Supernatural Shadow: An Urban Fantasy Novel

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Supernatural Shadow: An Urban Fantasy Novel Page 17

by Fatima Fayez

  Leon leaned back, studying me, then waved a hand at Rafael. "Give her want she needs."

  I stood up. Rafael didn't budge. I glanced back at Leon and realized he was waiting for me to say something. I thought about Rafael requesting that I come in, and something clicked. I sank back into the chair. "Oh, and I killed a vampire."

  Leon didn't show any surprise. They already knew.

  Whoever was keeping tabs on me had been an invisible tail that night. I was going to have to figure this out. I couldn't be monitored all the time. The one thing I knew for sure was that it wasn't the girl, Vanessa. I had overheard the conversation with her friend. They hadn't told anyone yet. I wondered if the Alliance knew I had breached the Dragon Research Authority Center. Probably. The question was, would they have told Diego?

  "You violated your contract," Leon said.

  "No, I didn't." I smiled at him. "It was self-defense." I was glad I had put that clause in.

  "Working with you is going to kill me," Leon muttered. He rubbed a hand over his face. "Fine, we'll get you your records. Come back in the afternoon and they'll be waiting for you."

  "Why did you have me come in if you couldn't get them?" I was growing frustrated. The Alliance was wasting my time while I could have been getting closer to locating Sebastian.

  Leon gestured at the door.

  I stood up stiffly and left.

  Rafael followed me out. As soon as we left Leon's office, Rafael chuckled. "Leon's not the only one you're going to be the death of. Want to tell me why you had a guilty expression on your face after admitting you killed the vampire?"

  "Why should I tell you? Are you going to tell him?" I shot him a look. I was annoyed with him for bringing me in.

  "I might. Depends on how bad it is," Rafael admitted. At least he didn't lie to me. I could be mad at him for keeping me out of the loop, but it was his job nonetheless. I was the consultant they were supposed to tame.

  I fluffed my hair. "I went to Diego's castle and checked it out."

  Rafael frowned. "What's so bad about that?"

  I tucked a few strands of hair behind my ear and tried for an innocent expression.

  Rafael's jaw dropped open. "You didn't!"

  I allowed myself a grin. "I did."

  "You went inside the dragon's lair?" Rafael laughed. He shook his head. "Do you have a death wish? Are you trying to get yourself killed? I mean, at this point Leon and Diego will probably have to flip a coin for the honor."

  Rafael walked me to the car. He leaned in and kissed me on the lips.

  "What was that for?" I asked him. Not that I was complaining, but I wanted to know what had inspired it.

  "Thanks for being in my life. I'd like to ask you for a favor: please don't tell Leon what you did." He paused thoughtfully. "Or wait until I'm around to see it." His eyes sparkled.

  Chapter Forty-Two

  Leon was true to his word. I showed up later that afternoon and was led to a small room. A pile of records had been printed and were sitting in a big pile on a spindly desk. They had provided me with pens and a few different colored highlighters. I rolled up my sleeves and got to work. I had to find the pattern.

  This was the boring work I hated, but I was good at identifying patterns. If I found a recurring number, then I was sure I would find Sebastian, or at least a family member. I'd chase down all leads. I wondered if Sebastian used burner phones. That's what I would do, but then again, not everyone was as paranoid as I was. He was probably secure in the knowledge that most people thought he was dead.

  Two hours later, Rafael stopped by. "How's it going?"


  "Need help?" His eyes crinkled at the corners.

  "Sure." I grinned at him. It would be nice to have some company.

  We rifled through the files in silence. After a few minutes of this, he spoke up. "So, when are we going on our second date?"

  I looked up at him. "Did we actually have a first date?" Whatever we had going on seemed to involve a lot of flirting and a lot of good times. In bed.

  "Dinner. Dancing. Fun times." He checked them off on his fingers. "I think all three qualify for a successful first date."

  I grinned at him. "But it was a serendipitous encounter, don't you think?"

  "Can we repeat this serendipitous encounter?"

  "Or we can just cut right to the fun times," I said.

  "You have to be careful, or I'll begin thinking you're using me for my body." He sucked in his stomach and flexed an arm.

  "You just figured it out?" I laughed and touched his flexed muscle. "I really, really enjoy the fun times."

  His eyes turned serious, despite the smile on his lips. "I would like to actually spend time with you. Not in bed."

  "So would I, but..." My voice trailed off. I wasn't sure how to say it. It had been exciting to jump into bed with someone I had such great chemistry with. And the attraction between us was still going strong, but I just didn't know if it was smart for this to turn it into something serious. Noor would say I was scared of being hurt like I had been in my last relationship, but a part of me thought I had just grown accustomed to being by myself. It felt strange to try to make room for someone else in my life.

  Rafael frowned. He lowered his arm, and I withdrew my hand. My reaction may not have been what he expected. "Is it this case?"

  I nodded my head and looked down at the files spread out before us. "A little. It just feels weird that I'm chasing after my ex and I'm working for the Alliance. You're my coworker. I haven't been in a relationship in a long time. It's a lot of things," I admitted, looking back up at him and running my fingers through my hair.

  "But not weird enough for you to hang out with me the other day?" Rafael tried to understand. "Is it the way we met? Do you think I want to be with you just to keep tabs on you for the Alliance? Because that's not what's happening here."

  "No." I shook my head. The thought had crossed my mind, but I had dismissed it. "I know you don't need to go to those lengths. Leon still knew about the vampire. That's driving me crazy, by the way. Any chance you'll let me know what kind of surveillance I'm under?" I asked him lightly in an attempt to change the subject.

  Rafael smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "I don't even know the answer to that. I'm compromised due to my relationship with you. They won't tell me anything."

  I swallowed hard. "We don't have a relationship. A relationship is different."

  He shrugged. "My involvement with you, then. Call it what you will. It amounts to the same thing to them."

  The room was silent. It was awkward and heavy. I didn't know how to break it without sounding more callous. Before the tension could grow to be unbearable, Rafael said, "Here's a suggestion: stop thinking and just go along with it."

  "I don't want to hurt you," I confessed. It was flattering how interested he was, but it was also terrifying.

  He chuckled. "Don't worry about me. I'm a big boy. I just really like our time together and want more. Think about it." Rafael paused. "If you can't work with me, then I can get assigned somewhere else. My role here is flexible enough for that. Don't feel trapped by our proximity at work."

  It was considerate of him to offer. "Thank you. I'll think about it."

  Rafael pressed his lips together. I wondered what he had been about to say. He looked down at the papers. "Let's keep going. We'll find the pattern."

  I had color-coded recurring numbers and spread the papers around. I stood up on a chair and looked at the mess, trying to unfocus my eyes and find a pattern. Sure enough, I caught a repeating color.

  "Take a look at this." I stepped off the chair and pointed at a row. "This number keeps calling Charlie every night around the same time. They spend an hour or more on the phone. Do you think this is Sebastian, his girlfriend, or his mother?"

  "Can we get the address the number is linked to?" Rafael turned to the computer in the room with us. We looked it up and discovered it was a warehouse.

  Rafael glanced at m
e. "What do you think? Should we go check it out?"

  "Yes." Any lead was worth pursuing. This could be where Sebastian was hiding out.

  We drove for about ten minutes before we arrived at the warehouse. The pavement around it was cracked, and weeds had made a valiant effort to reclaim their territory. Almost every window was broken, and glass glittered along the ground beneath each one.

  "It looks abandoned, but let's check." Rafael picked the lock and opened the door. "Ladies first."

  We wandered around the empty space. I kept an eye open for any hidden areas where a vampire could hide, but it appeared to be exactly what it was: an abandoned warehouse.

  "This is disappointing," I said.

  Rafael shrugged. "Not all leads turn out to be golden. Maybe the next one will be it. We can go to Charlie's deli."

  Charlie regularly had lunch at a deli down the street from work. We’d picked up the information from the financial records the Alliance had provided.

  "Sure, let's go."

  Even if we didn't find Charlie, I could get a sandwich.

  Chapter Forty-Three

  The deli was large but had a cozy vibe. The air smelled of freshly-ground coffee, and warm pastries were displayed in the cases by the register. Tables were lined up on both sides of the wall, including a few in the center of the place, and toward the back was a counter with a display full of salads and sandwiches. Most of the tables were vacant, but we saw a man was sitting at one table with a book in front of him and one other woman sitting in the corner with her laptop propped open.

  "Are you hungry?" Rafael asked.

  "Yes, I need a sandwich and orange juice."

  We walked up to the counter and I perused the selection of sandwiches. I finally decided on a turkey sandwich. Rafael chose a chicken sandwich and coffee.

  We sat at a table in the front of the shop, close to the entrance. I bit into my sandwich, suddenly ravenous. "How did you start working for the Alliance?" I asked him. We had become serious so quickly, but there was still so much I didn't know about him.

  "It was what my family wanted, and I decided to indulge them." Rafael took a sip of his coffee.

  "Why did they want you to join?"

  "They thought someone in the family should be a member, and I was the only one of my siblings that had nothing else to do."

  "How many siblings do you have?"


  I gaped at him. "Six?"

  "Yes. How many do you have?"

  "None. Only child." I couldn't imagine having any siblings, never mind six of them. It must have been a noisy upbringing.

  "Did your parents spoil you?" Rafael smiled.

  "I grew up with my mother, but I never knew my father. My mother was intense and very focused. She had a healthy dose of paranoia and thought the world was going to end at any moment. She aimed some of that excess energy toward me, and, no, she didn't spoil me." My sandwich was disappearing fast.

  "That sounds like a difficult upbringing." His smile had disappeared.

  "It's all I knew." I shrugged. There was no need for his sympathy. I had grown up safe and healthy. I changed the topic. "Why did your family think someone should be in the Alliance?"

  "They believe in service. My other siblings all have jobs that benefit the supernatural community," Rafael said.

  His answer seemed evasive. I decided to let it pass. He was entitled to his secrets as long as he kept out of mine. "Do you think Charlie will show up?" I asked him. I sipped my orange juice.

  "The records show that Charlie picks up lunch here every day," he said in a light tone.

  I glanced up at the door as it opened. A redhead stepped in. She had shoulder-length hair, wide blue eyes, and a splatter of freckles along her nose and cheeks. She went to the counter to order. I looked out the windowpane and shook my head. Maybe today wasn't going to be the day to find Charlie Gale.

  I took the last bite of my sandwich. After I swallowed, I asked, "What should we do if he doesn't show up?"

  Rafael didn't answer me. He was watching the redhead. I glanced at her. We watched as she walked over and settled at a table near us. She placed her tray down and started unfolding her napkin.

  "Let's go," Rafael said, getting to his feet. He left his tray on the table.

  I frowned. I disliked it when people didn't tidy up after themselves. It seemed out of character for the courteous fae.

  "Are we leaving?" I asked, standing up. I pointedly picked up my tray.

  Confused, I watched Rafael walk past me. He walked over to the redhead and I followed, still holding onto my tray.

  "Charlie Gale? We have a few questions for you," Rafael told her.

  The redhead looked up at the two of us. She switched between Rafael and me, frowning at the tray I held in my hands. Rafael gave me a sideways glance and looked down at the tray. He smirked.

  "Yes?" She was cautious. Her hand left her sandwich and reached toward her purse.

  Rafael lowered himself into the empty seat. "Mind if we join you?" He was trying to appear non-threatening by getting down to her level.

  I turned and disposed of my tray and returned to take the seat next to Rafael.

  We had also effectively blocked her from escaping. From the look on her face, she’d realized the same thing.

  I smiled, trying to appear friendly.

  She flinched.

  I guess that smile was less friendly than I hoped.

  "We're looking for a common friend," Rafael told Charlie.

  Her eyes narrowed. "Does your friend have a name?"


  She memorized our features. I looked at her hands. "Do you want to put your hands on the table?" I asked gently. "Are you recording this?"

  "What if I am?"

  I shook my head and spoke quickly. "It doesn't matter. Sebastian knows we're looking for him. We need your help locating him. He's doing things that will have a lot of ramifications for a lot of people, and I'm sure you're aware of that or you wouldn't have waited this long." I got to my feet and gestured at Rafael to do the same. "We won't bother you. Please tell him Aisha says hello."

  We walked away. Rafael picked up his tray and put it away. The gesture restored the balance in how I viewed him. I knew his earlier behavior had been out of character. The world made sense again, and it gave me a profound sense of relief. I waited for him at the door.

  Rafael whispered, "What was that?"

  We left the shop and stood outside, away from Charlie Gale's view.

  I turned to him. "The best thing to do to a journalist is pique their curiosity. She knows we want Sebastian. We asked her to pass along the message. She'll want to know more about who I am, and Sebastian's the only one who can give her that information. She'll have to get in touch with him. If we're lucky, she'll do it while we're listening in on her call. All we have to do is wait."

  Rafael shook his head. "Okay, boss."

  I smiled. Then I gave in to the impulse that had consumed me since I saw him pick up his tray and I kissed him.

  His eyes danced when he pulled away. "This isn't the time for distractions."

  "Sorry, boss."

  He pulled me to him and kissed me. He whispered into my ear, "It seems like you know all my fantasies. Let's return to it another time. We need to focus." He withdrew, a crooked smile on his lips.

  I grinned at him. I pulled his hand and dragged him into the alley.

  Chapter Forty-Four

  Rafael protested as I pulled him into the narrow alleyway. "Aisha, we really need to focus."

  "We will." I let go of his hand. "Do you have any magic dispellers on you?"

  He raised his right hand and showed me the cuff on his wrist.

  "Take it off," I instructed him.

  He followed my request and I took the cuff from him, slipping it into my pocket. I started murmuring under my breath. Rafael fidgeted as I placed the invisibility spell over him. I did the same for myself.

  "We're in a cocoon," I expl
ained. "People outside the sphere cannot see us or hear us. If an Alliance street sweeper passed by they'd feel my magic, so I hope you've got enough pull to justify this."

  "What are you going to do?"

  "I tapped into her phone. Whatever call she makes will be heard here."

  Rafael pressed his lips together. "Illegal tapping. I need a warrant for that."

  "Only if they catch us."

  He shook his head but didn't protest.

  I raised my phone to my ear, and Rafael leaned in close to listen. It took a couple of minutes, but we soon heard a dial tone. I inhaled sharply as I heard that familiar voice. "Hello?"

  It was Sebastian.

  Rafael gave me a concerned look. We listened as Charlie told Sebastian about the encounter.

  "Who?" Sebastian asked after she had given him my name.

  "She said her name was Aisha. She said hello."

  "How did she find you? No, never mind. Why did she find you? Where are you right now?" He sounded panicked.

  I smiled grimly. Good.

  "I'm at the deli. How did they know I was here and that I knew you? Who are they? Who is she?" Charlie asked him, interrogating him just like the good journalist she was.

  "She's nobody," Sebastian snarled.

  Rafael raised an eyebrow, concern evident on his features.

  I stuck out my lower lip in exaggerated sadness and rubbed an imaginary tear from my eye.

  The concern on his face was soon replaced with sparkling eyes and a crooked grin.

  "You seem awfully upset with this 'nobody' meeting me," Charlie said. Smart woman.

  "We need to go live with the story." There were sounds in the background on Sebastian's end. They sounded like papers ruffling.

  "You know how things stand with my editor. He's not fully on board yet. I need a little more time."

  "Get him on board, or I'll go with someone else. It's been long enough." Sebastian raised his voice.

  "You know these things take time, otherwise you sound like a crazy nut with a conspiracy theory." Charlie tried to reason with him, keeping her tone cool and professional. "I told you he needs two more sources before he takes this seriously. In addition to the story being approved, you have to send out teasers and get the public ready to hear it. Otherwise no one will be interested."


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