... and Forever (Next Generation: Chaos Bleeds Book 1)

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... and Forever (Next Generation: Chaos Bleeds Book 1) Page 25

by Sam Crescent

“Haven’t you noticed I’ve already been trying to do that? I want you all the damn time, baby.” He slammed his lips down on hers and she melted against him, kissing him back. “I don’t think I want to stay and enjoy the party.”

  “Then let’s make our escape now,” she said. She was more than happy to cut the party short, go back to their place, fuck, and make love in every single room of their house.


  She groaned.

  “No, don’t go all sad on me just yet. Hear me out.” He held his hand up. “I’ve got something I want to give you.” He kissed her on the lips and jogged into the Chaos Bleeds’ clubhouse. She waited as seconds later, he came out. In his hands was a folded leather cut. “I got this for you.”

  She took the leather cut and smiled. “This is for me?”

  It had a property of the Chaos Bleeds MC attached on the back followed by Simon’s name.

  Simon’s woman.

  Underneath his name were the words always and forever. Their promise to each other. They’d never been with anyone else. They were loyal to one another.

  As she lifted her gaze, there were tears in her eyes.

  “Don’t cry.”

  “These are happy tears.” She threw her arms around him, knowing she’d made the right choice. Simon was her soul mate. The love of her life, and she was never going to forget it.


  Two months later

  Simon didn’t like this.

  He heard the screams. With his cell phone against his ear, he listened to Devil.

  “I’ve got to do something. He’s killing her.” The woman whose daughter had phoned finally decided to reach out to the Billionaires. They’d extracted her and her little kid a week ago. Simon had been there to help. The little girl was way too thin and looked like she was constantly afraid. It tore at his heart to see.

  The little girl had sent a distress call and seeing as he was in the neighborhood where they’d placed them in a safe apartment, he’d offered to drop by. He’d noticed the husband’s car parked out front. So he didn’t arrive and spook the husband, he’d snuck into the bedroom window. The little girl lay in the corner, curled up in a ball. Tears streamed down her face and he saw the bruise on her cheek. Her clothing was torn, and there was blood on her hands.

  Crawling toward her, he put the cell phone down on the floor.

  “Hey, sweetheart, do you remember me?” he asked.

  The little girl nodded. “You’re a hero.”

  He smiled. “Do you know how long that has been going on for?”

  She shook her head. “I … I was naughty. I dropped my glass and it smashed. He made me pick it up.”

  This girl was younger than Nathan but she spoke so perfectly. There was a young edge to her voice, but he also heard the nerves. Her hands shook. That son of a bitch had cut the girl’s hands.

  “And he hit me.” Her chin wobbled.

  “I’m here now. He’s not going to hit you.”

  “He’s going to kill me,” she said, sniffling.

  “My dad is on the phone. Can I talk to him? You okay with that?” he asked.

  Another scream ran through the apartment, along with cries for him to stop.

  He couldn’t even get the girl to cover her ears in case there was glass in her palms. Then he remembered he’d purchased Nathan a music pod with headphones. They were earbuds, and Nathan had wanted to play in the park, and he hadn’t taken it out of his jacket. Quickly pulling them out, he held them up for her to see. “You want to listen to some music?” His son liked classics as well as some rock.

  Finding one of the longer pieces, about ten minutes, she tilted her head to the side and then the other, and he slid them inside.

  She shook and it broke his fucking heart to see.

  With the music playing and he hoped drowning out all the noise, he picked up his cell phone.

  “Devil, I’ve got to do something.”

  “Backup is on the way.”

  “Dad, I can do this. He’s killing that woman.” Simon stopped at a sudden cry, a thump, and then nothing. “You hear that?”

  “Fuck, Simon, get the kid. Get out of there.”

  “Not happening. She isn’t going to be afraid of him again.” He hung up his cell phone and looked at the little girl.

  “Where is that little bitch!” the dad said, yelling.

  He eased out one bud. “I’ve got to go and handle this. Close your eyes, listen to this music. Don’t come out. Okay?”

  She nodded her head.

  He put the bud back in and stood as the door opened. The little girl did as he asked. She closed her eyes and Simon stood.

  “I bet you’re that fucking whore’s boytoy. Well, she’s dead. You can’t have her rank pussy anymore. Get out of my way. I’m taking the kid with me.”

  He went to move past but Simon put his fingers to the man’s chest, stopping him from moving.

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  The man shoved him and Simon didn’t move. He tensed his whole body. This time, he shoved back and the man moved out of the room.

  He closed the door behind him so the little girl wouldn’t even see anything if she was tempted to open her eyes.

  “What the fuck?” the man asked.

  “You like hitting women who are too afraid to hit back? You’re a fucking coward. But I’m not. I’m not afraid to hit back.” He turned to see the woman they’d tried to save. Her neck was at an odd angle. Her face was covered in blood and bruises. It also looked like he’d stabbed her.

  “That was an accident.”

  “Believe me, this won’t be, but it will be far too kind for you.” Simon lashed out, kicking his foot in the man’s leg. He went down. Wrapping his fingers around his neck, he tightened his hold, cutting off his circulation.

  With him fighting for breath, he let him flail his arms, trying to fight back. Letting go as the man tried to take in several deep breaths, he reached around, grabbed his chin, and tugged, snapping his neck.

  After dropping him to the floor, he entered the bedroom again. Staring at the girl, he saw she still had her eyes closed. He went to her, putting a finger to her foot. She jerked, opening her eyes, and when she saw him, she threw her arms around him, holding him close.

  The earbuds came out and he held her. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you.” He sat on the edge of the bed.

  Time passed. She wouldn’t let him go.

  When the door opened, he turned to see Devil enter the room. Paramedics were close but when he tried or anyone tried to take the little girl away, she held on to him tighter.

  “Please,” she said, whispering.

  “I’ve got you.” She wouldn’t let go and he got to his feet. There was only one person he knew who could help.

  “I’ve got to take her to the clubhouse,” he said.

  The paramedics started to argue.

  “I wasn’t asking. I’m not staying here.” He looked toward Devil. “It good for me to move her?”

  “It is.”

  He looked at the paramedics. “You’ve got two choices, take me to the clubhouse, and I might be able to get someone to help you, or you get the hell out of my way.”

  The girl still shook.

  Simon got it. She felt safe with him. For too long, she hadn’t been safe with anyone, but he’d helped her. This wasn’t the first time, but the second. She felt an anchor to him, and damn it, all he wanted to do was protect her.

  As he glanced at his dad, Devil nodded. “I’ll handle it.”

  The paramedics drove him to the clubhouse where Tabby would be waiting. He had no doubt Devil had also put a call through to the clubhouse to warn them about what was happening.

  Once he arrived, he saw a lot of the guys were outside. That was his sign that Tabby was inside with Nathan and Skye. Nodding at each of them, they all stopped to watch. The girl’s hands would be seen, along with her bruised face.

  Entering the clubhouse, he saw the tables had b
een moved away but what also caught his attention was the sweet sound he hadn’t heard in such a long time. Tabby was singing. It was only softly, but for the first time, she was finally singing. He looked toward her and found her. Tabby, wearing a plain white dress with her hair pinned atop her head with some curls cascading down, looked up and smiled at him. Nathan sat on the carpet. Some food was on plates. Skye lay on a mat with a toy positioned over her so she could reach up.

  “Hey, sweetheart,” he said. “What’s your name?” He knew her name but wanted to get her to respond to him.

  “Jade,” she said.

  “Hey, Jade, I’m Simon. This is my wife.” He crouched down, turning so Jade could see. Tabby held her fingers up and smiled.

  “She’s pretty.”

  “Yes, she is. That’s our son Nathan, and our little girl, Skye.”

  The paramedics were standing there, watching, waiting.

  Slowly, Jade pulled away from him but didn’t let him go.

  “You won’t leave?” Jade asked.

  “No, I won’t leave. My wife, she’d like to see if you’re okay. She has the softest hands and what’s more, she won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  “She won’t?”

  “Nope. She will kick anyone’s ass who tries to hurt you. She’s like a superhero.”

  “Like you?” Jade asked.

  He chuckled. “Better than me. She’s my wife and I get my power from her.”

  Jade’s eyes went wide. He glanced at Tabby. “We won’t let anything happen to you. We promise.”

  Jade wriggled out of his lap and went to Tabby’s arms. He watched his wife as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I’ve got to take a look at these hands, okay?”

  Jade held her hands to her chest and then slowly eased them out.

  Tabby held her hands, seeing the blood. “It looks like there might be a bit of glass. I’m going to call on my friend. She can take a look, but I promise you, if it hurts, you will tell her no.”

  “I don’t want it to hurt.”

  “I know,” Tabby said. “Will you trust me? We get this nasty glass out, and then I’ve got ice cream and chocolate sauce with your name on it.”

  Jade’s eyes went wide. “I … can I?”

  “Yes. You like ice cream and chocolate sauce, right, Nathan?” Tabby asked.

  His son walked over to the little girl, putting his hands under hers. “I’m here. It looks painful.”

  “It is.”

  “Mommy and Daddy’s friends will make it all better.”

  Jade nodded her head. Only one of the paramedics moved closer. She put her bag down, putting on some gloves.

  “You’re a brave girl,” the woman said. “There are some shards of glass, but I can get them out. You didn’t squeeze your hands or press on anything did you?”


  “That’s good. Really good.”

  Simon stood and he turned as Devil entered the clubhouse.

  “I don’t know what you need to do, but I will protect her.”

  Tabby looked at him and he pointed at Jade, letting her know his intention. She rolled her eyes and mouthed the words of course. She kissed Jade’s head.

  “You know it can be difficult.”

  “I also know the Billionaires can get shit moved. Make sure by the end of this week, Jade is mine and Tabby’s. We’ll take care of her. She’s one of us now.” There was no way he was going to let Jade be taken, put into the system, or even lost. She’d been through too much and she saw him as a hero. Well, they had room in their family for her.

  “I’m proud of you, son, so fucking proud.”

  It took the paramedic over an hour to check for glass. She shined a light to double-check. Once Jade was all bandaged up, Nathan joined her for ice cream. With them both sitting on the mat and Skye fast asleep, Tabby moved toward him.

  “You don’t mind, do you?” he asked.

  “What? Having a new member of the family? No, I don’t. The way she held you. She’s been through a lot. I love her already.” Tabby sighed. “But this means you’re going to work on two fronts to keep me here. You’re going to knock me up and bring in kids that I instantly love.”

  “Is it working?” he asked.

  “No. You can’t force me to stay when I’m already where I want to be. Bring all the kids you want, knock me up, I don’t care. I’m yours, Simon, always and forever.” She kissed his lips. “I never knew just how big of a family I wanted, but I love it. I love them all, Simon.”

  “I’m the luckiest fucking hero in the world.”

  He pulled her down, kissing her lips. This was his woman. The love of his life. His soul mate. It could only get better from here.


  Ten years later

  Tabitha parked the car. “Who’s ready to party?” she asked.

  “Mom, really?” Nathan said. “I can’t believe you made me come here. It’s so lame.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes, coming to the town fair where you get to hang out with all of your friends is so lame. Next time you want to sneak out at night, I’ll tell your dad to ground your ass and have him come to the school to pick you up.”

  “I’m sorry,” Nathan said.

  She smiled. “You ready, Jade? Skye?”

  She looked at her girls, who nodded. There was also Candice, Jackson, Petra, and Robin. In total, they had seven kids, and she was pregnant with her fourth.

  Jade and Skye nodded.

  Getting out of the car, she helped Robin out of the car, putting her daughter onto her hip. In the last ten years, it had been so crazy but amazing. She wouldn’t trade it for the world.

  With her kids rushing onto the field, she followed them, watching as they all ran toward the row of bikes, and there, wearing his president’s patch proudly, was her husband. He’d taken the lead only six months ago. The first night, he’d woken up in a sweat, panicked, scared, worried that he was going to screw up his father’s legacy, but she knew the truth. She knew how amazing he was, and how dedicated to the club he was.

  Devil was there in the group. Still a part of the club, but he had stepped down. It was a moment she never thought would happen, but it had.

  One by one, Simon hugged his kids, shaking Nathan’s hand before their oldest went off to enjoy the fair.

  Robin held her arms out and Simon took their little girl.

  “How are my two girls?” Simon asked, putting a hand on her stomach.

  “We’re good. Tired, but good.”

  Devil and Lexie already had a swarm of grandkids and they were constantly adding to the mix.

  Simon pulled her in close as Pa took Robin from him, giving them both a little time. The guys at the club were amazing, as were all the women. Simon had been petrified about taking over as club president, but so had she. Lexie was always there though, having her back, guiding her, just as Devil was with Simon. They hadn’t been pushed out.

  They were one big happy family.

  “This is our sixteenth wedding anniversary,” he said. “Happy birthday, Tabby.”

  Tears filled her eyes. They’d been together over twenty years. Their love surviving so much. She loved him more than anything in the world.

  “I love you, Simon.”

  “I love you, Tabby. Then, now, in the future.”

  “Always,” she said.

  “And forever.” He took possession of her mouth and she didn’t care. The world faded away. Being in her man’s arms, surrounded by the club, she felt safe and whole.

  The End


  Author Note

  This is the end but not the end. Chaos Bleeds and The Skulls are entering new chapters. I had thought about ending this series completely after the Next Generation, but I feel with this club, they are constantly developing, and I love this series so much. It has tested me in so many ways. All of these books are my babies. There will be more Simon and Tabitha to come for the future, with more guys coming into their lives (I’
m thinking something for Dean, Pa, Felix, Knight, Twig, and Teddy). These will be the only two books that are long and completely devoted to them (possibly, you know my muse). There will be more books that are perhaps novellas for sneak peeks into their lives. I don’t want to give too much away, as there will be other stories to tell in that ten-year gap, leading up to Devil handing over the club. Of course, I’m going to be working on Next Generation: The Skulls as well. So many plans.

  Simon and Tabitha’s story has taken me on a journey I never really planned for. I had an idea of what I wanted their story to be, and it was constantly evolving and changing. They’re two of the strongest characters I’ve ever written. Their love was the main focal point. Whenever I thought about them, that’s all I could feel. They loved one another and that was their constant draw to each other. What I also knew was their relationship would be tested. They’ve come from different clubs, and no matter what, Devil would never join. Chaos Bleeds and The Skulls would work together but never become one. I never knew how or in what way Simon and Tabitha would go. Part of me was afraid of where their story would lead me. For me, they were always going to be together. There was no doubt in my mind. Even with separation, their connection wasn’t on the surface, but bone-deep. Thank you so much for taking the time to read their story. I really do appreciate it, and I hope you love their story.

  Sam x

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  Other Books by Sam Crescent:


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