... and Forever (Next Generation: Chaos Bleeds Book 1)

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... and Forever (Next Generation: Chaos Bleeds Book 1) Page 20

by Sam Crescent

  Not once did she wake up.

  There was so much ground to cover between them. Trust to earn back, he got that. In his relationship with Tabby, he was a prospect, having to earn her back, but he wasn’t scared or worried.

  He’d get her back.

  She was his queen, just as she belonged to him. She let out a little sigh. The only problem he had right now was how close his dick was to her core. The only thing separating them were her panties and his boxer briefs, and he couldn’t concentrate. He tried to think of gross things. Dead bodies, Dick naked, spiders, snakes, but she’d move a little and his thoughts would go to how good it felt to have her close against him.

  This was a hard battle to fight. One he didn’t want to.

  She gave another little sigh, and all he wanted to do was spread her legs wide and lick her pussy until she woke up while orgasming on his tongue.

  He had to get his thoughts back in order. This wasn’t good.

  One, two, three, four, Dick naked, dancing in nothing at all. Snakes slithering over my body.

  She moved and let out a sigh.

  He closed his eyes. The touch of her pussy was so close.

  Lifting his gaze to her, he paused.

  Tabby was staring right back at him.

  “Why do you look in pain?” she asked.

  “I’m not. I’m just trying to be the perfect gentleman.”

  “Why wouldn’t you be?” she asked.

  “Er, I’m a guy and I’m close to my woman’s pussy. You were asleep and after last night…” He groaned.

  “You don’t want me to be angry at you?”

  “No. Fuck, no.” She reached down to his cock, cupping him through the boxer briefs. She pushed on him a little and he rolled to his back, getting into the position she wanted him in. Tabby straddled his waist and he put his hands on her thighs.

  Her pussy rubbed against him. “You like it like this?” she asked.

  “You know I do.”

  She wriggled on his cock and he growled. Hands moving to her hips, he held her in place.

  “You’re playing with fire.”

  “Is that such a bad thing? Playing with fire can be oh, so nice.” She leaned down but her lips didn’t go to his. They went to his neck, flicking over the pulse.

  He closed his eyes, gritting his teeth to control his arousal as she sank her teeth against his neck and sucked.

  She was going to leave a mark but it wasn’t painful. He fucking loved it and didn’t want her to stop. Sinking his fingers to her neck, he held her in place as she moved her pussy right over his cock.

  If they weren’t wearing underwear, he’d have moved right between her wet slit. She had to be wet and if she wasn’t, well, he knew how to get her there.

  Moving down, he cupped her ass, sliding his fingers beneath the material of her panties, tracing over the curve of her ass to her pussy. Finding her slick heat, he stroked her pussy and she gasped.

  Lifting up, he crushed his hand between their bodies.

  She tutted. “No need to rush. We’ve got all morning.”

  She eased off his hand and he did no more than grip her panties, tearing them right off her body. The sound echoed in the room and he held them up. “Problem solved.”

  “So you’re in a rush?”

  “No rush. I know what I want.” He grabbed her hips, spinning them both around. “And I know how to get it.”

  She sat up and grabbed his shirt, pulling it up over his head. Dropping down to the bed, he pushed her to it, kissing her lips as he pressed his cock against her core. His boxer briefs were still in the way.

  Tabby grabbed the waistband and started to push them down. He took over, kicking them off. They were both naked, and he cupped her tits, pressing them together as he licked each mound before sucking each one into his mouth. She wrapped her legs around him, trying to get him inside her, but he wasn’t in a rush.

  “I want you to come on my mouth, Tabby.”

  “Please, Simon, I need you.”

  “And you’re going to get me. All of me, but in my time.” He flipped her over on the bed so he covered her back. Sliding a hand between her body, he found her pussy. Circling the tight bud, he pinched her before caressing down to her entrance and teasing her even more.

  “Fuck, that feels good,” she said.

  Pushing two fingers inside her, he pumped them in and out of her body, stretching her. He didn’t want her to come on his fingers and so he pulled them away as she began to fuck him.


  “All in good time.”

  “This isn’t funny.”

  “I’m not laughing. Well, maybe a little.” He pulled her onto her knees and cupped her ass, stretching out the globes and groaned. Her puckered ass and cunt were on display. His cock was rock-hard, and he fisted it, pre-cum leaking out of the tip. Without waiting, he pressed the tip to her entrance and slammed hilt deep inside her.

  They both cried out.

  The sudden onslaught of pleasure took them both by surprise. He moved his hands to cover hers, locking their fingers together as he rocked inside her. Simon had no intention of coming first. No, he wanted to drive Tabby crazy, to have her begging for more. He was going to enjoy this moment before reality came rushing back. For now, they were Simon and Tabby without problems. They were the old them, not tainted by life or circumstance.

  In and out, he thrust inside her. She wriggled back, taking more of him. He wasn’t going to let her come like this.

  Pulling out of her, he flipped her over.

  “For fuck’s sake, Simon.” Her growl turned into a moan as he flicked his tongue across her center, going from her clit, down to her entrance, and back up again.

  “I want you to come all over my tongue, beautiful. I want you to give me everything you’ve got.”

  She wriggled and he teased her, drawing her closer to an orgasm.

  Glancing up her body as he tongued her clit, he couldn’t get over just how beautiful she was, and she belonged to him, in every single way possible.

  “Simon, I … I’m going to come.”

  “Then come. Come for me. Let me have it.”

  He flicked her clit, focusing on the nub, building her orgasm, when there was a sudden knock at the door. They both paused and he turned toward the door.

  “Who is it?” he asked, shouting to be heard.

  “It’s Felix. Dude, we’ve got to go. Come on.”

  “Fuck off.”

  “If you’re not there you know it’s going to be ten times worse.”

  Tabby released a giggle as he pressed his face to her pussy. Lifting his head, he turned toward the door. “I said fuck off or I swear you’re not going to be able to use your dick again!”

  “Whoa, dude, wait, are you like fucking someone?”

  “Fuck off!”

  “Right, noted. Okay. I’m going.”

  “I’m so sorry,” he said, turning back to his woman. “Now, where were we?”

  “You’re going to have to go, Simon. We’ve spent a lot of time watching prospects getting fucked over because they chose their dick over the club.”

  “I’m not picking my dick, baby. I’m picking you. Just you.”

  He touched her clit, stroking back and forth, watching her come apart beneath his onslaught.

  She gasped, arching up, moaning, and flooded his tongue with her orgasm. He licked her up, relishing her taste, not wanting to waste a single moment of it. She tasted exquisite. Perfect.

  Kissing a path up her body, he took a short time to lick and suck at her tits before finding her entrance and fucking into her hard. She cried out. His name spilling off her lips sounded so damn perfect. He couldn’t get enough of her. All he wanted was to be surrounded by every single part of her.

  She felt amazing. So tight. Wet. Hot. Everything he wanted and more.

  After pulling out of her tight heat, he slammed in deep. Taking hold of her hands, he kissed her, making love to her body.

  He fo
und a pace that pushed her to the edge of release, holding her there. He wanted to feel her come all over his dick. With their hands locked together, and her surrounding him, all he wanted was her.

  Simon reared back, running his hands down her body, touching her pussy. He worked her clit again. With his cock so deep inside her, there was no way he was going to stop.

  “Please, Simon.”

  “No, I want you to come all over my dick.”

  “I have.”


  She gasped, arching up as he worked her pussy, wanting her more than anything. He watched her and felt her pussy squeeze him. The tightness nearly made him lose control, but he held on, only concentrating on her. She was his primary focus. He used two fingers to work her pussy and it didn’t take long for her orgasm to rebuild once again. This time, she came all over his cock, and before she’d even finished, he grabbed her hips and began to fuck her, slamming every inch inside her as he took possession of her mouth. Sliding his tongue across her lips.

  For his orgasm, he thrust in deep and filled her naked pussy with his cum, giving her every single drop.

  Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her hard.

  They were both panting, but he couldn’t have thought of a better place to be than in her arms.

  “This is incredible,” she said. She curled up against him. “I know you’re going to have to face the music. Everyone is going to be so pissed at you, but I loved this. You picked me over the club.”

  He chuckled. “I know in a few hours you’re going to go back to hating me. I guess I wanted a little peace to remind myself of who we are after what we’ve been through.”

  She stroked over his chest. “What if we don’t?” she asked.

  “Don’t what?”

  “Hate each other.”

  “Tabby, babe, I don’t hate you.”

  “I don’t hate you either.” She sat up. “What if we put the past to bed? We really do just start over.”

  “Getting to know each other?”

  “No. I don’t mean that.” She ran fingers through her hair. “I mean, I stop holding it against you about what you did, and you stop feeling guilty for not being there. We wipe that out of our history. It happened, but it’s not the only thing that happened between us. We’ve got so much more, don’t you think?”

  He sat back, looking at her. Reaching out, he stroked a stray curl. “Do you think you can do that?”

  “Simon, I’ve never stopped loving you. In case you didn’t get the memo, I just picked you and Chaos Bleeds over everything else. I love you. I want to be with you. What I don’t want is to keep on fighting over something we can’t change. It happened. Can’t we at least, you know, get over it? You think we can do that?”

  “So.” He sat up in bed, moving a little closer to her. He cupped her cheek. “Does this mean I get to sleep in your bed?”

  “Our bed. Yes. Unless you stink or are completely drunk and disgusting.”

  “I won’t drink. What else do I get to do?”

  “Simon, you’re my husband. I think it’s time you started to act like it.”

  He fingered the band on the necklace around her neck. “I’d gladly do it, but you’ve also got to give me a little something. You need to wear this.”

  She reached behind her neck, unclasping the necklace. She slid the ring off and he watched as she put it right where it was supposed to be.

  “See, I can do it as well.” She leaned forward and kissed his lips. “This is our forever part. I want it. I don’t want to keep on fighting. So it means being with each other through thick and thin. You know, the whole sickness gig.”

  “I’m there. I’m right there with you. There is one snag.”


  “I’m still a prospect. You know what it means?”

  “Long hours. You’re going to come home stinking. You’ve got the whole loyalty thing to prove.”

  “You got it. It’s going to be a bumpy road.” He pulled her close.

  “But we can do this together. You can also … get to know Nathan.”

  “Don’t do that,” he said.

  “What am I doing?”

  “He’s mine. I don’t care about the rest of it, Tabby. I’ll love him. I do love him. I want to take care of him, and I will.” He kissed the top of her head, loving her.

  Chapter Seventeen

  One month.

  Two months.

  Three months.

  Tabitha held her hair back as she threw up in the bowl. This was becoming a regular habit. So far, she’d been able to contain it until Simon left the house. He kept such odd hours. The guys at the club had him doing a great deal of shitty work. Chaos Bleeds, since their turn to the legal side of things, had started up an array of businesses. Their most successful was indeed their clothing shop. Lexie kept asking her to come and work there, but she still kept her job at the coffee shop.

  Of course, working at a coffee shop with all those smells was becoming a bit of a hazard. There was no reason for her to get a damn test, but she knew it was going to have to happen. This was no stomach bug or flu.


  This was plain old stupidity.

  She and Simon.



  No protection.

  Once again, consequences.

  “Are you okay, Mommy?”

  She looked toward her son with a smile. “Yes, I’m okay. I’m more than okay.” She flushed the toilet. Her stomach was still doing somersaults but she was capable of moving now.

  She grabbed her toothbrush and got to work on her teeth. “I’ll be done soon and I’ll take you to school.”


  He sounded so sad, and she hated it when he was sad. “What’s the matter?” she asked. She spat out her toothpaste and crouched down to see into his eyes.

  “It’s nothing.”

  “Now, come on, you can’t do that to me. We’re best friends, right? What do best friends do?”

  “We tell each other everything?”

  “Right. I can’t help you if you don’t help me.”

  Tears shone in his eyes and it broke her heart. “What is it, baby?” she asked.

  “I … you’re going to think I’m a loser.”

  “Hey, do not ever say that. I don’t think you’re a loser. You’re one of the nicest people I know, and I know a lot.”

  He’d bowed his head. She put a finger beneath his chin and lifted his face so she could look at him. “I love you. You’re my brave boy. Come on, tell me.”

  His chin wobbled.

  All she wanted to do was protect him. To not let the world get to him, or infect him with their nastiness.

  “No one…” He stopped to sniffle. “No one likes me, Mommy. I have no friends. I hear them. They call me scum.” He covered his face with his hands. “They say I don’t have a daddy and you don’t know who he is.”

  The old Tabitha, the one with violent tendencies, would march down to the school and smack every single teacher in the face. Okay, the old Tabitha as a six-year-old may have also hit the kids for name-calling a few times.

  Right now, Nathan didn’t have a poisonous bone in his body.

  “You know what, kids are just mean.”

  “I’m a kid.”

  “You’re not mean. You’re perfect.”

  “Mommy.” He groaned.

  “I mean it. Some people don’t think this, but it takes a lot to be a good kid. A great kid, in fact.” She cupped his face, wiping away the tears. “You know Angel?”

  He nodded.

  “Well, she is one of the nicest people in the world. Some people believe she is a bit of a pushover. She’s not strong, but believe me, they are all wrong.”

  “They are?”

  “Angel is strong. No matter what anyone has thrown at her, she has stayed strong and sweet and kind. You see, anyone can be nasty. Not everyone has it in them to be nice.” She kissed his head. “I wish I was a little
more like her.”

  “But you are nice, Mommy.”

  “Oh, sweetie. I’m not as nice as I could be. I know that.” She kissed his cheek. “Are you ready to go to school?”

  “Mommy, don’t tell my teachers, okay? I don’t want them to tell everyone in class.”

  Tabitha sighed. School politics always pissed her off, but she didn’t want to hurt her son.

  “Fine. I won’t say anything. I’ll be a good mommy.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Sweetheart, don’t tell your dad about me being sick. He’ll worry.”

  “Do I need to worry?”

  “No, I can fix it. It’s fine.” She kissed his cheek and grabbed the car keys. Simon had gifted her with a car for Christmas, while she’d gifted him with a scrapbook of memories. He’d spoken between Thanksgiving and Christmas about wishing he’d been there for every step of Nathan’s development.

  Even though she’d wanted to forget she was pregnant at times, Daisy and Miles had been the main two who helped her to document everything. Every little piece of her journey. From each ultrasound photo, to the day of her giving birth.

  There were baby photos.

  She’d gotten pictures of it all and had taken Simon on the journey with her.

  Surrounded by their family, he’d cried and held her. Simon had loved the scrapbook as he hadn’t gotten one of his own. His own birth hadn’t been documented. Even though Lexie had loved him, she hadn’t been part of every single detail leading to his birth.

  Dropping Nathan off at school, she wanted to go and wring the teacher’s neck. She loved fighting a lot, but what she had come to realize, there were different ways to fight. It wasn’t always with fists and rather than use them, she’d decided to fight for her life with her family. To make Chaos Bleeds, Simon, Nathan, her entire world. Rather than go in and hurt the teacher, she instead kept a nice polite smile on her face and drove to the clothing store. She frowned at seeing a line forming outside of the door. Driving around the back, she found Lexie and Natalie tossing out some boxes.

  “You know they’re behaving like it’s Christmas out front,” Tabitha said.

  “I put a large poster out front saying we have a new line. We’re unveiling it here, and if it goes well, we’re hoping to expand,” Lexie said.


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