Mason (Trinity Academy Book 2)

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Mason (Trinity Academy Book 2) Page 15

by Michelle Heard

  “Lake, you’re going to give Preston a nervous breakdown,” Falcon jokes.

  “He knows I’m joking. Right, Preston?”

  All we get from Preston is wheezing, which makes me chuckle as I climb into my car. I wait for Falcon to pull out before I fall in behind him.

  Minutes later, Falcon says, “We’re coming up on the intersection, Lake.”

  “Are we still good, Preston?” I ask.

  “Yes, they haven’t narrowed in on us yet.”

  “Then why the fuck am I hearing sirens?” My heartbeat begins speeding up all over again when I spot the cop cars coming from the opposite direction, but when they speed right past us, I let out a breath of relief.

  “Relax,” Preston says, “They’re heading to the stadium.”

  “Dude, did you hack the cops as well?” I ask with total disbelief.

  “Just to keep an eye on what they were doing,” Preston defends himself.

  “Fuck,” I spit out. “I don’t want to end up in federal prison.”

  “Technically, I’m the hacker,” Preston says matter-of-factly.”

  Lake comes speeding from the right side, turning sharply to squeeze in between Falcon and me and I have to swerve to the right, so I don’t hit him.

  “Fuckers! The both of you better run when we get back to campus,” I growl.

  We drive for a while, and when we take the exit toward Ojai, Preston mournfully says, “She served us well.”

  “Toss the fucking laptop,” I grumble.

  “Fly free,” Lake yells as Preston throws the wiped laptop, so it shatters against the concrete.

  “I believe I can fly,” Lake sings. “I believe I can touch the sky.”

  “Shut up,” Falcon, and I yell at the same time.

  “People don’t appreciate great talent anymore,” Lake mumbles. Then he says, “Preston?”


  “Weren’t you supposed to wear gloves?”

  I feel an actual migraine come on, as I shout, “You just threw your fucking fingerprints out the window!”

  “Of course, I wore gloves,” Preston says.

  “You can do it,” Lake whispers, and that’s when I realize they’re screwing with me.

  “He’s going to kill me,” Preston whispers back, while I glare at the back of Lake’s Koenigsegg Regera.

  “We’re just fucking with you,” Preston says, then he quickly adds, “I’m sorry. Please don’t hit me when we get back to campus.”

  Fuck, they really had me there for a moment.

  “I swear, if I didn’t love my car so much, I’d ram it up the ass of your Regera right now,” I spit at Lake.

  “Do you like my ass that much?” Lake croons over the earpiece.

  Falcon’s car swerves slightly as his laughter sounds up and it has me grinning as well.

  Fuckers. All of them.

  Chapter 26


  Before the guys left, Falcon told us to watch Senator Weinstock’s rally because Mason would be standing in for Julian on behalf of CRC.

  I carry the candy and popcorn over to the coffee table and say, “I’m a little peeved that Mason didn’t tell me anything about this rally.” I look down at our stash of snacks and ask, “Do I need to get anything else?”

  Layla takes hold of my hand and pulls me down onto the couch. “Sit your butt down. We have enough snacks and drinks.”

  I snuggle into the one corner and grab a Hershey’s bar. I’m just about to take a bite when Layla grabs my hand excitedly, and the chocolate bounces up and down in front of my open mouth. “Look!” She slumps back against the couch. “Falcon looks so sexy in that suit.”

  My eyes snap to the TV, and a second later I’m grinning like an idiot, too. Layla’s still holding onto my hand, and the chocolate is totally forgotten.

  “It’s hard to believe,” I whisper.

  Layla scoots closer to me and rests her head against my shoulder. “That you and Mason are dating?” She scrunches her nose. “You’re right, it’s hard to believe.”

  I watch him shake hands with people, his shoulders squared, his toned body exuding power.

  “How did it happen, Layla?” I murmur. “How did I get such an amazing man to even look my way?”

  Layla sits up and bringing her hand to my face, she tucks a couple of strands behind my ear. “Kingsley, why wouldn’t you attract him? You’re a powerhouse.”

  I smile at her. “Aww… I love you, my friend.”

  She hugs me and then takes hold of my hand and bringing it to her mouth, she takes a bite of my chocolate. She chews and swallows before she says, “Love you, too.”

  The Senator begins to talk, but my eyes go to Serena who’s standing slightly to the back.

  “I’ve never hated anyone until her,” I admit to Layla.

  “That makes two of us. I swear she sets off my bitch alarm just by waking up in the morning.”

  I begin to laugh. “Bitch alarm.” I hold my hand up for a high five and slapping it, Layla grins.

  The Senator welcomes Mason, and it has me sitting upright. When Mason walks out onto the stage, it feels like everything inside of me flutters, not just my stomach.

  When the applause from the audience fades, Mason says, “Thank you for having me, Senator Weinstock.”

  I slap a hand over my heart. “I’m so freaking proud of him.” Emotion wells in my chest. “Crap, I’m going to cry.”

  Layla snuggles up to me again and taking the chocolate from my hand she tosses it on the table, and then she links our fingers.

  When Mason quotes Woodrow Wilson, it feels like I’m being hit by wave after wave of goosebumps.

  “During my attendance at Trinity Academy, I had the great pleasure of meeting two students who brought sunshine and light to our campus. Like any other student, they hope their dreams will come true. We at CRC Holdings invest to help bring those dreams to realization.”

  “Aaaaahhhhhh!” Layla and I shriek at the same time, bouncing on the couch.

  “That’s us, right?” I ask to be sure.

  “I’d kick his butt if it’s not,” she quips.

  When Mason adjusts his cufflink, I almost begin to drool. “Please tell me we can rewind so I can see him do that again.”

  “It will be on YouTube,” Layla states.


  Static comes from the TV which has me frowning, “Is that our TV or a problem on their side?”

  Manic laughter sounds up, which has Layla sitting back up. “Time to pay the piper, bitch.”

  “Holy crap,” Layla breathes with surprise.

  My mouth just hangs open as I stare at the screen.

  We watch as panic erupts on stage and how Mason walks over to Serena. I tilt my head and glare at the TV when he places his arm around her shoulder.

  He leans closer and says something to her, and then I almost dislocate my jaw as my mouth falls open for a second time.

  The huge screen on stage shows Serena handing Layla the pie.

  Layla turns her head slowly to me and asks, “It wasn’t the apple juice?”

  “I don’t know,” I shrug.

  Even though Layla’s face is blurred out, I still wrap an arm around her when we watch her collapse on screen.

  Serena says something, and I see a flash of anger on Mason’s face before he turns his back to the camera.

  Then Serena’s voice echoes loudly from the speakers, “You made a big mistake.”

  “Didn’t she say that after you slapped her the day Mason jumped into the pool with me?” I ask.

  “I can’t even remember.”

  The screen on stage blacks out and then Serena screeches like a dying cow. “Wow, so much for being graceful,” I say wryly.

  Layla’s phone rings and she quickly answers when she sees it’s Falcon.

  “What are you guys doing?” she asks without greeting him. She pauses for a moment then says, “Okay, I’m switching it off.” Layla turns off the TV, then asks, “Why
can’t we wat –” She pauses then puts the phone on speaker.

  “Falcon says we can’t watch the next piece,” Layla explains.

  “Hey, Kingsley,” Falcon’s voice comes over the phone. “Mason will kill me if you watched the next couple of minutes.”

  “Why? What’s happening?” I ask worried Mason will get into trouble.

  “Give us forty minutes, and we’ll be back, then Mason will explain everything to you.”


  I begin chewing on my bottom lip, just hoping the guys get home safely. I didn’t expect anything like this to happen.

  “Let’s watch Grace and Frankie until they get back,” Layla says.

  “And stuff our faces,” I add as I reach for the candy.

  We’re almost done watching a second episode when there’s a knock at the door. I dart up, sending the popcorn flying over the table and floor. But when I open and see it’s Falcon, I mutter, “Layla, it’s your man.”

  Falcon grins at Layla while I get down on my knees so I can clean up the mess I’ve made, while worry begins to grow at a rapid pace inside of me.

  “Isn’t Mason back yet?” I ask, keeping my head down.

  “He is. He went to change out of the suit,” Falcon explains which makes the anxiety ease in my chest.

  My head snaps up, and I smile. “Thanks.”

  When they begin to leave, I set the bowl aside and get up. “Enjoy the evening, guys.”

  “Catch you later,” Layla throws over her shoulder while they walk toward the elevator.

  I lean back against the door jamb as I watch them whisper to each other, and when the elevator doors close behind them, I sit down on the floor.

  I’m being stupid now, waiting like this for him.

  I pull my legs up and hug them to my chest, resting my chin on my knees. The numbers on the elevator begin to count down, and I hold my breath… until it passes by my floor.

  Ugh… I hate waiting.

  Why did he have to go change first?

  The numbers start to count their way up, and when it ends on Mason’s floor, a smile slowly stretches over my face.

  It comes down to my floor, and the second the doors begin to open, my heart starts to race, but seeing Preston makes me feel like a deflated balloon.

  “Oh, hey,” Preston greets as he walks to his door. “Why are you sitting in the doorway?”

  “I wanted some fresh air,” I lie.

  Preston glances around as if he can see the damn air, then states, “Why don’t you go outside then? You’re breathing in stale AC air.”

  Dude, you’re way too practical.

  “Thanks,” I mumble, as I get up and pull my door shut. Letting out a sigh, I walk to the elevator.

  “Enjoy,” he calls out as I step into the stupid elevator.

  “Why the hell am I even going outside? I could’ve gone out on the balcony,” I snap at myself. “Kingsley, this is so not you. Get your shit together!” I press the button to take me back to my floor, and I’m glad to see Preston has gone into his suite.

  When I reach my own door, and I pat my pockets for my keycard, I close my eyes and bang my head against the door.

  “Ugh… Hunt! You’re an idiot!” My shoulders slump as I drag my feet back to the freaking elevator, but glaring at it, I grumble, “This is all your fault.” I take the stairs down and head out of the building to the main office so they can come unlock my door for me.


  The fucking suit feels like it’s suffocating me. I don’t know how I’m going to get used to wearing one every day once I start working.

  Preston will keep an eye on the internet to make sure the footage doesn’t pop up anywhere, just in case someone managed to download it while it was airing.

  I have no idea how Preston is able to do any of the shit he does, but he’s brilliant. After today there’s no way I’m letting go of him. He will be a huge asset to our new business.

  It’s actually scary how quick he can set something up online, and then make it disappear the next.

  My phone vibrates, and when I open the email notification, the corner of my mouth lifts. It’s an email from an unknown sender, and opening it, I see the Anonymous calling card along with the footage we aired today. It’s the proof I’ll need for the court case against the Senator and Serena.

  This way, it won’t create any suspicions that I was involved, and only Preston and I have the video.

  I finish changing into a pair of jeans and a sweater.

  Now that my revenge is almost complete, worry begins to creep into my mind. What if Kingsley doesn’t understand?

  “Start by telling her the video isn’t out there. Get the important shit across so she doesn’t have time to get angry,” I advise myself as I walk out of the bedroom.

  “Yeah, otherwise your ass is grass, and she’s the lawnmower,” Lake mumbles from the couch.

  Placing a hand over my heart, I shoot him a glare, “Wow, thanks for the encouragement, buddy.”

  “Always a pleasure, babe,” he quotes my saying while wagging his eyebrows.

  “Later,” I chuckle before I shut the door behind me.

  When I get to Kingsley’s suite, and there’s no answer, I frown. I pull my phone out and bring up her number, but after a couple of rings, it goes to voicemail.


  Did she find out already?

  Falcon said they didn’t watch.

  I pull up Falcon’s number as I take the stairs down to the lobby, so the call doesn’t cut in the elevator.

  “I love you, buddy, but your timing sucks,” he grumbles when he answers.

  “Layla and Kingsley didn’t watch the footage, right?”

  “No, they switched off the TV.”

  “Did you see Kingsley since you got back?”

  “Yeah, I got Layla from Kingsley’s suite,” he mentions. “What’s going on?”

  “She’s not answering her door or phone. For a minute I thought she found out about us airing her near-drowning on television before I got to explain things to her.”

  “Did Kingsley say she was going somewhere?” he asks Layla.

  “No, she was waiting for Mason,” Layla answers. “Wait, maybe she went to get some coffee?”

  “Did you hear that?” Falcon asks.

  “Yeah, thanks. I’ll check around campus for her.”

  I shove the phone into my pocket and walking out of the building, I head in the direction of the café on campus.

  “Dude, I saw you on TV,” a student says with excitement as I walk by him.

  “Mason,” a girl calls out, and I cringe inwardly as I keep walking. “You looked so hot.”

  “Mr. President!” I hear Kingsley’s voice, and I stop so fast someone bumps into my back. I don’t bother listening to the idiot's apology as my eyes scan over the campus. When I catch sight of her practically bouncing up and down as she jogs toward me, a smile spreads over my face.

  When I notice she’s not slowing down, I turn to face her direction, and as she gets to me, she jumps. I grab hold of her and chuckle when a high-pitched squeal leaves her while she practically wraps herself around me.

  Holding onto my shoulders, Kingsley pulls slightly back, and her face is alight with a look of pride and excitement. She presses a hard kiss to my mouth, then begins to bounce in my arms.

  “You can be lucky you’re a short shit,” I chuckle at her.


  “Otherwise you’d be eating grass with the way you’re bouncing in my arms.”

  She grins, “I’m just so proud of you, hot stuff.”

  “Hot stuff?” I grumble.

  She wags her eyebrows. “You can be glad I wasn’t there. I would’ve jumped your bones on national television.”

  I turn and begin to walk back to the dorm with her still clinging to me like a monkey. “Are you into making pornos, Hunt?”

  Her eyelashes lower over her eyes, and she licks her lips. Wrapping her arms around my neck, she b
rings her mouth to my ear and bites it softly before she whispers, “As long as it’s your cock inside of me, I don’t care where we are.”

  Fuck my life.

  I’m going to shoot my load if she does that again.

  Entering the lobby, I rush over to the elevator at record speed. When we step inside, she pulls back a little and tries to look all innocent as she says, “I’m locked out of my suite. They’re printing me a new card.”

  I let go of her ass. “Legs down.”

  She listens, and when she’s standing, she widens her eyes, “Oooh… in here?”

  “You have a kinky side, I really want to know more about.” My voice rumbles low because she is turning me on like never before in my life.

  I press the number for my floor and lower my head, so our faces are inches apart. “As badly as I want to hear you scream, you’re going to have to be quiet because everyone’s in my suite.”

  “I can’t make any promises,” she says, and reaching for my sweater, she pushes her hands underneath and lets them glide over my abs.

  The doors ping open, and I pull one of her hands out from under my sweater and hold it as I stalk out of the elevator.

  Chapter 27


  When we walk into the suite, Lake says, “That was quick.” Then he lifts his head and seeing us, a grin spreads over his face. “Okaayyy… I’m going to go eat something somewhere.”

  Grabbing his keys, he wags his eyebrows at us before he leaves “Practice safe sex, kids. I’m too young to become a grandfather.”

  Mason lets out a chuckle as he pulls me toward his room, and the moment we step inside, he shuts and locks the door.

  Placing an arm around me, he moves closer to me. “We have to talk first.”

  I pout, not liking the idea of that. “Can’t we talk and get it on at the same time?”

  A hot as hell smirk pulls at his lips, and he leans down, “You want me to fuck you, Hunt?”

  I begin to nod as fast as I can without spraining something and ramble. “Badly. Like, you have no idea how badly. Seeing you in that suit –”

  My words are cut short as Mason’s mouth crashes against mine. His tongue dives into my mouth, and not wasting time, I kiss him back.


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