Loud and Clear

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Loud and Clear Page 46

by Iftach Spector

  And like a directive, my former subordinate added, “You must give more to the education of the younger generation, especially in these hectic times. You have so much to give!”

  I never saw Ilan Ramon again. He invited me to come and watch the launch of the space shuttle. I was busy and didn’t go, and only sent him a blessing by mail. I didn’t come for the landing, either, the landing that never took place. Ilan took off into space on the space shuttle Columbia in January 2003. He flew sixteen days in space and was the happiest of men. On February 1 the shuttle disintegrated on reentering the atmosphere on its way to a landing. All of its crew were lost, and Leo Agen’s letter was burned to ashes, too.

  I don’t know to what extent his letter, in which he spoke to me like a father to his son, influenced some of my deeds afterward. Perhaps his last sentence had something to do with my reaction, when I was stunned and dismayed by the attitude of some officers in the IDF toward the illegality of their actions in the conquered areas, and so I signed that famous letter, a refusal to take part in war crimes. And perhaps Ilan Ramon wrote these words to me because he knew me, and saw things that were hidden in me that I didn’t even know about.


  THE LAST VISITORS WHO left our home, at three o’clock in the morning, were Ofra and Raful Eitan, who stayed and talked a long time. We washed the dishes, carried chairs, and got the house squared away, ready for the next day’s attack by our grandchildren. This is how a long, magnificent, and exceptional meeting ended. Its uniqueness was in the willing of all those present, men and women, to open up and speak the truth. And this made the difference between this meeting and other, more regular ones.

  Ezer Weizman once said mockingly that the past—unlike the future—could be manipulated. Sometimes I fear that this is what some generals and politicians are busy doing in Israel and the rest of the world.

  That evening at our home was not like that.



  A Refusenik Speaks

  IN 2003 A YOUNG PILOT put a sheet of paper on my desk. The reason for my signing was emotional: a feeling of disgust to the reaction of the commander of the Israeli Air Force in a magazine interview after a bombing that had killed children in Gaza the year before: “How do I feel? Nothing. Just a light buffet on the wing, that’s all. I sleep well at night.” And the accompanying chuckle.

  I was surprised at the public outrage against us, the signatories of that letter, instead of the other way around. But that storm did something good for me: it forced me to activate my head, not just my heart.

  These changes came about under difficult conditions. The insults and dismissals against us “refuseniks”—pilots, commandos, and other soldiers who had heretofore seen themselves as “the salt of the earth”—twisted by the balls and stabbed in the heart. One day a young pilot, my son’s age, called me, all choked up. He told me that he had trouble holding up against the pressure.

  I asked, “Son, do you have a backbone?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then use it.” These hard words came from the 1970s, from the Orange Tails, and I said them not just to him but to myself, too. My situation was similar to his. My long journey in the sky was nearing its natural end at the time, and I intended to fold my wings and settle in my Ithaca, full of respect and honor. Suddenly the pilots’ letter forced me to remember the rules of my life again. Always positive, I had to get up and make a second voyage, on another sea.

  On this voyage, which has yet to end and has become even more remarkable than its predecessor, I discovered friends who were not friends and enemies who were not enemies, and a multitude of people, some colorful and spectacular, and weird creatures whose existence I never suspected. I was borne on currents from here to there, landed in curious islands, but soon I began to search for clarity. And just as in former days, I found events that were not coincidental. There were connecting lines, buried, concealed from the untrained eye, linking all the things that occurred around me.

  THE GOAL OF ZIONISM was simple: the establishment of a Jewish state in the Land of Israel, to save the Jewish nation. In 1948 the occupying British forces left, and we declared a Jewish state under UN auspices. In 1949, after the Arabs had attacked and been defeated, we had an actual country—not very big, less than the full biblical promise, but it was in Zion and had part of Jerusalem, and its space sufficed for the absorption of the remainder of world Jewry after the Holocaust and for any future development. The Arabs opposed us—I will not get into who owns the rights to this land, nor to who began the violence. I don’t think these questions have any answers. But they attacked us, so we defended ourselves. In short, the efforts of three generations bore a new Jewish state in the Land of Israel. Then came the fourth generation, my generation, and we screwed it up.

  What confused us was the victory in the Six-Day War. First, we forgot the goal—saving the nation—and changed it to saving the land. Second, we ceased to be realistic.

  WHEN THE ORIGINAL GOAL—the establishment of a Jewish state—was forgotten, we became passive, reactive. From creators we turned into mere watchdogs guarding a “treasure” (by “treasure” I mean the conquered areas that fell into our hands as a result of the Six-Day War, totally unintentionally and with no plan, with their large population of Palestinian Arabs). To this was added a measure of arrogance: after the “miracle” of 1967 we were caught up in a cycle of superciliousness and mysticism, creating our own reality that ignored existing factors. In this way we became caught up in a vortex of events that led nowhere, and our wars just “happened” with no rhyme or reason.

  IN “EVENTS THAT LED NOWHERE” I am talking about more than wars per se. Clear goals, realistic orientation, and strategy are necessary also in economy, education, international relations, building of infrastructure, law and order, and all systems of government and state organization. In all of them we began to falter, because everything derives from the goal; he who has no goal, scatters in place. Perhaps other states, older, larger, and richer than we, not surrounded by enemies, can use their inertia and have it all—capitalism and social justice, Western culture and equality to immigrants, etc. (and perhaps even they can’t), but this definitely is not within the reach of Israel. With our limited resources we don’t have this luxury.

  In the past, we had a single, clear national goal. Since 1967 we have been playing with several alternatives, some of which are mutually exclusive. We have no other choice but to decide on one primary goal and reduce the others in importance or even give some of them up entirely. If your supreme goal is a Jewish state, you have to leave the occupied territories to exclude their non-Jewish population. If your topmost goal is the whole biblical land of Israel, you have to give up the dream of an exclusively Jewish state and establish a binational state. And if the goal is just “security” (an unrealistic target, like a war that “brings the boys home”)—you must realize that you are opting for military governance. And the same with every other goal you choose. But if you pursue this, this, and that, you may end up with nothing.

  We suppress such deliberation, since we fear polarizing the nation (in other words, civil war). Instead of thinking, we prefer to compromise, speak in lofty language, and hope “it all works out somehow.” Such behavior was called by Benny Peled, a man of few words, “chicken shit.”

  AND SO, WITH NO NATIONAL GOAL, we have been muddling through for forty-one years with no coherent policy or strategy, careening from one crisis to the next as things degenerate. First, the system of principles rots, then the hierarchy of command, and after a while soldiering and readiness for national service. I am talking about more than military matters. Without a national goal all the values and capabilities that enable public life wither gradually, from top to bottom. Even clarity of thought and language degenerates; concepts intermingle and become tools in the hands of cheats to deceive the politically immature. Was the aim of our “disengagement from Gaza” to advance us toward a Jewish state and thus an achievement
? Or was it intended to improve our security and thus a failure?

  Each proclaims his own different understanding, and it all becomes chicken shit.

  THE PILOTS’ LETTER didn’t deal with all this. It was just a protest against one aspect of degeneration in the Israeli Defense Force in the fields of law and morality. Not one of the signatories, me included, ever believed that the killing of children in Gaza was done intentionally. It certainly was done by mistake. But that’s not so with the statements of Maj. Gen. Dan Halutz, who declared publicly that the killing of innocents was not important to him. His words require an answer.

  I had a closed-door, face-to-face meeting with him after that failed attack. He took off his insignia and gave me a speech full of high moral tone. I was amazed at the cognitive dissonance, but only after I had seen the pilots’ letter did I realize that the speech in his office was directed at men like me, and the “small bang and it’s over” speech to his superiors, serving to quiet their doubts about themselves and their responsibility by his impudence. It served also to ingratiate him with some in the Israeli street who simply wanted revenge on the Arabs.

  But this interview did one other, even worse thing. It proposed a deal to the soldiers of the IDF: “I’ll cover for you if you commit immoral, unlawful acts in the occupied territories.”

  For officers and soldiers involved in a complicated war, this was much nicer to hear than a loud and clear demand that they fight lawfully.

  This was a case when an officer was trying to buy personal popularity, and promotion, in exchange for national assets that had been entrusted to him. I, too, could have been “nice” had I ignored indiscriminate firing of the First’s air-to-air missiles. There were similar opportunities in the Orange Tails, in Ramat-David, Tel Nof, and in every position of command. But the education I had received taught me that buying leadership and comradeship cheaply is not just immoral and unlawful, but also has heavy operational costs at the end. Good commanders are busy preparing for war, and not buying and selling. In short, we are not rich enough to afford cheap things as leaders.

  IN THE WAKE OF THE STORM that battered me after the pilots’ letter I began thinking, reading, listening, and talking. I realized that our existence here, and indeed the existence of the Jewish nation all over the world, are still far from secure, and that we can’t sit still and avoid decisions, because nondecision is a decision in itself. And I found to my amazement that during all those years and wars, when I thought I was defending my motherland, all I did was buy time. I had been serving the status quo, helping unknowingly a series of governments to postpone the need to set national goals. And time spilled, like milk.

  Thus—and here I take the risk of being called naive—I concluded that the future of Israel depends on a renewed decision to build a Jewish state. And please don’t ask me what a Jew is. For me, a Jew is everyone who sees himself as a Jew and whose community sees him as one, even if his name is Tatar. A Jew is a Jew is a Jew.

  No doubt the renewed commitment to a Jewish state would not be easy. It requires the postponing, or even renouncing, of several less important aspirations. Let it be said clearly, I propose to give up the occupied territories and their non-Jewish population, because not doing so contradicts our national goal. The evacuation of those areas is not to placate the Arabs, nor does it promise security or peace, certainly not now. I propose only one thing: a Jewish state.

  People say that Arabs do not agree that we have a right to exist whatever we do, so what’s the point in negotiations, unilateral withdrawals, establishment of a Palestinian state—these things only work against us! My answer is that we should do this not because of anyone else, but because these things help us secure a Jewish state for our children and ourselves. Negotiations, unilateral withdrawals, and the establishment of a Palestinian state are tools that get us to our goal, and the question of security and peace should be managed in parallel, but is secondary. No one vows to solve it soon—we may have to manage this conflict for a long time to come—but we can do it only as a Jewish state. And the very existence of the Jewish state will make it clearer where the Palestinians should live and who is really responsible for their situation, for better or for worse. Then the Israeli Defense Force could renew its true mission, to defend our state, as a decent army should do, rather than dulling its edge occupying others.

  The Israeli Arab minority’s position in our Jewish state would be defined, together with the meaning of citizenship. National economic priorities would change, investing development in the now-neglected Galilee and the Negev, not wasting itself on new Jewish settlements in Palestine. When our borders become clearly defined, many of our internal problems will ease significantly. Israel’s standing in the world will be moral and clear. And security and peace can be sought better from a clear position, rather than from inside the tumult of a boiling pot. And Israeli educators, officers, and judges will again be able to look people in the eye.

  ONCE WE DECIDE ON OUR NATIONAL goal, we can begin strategizing how to get there. I know it won’t be easy, but the problem is ours and no one else’s. Status quo leads down a slippery slope to a binational and finally a Palestinian state. Thus the next logical step is to define a place for the Palestinians, and this place has to be reasonable, so that future reconciliation is possible. This place is present-day Palestine—those still-conquered territories that we should now set free, and let the Palestinians solve their national problem. We should take part in their efforts in an active and positive way, with no patronizing whatsoever. We must mobilize the whole world for this. This is strategy.

  In the short term, we must secure our safety. We have to prevent terrorists from attacking us, and outlaw countries from threatening our existence. With good strategy there is hope that such threats will diminish over time, but until then we have to use our weapons, too. So we’d better do it wisely and efficiently, smashing only the guilty and avoiding collateral damage. And if something bad happens by mistake, we should admit it, explain, apologize, and even pay reparations. These are tactics.

  Let me say clearly that I also understand that hitting terrorists without any damage to innocents is hard. This does not mean that the problem has no solution. It just means that it is not a trivial problem. We have seen so-called unsolvable problems before—for example the problem of the SAM arrays. The fact that the military problem of hitting a terrorist who hides within the civilian population hasn’t been solved yet (and one can solve a problem without achieving 100 percent success) doesn’t mean it is not insoluble but only that not enough work has been invested in solving it yet.

  The requirement to hit a terrorist hidden in a civilian population is nothing new. This has been an issue for more than a hundred years—it has been discussed philosophically and defined legally—and there is an array of possible solutions—offensive, defensive, and others. It may be a difficult problem perhaps neglected for too long, but the solution lies not in abolishing civilized law and going wild. Perhaps just the opposite is true. Of course, this requires leadership.

  THESE ARE THE REAL TOOLS: a clear goal and well-balanced and rational navigation in that direction, without whining or aggressive rampages. Rational behavior, tough but ethical and decent, without panic and without giving up our unique qualities and mental stability, is the only strategic option left for every sane government in the world. Sycophantic political leaders with no map or compass are our worst enemies, no matter how sweet their smiles.

  In short, all comes from within. This is my answer to the question I was asked by my daughter Noah.

  IN SPITE OF THE OLD AIR FORCE maxim, I was never too proud to explain or apologize, and before I end this book I want to do some of that, too.

  First, about its length. When I began writing I thought to explain to myself the meaning of three difficult years, and somehow I ended up covering the other twenty-five years, too. Second, I apologize for talking so much about myself, and perhaps misrepresenting the fact that I wasn’t there alone. T
he truth is that behind every word in this book stand many friends who were there—fought, laughed, toiled, lived, and died beside me. They were witnesses to my story, and I remember them all. And one more thing should be said, that I am aware that my truth is subjective. All I know is myself, and this, too, is not a small thing. And if I didn’t tell everything, it is because you wouldn’t believe it anyway. In fact, some of the most interesting stories I left out of this book. Maybe I’ll tell them sometime, perhaps in the third person.

  But I am happy with this work. For the first time I looked back and saw my vapor trail across the azure sky, and my white line is beautiful in my eyes, and well closed.

  I HAVE MANY MORE WONDERFUL years ahead; there are many things I want to do and many places to wander, from the depths of the sea to the caverns of Earth and up beyond the stars. I raise my eyes and look, and lo, the world is full of new colors, no less beautiful than azure. Green, for example; green appeals to me tremendously. And I know more good days are on the way. And like everything in my life, they come from within.


  THE WRITING OF THIS BOOK was not easy, and this is the place to thank those who encouraged me, invested effort, read through drafts, and gave their opinions, and thanks to them I succeeded in finishing the work.

  A special thanks to my friend Samuel Gorvine from Brazil, who believed I had a story to tell and encouraged me to sit down and write it. Sam also rewrote my crude translation of the book to English.

  Brigadier General (Ret.) Shlomo Egozi of the IAF, Col. Ido Ambar and his son Jonathan, Mrs. Urit Bodinger, Ambassador Ran Ichay, my dear friends Oded and Rochale Idan, Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Giora Furman, and Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Ran Pecker all wrote long and helpful discussions of my work.


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