There Will Be Blood

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There Will Be Blood Page 19

by Michael Todd

  Calvin put his hand up. “Doctor, what do you see?”

  Ozu began to sweat, shaking his head wildly. “The snakes! The snakes! They’re everywhere. Don’t you see them? They’re hanging from the ceiling, and they’re all over the floor, and in the drawers too. Oh, God! They’re going to bite me. Swallow me whole.”

  Sofia’s eyes grew wide, and she swept the room with her gaze, trying to locate what he feared. She shook her head at Calvin. “I don’t see anything.”

  Calvin glanced back and forth. “I don’t either.”

  Sofia hopped out of her chair, standing behind Calvin as they attempted to calm him down. Sofia spoke in a gentle voice. “Doctor Ozu, I think you might not be feeling well. Why don’t you let us give you something to calm you down? We use it on soldiers all the time. Maybe the trip and the stress are starting to get to you.”

  The doctor picked up a letter opener and swung it around. “Stay back! They’re coming for us. We have no chance. Save yourselves!”

  Sofia grabbed onto Calvin’s arm. “What’s wrong with him?”

  Calvin shook his head. “I don’t know. He is hallucinating or something.”

  Suddenly the alarm began to blare out across the base, the lights flashing red. Calvin frowned, watching Ozu carefully. “The base has been breached.”

  Soldiers and mercs began to run wildly around, most of them preparing for something they didn’t even know was a threat. As the sirens echoed across the base, the weapons for a normal attack were deployed. Little did they know this would be no ordinary fight. There were no demons to physically ward off, no bullets to pierce the enemy. He was large but stealthy, getting to the people before they saw him coming.

  On the bottom floor, down the hall and in the dungeon, there was nothing but stillness. The computer beeped wildly and alarms were buzzing all over, trying to get Timothy and Sean’s attention. Even though they were sitting and standing right there in front of them, they had no idea that the full-on attack had begun.

  Timothy’s face was straight and stern, his hand holding a cup of coffee. Slowly it tilted, trickling the hot liquid onto the floor in front of him. Sean sat perfectly still as well, his hands just inches from the keyboard, his eyes glazed. The phone rang over and over, and the comm beeped. The soldiers’ voices rang out over the speaker, calling in for confirmation. Calling in for warnings. Calling in for help. But the room remained perfectly still, a haze seeping through the entire place.

  The coffee began to puddle, and a single stream ran across the floor beneath Timothy’s loafers, over the threshold of the door and out into the hallway.

  Sean blinked, clearing the haze from his vision. He stretched his back and looked up, expecting to see Timothy. “Weren’t we just…”

  Timothy wasn’t next to him. He turned in his wheelchair, looking around, but he was no longer in the dungeon. Instead, he sat at a long wooden table, candles lit in the center and dozens of dome-covered dishes all over the surface. When he looked down, he was wearing a chef’s coat and hat, and his tennis shoes had been replaced by non-slip Crocs.

  He frowned, touching his black and white checkered pants. Suddenly the domes began to lift from the dishes one at a time, floating back toward the kitchen. In front of him was the largest display of his favorite foods he had ever seen. The fragrant aromas were so strong that he felt as if he could already taste the food.

  There was kimchi, bulgogi, samgyeopsal, and many more of his favorite childhood Korean dishes. There were also roasted turkeys, stuffed ducks, and desserts as far as he could see. To his right was his absolute favorite, homemade eclairs, with the chocolate just applied. His stomach began to growl and he laughed, feeling as if he had hit the jackpot.

  He reached up and took the napkin from his plate, tucking it into the front of his shirt. “If I can’t walk, I might as well eat.”

  With a smirk, he reached over and grabbed an éclair and set it on his plate. He then filled the other half with a taste of about twenty different dishes. He felt as if he hadn’t eaten in a week. Grabbing his fork and knife, he held them up, ready to dig in. He smiled as he lowered them to the plate and cut a savory and juicy strip of samgyeopsal, holding it up in front of him and licking his lips. However, as he went to put the meat to his mouth, it disappeared in a puff of smoke.

  Sean furrowed his brows and looked down, making sure he hadn’t dropped it. He sighed and tried again, but the same thing happened. Every time he got the food to his mouth, it just dissolved into smoke. Even the scent was gone. He tried over and over, stabbing the food on his plate and lifting it to his mouth. Smoke drifted off and circled around the room as the sound of his knife and fork scraping the plate vibrated around him.

  He threw the silverware down and tried to grab the food with his hands, but it was gone immediately. “No. No. Noooooo!”

  Timothy shook his head, opening his eyes as if he had fallen asleep. He looked around him, finding himself standing in the middle of a bar. He wrinkled his forehead and glanced down at his clothes to see he was wearing the finest couture. He wiggled his eyebrows. “Don’t know how I got here, but hellllo, Armani.”

  A girl walked past him in a tight leopard skin body con dress and black platform heels. Around her shoulders was a black feather boa. Timothy put his fingers to his lips, trying not to laugh. “Oh, sweetie. We are going to need to have a really long talk about picking your clothes from the zoo. That is not cute.”

  The girl sneered at him and huffed, strutting off.

  Why did you just let her walk off like that? It was your fucking chance.

  Timothy stopped and looked around nervously. “Uh, who said that? Y’all must be fucking with me, because I know I didn’t just hear that.”

  The voice laughed deeply. I know you missed me. Trust me, I did not miss you.

  Timothy put his head down and strode to the corner of the bar. No. No. No. How did you get back in my head? You were gone. Long-fucking-gone.

  The voice chuckled again. Or was I? The most important thing now is you stop acting like a goddamned pussy and go out there and grab some instead. Be a fucking MAN!

  Timothy stood straight up, putting his hands over his ears. “NOOOOOOO!”

  “Everyone to their stations! The ship is going down,” a marine yelled into his hand, although it looked as though he thought it was a comm.

  He dipped around the corner, dodging and weaving. Another guy screamed, tumbling through the doorway, running his hands wildly through his hair. There was smoke coming from the second level of the barracks, but no one seemed to notice.

  Down the hall, deep in the recesses of the building, Kabbus filled a corridor, laughing heartily. He moved toward the door, leaving a trail of soldiers in his wake, all gray and dead from fear.

  The courtyard was a mess, soldiers running everywhere. Some were under Kabbus’ spell, while others attempted to prepare for the coming fight. The loudspeakers squealed before Stephanie’s voice came out of them. “Stay calm. Battle stations. Kabbus the Leviathan is in the base.”

  Joshua and Wanda stood at the armory doors, waving in several of the injured soldiers and pushing the girls to the back. They were getting ready to lock it down, trying to keep as many as safe as they could.

  Brock, Turner, Eddie, and Pandora ran through the basement halls, calling Katie’s name. They turned a corner and Brock pointed. “There she is!”

  They ran up to her and grabbed her by the shoulders. She had been standing still and staring at one of the gray cinderblock walls. She blinked at Brock, not knowing whether she was dreaming or awake. Suddenly the vision of Kabbus posing as the guys went through her head and she grabbed her sword, backing up.

  Brock put up his hands. “Katie, it’s me. We’ve been looking everywhere for you. You were with us, then you opened a portal, walked through, and was gone.”

  Pandora walked up and put her finger on the sword, slowly pushing it down. “All right, ninja warrior. I know you’re confused, but Brock is not the enemy. B
esides, I don’t want to spend the next year consoling you because you accidentally stabbed your boyfriend while believing he was a murderous Nightmare Leviathan.”

  Katie loosened her shoulders and looked at Pandora. “What was the song I sang you at night when you wouldn’t go to sleep?”

  Pandora glanced at the guys, embarrassed. “That is really rude. Why would you call me out like that?”

  Katie gritted her teeth and raised her sword again. Pandora put her hands up. “Okay, okay. It was the theme from the Power Rangers.”

  Several of the guys chuckled, and Pandora threw them an angry glare. Katie put her sword down and rubbed her head. “God, I’m sorry. I just didn’t know what was real anymore. I did this, Pandora. I fucked up, and now Kabbus is on the loose in the base. I thought I was running around warning people, but apparently, I was here staring at this wall instead.”

  Pandora rolled her eyes and looked at Brock before diving head-first into Katie. Katie stumbled back and held her chest. You really need to warn me first.

  Pandora chuckled. Yeah, well, right now you need to get out of pity-party mode. There is no time for that fucking shit. You’re the world’s biggest badass, and it’s time to go after that fucker.

  Katie swallowed hard, her breathing heavy and her heart beating fast. I don’t know. I don’t know if I can do this. He gets in my head and I don’t even know where I am.

  Pandora worked her magic, slowing down her heartbeat. Calm yourself. Take a deep breath and close your eyes. Everything is as it should be. We pulled you out of it.

  Katie nodded, following Pandora’s orders for a moment. When she opened her eyes, she was still there with Brock and the guys, and Pandora was sending calming vibes from inside her.

  Pandora knew Katie had to get it together. You feel better?

  Katie looked down at her armor. Yeah. I think so. Yeah.

  Pandora talked in a relaxed tone. Good. Very good. Now, I need you to think. You have got to stop and think as hard as you can. Clear your mind. The Leviathan is trying to fuck with you, but you aren’t going to let him. You are stronger than that motherfucker. You know that. Your mind is stronger than that.

  Katie cleared her mind and rolled her shoulders. Pandora gave her a second to collect herself. Now, is there something you were supposed to do? Someone you should be contacting or somewhere you need to be?

  It only took Katie a minute. She patted her pockets, pulling out her phone. Juntto! I have to go get Juntto. He is at the airport in New York, and we need to bring him back here.

  Pandora clapped her hands. Yes! Good. Then go get him.

  Katie looked at the guys. “I’m going to grab Juntto. We’ll be right back. Get the men together and help whoever needs it. Don’t face Kabbus on your own.”

  The guys all nodded and started to run off. Brock stared at Katie with a smile. He walked up and kissed her cheek. “I knew you were still in there. I could see it in your shimmering blue eyes.”

  He headed toward the courtyard. Katie opened a portal and rushed in, not even noticing which alternative universe she had stepped into. As soon as she was through, she opened a second one and bolted through into the hangar bay.

  Angie let out a deep sigh and hurried over, wrapping her arms around Katie. “Oh, my God. We thought… I don’t know what we thought. You sounded so strange on the phone, and then you were gone. Are you okay? What’s going on?”

  Katie looked at Juntto, who had his bags in his hands. She felt terrible that Angie looked so terrified, but there was really no time to explain. Time was of the essence, and Katie had already taken up enough staring at a cinder block wall. “I don’t have time to explain. Kabbus is at the base. I’m all right. It’s a mess, though. Luckily, Pandora and the guys found me before I became his victim too.”

  Angie clutched her phone to her chest. “I tried to get hold of Timothy, but there wasn’t an answer.”

  Katie looked at her worried face and took a deep breath, putting a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll make sure they are checked on. Everyone is scrambling right now. I came straight here when they woke me up. Juntto, we need you.”

  Angie looked at them frantically. “I want to help. I can help.”

  Katie glanced at Juntto, who shrank and took Angie by the shoulders. “You remember the stories of the Nightmare Man?”

  Angie looked at him, worried. “Yes.”

  Juntto chewed his lip for a moment. “I don’t want you anywhere near him. We don’t even know at this point if we can kill him. You are going to be safest here. If he gets into your mind, your worst fears will come true. That is very hard to get over after you experience it.”

  Angie’s eyes teared. “I know, but what if you…”

  Juntto shook his head, putting his hand to her lips. “I am Juntto, king warrior. I fear nothing. If he gets into my mind, it will be clear as day. You have nothing to worry about.”

  Katie could see Angie’s face softening, and she realized for the first time just how close Angie and Juntto had become. Angie lunged forward, hugging Juntto tightly and clenching her eyes shut. “If it tries, just think about Hygge. That is a good place to be.”

  Katie smiled and cleared her throat. “I’m sorry, guys, but we need to go. Juntto, are you ready for this? I don’t know how other Leviathans are affected by Kabbus.”

  Juntto shrugged. “I don’t either, but like I just told Angie, I fear nothing. His games will not work on me. All he will find is a spear in his heart. He will not be able to torture us then.”

  Katie smiled, knowing he was mostly saying it for Angie’s sake. Juntto picked up his bags and kissed Angie on the forehead. “Go get your followers on Twitch. I will be back soon.”

  He disappeared through a portal with Katie and Angie crossed her arms, still worried. “You better be, you big-ass frost giant.”


  The base was still in chaos, and the armory was still not completely secured. There were just too many people, and Joshua could not leave them behind. Half of them were in living nightmares, running around screaming or crouched in the corners of shadows, rocking. On top of that, no one knew where the team members were since they were all in different places trying to get the situation under control.

  In the center of the courtyard, the air swished and the edges of a portal shimmered as Katie forced it open, grunting loudly. She stepped through, pulling her guns. Juntto stomped through behind her, already screwing his spear together. They looked around, finding Brock and the guys running toward them, loading their weapons.

  Brock shook Juntto’s hand. “I’ll be the first to say it’s good to see your big blue ass.”

  Juntto chuckled. “Your pasty white ass is something I’d rather not see.”

  The guys all laughed, but quietly, nervous that their reality would be twisted upside down at any moment. They were all becoming more resistant to it, though. That, or Kabbus was focusing his hell on the other soldiers running around instead. Either way, it gave them a window to work.

  Pandora sniffed. I would be careful if I were you. I can smell the tentacles getting closer. It’s like a mixture of fish soup and ball sweat. Bro needs to take a fucking bath.

  Katie wrinkled her nose. So glad I can’t smell him right… Wait, what is that smell?

  Pandora laughed. You’re welcome. Just making sure you can track him too.

  Katie slammed a mag into her gun. That shit’s wrong, dude. Just wrong.

  Eddie tapped Katie on the shoulder. “Uh, what is that?”

  To their right, in a medium-sized building where the teams stored their gear after training, a black fog began rolling out of the door and across the sand. Katie sniffed the air and snarled. “Here comes our monster now.”

  As she spoke the words, Kabbus emerged from the building, using his tentacles to bend the doorframe back for him to fit through. Turner’s lip twitched. “That’s one big fucking dude.”

  Juntto threw down his bags, holding his spear by his side. “And he has no manners
when visiting someone else’s house.”

  Pandora scoffed. Wow, who taught Big Blue over there manners and etiquette? I’m impressed.

  Juntto growled as Kabbus bounced out of the building, looking for his next victim. Juntto tossed his spear up, grabbing the middle and taking off at a bounding run. His large feet hit the ground, shaking everything around him, and he let out a deep battle cry.

  Brock, Eddie, Turner, and Katie could only watch as he ran toward the Leviathan, ready to end the feud once and for all. When he got closer, he leapt into the air, bringing his special-metal spear up over his head and thrusting it down as he fell toward Kabbus. The beast waved his tentacle at him with force. He could see the suction cups on the bottom moving in and out as if they were alive.

  Juntto gritted his teeth and put his arm up to block it, not feeling the wet stickiness of Kabbus’ body.

  As Juntto dropped, something hit him hard in the stomach. He grunted, coming to an abrupt stop, the wind knocked from his lungs. He put his hands up, feeling a solid wood surface in front of him. Slowly he opened his eyes to find himself sitting in a rolling chair in front of a mahogany desk. He looked at his raised right hand where the spear had been, only to find a pen instead.

  He lowered it and clicked the end. As his chair rolled slightly, he looked at the floor, finding it similar to what he remembered from various government office buildings he had visited. The room was bright white, with nothing on the walls and no doors to be found. “What the fuck is this?”

  Juntto whirled his chair back around to the desk and froze. Where once there had been nothing but a blank desk now sat stack and stacks of papers, files, and folders. His eyes grew wide and he tried to push away, but his chair spun him back to the desk. “Oh, God. Paperwork! No! No! No!”

  Pages began to flood onto his desk, piling higher and higher. Sheets fluttered around him, falling from the ceiling. Every page was filled with questions, none of them yet answered. All of them had one thing in common, though: a single line at the top reading, Must be completed by Juntto the Frost Giant under penalty of law.


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