Queen of Clubs

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Queen of Clubs Page 2

by Cooper McKenzie

  Brody smiled as he half-carried a barely awake Drew down the last few steps into the tavern’s main room. “He’ll be fine. He’s just a little worn out is all.” The dominant alpha-male cop gave her a wink and a grin that had everything between her legs clench in response. “Why are you still here? We could have let ourselves out. We’ve done it before.”

  Hannah’s nipples peaked at the concerned tone in Brody’s voice. “I’m just finishing up. Tanya called in so I had to pull double duty tonight.”

  “Can I help?” Drew asked, lifting his head from where it rested on Brody’s broad shoulder.

  Hannah looked into his deep turquoise eyes and knew she would be dreaming about them again when she finally crashed for some sleep in another hour or two. He looked sleepy, relaxed, and content in a way she wanted so badly to experience herself.



  When Milford Isaac’s pigs grew wings and flew around the Tavern.

  “Not tonight, babe,” Brody said as he leaned his partner against the wall by the front door. “You hold that wall up while I help the lady.”

  “’Kay.” Drew sighed as his eyes drifted closed again.

  As soon as Brody released him, Drew’s legs gave way and he slid down the wall. He hissed when his ass hit the floor but did not try to stand again. A few seconds later, his chin hit his chest and he was asleep.

  Hannah snickered as she reached for the broom leaning against the bar. Then the rest of what Brody said sunk in. “No, you don’t need to help me. I’ll be fine. You need to take him home and put yourselves to bed.”

  When she heard the tone of jealousy in her voice, Hannah froze. Without looking at Brody, she headed to the far side of the room. Her face burned with embarrassment. The last thing she wanted was for these two to realize the depth of her envy.

  They did not need to know about the middle of the night dreams, daytime fantasies, or that she had more than just friendly feelings for them. So big was her want for this pair of oh so masculine gay men that she had given up even looking at any other men.

  Keeping her head down, she began to sweep the floor. She moved quickly, hoping to wear herself out so she could sleep without the dreams that had haunted her off and on for months. When she backed into something large, warm, and not a table, Hannah squeaked in surprise. Straightening, she froze when one large muscular arm wrapped around her middle to hold her steady while the other took the broom from her.

  “I’ll clean the floor. You go do whatever else you need to do,” Brody said. His voice was soft, but held a touch of power that made Hannah’s knees weak even as her pussy flooded with her need.

  “Yes, Sir,” she whispered through lips that were suddenly as dry as the Salt Flats.

  “Not yet, but soon I hope,” he murmured cryptically as she released the broom to him.

  Hannah hurried across the room as her pussy drenched her panties. Her nipples knotted so tight that the touch of her bra had her breathing harder. But these two were off limits and would be leaving her soon to go to their bed while she went to hers to try and untie the knots they didn’t even realize they were tying in her libido.

  Forcing her mind to work and not the men in the room, she picked up a tray of dirty glasses and carried them into the kitchen.

  As she cleaned up behind the bar and did what she could in preparation for the next day, she had to stop several times to think of what came next. After three years working in the bar and two years as the owner, she could normally close up in her sleep. Tonight though, her thoughts turned to all the things she wanted to know about these men, and all the things she wanted them to teach her. Especially when it came to sex.

  Staring at the shine on the bar top, she visualized the three of them in a bed together, tangled up in the sheets and each other. Sucking a breath at the shimmering tingle that began in her clit, she blinked and the image slowly faded. Taking a deep breath to fight down her need, Hannah forced herself back to work.

  Ten minutes later, she ticked the last item off her mental list of closing chores as Brody rolled the mop and bucket behind the bar. She took it and moved it into the kitchen. She would dump it later. She returned to the main room just in time to ogle Brody’s tight ass as he bent over his sleeping partner. Though he had to be uncomfortable slumped against the wall, Drew snored softly and seemed comfortable.

  “Come on, Drew,” he said gently. “Time to wake up so we can go home.”

  “But Master, I’m fine right here,” Drew replied on a sigh.

  Brody froze before glancing over his shoulder at her. She pressed her lips together, hoping her expression remained neutral at Drew’s verbal slipup. She hoped Brody would not see her want, need, and desire, or her amusement at the relaxed, unaware submissive man. She must have succeeded because after several seconds of studying her, Brody turned back to the sleeping man.

  “Need a hand?” she asked as she slowly approached.

  “I may have to leave him here to sleep it off,” Brody said. He sounded distracted, as if he were trying to work something out in his mind, though she could not fathom what.

  Instead of trying to help lift Drew’s unconscious weight, she knelt beside the sleeping man. Leaning in, she said in the sexiest voice she could manage without giggling, “Drew, honey, you need to wake up now,” before licking along his jawline.

  Drew moaned softly as he wrapped his arm around her, pulling her off balance so she ended up sprawled across his body. One hand cupped her left breast as the other wrapped around her chest to hold her close. Then he gave a sigh and seemed to settle even deeper into sleep.

  At the sound of coughing, Hannah looked up to find Brody smirking as he fought down laughter. She was afraid he might strain something if he did not let it out.

  Though it felt glorious to have a man’s arms around her, Drew was already spoken for. He also was not aware of who she was. She allowed herself another few seconds to revel in being held by the man before she met Brody’s amused gaze. “Help?”

  At that, Brody began to laugh, long and hard. Hannah did not see what was so funny. His boyfriend was holding her like a life-size teddy bear. Did Brody did not have a jealous bone in his body? Or did he like to watch his submissive partner play with women?

  That thought sent an icy shard of jealousy through the heat that filled her. It was such a sharp pain that Hannah gasped. Dropping her head forward, she blinked to hide the tears of pain that bubbled forth.

  * * * *

  Brody had always taken pride in his ability to read people. Hannah’s response to Drew cuddling her only confirmed what he had already figured out long ago.

  She wanted them.

  He had been watching her as well as Drew’s response to her ever since she had taken over the Tavern. His own attraction had grown to where there were nights when dreams of the three of them together had him waking Drew for some middle of the night loving.

  In the past few months, he had begun coming in more frequently. He often stopped by for lunch during his shift, though he had never told Drew about those visits. His conscience had been eating at him, which had prompted his comment just that morning about looking forward to seeing Hannah.

  When Drew’s eyes dilated with his own interest, Brody took another daring step and verbalized the image of her being in their bed. Drew’s quick breath assured him that his slave was not averse to the idea.

  He and Drew had been together for forever. Brody was two years older, but they had been best friends since Drew and his family had moved in next door. They had both dated and even slept with a few girls during high school. The night of Drew’s graduation changed everything between them. That was the night they had kissed for the first time.

  They had gone their separate ways for college, but on Drew’s return after graduating from Kansas State, they kissed again, and found the feelings had not died. That night they had blazed like an end of summer bonfire. That kiss had led to sex in the back of Brody’s truck. After they lost
their male on male virginity, they lay together and looked at the stars as they talked about the kiss, the sex, and their views of their relationship. Each freely admitted they were attracted to the other and no one else, male or female. That night they had become a committed monogamous couple.

  It had been several years before they discovered the BDSM lifestyle. By then Drew was writing and selling his erotic romance stories, whenever he could control his Attention Deficit Disorder.

  After a preliminary exploration of the Dom/sub lifestyle, they discovered Brody was definitely the dominant and Drew his more than willing submissive. Over the past ten years, their relationship had evolved into the Master/slave coupling of two men who were devoted to one another, but who also found themselves hard as rocks whenever Hannah walked by.

  Only recently had Brody begun a number of conversations about having a woman join them at some point in the nebulous future. Though he never used her name, Hannah was the only one he could see in their bed. Soon “she” was a regular part of the fantasies he and Drew concocted during late night calls while Drew settled down to sleep when Brody had to work the night shift.

  Looking down at his gorgeous slave contentedly holding the woman he had begun dreaming about more and more, Brody decided it was time to act on their fantasies about expanding their family. But tonight was not the time.

  Twelve hours of patrol followed by several hours of punishing and pleasuring his slave boy was catching up with him. And Hannah looked as tired as he felt.

  It was time to wake Drew up and get out of Hannah’s way.

  He and his boy also needed to talk things through and come to an agreement together. They had to renegotiate their understanding and boundaries before they could invite Hannah to join them. Then they would talk with Hannah and explain that if she took on one man, she got them both. She would also have to accept that he was Master of the household, in bed and out.

  Which, from her reaction, did not seem to be a problem for her. She was submissive to the bone, though she was also the strongest woman he knew. She took care of herself, her home, and her business. That strength and independence might be a challenge but it was one they would work through together.

  Taking a deep breath, he barked at the sleeping man. “Robert Andrew Pate, get your ass off that floor before I break out the dragon and get you up.”

  He stepped back as Drew shoved Hannah off his lap and leapt to his feet. Hannah landed on the floor with an audible “oomph.” Drew did not open his eyes until he was on his feet and swaying like a field of wheat in a stiff wind.

  “Wazzup?” his slave said, forcing his eyes wide open as he moved into his standing slave position.

  “Put on your coat, babe. It’s time to go home,” Brody said, his voice softer, but still with the hard-edged Master-in-charge tone.

  “Yes, Master.” Drew was too out of it to filter what he said in front of the beautiful bar owner.

  Brody helped Hannah to her feet while Drew tried to put his coat on. Once she was steady on her feet, Brody held her by her shoulders and studied her pink cheeks. “You okay, sweetie?”

  She dropped her head as if his plain silver belt buckle held all the secrets to the world. Then she nodded. “I’m fine.”

  Glancing at Drew and seeing the man had somehow managed to get his coat on upside down, Brody shook his head. “Take it off and try again, Drew. The long part goes down your back, not over your head.”

  The sleepy man grunted as he began to wrestle his coat off again.

  Brody shifted his right hand up the side of Hannah’s neck and slid his thumb under her chin. He gently tilted her head back so he could see her face. As her head came up, her eyes closed like one of those dolls his sister had as a child. Even in the half-light, her cheeks glowed bright pink. Embarrassment or excitement? With her eyes closed to him, he could not tell.

  “Open your eyes, Hannah. Look at me,” he said gently, needing her to submit to the man and not the Master.

  He could not make demands. Not yet. Not until he and Drew talked. And that would have to wait until his boy had a chance to recover both mentally and physically from tonight’s long, intense session.

  It took several long seconds before Hannah’s eyelids fluttered then raised. The want and need radiating from their deep brown depths heated him faster than anything he had ever felt before. His cock, which he thought had been rendered useless just a half-hour before when he had come for the third time in three hours, twitched and began to fill once more.

  “In case no one has told you today, you are one beautiful woman,” he said with a smile.

  She swallowed and said nothing in return. He saw in her eyes and the tightening around her lips that she did not believe him.

  All at once, he could not move away, not without tasting her full coral lips. Leaning down, he touched his lips to hers, earning a gasp and barely-there “oh.” Her lips parting in surprise stripped Brody of all remaining control and he gave in to the need that had been building in him for months. Sliding his right hand around her neck, he controlled her head as he thoroughly explored her lips, teeth, and tongue.

  She responded by grabbing the waistband of his jeans and holding on tight. Dropping her jaw open, she allowed him to deepen the kiss even further. Then, instead of inviting her to do the same, he ended the kiss. Wrapping both arms around her, he hugged her tight until their heartbeats slowed and synchronized.

  “Wow,” Drew murmured from where he leaned heavily against the wall. “That was hot.”

  Hannah remained silent, but stared up at him through wide, wary eyes. He had definitely caught her off-guard. Since she had not fought his kiss, or the embrace, Brody could only assume she was interested as well. But she was too tense. Way too tense.

  Staring down at her, he could imagine how she would look after he and his boy spent an evening relaxing every ounce of stress from her body. He decided now was a good time to leave, while she was still processing and before she decided to kick him in the balls for kissing her.

  Releasing her, Brody waited as she swayed then planted her feet and firmed her stance. Then he joined Drew by the door. “You. Outside. Now.”

  Once Drew was outside, Brody turned to the still silent woman. “Lock up tight, Hannah, and get some rest.”

  Picking up his toy bag, he hid his face so she would not see his grin when she answered with a distracted, “Uh-huh.”

  Once on the porch, he waited for her to throw the deadbolt. Then he wrapped one arm around the still wobbling Drew and helped his man to his black SUV, the only vehicle left in the parking lot. The lights on the front porch and the parking lot did not go dark until he had pulled out onto the main road and headed toward town.

  “Did it feel as hot as it looked?” Drew asked about halfway home, still sounding like he was more asleep than awake.


  When Drew went silent again, Brody assumed he had fallen back to sleep. A few minutes later, he eased the SUV into the three-car garage they had built onto the back of their house at the edge of town.

  “Will she be joining us?” his slave asked. His words were soft, slurred, and hesitant. “Or will you be going to her?”

  Chapter Three

  Hannah woke late Friday morning, still as aroused, confused, and frustrated as she had felt when she locked the door behind Brody and Drew in the wee hours of Wednesday morning. Every time she thought of the kiss Brody had laid on her, her lips tingled, her nipples beaded, and her pussy heated up as if she were in the tropics during July, and not the Kansas in the middle of winter.

  The fact that neither man had been in touch since driving away together added another layer to the conflicted feelings that raced around and around her brain like a manic mating squirrels. She swung from anger at Brody for making a pass at her in front of his boyfriend, to wishing Drew had joined in, to wondering if things would ever go any further, or if the men had decided to look for a leaner, lankier woman.

  Rolling to her si
de, she peeked out the window of the former storage building she had spent her junior and senior high school years transforming from shed into a home. The building sat fifteen feet from the Tavern’s back door. After finding her husband in their bed fucking one of the women from his office, she had returned home and reclaimed the space as her own once more.

  Looking at the clock, she decided she had just enough time once more to attempt to ease the residual sexual stress Brody’s kiss had left her with before she had to open the Tavern for lunch. Reaching to the nightstand, she pulled her computer tablet to her. Drew’s latest erotic romance had released several days earlier and she had downloaded it but had not yet had a chance to read it. While she read, she would deal with some long-ignored stress issues.

  Reaching under the bed, she pulled out the carved wooden book she kept hidden there. Lifting the hinged lid, she sorted through the contents, picked up several of her toys before putting them back down again. None of them screamed, “Use me!”

  Even her purple vibrator, which had been the latest addition to her collection of sex toys, did not pull at her as it usually did. It was as if by kissing her, Brody had cast some sort of curse on her. She thought she might go crazy from the simmering arousal she’d been walking around with. But when it came time to unwind the sexual spring that was wound tight, the crazy itchy feeling died away like it had never been.

  When the phone rang, she answered it without bothering to check the readout. She needed something, anything, to take her mind off her physical aches and whoever was calling had to be better than the torture she faced if she tried to get herself off. “Hello?”

  Three minutes later, she disconnected and carefully set the phone on the nightstand. Then she rolled over and began to slam her fists into the pillows. Though she was frustrated with Brody and Drew, she now had bigger concerns. The frustration that had haunted her for the past two days turned to a dark anger. Since she could not beat her ex-husband’s ass, it was time to deal with the other men making her crazy.


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