention anyway. After a moment’s thought she took it all off and put on a tight white t-shirt with the halter over the top. Then she nodded to herself in the mirror; much better.

  She froze. What the fuck? She had just told herself that she didn’t care how she looked and now she was changing clothes with an eye toward…well, with an eye toward how she looked. Aiko had done something to her besides the feminine obvious.

  She decided to worry about that later. She put on a pair of swim trunks, the only thing in her closet stretchy enough to fit her new hips and beautiful ass. Even then she stretched them to the bursting point but she decided that she liked how they looked.

  Footwear was a little harder but an ancient pair of sandals with the straps cinched down tight was nearly right. She figured that no one would be looking at her feet anyway, what with all the boob and hip and leg available to stare at.

  The shorts had no pockets. After a moment’s thought Ryan slipped her keys, phone, and a debit card into her halter. The shirt was tight, stuffed with breasts, but there was enough room for a little bit of storage. The keys ended up in her covered cleavage; if she ever wore the halter without the undershirt she would have to come up with a different place to hide things so that people would have an unobstructed view.

  She frowned and shook her head again, banishing the thought. Why on earth would she want people to stare? Because she was totally worth staring at , said another errant thought. Whatever Aiko had done to her, he had to get it turned off.

  She took a deep breath, snapping two seams, and headed out into the sleepy campus morning, walking toward Aiko’s lab. Her apartment was right on the edge of campus so she didn’t have to drive in her new awkward form. She soon learned, however, that her form was the furthest thing from awkward. After a short learning curve she was walking without any trouble, and a little while after that she caught herself swinging her hips and subtly altering her gait in such a way as to make her breasts shake more than they normally would. It was disconcerting, particularly when she not only couldn’t stop herself from walking that way but found that she was actually enjoying it. She had to admit, if Aiko was trying to create an unusual situation in the name of experimenting, he could have chosen a lot worse situation to strand Ryan in. She caught herself wondering if she really had to change back right away or if she could keep this form for a little while. The fluttery panic wasn’t as strong as it had been now that she had adjusted a bit, which meant that she had a harder time banishing those kinds of thoughts.

  Then things got strange. Or at least stranger than before. Ryan was heading for Aiko’s laboratory when a group of ROTC trainees passed her. They were often seen running in the mornings though Ryan hadn’t been around that early in a long time. The trainees were obviously comfortable in a group, a double line of ten all wearing the same pseudo-uniform and short military-style haircuts.

  Ryan stopped and stared at them. There was something about how they all moved in sync, about the sweat darkening their shirts, something about the way that their pants clung to their tight butts. Something grabbed her attention and didn’t let go. Lord, the smell of them running by was enough, she thought. Ryan watched them go, her mouth slightly open, until they were long gone and she realized that she was standing there with damp panties. Her face turned bright red at the thought; she would have had damp panties if she’d been wearing any. As it was she had to hope that no one recognized the wetness between her legs. She herself had to work to force the thoughts of the ROTC out of her mind, unwilling to think that the sight of men would make her so aroused. It felt alien and natural at the same time.

  “Thought you couldn’t alter our minds, you little turd,” she muttered in Aiko’s karmic direction as she started toward the science building again.

  Halfway there, she saw two of the trainees heading her way. They were walking now, one of them without his shirt and the other wearing a tight tee that had the arms cut off. Ryan zeroed in on them without thinking about it, unable to look away. They didn’t notice at first but then one of them saw the incredibly hot redhead staring and he nudged his buddy. They fell silent as they came closer but Ryan didn’t care; she wasn’t interested in how witty they were.

  She was deeply shocked that she was interested at all but it was true; the closer she got, the more she felt that groin-dampening heat fill her. She slowed and stopped, and they did the same. She smiled at them, enjoying the sight of the one’s bare torso in the morning sun.

  “Hey there,” she said, not sure where to go from there.

  “Heya,” said the one on the right, the one with the shirt.

  The other one said, “I’m Jesse. This is Allen. Saw you earlier when we were running.”

  “I probably saw you too, then. I like checking the guys out when they run.” Ryan was surprised to hear the words tumbling from her new lips. She couldn’t take them back, so she just settled for a brilliant smile as she struggled to remind herself that she had other things to do besides flirting. The thought of going to Aiko’s lab felt distant and unimportant all of a sudden.

  “Glad to hear it,” said Jesse with a grin that was almost as devastating as Ryan’s. She started to worry that she might soak through her makeshift panties after all.

  “Listen, we were heading back to our apartment to make some breakfast if you want to join us,” said Allen. He gave her a smile that was more predatory than cute but she was fine with that; hormones flooded her body, telling her brain that they could take a little break with these two healthy specimens. Ryan couldn’t fight the flood though she cast a few glances in the direction of the science building.

  She walked up to them, reveling in the scent that rolled off of them, and stood between them. She turned so they were all facing the same direction and linked arms with them, their forearms pressing against her soft breasts in a way that made her want to tear the rest of their clothes off. “Lead on, boys.”

  Aiko could wait. Ryan wanted to see where this was going to take her, her head swimming with a heady mix of apprehension and desire that made it impossible to think straight. Her body felt like it was burning inside a vat of ice water, the kind of arousal that she hadn’t felt since she was fourteen and seeing a boob for the first time.

  Some of the sensations were the same but they were tied to Allen’s bare shoulders and Jesse’s strong arm around hers. As they walked their hips bumped hers while their arms bounced off of her jiggling chest, and every contact just heightened her anticipation. Ryan didn’t know what was going to happen, wasn’t totally sure that she wanted anything to happen, but she told herself that she was going along with it out of a sense of experimentation.

  Her soaked crotch, red-hot internal swelling, and hardened nipples had nothing to do with it.

  They led her to a nearby place, bumping and bouncing delightfully off of her the entire way, and by the time that they led her into the apartment she was in a state. Ryan had never felt so turned on in either gender, her breasts heaving with her quick breaths, her mouth half-open, her gaze unable to leave their bodies. The guys left her on the couch while they went into the kitchen and they held a whispered conversation while she tried to calm herself down.

  She didn’t have time to finish the process. Allen walked back in, no longer carrying his shirt, and he sat down next to her. He was close to her, inside her personal space, and she was just fine with that. He lifted his hand and rested it on her breast when he leaned in for a kiss, and she was just fine with all of that as well. She gave a breathy little moan when they kissed, just enough to open her lips so that he could invade with his tongue. Her body twitched as she fenced with him, knowing that it wasn’t what she wanted or needed and not caring that she shouldn’t want any of it.

  Neither of them took long to fumble out of their clothing, his hands busy on her magnificent body as they went. Every touch and sigh and kiss drove her higher, made her want him more, and soon she couldn’t even remember why wanting his cock inside her would be a bad thing. She ended up on her hands and knees in the middle of the floor, wiggling her glorious ass at him as he divested himself of the last few stitches. Her heavy breasts dangled and swung beneath her, and her only thoughts were a vague desire that he would get a chance to play with them as he fucked her.

  He was certainly eager enough for that. He fumbled a few times as he positioned himself; Ryan didn’t look because she didn’t want to know how big he was but he felt like he was the size of a submarine when he finally pressed the head of his cock into her. She growled like a cat in heat as he stretched her inch by inch, plumbing her depths.

  She was so caught up in the new sensation that she didn’t notice that Jesse had entered the room. By the time she became aware of him he was already kneeling in front of her face with his own cock out and ready to be serviced. She had a split second of sanity, just enough to try to pull away, but the hormones and the pleasure soon drove her to suck him down as deep as she could go.

  Ryan felt incredibly full, the emotions and sensations building to the point where she had no control over them as they cascaded into each other. Her first female climax was powerful, making her groan deeply again and again as her belly muscles fluttered and clenched around Allen’s invading cock. The sounds she made obviously worked for Jesse, who plunged his hands into her hair and pulled her face tight against his crotch as he exploded down the back of her throat. For a moment she thought she would drown, dead of pleasure and semen, but she forged through and swallowed mightily even as her body convulsed in ecstasy.

  Never once did she question her actions. Even as she tried to scream with pleasure around the hard cock in her mouth, she never thought that anything she was doing was strange or even unusual. Her mind was still Ryan’s, but the hormones and desires of her body were enough to derail that completely.

  The boys came at almost the same time, spurred by her screams and her helpless lust. Ryan had never felt so full, never imagined that being filled like that would feel so good. She collapsed beneath them as all three of them worked to regain their strength.

  Finally she felt Allen stirring again. Instead of questioning her need or worrying about what it meant about her or her new body, Ryan took hold of Allen’s stiffening cock and smiled. Allen ended up on his back, Ryan straddling him to pull him as deep as possible into her. She loved the feeling of him, the heat and the hardness invading her hungry softness, and when she leaned forward to get the full effect she was surprised to feel Jesse’s hands on her back. He held her there while he settled his cock against her rosebud of an ass, and she uttered not a sound of protest as he slowly worked himself inside. She had never imagined that it would feel so wonderful, that she could feel so stuffed and yet so eager for more. Both the boys worked at her in an alternating rhythm as she rolled her hips with them. She whimpered, even the pain from the stretching dissolving into pleasure as she reached a shattering climax that left the others in the shade. The boys never slowed down, didn’t even falter in their rhythm as she writhed on them, groaning. When it was over, she felt wrung out, but they didn’t stop. Obviously they’d learned stamina and teamwork somewhere, and neither one seemed to be afraid of a little sweat in their pursuit of fulfillment.

  Ryan was buffeted along, carried by pleasure and the strong men beneath her as if she was a leaf in a tornado. She lost count of how many times she came but by the end she was utterly out of control. She screamed and wailed, her body convulsing helplessly around the two of them until she finally drove them past their point of control as well. First Jesse came in her ass and then Allen in her snatch, and she had never felt so wonderful. She milked both of them, her internal muscles seeming to know just what to do, until she’d gathered every drop from their spasming cocks.

  Allen pulled her close as Jesse slipped out of her, both of the boys collapsing on the floor next to each other. Their heavy breathing smoothed out into the rhythms of sleep and Ryan considered joining them there.

  Now that the sex was done, though, the feel of Allen’s softening cock inside her reminded her that she had a mission. She had to go find Aiko, and apparently keep herself from fucking any man she met along the way. She felt too nice, too kittenish, to be upset about the situation right n
ow, but she still wanted to turn back to normal.

  She did.


  She got up and giggled a little when Allen’s cock pulled out of her with an audible pop. He stirred and then went back to sleep, and she went to the bathroom. She was soaked in sweat and other fluids and wanted to clean up a little. She decided that she didn’t have time for a full shower so she just had a little bird bath in the sink and then went to get her makeshift clothing.

  She looked at the boys on the floor and then her clothes, and she had an idea. A moment later she was slipping out the front door, her shirt-and-halter combo still in place but wearing a pair of roomy sweatpants tightly tied around her small waist. She figured that Jesse would survive the loss of one of his many pairs, and besides…he’d had his dick up her ass.

  She moved as quickly as she could in her unfamiliar body, doing her best to cover ground while not letting her tits thrash around. The hour and a half that she’d spent with the ROTC boys meant that the campus was a lot more populated than it had been so she stuck to back-paths and even hid a few times when groups went by. She was dismayed to find that she still felt the attraction to pretty much any boy that she saw, but now that she knew what was going on she was able to fight it well enough to keep from tearing anyone’s clothing off. She also had the additional protection of an hour and a half of wild sex with two guys at once to take the edge off.

  She managed to make it to the science labs with only a remnant ache filling her pussy. The door was propped open and she snuck inside after checking to make sure that there wasn’t anyone patrolling the halls. Class was in session and the stray thought that she was supposed to be in one was so funny that she had to stifle a giggle on her hand. Ryan wasn’t much for skipping class but she rather felt that the situation warranted it this time.


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