There Will Be Blood

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There Will Be Blood Page 8

by Michael Todd

  The day went by pretty quickly, especially for the couples, who couldn’t seem to get enough of each other, but even angels and Damned had to come out for food, whether Pandora agreed or not. Everyone had gathered in the now-extended dining area. Katie was surprised at the food laid out buffet style in the back.

  Brock smiled. “We have a lot of soldiers now. We didn’t want it to look like a mess hall, so this is our compromise.”

  Katie shrugged. “If it works, go with it.”

  In the corner to the right, Stephanie smiled, reaching across the table and taking Korbin’s hands. They had been away from each other long enough for no one to give them shit about keeping to themselves for a while. There might have been a ton of other people in the room, but the group had situated their table so it seemed as if they were on a date, lost in each other’s presence.

  Before they even got there, some of the guys had put thought into it. They had turned the chairs to face each other, and not be distracted by everyone else. Someone placed a small vase in the center of the table and put a single flower in it. When they arrived for dinner, one of the soldiers had shown them to their seats, pulling out the chair for Stephanie and telling them what was being offered that day. They insisted on getting their own food, but they highly appreciated the effort. Everyone knew that they had struggled with being apart.

  Across the room, Eddie sat eating dinner with Calvin, Sean, Timothy, Brock, Katie, and Turner. Pandora sashayed in and took the seat across from him. He stared down at his food, and it was obvious to Pandora that he was in conversation with Coco. He still had some getting used to it to do, and hadn’t remembered to try not to show the inner conversation going on to everyone on the outside.

  After a couple of minutes, he looked up and tapped Pandora on the arm. She smiled and raised an eyebrow. “Oh, you’ve decided to join the living side of life for a moment?”

  Eddie chuckled. “Yeah, sorry. Still getting back into the swing of things with this demon. We were talking about…”

  Pandora raised both eyebrows. “Yes? The suspense is killing me.”

  Eddie shook his head. “That’s not important, really. I do have a question, though. I would like your opinion on something.”

  Pandora grinned. “Okay. I am good at giving my opinion. What is it?”

  Eddie leaned forward and lowered his voice. “Do you think I should get a tattoo of a cartoon dog?”

  Pandora’s face immediately fell, realizing how trivial it was. She rolled her eyes and waved her fork in the air. “No. And stop taking advice from your demon. He’s an idiot.”

  Calvin leaned back in his chair, sipping his hot coffee. He looked around at everyone and cleared his throat loud enough to catch their attention. “I want to get everyone’s opinion on something. We have the three options for the next fort. One is to go to Romania, although we may be on hold until they’re ready. We can head to Russia, where they are ready, or we can roll to South America and build a fort there for them.”

  Timothy looked at Sean, and they both nodded as they swallowed their food. Sean wiped his lips. “Definitely South America. Actually, the more, the better there.”

  Timothy nodded. “I have to agree. There needs to be much better protection in South America. I have felt since Day One that we don’t do enough there.”

  Turner shrugged. “Yeah, but think about it. We want to protect them, but these forts have almost turned into targets. The demons look for them to attack. I feel like you’re putting a bullseye on them. I thought the whole point was to protect the cities and countries in case of an invasion, not turn them into the next destination. Don’t get me wrong; we need protections like these either way, but do you think putting them in places that already struggle to protect themselves is a wise choice? I mean, the demons go right for them.”

  Korbin stood up from the table and walked over, standing behind Turner. “I know that you have concerns about this. That has been one of my concerns from the beginning, but you have to look at it another way. That is the idea. We want the demons to come to us. We want them to feel like they have the upper hand, and when they arrive at the gates, they are met by a brick wall. We roll out Damned soldiers, special metal weapons, and of course, me.”

  Turner pursed his lips. “Okay, I see where you’re going with this. Just because the fort is there doesn’t mean they won’t attack.”

  Korbin nodded. “In fact, we hope they do once everything is set up and everyone is trained, because the way we run those forts, they will only attack once. I promise you that.”

  Katie smiled, listening to Korbin be so proud and determined. Her phone rang and she pulled it out of her pocket, seeing Brushwood’s number on the ID. She winked at Brock and stood up, walking out into the hallway. “Hey. I was wondering when I was going to hear from you. Do we have an incursion?”

  Brushwood sighed. “No, this isn’t an incursion. But something just crossed my desk that I’d like you to take a look at. It’s some strange activity in Sonora, Texas. It might be nothing, but…”


  Katie smiled at Brock as she and Pandora stepped through the portal. They walked straight out into Sonora, Texas, this time bypassing a random dimension in between. Pandora looked at her, impressed. “Wow, you’re getting good at this.”

  Katie shrugged. “I really don’t have control. Sometimes I roll into the right place, others I end up in Volcanoland smoldering to death as I jump through another portal. I think it might have to do with focusing in on the location hard this time.”

  Pandora nodded. “Truth. I was too.”

  They looked around the town. It was small and quaint; exactly what you would imagine a small Texas town to be like. To everyone else, it would feel chilly, but for them, having come from Paris and the desert winter, it felt pretty nice . Katie nodded toward the small police station down a block. “Let’s start there. If there is something strange enough going on to catch the general’s radar, they most likely heard about it first.”

  Pandora nodded, squishing her tits together and standing tall. Katie laughed. “We are going into the Mayberry Police Station, not the Firefighters of California. Focus your shit, dude.”

  Pandora sneered. “I am focusing, but that doesn’t mean my shit has to be crooked.”

  Katie opened the door to the police station and they walked in, pausing to stare around the room. There was only one cop inside, and as soon as he saw Pandora and Katie, he jumped out of his chair and aimed his gun at them with shaking hands. “You stay where you are. Stay right where you are.”

  Katie put her hands in the air, glancing at Pandora. “Sir, we are here to find out what’s been going on in this town. We work with the military.”

  The cop, sweating, shook his head. “Don’t bullshit me. I know who you are. You’re the Borrelli twins. You’re them criminals that killed that old lady. I put you away years ago. Now you’ve come back for me. You broke out of the state pen, and now you want revenge. Let me tell you something: you ain’t going to find it here today. I was just doing my damn job.”

  Katie furrowed her brow and shook her head. “Sir, I think you’re confused. My name is Katie. I’m here to help.”

  He shook his gun. “You ain’t here to do nothing but kill me. I ain’t stupid.”

  As Katie kept his attention, Pandora crept around, getting behind him. She knocked the gun from his hand and put her arm around his neck. “Shhhh, go to sleep now.”

  After the guy passed out, Pandora slowly lowered him to the floor. “He was completely useless and obviously out of his mind. He could hurt someone.”

  Katie put her hands down and looked out the window. “Come on. This shit is weird. Let’s do a fly-by around the town and see if we can see anything else.”

  Stepping out of the station, both Katie and Pandora took flight. They spread their wings wide and soared above the highest steeple. Gliding along, they glanced down every street, every backyard, and every patch of woods in town. It was strange. There wer
e barely any people outside, and those who were hurried from one place to another as fast as they could, slamming their doors after them.

  Katie glanced at Pandora and back down at the ground, where a mother and her two twin girls were out in the front yard, and they descended to the ground, folding their wings behind them. The mom looked up, recognizing them. “You’re those angels that have been fighting the demons, aren’t you?”

  Katie smiled kindly, glancing down at the girls. “Yes, ma’am. We were sent out here because the military got a notice that strange things might be going on. No sign of demons that we know of. Have you seen any in recent days?”

  She shook her head. The two girls giggled, putting their hands up like claws and roaring. “That’s what they look like on television.”

  Katie grinned at them. “They sure do, but if you ever see one, you run and tell your mom or the closest adult. Okay?”

  Both girls nodded. Pandora looked around. “The town seems so quiet. Is it normally this abandoned?”

  The mother shook her head, pulling her apron up and wiping her hands on it. “No. Normally this town is lively. We’ve all known each other since we were kids. But lately, no one wants to come out. The whole damn town is terrified, but the sheriff ran off, so we got no answers.”

  Katie furrowed her brow. “What exactly is everyone so afraid of?”

  The mother looked at her and then bent down, smiling at her girls. “Why don’t you pull out the bikes and you can ride them up and down the driveway?”

  The girls smiled and took off, both pausing and waving at Katie and Pandora. The angels waved back and turned to the mother. She cleared her throat and shook her head, her face going white. “This may sound nuts, I know, but I’ve been seeing things. So have my girls. The other night I woke up and they were standing in my doorway with no eyes. It was real as could be. I chased them to their bedroom but found the girls asleep in their beds just fine. Other people are seeing things, too. The only thing I could think was, maybe the water’s poisoned.”

  Katie sighed and nodded. “Thank you. We’ll definitely go check that out. If you need anything, look for us. We’re going to do our best to figure out what is going on here.”

  The mother nodded and headed over to the girls, who were happily riding the bikes. Pandora jumped into Katie for a more private conversation. I don’t know for sure, but this sounds a hell of a lot like a Leviathan. The Nightmare.

  Calvin sat down on the edge of the bed and ran his fingers over the comforter. The last time he had been there Sofia had been with him, snuggled up in his arms after a very long and trying ordeal. Things didn’t sound like they were going to get any less tense, but he didn’t want to scare her. The last thing he needed was to put stress on the baby, and once Sofia knew he was marked by Lucifer, she would be beyond herself with fright.

  He picked up his cell and dialed her number.

  She answered after a couple of rings. “Well, hello there, handsome. I wasn’t expecting a call until later.”

  Calvin smiled. “I know. Things changed pretty fast in Paris. We all needed a break, especially Korbin. But I just got back from the airfield at the base. I have a plane waiting for you.”

  Sofia chuckled. “You do? Well. Why don’t you come out here?”

  Calvin cleared his throat. “I think you should come to the base and be here where it’s safe.”

  Sofia paused for a moment. “Safe? Why would you think that my home isn’t safe? I just got the renovations done and the yard and the fence fixed. It looks like home. I have classes again, and doctor’s appointments here.”

  Calvin smirked, remembering how stubborn she was…and insightful, too. She knew he was hiding something. “And all that can wait, except the doctor, but we’ve got more than our share of those here on the base. Just trust me on this, okay? It’s nothing for you to get all kinds of worried about. I just want to know you are safe and secure by my side. I don’t trust anyone as much as I do myself to keep you safe.”

  Sofia sighed. “Well, all right. If it means I can see your face, then I will do as you wish. But you owe me a steak dinner when I get there.”

  Calvin laughed. “Anything you want, baby. I’ll let the pilot know you have to pack and you’ll be on your way.”

  Sofia chuckled. “Always keeping me moving. I love you.”

  Calvin grinned. “I love you too.”

  He pressed End and looked down at the phone, smiling from ear to ear. It felt good to know he would see Sofia and his baby in just a few hours. He needed to know they were safe, and out there he didn’t feel like they would be. Sticking his phone in his pocket, he grabbed his lightweight sweatshirt, throwing it on as he walked out of the room and down the hall. He took the steps quickly and opened the front door of the building, finding Brock, Stephanie, and Korbin standing there looking around.

  Stephanie smiled. “About time you showed up. Is Sofia coming?”

  Calvin nodded. “Yep. So what is this meeting for?”

  Korbin uncrossed his arms. “We are discussing the state of the base.”

  They walked around together, going through the different areas of the base. As they passed, the soldiers would stop and stand at attention. Brock looked at the armory. “Joshua wanted to be here for this, but with the volume of orders, he can’t even take a second away. In fact, I’m pretty sure he has been running the place around the clock recently to try to make up for the time he has lost and the materials he is lacking.”

  Korbin shook his head. “Looks like you’ve kept everything in tip-top shape, Brock.”

  Brock chuckled. “Not just me; everyone had been busting ass to do so, and all under the direction and leadership of your wife. She’s been our rock. The base is strong. Really strong, especially with the protections we put in place in case of another EMP. As far as the armory, they’re behind on special metal, but that was to be expected with the large orders for the forts. Like I said, though, they are moving forward, and I’m sure they will be caught up in no time.”

  Korbin shook Brock’s hand. “You guys have all done a hell of a job.”

  Brock looked at him and Calvin. “How is everything going with the forts?”

  Korbin smiled. “We’re on our way with them. They are definitely coming along. It takes quite a bit of planning, but once we start building them and training the Damned and the regular soldiers, they seem to almost take care of themselves. Calvin here is going to be staying stateside for a while, though. He’s got a wife and a baby on the way, and we all want to make sure that he is able to take care of his family. Things in his life are going to be changing big time real soon.”

  Calvin laughed. “Don’t I know it. Diapers and tears and giggles and the whole thing.”

  Brock smirked. “What about the baby? That’ll be a big change, too.”

  Calvin faked a laugh. “Ha-ha, very funny. You are hilarious. You just wait…one day you might be facing little humans too. You never know.”

  Korbin chuckled at the fearful face Brock pulled. “The thing is, though, I can’t possibly design the bases and train the soldiers on my own. There is far too much that goes into it. Because we know we are targets, we have to get the work done as fast as we possibly can. That means training at the same time as building. Now, I had Pandora last time, but with Katie’s schedule and such, I know I can’t rely on that.”

  Brock rubbed his chin. “So you need someone to step in where Calvin leaves off. I’ll definitely start looking for a replacement for you. There are plenty of well-trained men here, so there has to be one to fill the hole for you.”

  Calvin nodded. “I’ll keep my eyes open too. We’ll get you the help you need. You know I won’t leave you high and dry.”

  The Alamo stood valiantly in the San Antonio sunlight, as groomed and well-kept as it had always been since becoming a museum and focal point in the city. Tourists from all over the world milled about the grounds and took pictures or stood out front waiting on their tour, pushing their families
together for the shots. One family walked around the inside of the chapel, gawking at the history behind it.

  Stan, the father, reached out and tapped his wife’s arm. “I am going to go find a restroom. I’ll meet up with you guys out front.”

  His wife leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. “All right, we’ll be here.”

  Stan walked through the building, following the touristy signs posted on stands around the place. Finally, he reached the bathroom, but when he pulled on the door handle, it didn’t budge. He looked around, but there was no one to ask about it. Apparently, that bathroom was closed. He shoved his hands in his pockets and hurried across the street. Entering the restaurant, he shot straight back to the back, not noticing how quiet it was inside. He pulled on the bathroom door, but again it was locked.

  Stan groaned, feeling an impending sense of panic in the pit of his stomach. He had always had stomach issues, and one of his biggest fears was being somewhere when an emergency struck and not being able to find a bathroom. He took a deep breath and gathered his composure, rushing out of the restroom and taking a right. Up about a block and a half was a real estate office. He burst through the door and looked at the reception desk, but no one was there.

  Standing in the room, he searched around, finally finding the bathroom. He let out a sigh of relief and hurried over, turning the doorknob. His eyes widened as it stopped short. He jiggled the handle, but that bathroom was locked too. Stan swallowed hard, panic building in his chest. Tears pulled at the corners of his eyes. How could there not be a single bathroom in the city that was open? And where the hell was everyone?

  He shook his head and hurried back out, reaching the end of his rope. As he stepped out onto the street, the panicked sensation faded. He stopped in his tracks and looked around, gripping the railing tightly. The entire street was in total chaos. Men, women, and children were running around, grabbing at their hair and faces and screaming at the top of their lungs. He walked down the steps and latched onto one man’s arms, shaking him.


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