Gigantic Variations

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Gigantic Variations Page 37

by Maxwell Avoi

  “No kidding. We’re gonna have to charge more.”

  “We have to get someone paying anything at all, first.”

  She patted me on the shoulder. “That’s my job, don’t you worry about that. Now I’m gonna go play with my new stuff for a while.”

  She headed toward her room. When I said, “Need any help?” she just gave me the finger before closing her door.

  I was glad that Trevor wasn’t loud about whatever she was doing in there. I had things to study for, not the least of which was making sure that I’d nailed everything down for the potion recipe. I had the idea that I could get some of the basic ingredients together and then just customize it whenever we had an order.

  The local potion shop was run by a tall guy and his smoking hot wife. She was the kind of woman who had obviously had some work done, and it was work that was too good to have come anywhere but from magic. She had long red hair, giant tits, and curves that would have gotten a roller-coaster condemned as unsafe. The couple was always very pleasant to me, and while she dressed in a way that displayed her body in a tasteful manner I never got the slightest hint that she was anything but faithful to him.

  Damn it.

  I sourced out the materials I would need, and I was surprised to find that they weren’t going to cost nearly as much as I’d thought they would. The woman running the shop just laughed and said, “Cocoons are the easy part. No one wants these plain ones, they want the butterflies. Or the silk. Rosewater’s even easier. What kind of potion are you making, anyway?”

  I told her that it was a transformation potion for a client. She just shrugged and filled my order, and I carried the bag back to the apartment. I knew that I would be able to use the college’s laboratory for a while, though eventually I was going to want to get my own equipment. If this business took off then I could get my own after a few sales.

  I ran into Trevor on the way back in. He was back to his male form by that time, and dressed in his usual fashion. “Oh hey,” he said. “I’m heading to Jean’s to pick up the pics now that I’m not all T and A.”

  “Very politically correct of you.”

  “Go me! I’ll be back.”

  He got into his car (much nicer than mine) and drove off (faster and quieter, too). I went back inside to start a makeshift potion laboratory in one corner of my room. Fortunately my needs were modest. I wouldn’t have to really start working out things like heat or water sources for a while yet, at least until I got my own equipment.

  Trevor came back after about an hour, waving a thumb drive. “Dude! You didn’t tell me how hot I looked!”

  “That statement has everything wrong with it.”

  “Don’t be a hater. Come on, come see what we picked out.”

  Trevor plugged the drive into the slot on his computer and thumped his fingers impatiently while it loaded up. Then he showed the pics. There were about thirty of them, and they went from “hot cowgirl tips her hat” to “hot cowgirl spreads and shows it all.”

  “This is totally going to work,” he said, his voice quiet. “I had more ideas about the business, too. What if we sold, like, these thirty as an exclusive to the guy who buys them, and then we use the best of the rest for the website and our subscribers?”

  “Oh, nice,” I said. “So when does that all get under way?”

  “I think we’d better have some more spreads first.”

  “Well, I got some ingredients. I just need the order form and I can go make some more potion.”

  He held up his fist and I bumped it. “That’s what I like to hear,” he said. “Don’t worry. We’ll get the orders going. Just lemme send these off to the buyer.”

  “Any suggestions for more potions? Like, anything that you thought might have come in handy or needed to be changed?” I said.

  He tilted his head and then nodded. “I was kinda clumsy.” He pointed at the pictures, and I saw what he meant. There was an appealing sort of coltishness in Trevor’s female form, as if she hadn’t gotten used to her legs or other equipment. “I mean, yeah, it works, but it was hard to deal with when I was in that shape, you know?”

  “Something to make you…uh, us more comfortable when we change shape?” I said.

  “Yeah, just enough so that we don’t feel like we’re going to fall over, you know? Because some of these guys are going to want more extreme stuff.”

  I could only imagine. “Okay, that’s fine. I think I can work with that.”

  “Now what about the guys who’re going to order celebrities? Like say that someone wants to see J-Lo naked or something.”

  I was already shaking my head. “Can’t do it. It’s illegal as hell, for one thing, and to get an exact match would be incredibly difficult.”

  He said, “But if someone wanted a short, curvy latina with an ass that could end wars…?”

  “We could totally do that.”

  He grinned and I grinned back. I said, “So when are you going to get your next order?”

  “Eager to be a chick?”

  “No, I just want to get this off the ground as soon as possible, that’s all.”

  He nodded. “I can get more orders this coming week. Probably once word starts getting around we’ll have even more. I have to learn how to get someone to host a website, too.”

  “That should be hard, in today’s world.”

  “Yeah, yeah, smartass, go learn how to make potions.”

  I went off to research how to make the imbiber more comfortable in his new form. There was a lot of overlap in the transformational magics, so I got to do a field trip to the school library to get some more books on the subject. Mages had been transforming themselves and others for eons, of course, so there was a lot to sift through, but I eventually grasped the basic idea. It meant moving from a level two to a level three potion to encompass all the changes and the requisite magic, but I was confident that I would be able to take care of it.

  After hitting the library and bringing home a mountain of books I went to my tai chi class. I was in that class four nights a week, mostly in an effort to bolster my attempts to learn how to meditate. Focusing on creating a potion meant being able to clear my head of all distraction, and meditation and martial arts helped me with that.

  By the time I got back late that night, Trevor had his next order.

  “That was quick,” I said. “How many of your friends are doing this, anyway?”

  He shrugged. “You’d be amazed. Also that I was able to up the price to five hundred bucks without any problems.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Why were you able to do that? What did you promise him?”

  He waved his hand. “Practically nothing. It’s fine, you’ll be doing the pictures anyway, so no big deal.”

  “Trevor, what did you do?”

  “I had to agree to let him come and watch the shoot, that’s all.”

  “Dammit Trevor!”

  “What? You were going to be doing the poses and stuff anyway, who cares? It’s not like anyone’s going to recognize you, even if he knew who you were, which he absolutely doesn’t.”

  I sighed. He had a point, and the five hundred could be split into much nicer slices than the two fifty. “Fine. But he just watches.”

  “No touching. I made him sign something.”

  “Oh, yeah, because that’s going to be enforceable.”

  “Oh, hush. He doesn’t know that. Now here’s the order form. Can you be ready to do this tomorrow?”

  “Good Lord, Trevor. I mean, I guess I can get up early and get it ready, but what kind of-”

  “I knew you were the man for the job! It’ll be fun, don’t worry.”

  I took the order form from him and read over it. “Ah yes. Obviously a classy guy. Blond librarian with giant tits, huh?”

  “Hey, nothing like a challenge.”

  “Wonderful. Well, it’ll be a chance for me to see how well my adjustments to the formula work.” I explained a little bit about how I was going to try to make the potion�
��s user more comfortable in his new skin.

  “That would have come in handy yesterday, but yeah, that sounds like a good plan. I got Jean to promise to be ready by ten, okay?”

  “Wonderful. Will the smart clothes work for a suit?”

  “Sure. We’re going to have to get some more sets after a while, but it should be fine for this.”

  “Awesome. Be sure to wash them tonight, huh? I’m going to bed.”

  I had a hard time sleeping that night. I was worried about what would happen the next day. I’d never altered myself to this extent before, and even though logically I knew that it was going to be fine I had a hard time explaining things to my emotions in a way that made them understand. I finally fell asleep about three in the morning, dreaming of Trevor chasing me through a maze while he tried to throw vials of fizzy potions at me.

  I got up too fucking early and went to the lab. It was open on the weekend for homework so I just snagged a quiet bench and went to work. I had brought my own ingredients this time, and since I knew the recipe it wasn’t long before I was weaving the magic together. The addition of the “be at ease” factor made it a little tougher, and I know that I dropped one loop that should have been securely strung into the web, but I had plenty of redundancies built in to compensate. Soon I stood there looking at a pink, fizzy liquid. I packed it up and headed home.

  Trevor handed me the smart clothes when I got back. In their quiescent state they looked like a smock and plain shorts, unadorned and un-patterned. I took them and headed for my room.

  “Aw, you’re not going to change out here?” he said.


  “I did! You saw everything!”

  “And you’re going to see everything too, but I’m not going to change out here the first time. Get over it.”


  I closed the door and stripped down. Like Trevor, I went with wearing a bathrobe as a nod to the barest minimum of decency, and then I sat on the edge of my bed. I reminded myself of all the ways that this process shouldn’t be feared, and then I took three deep breaths before drinking the potion down.

  I had done minor changes, so I knew to expect the tingles and the ringing in my ears. I hadn’t expected the effects to be so strong, but it made enough sense that I could force myself not to panic. I lay back on the bed, fully aware of all the ways that my body morphed as the potion did its work.

  Then it was over and I sat up. I felt…nothing, really. If I hadn’t known, intellectually, that I hadn’t been born the way that I was now, I would never have realized that anything had changed. I didn’t feel like I was wrapped in cotton or fuzzy-headed or anything; I just felt normal. I stood up and went to the mirror, my left arm looped under my tits to give them some support, and what I saw in the reflection was exactly what I’d expected to see. I didn’t see what the big deal was.

  Apparently, the “be comfortable” facet of my potion had worked. I judged myself to be ridiculously hot, with wide blue eyes and blonde hair tumbling down damn near to my ass. Instead of worrying about whether my over-plump lips felt strange (they didn’t), all I could see was that I needed a touch of makeup to make the look complete.

  I was slightly disappointed. This was supposed to be some grand, climactic thing, and it had sort of sputtered. The weirdest part of it all was that I had clear memories of growing up male, but now that I was female I felt that being a man would have been awkward.

  “Ooookay,” I said in a voice that managed to be completely alien and totally normal to my ear. “So that part of the potion works great.”

  I dropped the robe and went to put on the smart clothing. I almost forgot to admire myself in the mirror, but once again I had that strange doubling effect as I looked at my killer body. It was just my body, as familiar to me as if I’d grown up that way even though I hadn’t been female until five minutes ago. I shrugged and put the clothes on. The biggest problem there was that the smock was too damn small to fit over my giant boobs. I squished them around but still there was nothing to be done in its current form. Instead I had to sit there with my chest hanging out for a couple of minutes while I concentrated on the smock to make it into something more suitable.

  By the time I got done with the smock and the shorts they didn’t resemble their starting forms at all. Instead I wore a gray skirt that buttoned up the side and a tight white sweater. I wrangled some rubber bands and put my hair back in a bun after a little bit of figuring, and then I found the glasses that I used to wear before I moved to contacts. I couldn’t wear them as they were, but after I’d popped out the lenses they worked just fine. I probably wasn’t the exact image of a librarian, but I would do as far as sexy went.

  Trevor knocked on the door as he had several times before during my preparations. “Are you sure you’re okay, Jimmy?”

  I opened the door this time and gave him an eyeful. I spread my hands and spun slowly, coming back to rest in the same position. “What do you think?”

  He gaped. I had never had anyone gape at me before, and it was pretty funny. I snapped my fingers in front of his face and said, “Hello? Trev?”

  “Jesus,” he said. “You’re incredible.”

  “Yeah, I know. Are you okay?”

  He looked me up and down with no indication of shame at all. “Are you okay? Because you look like you should be toppling over.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m fine , Trevor. The new potion worked great, and I feel like I was born this way. The only weird thing is you staring at me.”


  I shrugged, amused when his eyes went to my chest. I wasn’t wearing a bra since I didn’t have anything that would work and the smart cloth had its limits, so the girls were pretty bouncy. I said, “Eyes up here.”

  “How comfortable are you?”

  “Like I said. I don’t even notice that I’ve changed unless I think about it, and even then it’s hard to remember.”

  “Well you’ve changed. If you’re that comfortable, we should totally fool around after the shoot.”

  “Aaaand no.”

  He shrugged, not offended. “Worth a shot.”

  “Hey, you got to play with yourself after your shoot, so that’ll have to do.”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t have, you know, those .”

  I grinned and lifted the bottom of my sweater, pulling it up until it was tucked underneath my chin. My boobs rolled out, bouncing a little. “There, happy?” For fun I bounced a little on my toes, making my tits tumble and jostle.

  “So. Happy.” He reached out to touch one but I popped his hand and pulled the sweater back down. They were big enough that I had to struggle a bit, but soon enough I had the girls covered again.

  “You’ll get to see them again soon enough, but no touching remember? I heard that there was this photo shoot,” I said.

  “Right. Right! Yes, to the photo-cave!”

  I followed him out into the hall and then took the lead down the stairs. I was sure that he was checking out my ass in the tight skirt, and the knowledge of it didn’t bother me in the slightest. His attempt to cup one of my tits didn’t really bother me either; I was calm with all of it. I made a mental note to possibly tone down the “be comfortable” part of the potion for next time. I probably wouldn’t mind it at the moment, but if I wound up letting Trevor paw at me I thought that I’d be upset about it when the potion wore off.

  We headed for Jean’s place. Once again we parked at the strip club, and this time I led the way up the stairs. Trevor’s continued interest in my ass still didn’t bother me. It was interesting to feel that kind of confident, or at least to not care about what anyone thought about me. I was who I was.

  Jean let us in, grumbling that we were late, and then he kept on grumbling as we waited for the client. He had set up a little display of shelves and books for me to pose by, so we ran through some basic scenarios while we waited.

  About fifteen minutes after we got there, the client finally showed up. He was short but
stout, appearing to be made entirely out of muscle. He had the sort of face and blond hair that made me sure that his name was something like Troy or Chad.

  “Jessica, this is Derek, the client who arranged all of this,” said Trevor. I smiled at Derek and gave him a nod, and he stared at me. Well, he stared at my chest. I couldn’t blame him.

  I said, “Derek, so nice to meet you. I hope that this goes according to your plans.”

  He managed a nod, just barely managing to keep himself from gaping. I smiled and headed for the photo area. I wanted to get this over with as soon as possible, even though I didn’t feel nervous about any of it. I didn’t feel much of anything about it. It was just something to be done.

  Jean was fairly good at giving direction but I improvised a bit over the course of the next few hours. Under his commands I posed and performed one of the slowest strip teases in history, gradually displaying my belly and then rolling the sweater up while coyly keeping one arm over my breasts. When I finally let them free it was with the attitude of bestowing a gift on the camera, and I was sure that it was one of the really good shots that would make it into Derek’s collection.

  I undid the buttons on my skirt, allowing it to slip from me in stages, and by the time I was naked I was sure that Derek was ready to come in his pants. I posed in a few awkward positions, not really feeling sexy. Instead I felt physically uncomfortable. Mentally I was fine. I was fine with everything, an attitude that worried me just a little. I remembered how I’d felt when Trevor had cupped a boob earlier that day: not so much irritated as aware of the fact that I was probably expected to push him away. I hadn’t really felt anything one way or the other, though I had liked the feel of it. This was the same way. I was worried by my lack of worry.

  Still, it allowed me to get into all kinds of awkward positions that would have made me die of embarrassment just a few hours before. That was what the client had paid for, so that was what he got. And I gave it to him as hard as I could. By the time we were done with the shoot I was dripping sweat and felt as though I needed a cigarette.

  Still naked, I walked up to Trevor and Derek and said, “I hope that was as amazing for you as it was for me.” I gave Derek the kind of smile that could melt a man’s fillings and then enjoyed the sight of him trying to make a coherent response.


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