Out of My League: a Hope Valley novel

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Out of My League: a Hope Valley novel Page 14

by Prince, Jessica

  “Yes,” he chuckled, “at least there’s that.”

  Then he left, and Lincoln and I were free to enjoy the rest of our date alone.

  “Buttercup.” At the sound of Lincoln’s sexy voice calling me buttercup, all thoughts of Bob and Crystal flitted from my mind.


  “It’s not enough that the waiter’s already taken with you, you have to charm that poor sucker, as well?”

  My head jerked back. “What are you talking about? I wasn’t charming anyone.”

  “You were,” he responded with a grin that made that dimple pop.

  “I wasn’t!” I insisted. “I was just being nice.”

  “Edie,” he said with a playful shake of his head, “you charm the hell out of every guy just by lookin’ at ’em. Poor Bob’s a goner.”

  I wasn’t sure if what he was saying was true, but damn, it was nice to know Lincoln thought of me that way.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “You know, baby, the way you handled Crystal tonight was a thing of beauty. Pure class how you put her in her place.”

  My head lolled around on the headrest to face him. The lights from his dash illuminated his strong, chiseled jaw, making him look like a piece of art as opposed to a real person. “That was nothing. I actually enjoyed doing it.”

  “I could see that,” he replied with a laugh. “And she was full of shit, Edie. You’re gorgeous. I want you to know that.”

  I looked back out to the road with a smile on my face. The food and alcohol had worked their magic, and as Lincoln turned onto Rosewood Lane, I was feeling light as a feather. “Thank you.”

  “I’m just glad you didn’t let her bullshit get to you.”

  “I’ve got thick skin,” I mumbled with a shrug. “Had to, growing up with a family like mine.”

  I was so floaty from an incredible evening that I didn’t realize exactly what I’d just given away until Lincoln’s sharp-edged voice sounded through the cab of the truck. “What do you mean, a family like yours?”

  Shit. I hadn’t meant to let that slip. The last thing I wanted to do was put a damper on our evening with talks of the Brenner clan. That was a guaranteed way to kill the high I’d been riding for the past few hours.

  “Oh, it’s nothing. Really. Just forget I said anything.”

  It must have been my lucky night, because he let it drop and didn’t push as we continued down our street, the comfortable silence enveloping us once again.

  Lincoln surprised me a minute later by pulling his truck into my drive and shutting it off before climbing out and coming around to help me down.

  “Thank you, but I could’ve walked from your house. It’s only two doors down, after all.”

  That dimple made another show as he took my hand and started leading me up the front walk. “A real man walks his date to the door.” He looked over his shoulder at me and winked. “Besides, I wouldn’t be able to make out with you on your front porch if I didn’t, now would I?”

  My head fell back on a full-belly laugh. Maybe it was the martinis, maybe it was the fact that I was still pleasantly full from the best dinner I’d ever eaten, maybe it was just Lincoln himself, but whatever the case, the nerves and self-consciousness I usually felt in his presence were long gone. I was comfortable to just be myself, to laugh without a care. It was really, really nice.

  “I guess you wouldn’t,” I replied once I got a hold of my laughter.

  He pulled us to a stop beneath the porch light and leaned in, starting the kiss off nice and slow. The instant I lifted onto the balls of my feet and wrapped my arms around him, he stopped teasing and took the kiss nuclear, lighting me on fire with each swipe of his tongue against mine. It felt like the kiss went on forever and ever, but it was only a minute later when Lincoln finally pulled back and rested his forehead against mine with a heavy exhale.

  “Tonight was amazing, darlin’,” he said in a quiet voice a few seconds later.

  That sounded a lot like a goodbye, and the thought of the night ending burst that bubble I’d been floating around in all night long. I didn’t want it to be over.

  “Do you want to come inside?” I asked on a whisper as my stomach flipflopped with excitement and nerves and anxiousness. It felt like forever ago that I’d been with a man, and none of those experiences were anything to write home about, but I just knew down to my bones that being with Lincoln would rock my world.

  And I couldn’t wait.

  An animalistic growl rumbled from his throat as his fingers on my waist dug in like he couldn’t get enough of touching me. But what he said next was a total contradiction to what his touch said.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “What?” My stomach sank. “Why not?”

  “Believe me, baby. There’s nothin’ I want more than to come inside with you right now.”

  “Then why don’t you?” I questioned, feeling desperate and needy, and a little hurt that he was shooting me down.

  Reaching up, he cupped my cheeks and stepped in so close there was no space between us. “Edie.” He said my name so softly I swear I could’ve started crying right then and there. “This was only our first date.”

  “Second,” I blurted way too quickly. Tempering my enthusiasm, I lowered my voice as I added, “I mean, if you count lunch at the diner.”

  That dimple popped out again, and it was hard to maintain my pout at the sight of it. “You know what I mean, baby.”

  “Yeah,” I said on a defeated sigh. “I know.”

  “You aren’t Crystal. You aren’t like any other woman. I’m gonna do right by you. Okay?”

  I didn’t want to like that, mainly because I wanted to get laid, but I really, really did. He was just too freaking perfect.

  Blowing out a breath of sexual frustration, I offered him a smile, hoping like hell that it looked sincere. “Okay.”

  He placed one last kiss on my lips before letting go and taking a step back. “Inside. Lock up and be sure to set the alarm, yeah?”


  Pulling my keys from my purse, I unlocked the door, pushed it open, and stepped inside with one last look at Lincoln over my shoulder before closing it, locking up, and setting the alarm like he’d said.

  * * *


  The walk from my truck to my house was excruciating. My poor throbbing dick cursed me with every step I took, and I couldn’t blame it one damn bit.

  Rocky met me at the door the moment I pushed through, panting and wagging his tail happily as he lunged, rocking me back on a foot.

  “Hey, boy,” I greeted, crouching down to give him a good hard rub. “Glad to see you too.”

  He licked at my jaw and neck before I pushed him back, then looked back to the door like he was expecting Eden to walk through at any second. When she didn’t, he let out a low-pitched whine. “Yeah, bud, I know. I feel the same way.”

  Christ, I was an asshole for walking away from her tonight. I saw the hurt in her eyes when I shot her down, and it fucking killed. Turning her down was one of the hardest things I’d done in a really long time, but no matter how badly I wanted her, I just couldn’t go there, at least not yet. Not until I was out from under all this shit with Hayes and her brother. I didn’t want that hanging over our heads when I finally made her mine. I meant what I said when I told her I wanted to do right by her. I didn’t know if what we had was going anywhere, but if it had the potential to grow into what I thought it could, I wanted that to be clean and pure. And it couldn’t be that while I was keeping secrets from her.

  Standing to my full height, I moved toward the kitchen, tossing my keys on the counter, then digging into my back pockets and doing the same with my wallet and cell phone. I pulled the tails of my shirt from my slacks and started on the buttons, thankful to get out of the damn thing, when my cell clattered along the granite countertop as a call came through.

  My jaw hardened, and the muscle in it ticked unc
ontrollably at the name on the screen. Snatching it back up, I blew out a breath, engaged the call, and put the phone to my ear. “Woman, you got a lotta nerve callin’ after the shit you pulled tonight.”

  “Linc, I just wanna talk.”

  “Crys, you have nothin’ to say that I wanna hear.”

  Her voice got snappy and full of attitude. “Then why’d you answer, huh?”

  “’Cause I have something to say to you,” I gritted out. “I let you ride my dick when the mood struck, ’cause you were good at it and didn’t bring any drama. The moment that changed, I scraped you off. From how you acted tonight, you obviously didn’t take the hint when I stopped returning your calls and texts, so I’ll spell it out. What we had was over before tonight, but now it’s over. And I mean in the sense that, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll lose my number. You’re nothin’ more than a memory, and not that pleasant of one seein’ as the last time we spoke, you gave me shit about wanting a key to my house. When I said no, you threw a fit, proving you’re not only full of drama but spoiled as shit. I’m not down with any of that, Crystal. This is the last time you and I will speak. And if I find out you so much as look in Eden’s direction again, I’ll make sure you regret it. You got me?”

  “Fuck you, Lincoln,” she hissed, but I was done.

  “Yeah. You got me. Now lose this number.” Then I disconnected the call.

  A second after that, my phone pinged with a text. I was expecting it to be some smartass message from Crystal but was pleasantly surprised to see Eden’s name on the screen.

  Eden: Dinner at my place tomorrow? It won’t be as good as The Groves, but I can fry up a mean porkchop.

  I grinned down at my phone like an idiot as I typed out a reply.

  Me: Depends. That potato salad you brought to the block party gonna be on the menu too?

  Eden: LOL. I think I can make that happen. 7 work for you?

  Hell yeah it worked. And even if it didn’t, I’d make it.

  Me: It’s a date.

  Her reply came through a second later.

  Eden: Date #3 by my count. ;) You know what they say about third dates…

  Oh, she was feisty. I fucking loved that. My gut told me there was something more to her beneath that shy, nervous exterior, and now I knew it was even better than I could have imagined.

  Me: Tease.

  Eden: LOL. Sleep well, Linc. Pleasant dreams.

  Me: You too, baby. See you tomorrow.

  With that, I tossed my phone down again and pulled my shirt all the way off as I headed down the hall to my bedroom.

  * * *

  Eden’s warm body slid against mine as she slowly crawled her way up until we were face-to-face. Those soft luscious curves beneath my hands felt like heaven as I gripped her hips and held tight.

  “Morning, handsome,” she said, that damn smile of hers nearly as brilliant as the morning sun peeking through the blinds of my window.

  It took me forty-two years to realize what I’d been missing, fucking those bags of bones when I could have had a real woman. There was no way I would ever go back.

  I trailed my hands up her back and fisted them in her hair. “Mornin’, baby. You sleep good?”

  “Mmm. So good.” Christ, her voice all husky and sleepy first thing in the morning was the sexiest thing I’d ever heard. “You wore me out last night, honey.”

  Rolling over, I pinned her beneath me, staring at all that gorgeous hair fanned out across my pillows. “That mean you’re too beat to go another round?”

  “With you?” Her eyes lowered to half-mast and a grin slowly tipped the corners of her lips. “Never.”

  Just that one word, that one look, and I was hard as stone, ready to bury myself as deep inside her as I could get.

  I lifted my hips to drive inside that tight, wet heat. Then…

  I jolted awake, my eyes taking several seconds to adjust to the darkness of my room. The red glow of the numbers on my alarm clock showed it was barely three in the morning, but with my dick hard enough to drive nails, there was no way I was getting back to sleep.

  Flopping to my back, I blew out a frustrated breath, dislodging Rocky from his place at my feet.

  He let out a disgruntled chuff before hopping down and padding out of the room, the click of his claws on the floor telling me he’d moved to the dog bed I set up for him in the living room.

  With no other choice but to alleviate the pressure, I cocked a knee and slid a hand beneath the sheets, reaching into the waistband of my sleep pants and fisting my dick.

  A groan slid up my throat from deep in my chest as my fingers clenched. Squeezing my eyes closed, I pictured Eden’s face. Her eyes, her lips, the graceful slope of her neck. I pictured that expanse of skin at her chest that the dress she’d worn last night exposed, the delicate line of her collarbones. I thought about those full, round tits as I stroked my shaft over and over. I imagined what her face would look like as I slowly filled her.

  The base of my spine began to tingle, and my balls drew up tight as I fucked my fist. Three more tugs and that was it. I exploded, coming all over my gut on a long, low, hard groan.

  It wasn’t what it could have been had it been Edie, but it was enough to ease the ache.

  Flipping the covers back, I padded across the dark room and into the bathroom to clean myself up. Then I climbed back into bed and managed to catch a few more hours of sleep.

  Chapter Twenty


  My cell rang at an ungodly hour the following morning.

  With a disgruntled moan, I rolled until I reached the other side of my bed and flopped an arm out, keeping my eyes glued shut as I felt around for the offending phone.

  “’Lo,” I muttered once I found it and put it to my ear.

  “Rise and shine, doll. Breakfast at my place in fifteen.”

  Forcing my eyes open against their will, I turned my head and looked at my alarm clock. “Nona? It’s seven thirty on a Sunday. Have you lost your mind?”

  “Such is the curse of a mother,” she lamented. “I haven’t been able to sleep past six in the morning since Blythe came squalling into this world.”

  “Yeah, but I’m not a mom, so what the hell?”

  “Quit your bitchin’ and get over here. I have bacon and freshly brewed coffee. I want the scoop on last night.”

  Getting back to sleep was going to be impossible so, with a heavy sigh, I sat up in bed and threw the covers back. “Fine. I’ll be there in a few.”

  Disconnecting the call, I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and throw my hair into a messy knot at the top of my head. Slipping out of my frilly lavender nightgown, I threw on a pair of navy joggers, a white ribbed tank, and a long, slouchy cardigan with navy stitching, slid my feet into my slippers, and started out the door and across the street.

  Nona threw her front door open a moment after I knocked, dressed in her PJs and a thin, knee-length robe. Her face was free of makeup, and her long shiny hair was pulled up in a style much like my own. I’d never seen her when she wasn’t done up, and without the makeup, she looked young and fresh faced. Too young to be the mom of a teen and preteen. She was beautiful all the time, but even like this, it was clear to see just how big an idiot her ex-husband was for losing her.

  “Morning, gorgeous,” she chirped. “Come on in. Breakfast’s almost ready.”

  I followed her through the house and into the kitchen. She moved back to the stove top and started pulling the sizzling bacon from the skillet and putting it on a plate lined with paper towels while I headed for the coffeemaker.

  “Mugs in the cabinet right above you,” she said, pointing her fork at the cabinet she indicated. “Creamer’s in the fridge. Help yourself.”

  I did just that, doctoring my coffee to perfection before pulling up a stood across the island from Nona as she started scrambling some eggs.

  “So,” I started, looking around for her kids. “Where are Blythe and T

  She shot me a look and a snort over her shoulder. “You kidding? They’re still in bed. Those two could sleep ’til well past noon if I let them. I’ll get them up in a bit, but I like my quiet time in the mornings. Now get to talkin’. How was the date?”

  My face got all soft and dreamy as I sipped my coffee. “It was… incredible.”

  A goofy smile stretched across Nona’s face as she plated up the eggs and bacon. “That’s really awesome, doll, but I’m lookin’ for details. Don’t keep me in suspense. I haven’t had a date in over fifteen years, and that was with Christian, so it consisted of splitting a basket of cheese fries at the Burger Shop,” she finished on a displeased grumble.

  “Well first of all, he loved the dress, if the kiss he laid on me when he picked me up was any indication.”

  “Told you,” she teased, winking at me as she slid a plate and fork my way before digging into her own.

  “And by the way, The Groves is absolutely amazing.”

  “Right?” she agreed. “For their birthdays, me and the kids get dressed up and go there to celebrate every year.”

  “Ooh, nice.”

  “Anyway, continue,” she ordered with a wave of her fork.

  “So we get there, and things are going well. Like really well. Then all of a sudden, this leggy blonde comes storming over to the table and makes a full-blown scene right there in the middle of the restaurant.”

  “No way!” she declared through the eggs she’d just shoveled into her mouth.

  “Oh yeah.” I went on to tell her about the showdown with Crystal, her calling me ugly, Lincoln going off on her, and poor sweet Bob. By the time I finished filling her in on all of it, she was hunched over her plate, laughing her ass off.

  “Oh my god,” she panted, sucking in air as she tried to get control of herself. “I can’t believe you said that to her.”

  “Can you blame me?” I asked with a giggle of my own. “I mean, if she said ‘you have got to be kidding me’ one more time, I was gonna lose my mind. Anyway, after Bob dropped the hammer and ended their date, Lincoln and I were able to get back to ours, and in spite of the drama, it ended great. He brought me home and we made out on my porch for a bit before he left.”


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