Twilight Seduction

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by Tianna Enya

  Twilight Seduction

  Tianna Enya

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  Smashwords Edition

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  I looked around the bright classroom. It was my first day at Evian University and I was excited to finally be there. I had dreamed of going away to school, for as long as I could remember. However, my mother begged me to stay. She didn’t understand my excessive desire to be on my own. I was nineteen years old and if I was going to start a new adventure in my life, I needed to do it by myself. Everyone warned me that there were dangers around every corner, but I was just seeing it as them trying to keep me under their thumbs as much as they could. I could take care of myself, or at least that’s what I had to keep telling everyone.

  I looked out the window of the classroom and groaned. It had been raining ever since I arrived in town and I hoped that sooner or later, there would finally be sun. I turned back to the front of the classroom and saw an older gentleman walking in, as he went to close the door a man slid between the small opening and rushed past the older guy and sat down in the seat next to me. I stared at him, wondering how in the world he made it through that opening.

  He glanced at me and smiled, “Hey!” He spoke as if we knew each other. I was taken aback by that notion, but also by the fact that he had the deepest green eyes I had ever seen. His black hair was slicked back and was he ever gorgeous. Actually, he was more than gorgeous. He was the kind of guy that any girl would easily make a fool of themselves to get to know. However, I had a head on my shoulders and I didn’t want to get caught up in that. It didn’t keep from looking at him though. Through his thin t-shirt I could tell that he was not opposed to working out. I could have looked at him all day, but when the person in the front of the room cleared his throat, I was forced to look away.

  “Good Morning, ladies and gentleman. You are in your first year of Anatomy and Physiology. I don’t know how much you have been told about this course, but it’s not easy.” I looked around as students groaned, like they were in agony. I smiled to myself, not because I loved difficult things, but because my mother was a doctor and I assisted her whenever I could. I felt prepared for the course. “Take out your paper and a writing utensil and get ready for your first quiz.”

  I wasn’t prepared for that one. “Hey, blue eyes…have a piece of paper I can have.”

  I turned to my right where the gorgeous guy was staring right at me. For a moment I was caught off guard. I wondered if it was possible that he was looking at me, as much as I was looking at him. I then laughed it off, knowing how silly that was. “Uh…” I scrambled to remember what he had asked me. Then it dawned on me that he wanted a piece of paper. His expectant stare brought me back to my senses and I ripped a piece of paper from my binder. “Need a pen, too?” I asked, lamely.

  He shot me a grin and held up the pen, “Nope…covered, but thanks.”

  I nodded, as we both turned back to the front of the room. My knees were still knocking from the encounter. I glanced at him for a moment, but he continued to look ahead. “Number your paper from one to ten.” The professor was saying. “This will basically allow me to see what everyone knows. Just answer freely and if you’re stumped use the best guess method.” He pointed to the blackboard, “Questions are on the board and you may begin.”

  My heart was racing, but I wasn’t sure if it was because of the handsome guy beside me, or the fact that I needed to take a quiz that I didn’t study for. I was sure that it was a mixture of both. As I answered the questions, I wasn’t sure how I was doing. They seemed easy enough, but part of me questioned whether we were just being set up to fail.

  When I finished the test, I looked up and noticed that others were still dutifully answering the questions. I sunk back in my chair and looked down to the desk, I didn’t want anyone to think I was an overachiever; especially on the first day. Finally, the teacher allowed us to pass the tests up to the front of the class and went on to doing the lesson. I absentmindedly found myself watching the stranger next to me. He seemed intent with the discussion. I looked back to the front of the room and acted just as engrossed. The class went on for one hour and fifteen minutes. When it was through, I threw my book bag together and started to rush out of the room.

  Yet, he seemed to be watching me, so I slowed down. “Cool class…huh?” he asked, but I just shrugged, not acting too interested about it. When I got into the hallway, I expected him to go his separate way, but instead he continued to follow me. “My name’s Albert.”

  “That’s nice,” I mumbled, still holding the accountability that he could be a murderer.

  He snickered, “And yours is…?”

  His voice trailed off, searching for me to continue. I glanced at him, “Emma,” I quickly spoke. Then looked toward the exit of the university and continued to walk as fast as I could. When I reached the door, I hesitated.

  I went to grab my umbrella and put it up, but he held out his hand. “I have it.” He opened an umbrella that covered him and the whole football team, if he wanted. I just stared at him, as he stood smiling. Part of me wanted to graciously accept; after all, it would be nice to walk under a man’s umbrella. Especially when that man was super-hot. Yet, I couldn’t fall into the bracket of being one of those girls.”

  “That’s fine,” I replied, opening mine anyway and heading out the door. The last thing I needed was to feel a sense of obligation with him. I hurried along the sidewalk, trying to lose him, but it didn’t seem to be working.

  He was able to keep up. “Emma, that’s a great name.” He replied, continuing our conversation.

  “Thanks,” I mumbled. I sighted my car in the parking lot and questioned to myself why he was still there. Finally, when I reached my car I turned to face him. “Look, I’m not really sure why you’re stalking me, but…”

  “I’m not stalking you,” he quickly snapped. “I just thought you would want to talk, but if you don’t…then who am I to argue.” His abrupt words shocked me. My jaw dropped and I stared at him.

  I actually started to feel bad for my reaction to him. It wasn’t like me not to feel like it was all right to speak my own mind. I rolled my eyes as he walked away. “Albert…wait!” He turned around and faced me, just waiting for me to continue. “I’m sorry. I guess that I’m just a bit jumpy…new school and all. Besides, I have to run to work. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  I reached for the door and he smiled. “See you tomorrow, Emma. Have a good night!”

  “You, too.” I climbed into my red Volvo and started it. As I pulled out of the spot, I saw him just standing there and his eyes were watching me. I didn’t know if I should be scared or excited.


  “Order nine is up!” The cook yelled while I hurried to get the order. I had been working at the restaurant for the past week, ever since I arrived to town. I needed the funds to pay for college.

  “Thank you,” I called, going back out to the floor. The restaurant was in the heart of the town and the hangout for most of the college students. It definitely kept me busy. “Need anything else?” I asked, laying down the plate of food.

  “No, thanks.” The couple replied. I nodded politely and headed to another table.

  “Hello, my name is…” my words stopped when I noticed the man at the table. “Hm…maybe you are following me.” I replied, staring at Albert. I cocked an eyebrow in his direction.

  He laughed, “Not quite, blue eyes.”

  I hesitated for a momen
t. The way he called me that made me feel special. I looked down at my notepad, praying that he wouldn’t see the affect it had on me.

  “AKA Emma,” I replied, with a note of arrogance in my voice. “You here alone?” I asked, not caring but I did see another menu sitting across from him.

  “I guess I was stood up.”

  “Okay, what can I get you?” I asked, poising my pencil.

  “I’ll take a hamburger and fries, plus a chocolate milkshake. Make the hamburger rare, if you don’t mind.”

  “I’ll tell the cook,” I murmured, grabbing the menus. “Be back in a bit.”

  I hurried back to the kitchen and put in the order. Then grabbed another order and took it out to the table. That was the way that I was kept moving constantly. When Albert’s food was done, I grabbed it and took it out to his table. “Here you go. Hope the hamburger is rare enough for you. Need anything else?”

  He leaned closer to me, causing me to step back. “What time do you get off?”

  Is he being serious? I thought. I just shrugged. “Wouldn’t you like to know?” There was something about Albert that made me feel the best way to handle him was with a cocky attitude. He could flirt all he wanted and I wasn’t budging. I left the table and went back to waiting on the rest of the people.

  I am not sure when he left, but at one point I looked toward the table and saw that it was vacant. His food was done and he just left money on the table. I walked over and grabbed it. It was enough to cover his meal and leave a very generous tip. I smiled, putting the extra money into my pocket. He was definitely different than the boys I hung around with back home. For starters, he was much more handsome. His face flashed in my mind as I finished up the rest of the tables.


  I looked out the window and groaned. Then I glanced over at another waitress heading out of the kitchen. “Hey, Nikki, does it ever stop raining here?”

  She laughed, “Yeah, usually around November. Then it turns to snow.” I could tell she was kidding, or at least I hoped she was. “Work tomorrow?” she asked, as we left the restaurant and started in the same direction, umbrellas in hand.

  “Yeah, I work four to close. How about you?”

  She shook her head, “Tomorrow is my night off. Halleluiah, I could use it.” I smiled; I could use a free night too, but I was happy working. I enjoyed my job. “Here’s my turn!” She waved. “See you soon!”

  “See ya!” I liked Nikki. She was genuine. I continued to walk toward my home. It was only about three blocks from the restaurant, so I chose to walk it. It saved on gas and walking did me some good. Plus, there was something about walking in rain that calmed my mood. I didn’t like the rain all the time, but it could be soothing at times.

  I was just about to get on my street, when I saw four men near the stop sign. My heartbeat instantly intensified. I took a calming breath and tried to ignore them and concentrate on getting home.

  “What do we have here?” said the tallest of the group. He had a grimy mustache and his face was caked in dirt. “Never seen you around?”

  I kept my eyes focused ahead and not hesitating. “Charlie, ever seen this girl around?”

  “No, Wade, can’t say I have.” Answered an equally dirt-caked man. However, this one had a belly that extended a few feet in front of him.

  Even as I desperately tried to focus on my walk and get away from the four guys, I couldn’t help noticing the gleam in Charlie’s eye.

  Keep walking! Keep walking! I kept chanting to myself, until one guy knocked the umbrella out of my hand. “What the hell are you doing?” I hollered. Rain filled up my eyes. I will now say that I don’t like walking in the rain without an umbrella. The rain blinded me.

  “Oh…beauty here has an attitude problem.” The one called Charlie approached me. He grabbed my arm. My stomach lurched as I pulled away.

  “Come on, beauty…how about finding your beast,” he replied, grabbing onto my shirt.

  “Stop it!” I yelled, trying my hardest to pull free. However, it wasn’t working.

  Another guy grabbed onto my other arm and pulled. My shirt ripped a bit from the bottom. I was in full panic mode now. With trembling hands I tried to break free. But they were much stronger than me. They kept in place.

  Two guys came behind me, rubbing their bodies up and down my back. “You feel good. I can’t imagine how you would feel with no clothes between us.”

  I felt like I was a piece of meat and four dogs were ravishing it between their teeth. The only difference was I wasn’t meet and they weren’t using their teeth. Instead their hand clawed at my clothes.

  A hand slipped under my shirt and touched my breast.

  “Leave me alone!” I yelled. This was getting serious. Were they planning to force themselves on me in the middle of the street?

  Suddenly, I felt the two guys behind me being ripped away from my body. Then the other two guys got the same treatment.

  I looked on in shock as Albert appeared out of nowhere. He seemed to be flying as he got from one man to the other.

  My eyes widened. It was like something that you would only see in the movies.

  “Come on!” He grabbed my arm and I forgot to even worry about the umbrella. “Where do you live?”

  I pointed absentmindedly, still blown away by his artful moves.

  When we reached my apartment, I opened up the door. My mind was racing. “Um…you want to come in?” I don’t even know why I asked him, but I kept telling myself it was so he could get out of the rain and try to get dry. Plus, I didn’t want to inquire about his moves.


  I stepped into the apartment and turned to look at him. I had to admit the fact that he did do that, really was doing a number to my aching, virgin body. I was soaking wet from my head to my toe…not an inch of me was dry. “Those are some tactics you had back there. Thank you!”

  He shrugged, “It’s nothing.”

  I stood there awkwardly, just looking at him. Something inside me kept telling me to go to him. He saved my life, after all. “You may think it’s nothing, but I thought it was pretty amazing.” I gulped loudly as I took a step toward him.

  He walked up to me and kissed me on the lips. His tongue ran against mine and I moaned. God, I was in trouble. I let myself drift into the kiss, his tongue against mine as my heart beat frantically.

  I reached for his shirt as his hands went to mine. We both enthusiastically took off the clothes that were standing between us.

  Once naked, I parted from the kiss, grabbed his hand, and led him to my bedroom. He pushed me down to the bed. His masculinity aroused something fierce within me. His mouth covered my pussy and I sighed. His tongue darted between my folds, sliding in and out, and releasing my cum in heavy squirts. “Oh God…” I moaned. I grabbed onto the back of his head and shoved his face into my aching cunt. His tongue slid along my clit and I groaned. “Fuck…” I cried, as the sensation sent a deep orgasm throughout my body. If his tongue was this hot, I could only imagine how his cock would feel. “Ugh…God…ugh…ugh…” I cried, digging my fingers through his hair. He sucked my pussy, hungrily. I sighed, falling back against my body. “Wow…” I moaned.

  He pulled his head from between my legs and trailed kisses up my stomach and to my chest. His teeth latched onto one of my nipples and he sucked on it with a soft tenderness. His groans were deep within his throat. He then turned his attention to my other nipple, enjoying it with as much eagerness as he had the other one. His lips headed up to my neck where he sucked so hard that I knew he would leave a hickey.

  His lips made their way to mine and his tongue flicked inside my mouth.

  His erection pressed against my pussy. It just hung there, begging to go in.

  “Please…” I whispered, anxiously wanting him to penetrate me. He pulled from the kiss and his eyes locked with mine. His cock was pressed to the outer edges of my vagina. My eyes bore through his green pools, wanting him to make that move. He inched a little closer t
o me, as if to tease me. It was working, because I started to reach down and grab him, inserting him into me. “Oh God…” I moaned, too weak to even reach him. I fell back to the pillow and grabbed onto the bed. I bucked my hips up, telling him with my actions that I was ready.

  Expecting him to fully take advantage of that admission, I held on. However, it wasn’t his cock that I found nestled inside my pussy. I found his fingers, dipping in and out of my vagina like they were searching. They started out slow, then fast, slow, and then fast, until they were jabbing my pussy lips with a thunderous force. I bucked my hips against his fingers, finding that even though he didn’t want to fuck me the old-fashioned way, I could get just as much satisfaction feeling him touching me. He glided his fingers from one side of my clit to the other, gently tweaking the hard nub. I groaned as my cum started to trail out of me and cover his fingers. He lowered his mouth to my pussy and then removed his fingers. His lips caressed each spot on my cunt and clit. I collapsed on the bed and let his tongue explore my cunt, as my cum still continued to fill his mouth. I didn’t know why he wouldn’t fuck me when he had the chance. I was disappointed, but I had to take what I could get.

  Suddenly, he slid off the bed.

  I looked up and stared at him. “Where are you going?” My heart beat loudly.

  “I have to go,” he replied, nonchalantly.

  I stared at him as he acted like nothing had happened. We were in the middle of some amazing foreplay that could have been more, but he was going to walk out that door?

  I couldn’t believe he was being serious. We were close to having sex…I could feel it. The emotions were there, but I felt alone in the situation. “What…” I started, but as if it didn’t matter he just waved his farewell.

  I crashed back down to the bed and stared up at my wall. Was it a dream? I asked myself silently. The throbbing in my lower half, was still as strong as it was when he was fucking me with his mouth. I wanted more and I still did. I didn’t know what I would say to him at school, but I did know that I needed to find some way to get him back in my bed. I would do whatever it took.


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