A Dark Collection

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A Dark Collection Page 3

by Emma V. Leech

  “Oh,” she whispered. “I ... I want ... I need ...”

  She moved against him harder and he laughed, knowing exactly what she needed. He lifted her a little and positioned himself perfectly to give her exactly what she wanted as she moaned against his neck.

  “Corin!” A cool, crisp and decidedly irritated voice broke through the heated atmosphere and Corin stilled as he heard footsteps close by. “Corin, damn you, I know you are out here and let me tell you now, if you are not back in that ballroom in precisely ten minutes I’ll make you sorry you were ever born!”

  He moaned softly himself as the footsteps receded once more, and not from desire. He pushed Sienna away from him a little. “I’m so sorry, darling, I’m afraid I must go or the wretched woman will make my life hell.”

  Sienna pouted, a steely look in her eyes. “No! Tell her to wait her turn. I was here first.”

  “Darling, I’m not a merry go round,” he said with something like reproach in his voice. There was a snort of amusement and he saw a remarkably cynical look on her face. He sighed. “Well then, as we have only ten minutes before my life implodes I believe I will have to make you acquainted with a rather human concept.”

  “Oh?” she said, looking sceptical, and then gasped as he pushed her down on her back.

  He nodded, a grave look in his eyes. “This, my darling, is what is known as a quickie.”

  Precisely eleven minutes later Corin returned to the ballroom feeling a trifle breathless and somewhat fractious. Within seconds he was passed a note by one of the servants, instructing him to proceed immediately to a point of rendezvous or suffer dire consequences. Muttering obscenities he screwed up the note and stuffed it in his pocket before doing just as he had been told.

  “Alone at last,” said a feminine voice in his ear. He turned to find Aleish waiting for him with a scowl. “I hope you didn’t wear yourself out,” she said adding a bitter smile. “Who was she anyway?” Corin opened his mouth to tell her politely to mind her own business, but she interrupted him before he could speak. “Oh, never mind. It doesn’t matter, just another conquest for you, I suppose?”

  Corin frowned and tried once again to speak.

  “You didn’t meet me,” she said, still sounding cross, but Corin could hear the hurt in her voice. He sighed. “Damn it, Aleish, you know I can’t!”

  “If you really wanted to you would.” Her voice was soft now and full of reproach. Corin took her hands gently, not daring any further contact though he longed to embrace her just as she wanted him to. “Darling, I swore an oath to your brother ... on my honour.” He looked at her seriously, willing her to understand just what that oath meant to him. “I can’t, I just ca--” His words were stopped as she pressed her lips against his, her body leaning into him, the warmth of her searing him through the delicate fabric of her dress that did little to separate them.

  He closed his eyes with a moan of desire, his hand going to the back of her neck. He turned her swiftly so she leant against a cold stone column as his hand slid down her waist, over her hip, cupping her behind and pulling her against him. He kissed her hard, hearing her gasp as she responded in kind and clung to him, leaving him with no illusion as to what she wanted. He pressed harder against her, delighting in the breathless noise it drew from her lips. His hand dropped from her neck and slid down until it rested on her breast. At first his touch was gentle as he stroked and kneaded the soft flesh through the silky fabric, but then he drew his fingers together over her nipple and his touch became firmer, harder. He pinched the delicate skin between his thumb and finger, deepening his kiss as she squirmed against him, breathing harder still.

  Oh, gods, he cursed internally, he couldn’t do this! He had promised Laen, given his word ... With difficulty he tried to keep his brain on track and not let everything south of his belt take control, but then she became bolder, her hands roaming over him, tangling in his hair, across his back, over his chest and moving down until one fell to his belt buckle. As her fingers began to slide lower, the certain knowledge that this was his last chance to break free slithered reluctantly through his brain and he knew this had to stop. With a heartfelt oath and visions of Laen holding a bloody sword, Corin released her and stepped away.

  “Aleish ...” He ran a hand through his hair in frustration. “Please believe me when I tell you I want you, you can’t possibly doubt that now. Gods, woman ... have you any idea? That dress ...” He paused and shook his head. “Please, Aleish, I’m begging you. Don’t do this to me. I don’t make promises lightly and your brother is my closest friend. I cannot...I cannot dishonour him.” He watched her, the tenuous hold on his desire straining as he took in her flushed cheeks, the way her chest rose and fell too fast, the wanting in her eyes as she looked back at him ... but to his surprise she just shrugged.


  “What?” He frowned at her, partly distrustful and mostly rather hurt that she should have given up so easily

  “I said fine,” she repeated rather breathlessly before turning around and heading back towards the ballroom.

  “Fine?” Corin demanded, sounding just a little outraged. She paused at the door of the ballroom.

  “Well if you won’t ... I’ll find someone who will.” She blew him a kiss and disappeared

  Chapter 4

  In stunned silence Corin stood and watched her disappear, knowing full well he’d been played. He knew exactly what her plan was and damn her scheming heart but it was likely to succeed. He stalked back into the ballroom, fury and indignation burning as he saw her making a beeline towards the pretenders.

  Corin and Laen and a few of their contemporaries had long been known as the wolves, those men who prowled occasions such as these and at whose altar the women longed to sacrifice themselves, be they sheep or lamb. As with all things, however, there were those who admired, who wished to emulate, and a younger generation who hoped to one day steal their crowns. The pretenders achieved this with varying degrees of success and Corin gritted his teeth as he saw Aleish give an encouraging smile to Lord Durin. Minor nobility, handsome and with a reputation for being indiscreet in his affairs, she could not have chosen worse ... or better, depending on your point of view.

  The look on Durin’s face was almost comical as he glanced behind him to check he had not been mistaken that the Ice Princess herself was giving him leave to approach her. Corin watched with a snort of derision as Durin looked around for any sign of her brother before taking a step forward and asking her to dance.

  “Damn and blast the woman!” Corin cursed, causing a passing servant to jump in alarm. “Get me a bloody drink, you fool!” he yelled at the hapless boy who ran to do his bidding, appearing moments later with a brimming glass. Corin looked at it and rolled his eyes. “Are you expecting me to swim in it? Oh never mind.” He took the glass, shooing the boy away. Corin made short work of emptying the excess, his anger deepening with every passing moment as he watched Aleish do a circuit of the room with Durin holding her too close and his hands on her in a far too familiar fashion.

  Dammit where was Laen when you needed him?

  Her brother however was nowhere to be seen. Gritting his teeth, Corin disposed of the now empty glass and crossed the ballroom. He intercepted Durin before he could take a second tour of the room.

  “My dance, I believe,” he practically growled.

  Lord Durin bowed. “Your Highness, a good evening to you. I do hate to contradict you, but I believe the Princess desires to dance with me.”

  “Does she indeed?” Barely keeping his anger in check enough that his magic didn’t burn the place to the ground, Corin turned his attention to Aleish, who was looking at him defiantly. “Well, Aleish, is this what you desire?” he made a dismissive gesture towards Durin, his eyes turning a deep amber as his anger grew. “Shall I leave you?”

  She shrugged and pouted, looking around the room with exaggerated boredom. “I suppose that depends.”

  “On what?”

p; She quailed just a little at his tone of voice, which was understandable as he sounded very much like he was ready to murder someone, but she raised her chin and looked him in the eyes.

  “On whether you are going to ... To dance with me instead?”

  For a moment they glared at each other and it was all she could do not to blush and look away as the golden eyes bore into hers, glittering with rage.

  Corin narrowed his eyes at her before addressing Lord Durin. “As I said: my dance.” He turned his back on Durin and grabbed hold of Aleish, none too gently, before sweeping her back onto the floor.

  Too angry to speak, Corin bore her around the lavish ballroom, weaving skilfully through the other dancers. The moment the music stopped he snatched her hand and towed her from the room.


  “C-Corin,” Aliesh protested, beginning to feel a trifle alarmed. She had never seen him really angry before, at least not with her, and so she had never appreciated just how fierce his temper could be. “Please, you’re hurting me,” she begged.

  He snorted but said nothing, just released the pressure on her hand a little as he checked they were not observed before drawing her through the tangle of rooms that made up Laen’s home. He made his way, unerringly, to a small room furnished with a chaise lounge and soft chairs in a remote part of the castle before pushing her through the door and locking it behind him. Aleish ran to the other side of the room with a gasp of alarm and stood by the glass doors that opened onto the gardens. She bit her lip and glanced at the doors, wondering if she should run, if maybe she’d bitten off more than she could chew after all.

  Corin’s presence seemed to fill the room, anger making his magic prickle against her skin and she took another step away. He watched her silently and she swallowed, but stood glaring back at him, refusing to let him know she was more than a little afraid.

  “Pull the curtains.” His voice was clipped and angry and for a moment she hesitated before doing as he asked.

  He walked over to the chaise lounge and snatched up a couple of the silk cushions, tossing them carelessly on the floor.

  “Take off your dress and lay down,” he commanded.

  “Corin!” She gasped, stepping farther away.

  “What, Aleish? Is there a problem? Isn’t this what you want?” He stalked towards her with fury written in every line of his body. “You want to give yourself away? Well get on with it!”

  “N-no! Not like this.” She shivered as his anger made her skin prickle.

  “How then?” he yelled. “Shall I call his Lordship and ask him to do the honours if I am suddenly not to your taste?”

  “No!” she shouted back. “I wouldn’t have ... You know I wouldn’t. I was just ... Just--”

  "Just blackmailing me!" He slammed his fist down on the console beside him and she jumped in alarm. "Damn you, Aleish. You dishonour both of us! What would you have me do?"

  There was a sudden smash of glass and Aleish screamed as the curtains were torn apart and Laen burst into the room through the broken balcony doors.

  "What indeed?" Laen growled as Aleish stepped away back towards Corin who suddenly seemed the lesser of two evils.

  "Laen!” Corin grabbed Aleish by the arm and pulled her behind him. "Laen, I can explain."

  "There's no need," Laen said, his furious black gaze never leaving his sister. "I knew damn well she was up to something and with you as jumpy as a cat on hot coals it didn't take a lot of working out."

  Aleish took in Laen’s black gaze with a sinking heart.

  "Nothing has happened,” Corin said, standing his ground. “I swear to you, Laen, upon my honour."

  Laen nodded. "And a lucky thing for her that you at least know the meaning of the word. She has clearly forgotten it."

  "Laen!" Aleish gasped and Corin tightened his hold on her hand.

  "Come now, Laen,” Corin said, clearly trying to soothe his friend away from the anger glittering in his eyes. “There's no harm done. Let us forget it."

  "Forget it?" Laen roared. "She tries to blackmail my friend into bed with her and when that fails I see her whore herself out to any bastard who will take her!"

  "Laen that's enough," Corin shouted, pulling Aleish closer. She had begun to sob now and he put his arm around her. "Come now, Aleish, you know how he is when he's angry. He doesn't mean it.”

  Aleish flung herself away from him. "Oh leave me alone, I hate you both!" she screamed, almost wanting to laugh at the shock in his eyes.

  "What did I do?" Corin demanded.

  "You?" She clenched her fists, black eyes full of hurt and anger. "Both of you, you're just the same. You go through life doing just as you please, drinking and seducing and everyone admires you for it: Oh, look at the wolves, aren't they magnificent,” she spat. “How many women out there have been in your beds exactly? And what of me? I sit at home by myself like a good girl, reading or sewing and waiting ... Waiting ... Endlessly waiting while my whole life passes me by! I can't go out and have fun by myself because I always need a chaperone. The only way I can escape this damned miserable existence is if I get married. Well I'm going to, and I'll be a good wife, I just wanted ..." She sobbed before taking a deep breath and standing tall again. "I just wanted to know what it felt like, to be in the arms of someone ... Someone who excites me, someone I desire.” She looked at Corin as tears slid down her face. “Someone I care for.”

  Corin looked back, clearly stricken as he saw the anguish in her face and took a step towards her, holding his hands out. “Aleish ... I’m so sorry.”

  She shook her head, glancing up at Laen whose face was a mask; she had no idea what he was thinking. Corin stood beside her and took her hand gently. “Darling, why don’t you just marry me and we can be done with all this foolishness?”

  “Oh!” she said angrily, wrenching her hand free. “Because I don’t want to marry you!”

  “Well, I like that!” he said, looking hurt.

  “Oh, Corin, you know it’s useless. It would never work. If I married you I’d love you and I know you don’t ... won’t love me. I refuse to sit at home wondering whose bed you’re sharing next. We would just tear each other to pieces.”

  “So you’ll marry that idiot, Alf!” he said in disgust.

  “He’s not an idiot,” she shouted. “He’s ... sweet and kind and ... And he looks at me like I’m his reason for living.” She wiped the tears from her face and put up her chin, trying to regain some shred of dignity. “If I thought for a moment you could ever look at me like that I’d marry you in a heartbeat, but it will never happen and I’m not so foolish as to believe it ever will.”

  Corin sighed and shook his head. “No, darling, it’s me that is the fool and I’m sorry for it.”

  She nodded. “I know.” Turning to her brother but not looking him in the eyes she spoke softly. “I’m sorry if I have caused you any embarrassment, Laen. It was never my intention. If you’ll both excuse me ...” Her voice broke and she rushed from the room leaving the two men standing together in uncomfortable silence for what felt like an eternity.


  “You’d better go after her.” They had both spoken at once and Corin looked at Laen in astonishment.

  “Me?” he demanded. “Why?”

  Laen gave him an eloquent look and Corin’s eyebrows hit his forehead.

  “You mean ...? You’re saying ...?”

  He watched Laen grimace and hold up one large calloused hand in warning. “Don’t, for the love of the gods, spell it out. I do not want to know. Anything. Ever. Is that clear?”

  “Perfectly,” Corin spluttered, wondering whether Laen had really thought this through because if he changed his mind Corin would be a dead man in the morning. “You’re quite sure?”

  “No! But go anyway,” Laen shouted, dragging one hand through his hair in exasperation. “But if I hear one word from her ... If you-If you ... upset her ...”

  Corin looked indignant. “I won’t! I wouldn’t!”

“I know!” Laen yelled back at him. “Just ... go and ... let us never speak of this again. Not ever!”

  Corin nodded and headed for the door.


  He turned with his hand on the door handle, wondering if Laen had already changed his mind.

  “Thank you, for not ... for keeping your word. I knew I could trust you but ... Well, thank you.”

  Corin smiled and nodded, closing the door behind him and thanking the gods Laen would never know how close he had come to breaking that promise once and for all.

  Chapter 5

  Corin scanned the ballroom once again but saw no sign of Aleish. He wasn’t surprised after seeing how upset she had been. She had likely gone to her room, which left him with the dilemma of how to get there without being seen. If anyone saw him lingering around her door her reputation would be torn to shreds and even the adoring Alf may have second thoughts.

  He headed for the garden muttering under his breath. He was going to be reduced to sneaking in through her bedroom window like some idiot boy. In truth he wasn’t sure why he was so cross, but he suspected that, as usual, Aleish had hit a nerve. She never failed to bring the truth of his actions to his eyes and he generally despised what she showed him. He knew this was why their friendship had always been plagued by such irritation with each other. Though, he had never before been as truly angry as he had been at seeing her throw herself away on someone so thoroughly undeserving of her. He turned her words and accusations around in his mind as he walked.

  On the one hand he knew his existence was a shallow one, knew well that he was running from his future, from responsibility, but he also knew that she had no idea what that future contained. If she did she might realise why he acted quite as badly as he did. He may not know his own fate either, not exactly, but from everything he had gathered so far he had been given a fair idea and it scared him to death. He also accepted that her life, life for all women in the Fae Lands, was extremely unfair. He had spent much time in the human world and seen how life could be when women were accepted as equals, and welcomed the idea.


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