There Will Be Blood

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There Will Be Blood Page 1

by Michael Todd




  There Will Be Blood (this book) is a work of fiction.

  All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Sometimes both.

  Copyright © 2019 Michael Todd, Michael Anderle, and Laurie Starkey

  Cover by Ryn Katryn Digital Art

  Cover copyright © LMBPN Publishing

  A Michael Anderle Production

  LMBPN Publishing supports the right to free expression and the value of copyright. The purpose of copyright is to encourage writers and artists to produce the creative works that enrich our culture.

  The distribution of this book without permission is a theft of the author’s intellectual property. If you would like permission to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), please contact [email protected]. Thank you for your support of the author’s rights.

  LMBPN Publishing

  PMB 196, 2540 South Maryland Pkwy

  Las Vegas, NV 89109

  First US edition, February 2019


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  Connect with Michael Todd

  Books by Michael Todd

  Books written as Michael Anderle


  JIT Readers

  Misty Roa

  Nicole Emens

  Angel LaVey

  Dorothy Lloyd

  John Ashmore

  James Caplan

  Larry Omans

  Jeff Eaton

  Micky Cocker

  If we missed anyone, please let us know!

  Weapons Consultant

  John Kern


  Spurlock's - Henderson NV


  Skyhunter Editing Team


  To Family, Friends and

  Those Who Love

  to Read.

  May We All Enjoy Grace

  to Live the Life We Are



  The temperature in Paris was cooler than normal, and the breeze cascading across the park in front of Notre Dame made it downright cold. Still, the city was gorgeous. It sparkled under bright blue skies and the joy of waking another day without an incursion. The residents had reached a point in time where some counted the days, while others counted the hours between the appearance of more demons. However, across the world, they had seen a longer stretch of peace than at any time in recent years. What the Damned and the military tried to remember, though, was that it wasn’t an end, just a pause.

  Outside of the nearly-finished fort protecting both a section of the city and the cathedral, Katie and Pandora stood huddled together. Katie smiled. “What do you think? Do we give them a speech, or do we send them on some insane run and then thank them?”

  Pandora thought about it. “You know how much I like it when we torture these guys…but they have been pretty cooperative during their training. I say we give them a moment of kindness and let them enjoy a little praise, at least from you. You’re the nicer one.”

  Katie chuckled. “Damn right I am, but only when it’s deserved.”

  They turned around and looked at the Damned soldiers, who were standing in ranks waiting for their next directive. They had all assumed a military posture, hands stiffly beside them, fists clenched, and knees bent just enough to avoid passing out—not that any of their demons would let that happen. They held their heads high and stared straight forward, remembering the incident where they’d all had to do three hundred pushups because someone looked Pandora in the eye. They had been out there all night. It was amazing what a little pain and sleep deprivation did to a person’s motivation.

  Pandora stood to the side and Katie took front and center. “At ease.”

  The group shifted in unison, bringing their arms behind them and relaxing slightly. She looked at each of them with a smile. “We are a hodgepodge now, aren’t we? Some of you have decided that Paris is the place you want to be, where you want to stand on the front lines and protect this beautiful city, while others have responded to our call and will be following us to Romania to train their Damned. No matter which place you serve, it will be both exciting and terrifying at the same time.”

  Katie put her hands behind her back and began walking back and forth in front of the ranks. “I wanted to take the time to congratulate you all on completing your initial training. If you could see what I have seen, you would be more than proud of yourselves. This first section of training has been exhausting and frustrating, and maybe it even felt hopeless at times. But you guys have pulled through it and are actually starting to look like a bunch of soldiers.”

  Pandora smiled and interjected, “But it’s not over.”

  Katie laughed, glancing at Pandora. “No, ma’am, it is not. As Damned, you have to be on a constant training regimen. You have demons in you who can push you to the next level, but even without their help, you are expected to be the toughest, strongest, fastest, and fiercest of all of the soldiers. You are expected to run head-first into the battle and never think twice. The good thing is, you are Damned, and as such, I know you’ll get it. I know you’ll be incredible.”

  Pandora walked up in front of the soldiers and took a bow. “You have had the pleasure of learning from the finest teacher in history. And who, Grant, may I ask, am I speaking of?”

  Grant, a Damned soldier, came to attention again. “That would be you, ma’am!”

  Pandora laughed. “Damn right. At ease.”

  Katie rolled her eyes and tapped Pandora on the shoulder. “Uh, you do realize that in your ‘greatness,’ as you put it, you have managed to sexually harass every single one of them except Yuri.”

  The soldiers grinned and held back chuckles. Pandora put up one finger and leaned toward Katie. “I got Yuri when you weren’t looking.”

  Katie blinked at her, unimpressed. “Great. Just great.”

  Pandora shrugged and looked at the soldiers. “Besides, I was a goddamn demon until like two seconds ago. I’m not a role model, am I, troops?”

  The troops, smiling, yelled in unison. “No, ma’am, Drill Instructor!”

  Katie huffed and shook her head, kicking her foot through the grass. “Not a great teacher, either.”

  Pandora put her hand to her ear. “What was that? I couldn’t hear you over the praise my soldiers were sending me telepathically.”

  Katie laughed. “I said, ‘Not a great teacher, either.’”

  Pandora nodded, putting her hands behind her back and looking at one of the soldiers. “Do you believe her? Them’s fightin’ words.”

  Katie smirked as Pandora clapped her hands to call her Angel Armor. As it snapped to Pandora’s body, she pointed at Katie with a mischievous grin. “I challenge you to a grudge match.”

  Katie leaned her head back and
laughed, clapping her hands loudly in front of her. The team took a step back as her armor slapped onto her. She looked at Pandora with bright blue eyes. “You’re on.”

  With their wings spread wide, the angels flew into the air, positioning their shields and swords. They laughed wildly as they sparred, putting on a good show for the soldiers below. Katie swung her sword at Pandora, who blocked it with her own, then leaned toward Pandora with a grin. “Pick up the pace, Grandma. We don’t want to look bad in front of the kids.”

  Pandora threw her off and lunged toward her, laughing wildly as she beat on Katie’s shield with her sword. The Damned below broke ranks, watching and cheering as the two battled. It was the kind of morale boost everyone needed.

  Baal stroked his ever-growing stringy black goatee as he walked down the halls next to Beelzebub. He glanced at his companion, who was walking a lot more lightly than normal toward Lucifer’s chambers. There was a strange partial grin on his face, and he didn’t seem to have a worry in the world about what was about to happen. Though Baal was concerned any time he got called to chambers, he was more concerned with how smug Beelzebub was acting, as if he thought he’d never had anything to fear. That was not how hell worked, even for the higher-ups.

  The demon servants bowed in fear as they passed, Baal pulled out the scroll that had been sent to him. “You are ordered to Lucifer’s chambers for a meeting of the Council of Eight. You are to be prompt, and be aware that you are there to listen to his Greatness, speaking only when called upon to do so.”

  Baal rolled it back up and gripped it tightly. “This is the second time the Council is meeting in his chambers and not in the meeting room.”

  Beelzebub shrugged. “You know Lucifer. He isn’t much for leaving his comforts. The meeting room is across two levels of hell, and usually he is not present for meetings held there. He sends his minions with any messages. This time he must have something to say.”

  Baal sneered, looking over his shoulder and down the hall behind him. Azazel, Belial, and Asmodeus were all far behind them. Their faces were down, hiding their expressions. Baal sighed and gazed at Beelzebub. “That’s what I’m afraid of. He might be on one of his crazy kicks again.”

  Beelzebub shrugged as they reached the door to the chambers and passed through into the huge room. “He always has the best ideas when he is on his crazy rants.”

  Baal snorted as they headed toward the center. “Or he rips someone’s dick off and tosses it to the demon dogs.”

  They stopped when they reached the center, looking up at Lucifer, who whispered in a servant’s ear and then shooed him off. Both Baal and Beelzebub graciously bowed to the Dark King, and they remained folded over until he responded, just as he liked. Lucifer took positive notice of their arrival. “Well, it looks like the two of you are the first ones here. Maybe you have learned a lesson or two.”

  Just then the other three walked in, hurrying up beside Baal and bowing. Lucifer’s face fell, and he waved them up. “I appreciate you all coming so quickly, not that you really had a choice. First, I would like to put the rumors to rest. Earth is still off-limits.”

  The demons tried to hide their dismay. Lucifer raised his hand to shut them all up. “But I am formulating a plan, the details of which you don’t need to know. In fact, it might be safer for you if you do not.”

  The demons all clapped at the Dark Lord’s words since he was obviously looking for praise. Lucifer smiled smugly and leaned back on his throne, crossing one leg over the other. “Oh, and I would also like to make an announcement. If you don’t like it, I can work with you to alter your opinion.” He zapped a nearby servant with an energy bolt in the crotch, and the demon squealed and limped off.

  They glanced at each other suspiciously. Lucifer smiled at Beelzebub. “Your brave partner in crime, Beelzebub, has been re-inducted into the Council of Eight…although at the current time there are only five of you. Trust me when I say he will be of great use in coming days as the battle for Earth and hell escalates.”

  Baal and the other three nodded happily at Beelzebub. Lucifer sighed and waved his large clawed hand. “All right, I’m done with you. You may leave. Just keep your eyes open for my next summons and make sure you are on time. I don’t like waiting for anyone.”

  The demons quickly turned and headed out of the chambers. Lucifer stroked the skull on the armrest of his throne and glanced to the side, only to find Mania sitting perfectly still with no expression on her face. He reached out and stroked a piece of her inky-black hair. “My dear, you are moping again. What’s wrong?”

  Mania straightened her shoulders and shifted her eyes to Lucifer. “Not moping, just emotionless at this moment. Trust me, it is a nice change from what I have been going through.”

  Lucifer tugged on the lock of her hair. “Tell me your thoughts.”

  Mania swallowed and decided she already pissed him off plenty, so she might as well ask what was on her mind. “I guess I was just wondering why Beelzebub was promoted if his plans failed. Calvin and Sofia are still alive, Sofia is no longer infected, and the demon responsible has infected one of Katie’s soldiers.”

  Lucifer pulled his hand back, sensing that Mania was still very upset about what had happened to her. He took a deep breath and shrugged. “I guess I would say it is mostly because I want to keep an eye on him. He is not to be trusted, and I cannot just sit around sensing his movements at all times. The truth is, he grew wily during his time in the caves. He learned much and perfected his slithering and skulking skills. That may lead to some really bad actions on his part.”

  Mania pursed her lips, then lifted her chin and glanced around the throne room. It was apparent that his answer had not pleased her. She cleared her throat. “I do not like him, and he did nothing to avenge my honor, even with instruction. But you know best. May I go? I would like to lie down for a bit.”

  Lucifer stared at her for a moment and nodded. “Don’t be gone for too long.”

  “Ha! You wish. You just brought me out here to the woods to con me into loving you even more than I already do,” the tall, fit blonde woman said as she walked down the wooded path.

  The guy with her chuckled and shrugged, tapping the long, curved walking stick he was using on the ground. “Hiking in Sonora, Texas is known for its aphrodisiac effects.”

  It was a perfect day for a hike. The temperature was moderate, the sky blue, and there was no one else on the trail. The two walked gingerly up a small hill and bore to the left. The woman began to slow her pace, staring off the trail.

  The guy poked her with his walking stick. “What? Did you finally find the enchanted part of the forest?”

  The woman smiled. “Maybe. That, or I found a bear’s den and we will shortly be eaten.”

  He wrinkled his forehead, stopping next to her. “Is that a cave?”

  She grinned and nodded, grabbing his arm and pulling him off the trail. “Come on, we can take a rest there—and maybe more if you’re good.”

  He laughed and jogged with her, approaching the cave and pushed her gently against the jagged rocks at the entrance. He pressed his lips to her neck and she giggled, pulling him close. As she stared into the darkness of the cave something changed, her mood plummeting. The guy reacted the same way, pushing himself away from her.

  She stared at him for a moment, her face twisting, then pulled her hand back and slapped him hard across the face. “That’s what you deserve.”

  The guy stumbled back and shook his head. “What the fuck was that for?”

  The woman gritted her teeth, feeling unnatural anger flowing through her. “Don’t stand there and act like you haven’t been thinking about my sister this whole time. You are in love with her, not me. It’s so very plain to see.”

  The guy’s eyes flashed angrily, and he put his hands in the air. “I knew you were fucking crazy. Your sister means nothing to me. In fact, I find her even more annoying than you most days.”

  The woman scoffed, throwing her hands up
. “Oh, that’s how you think about me? Then why don’t you just go? The woods would be much nicer without you in them.”

  The guy narrowed his eyes and breathed heavily. “FINE! Find your own fucking way back.”

  He turned and began marching off through the crunchy leaves. When he got about halfway to the trail, he glanced up, spying something from the corner of his eye. His mouth opened, but he couldn’t get a sound out as a giant bat dove from above the canopy of the trees straight for him. He took off running, then tripped over the fallen branches of a tree and fell to the ground.

  He covered his head with his hands and clenched his eyes shut, waiting for the giant claws to latch onto him. After a few moments of nothing, he released his clenched muscles and turned over, looking around him. There was no bat anywhere near him. In fact, there was nothing out of the ordinary at all. Even the anger he had been feeling just a moment before had completely dissipated. It was as if he had dreamt the entire thing and was now awakening to reality.

  He sat up, rubbing his head and brushing the leaves and dirt off his clothes and hands. Just moments before he could have sworn that the day had been gray and dreary, everything around him lifeless. He hadn’t noticed at that moment because the anger flowing through him had blinded him to everything else, but thinking back, it was almost as if a cloud had come into the forest and wrapped completely around him.


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