Hearts Afire

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Hearts Afire Page 9

by Jennifer Hartley

  “Make sure she comes back to me in one piece, Father.” He told Donald, dropping her hand. Valerie shot him a murderous look and got behind the wheel.

  “Sorry about that, Donald,” Valerie muttered as she started the car.

  “Oh, please. It’s nothing I haven’t seen before.” He said as Justin waved at them.

  Valerie pulled them out of the driveway and was driving down the road when his meaning hit her. Unable to stop her embarrassed squawk, she demanded, “Oh my god. You’ve seen us? You don’t just mean from this morning, do you?”

  She glanced at Donald, whose face was as impassive as ever as he nodded. He met her stare and prompted her to look back on the road. When she did, he said, “You have a very passionate relationship with my son - “

  “God - “

  “ - which is not something to be ashamed of at all, my dear. God knows that from here to the very end of the world are people who’d like to make my son eat dirt. He’s not the easiest person to get along with, I myself have to try really hard at times, but you, on the other hand, you’ve got wrapped around your finger, don’t you?” He asked, chuckling.

  “W-What? I don’t have your son - “

  “Oh, yes, you do, my dear Valerie. You’re just exactly what he needs. You won’t tolerate his shit at all, whereas all his life, people let him get away with things because of his family.”

  “Not always.”

  “Not always,” Donald agreed. “But many times they do.”

  Well, Justin had a tendency to throw his weight around but only because he had a thick skull. The intention behind it was often good, she thought.

  “You keep him on his toes. You challenge him. No wonder he’s like that.”

  “Look, Donald, I’m so sorry for this morning - “

  “No need to apologize.”

  “Still, we shouldn’t have - “ Valerie pressed on, but the firm shake of Donald’s head stopped her.

  “You’re my son’s happiness, Valerie. I would rather I didn’t see what I saw - but this morning isn’t the first time - but I won’t deny him his happiness. Justin was never this happy. And he’s got this light in his eyes when you’re in the room with him.”

  Ridiculous. Valerie flushed. Catching this, Donald told her, “He really does, Valerie. You’ve not seen this?”

  “Um, I’ve never... I’ve never been as happy until Justin. I didn’t think I could be,” she darted a quick look at him and continued driving. “Uh, there’s a store close by, right? Do I turn left or right?”

  “Further straight ahead, then a quick left and another,” Donald told her. “My son makes you happy?”

  “Oh, come on, Donald, look at me.”

  He shrugged. “You’re unconventional, but I don’t follow.”

  “Unconventional. How kind of you.”

  She saw Donald actually roll his eyes. She’d laugh if she weren’t tensed.

  “The former Donald didn’t really regard his children as children but rather as extensions of himself, borne to reflect who and what he is and has. I’ve learned the hard way that can damage everyone around. When Amy died, the situation between me and my children worsened, and I pushed them to be people they’re not supposed to be. I thought if they had all these achievements, then the pain wouldn’t touch them. I was a terrible father to Samantha because I pushed her beyond her limits. I drummed it in Asher’s head that because he was the first son, he was going to have to do better than everyone else so. With Justin, I had no tolerance for his dyslexia. My children weren’t happy for a very long time, largely because of me.” Donald cleared his throat. “Make a right here, and we’ll be at the store shortly.”

  Valerie followed his instructions. As she did, she waited for him to talk some more. She felt that this was the first time that Donald Aston was unloading serious emotional baggage.

  “Do you know that I once encouraged Samantha to date my friend’s son Zachary?”

  “Uh, no. I didn’t.”

  “Samantha despised me for it. She was dating someone else then, a boy she claimed to love. But she did what she could. My daughter’s fight and protests a lot, but in the end, she does as expected of her. Zachary wouldn’t be the last relationship I would, uh, encourage her to pursue. It wouldn’t be the last thing I would lead her to. Samantha, being her mother’s daughter, grew enough backbone to go against me and do what she wanted. I didn’t approve, so I cut her off. Her and her brothers.”

  Valerie nodded. “Justin told me. He and Asher had to pitch in to send Samantha to college at some point.”

  “I thought that when my children defied me, it was that they were doing it for its sake. I thought they were sabotaging not only their own happiness but also the Aston legacy. Little did I realize then that by accepting and treating them as persons with their own minds, they will not only find happiness but also secure what I’ve been working for my whole life.” Donald said, nodding ahead of them. “We’re at the store. But let’s stay for a bit, Valerie. Once the children see candy we’re going to be left hanging.”

  At the mention of candy, one of the twins shouted, “Yeah!”

  Valerie shot them a warning look then turned back to her father-in-law. “Uh, Donald, I don’t encourage candy after dinner.”

  “Oh! Of course not. My apologies. Where was I? Yes. My point. On your being unconventional.” Donald gave her a rare smile. “I’ve feared for a long time I would be just like my namesake. It wasn’t easy letting my children do as they wished. Little did I know that by relinquishing control, I would get what I’ve been hoping for in the end. And it’s all because of you.”

  “Me?” Valerie exclaimed. “Oh, because of your grandsons?”

  “More than that, dear. You have no idea how much I respect you, of how grateful I am because of you, do you?”

  “Er... no. It didn’t cross my mind.”

  “You brought my children back to me, Valerie. Oh, I know, I forced those Friday dinners on them, but when Justin brought you that first night, I knew things would be different. And he was so smitten by you - I’ve never seen him look like that. I think we all were. Asher couldn’t get enough of telling us - you remember, don’t you - that you’re one of the most accomplished students in the graduate program. You also brought Samantha out - you know my daughter isn’t the easiest person around. But Justin. Above all, Justin. He’s never brought home a girl before, and you were so... unexpected.” Donald marveled. “I knew if I remained the tyrant I was, I would have disapproved. I’d have encouraged, no, pushed, Justin to pursue someone whom I believe to be of equal standing. But you were better. Much better. You’re an even match for him as well as a challenge. Until you, I’ve never seen Justin put anyone's needs first.”

  With every word unraveling a Donald Aston Valerie didn’t expect, as well as revealing exactly what he thought of her, she blushed deeper and harder. Finally, she said, “Uh - uh, Donald, I didn’t... that was... thank you. I didn’t expect... any of that.”

  “All the more why you're a lot better than you think, Valerie. And why I don’t really mind how handsy you and Justin could get.” Donald winked at her as he began to unbuckle his seatbelt. “But maybe next time, be more discerning of the location, hmm?”

  As Valerie turned a rich, watermelon color, he added, “Lucky you, it was me. What if it was Asher?”

  Oh god. Who knew there’d be a time when you’d actually prefer Donald over Asher?


  Donald was the ultimate Aston. He did everything to the zenith. What Valerie thought were “a few things” they would be picking up from the store for the fireworks celebration turned out to be several bags of candies, treats, and drinks. Leo and Tyler, her little monsters, took advantage of their grandfather’s generosity by pointing at every colorful display they saw. Valerie had to lay down the law, to the disappointment of the children and her father-in-law. Despite curbing things, they still left the store with three huge bags. She shuddered at the idea thought of letting the
men have their way. Thanks to her intervention, they wouldn’t be eating only candy and other junk food.

  The impromptu celebration turned out to be much better than they expected. The bonfire Justin built was huge and brought needed warmth due to growing chill from the sea - it would be fall in a few weeks, and the temperatures dropped lower and lower every day. Hannah made sangrias and made sure Valerie’s glass was never half-full despite the latter’s protests about having to be sober when around children. Donald surprised them by cooking juicy chicken wings, as well as his signature spicy garlic dip - which he confessed he hadn’t made in years. The children were very happy with their candies and chocolates, despite their mother’s eagle eye making sure they didn’t have too much lest they ended up too fired up for bedtime. Donald kept watching too, remembering too well that incident when Leo and Tyler got sick from a chocolate dinner.

  They watched fireworks light up the night sky. By then, the children were yawning hugely and getting cranky, but the booming sounds and the display of fun shapes over their heads drew them out of their souring methods. They cheered with their father, their delighted whoops and shrieks nearly drowning out the swoosh and explosions. It went on for an hour, but not all children saw it through the end. Colin and Kenneth fell asleep in Valerie’s arms halfway through, so she had to go in the house and tuck them in. Tyler, who was holding Justin’s hand, fell asleep standing up, and his father hefted him up in his arms just on time. Only Leo watched through the very end. When it did, he declared he wanted to go to bed and a story. Donald took over the task before Justin could point out his son would be snoring before he even began reading. He shooed Justin out of the room and, smiling at Leo, told him a story.

  A few hours after the quiet that had settled in the house, Valerie woke up thirsty. She was pressed against Justin’s back, her leg thrown over his hips and her nose against his nape. Humming sleepily, she reluctantly rolled away, freezing when the bed squeaked when she sat up. She gingerly roe from the bed and went to the kitchen to get herself a glass of water.

  When she returned to the den, Justin was sitting up, squinting from the moonbeams that have entered through the shutters pulled halfway down. “I felt you leave,” he mumbled, voice sandy from sleep. Valerie whispered and apology as she lifted the blanket and joined him. He threw an arm around her waist and nibbled on her shoulder.

  Valerie’s eyes closed, thinking she would be going to sleep now, but Justin clearly didn’t share the thought. He breathed heavily against her nape, sucked and kissed at the arc formed by her neck and shoulder. His hands roamed all over, touching her as if she were silk and delicate. Though groggy from the sleep beginning to sink in her, she let out a giggle and whispered, “Justin?”

  His fingers danced on the edge of her tank top. “I want you.”

  She felt him smile as he raised her shirt and cupped her breasts. “What if somebody sees us?” She whispered, arching against him and feeling his erection pressing against her back.

  “Donald and Hannah are asleep and drunk.” He bit the tip of her earlobe. “Don’t you want to?”

  “You know, I do.” She then turned to him, about to kiss him when the bed let out a high-pitched squeak. She froze, her eyes flying open. Justin laughed, and she quickly cupped her palm over his mouth. He kissed it.

  “I don’t think we can - “

  “Sure we can - “

  “The bed - “

  “Yes, it's loud. So? - “

  “You really mean- ”

  “I want to fuck you. Let’s try it slow and easy - “

  “You?” She removed her hand. In the dark, he could see her goggle-eyed. “Slow and easy?”

  “Is that a challenge, wife?” Green eyes sparkled.

  As Justin spoke, he shifted, so he was on top of her. Valerie stiffened as another squeak resounded from under them. His chuckle warmed her throat before replacing it with little deep kisses. Despite her hesitation, her hands climbed to his broad shoulders, pulling so his mouth would be over her own, and she could bury her tongue deep inside. Growls and moans came from their kiss, followed by another screech of metal straining under their weight. Justin sensed that Valerie would be pushing him away, so he kissed her harder, dragged her arms to her ears, and moved her legs apart so he could settle completely over her, leave her with nowhere else to go. They groaned together. He was heavy so warm on her firm, solid body, which called to be conquered again and again.

  Of all the times she wears pants, he complained to himself as he rubbed his cock against the moistening patch on her pajamas. She was warm and had too many clothes on, but god above, he couldn’t stop kissing her long enough to get her naked. She squirmed and writhed, and he knew that though she was resistant to the idea of them making love on such a noisy bed, he was making her feel too damn good.

  Valerie managed to break away from his kiss, panting, her blue eyes dilated with lust as she gasped, “Justin. Justin, please - “

  He sucked on her collarbone. “Tell me.”

  “I want - I want you.”

  It was maddening how he still had to order her to tell him exactly what she wanted, but that was part of the delight of having sex with her. His Valerie. His wife. Always shy and blushing. He pulled at the neckline of her old tank until her little breasts were bared. Valerie cried out as he took the pink tips between his fingers and tugged. Her crotch, pressed against his cock, approached the temperature of a furnace.

  “Tell me, wife.” He hissed, pinching and pulling her nipples. Valerie squeezed her eyes shut as she jerked against him, twisting and turning, both trying to escape and get more of his rough touch. A particularly hard pull had her shouting, and he quickly cupped his mouth over hers. Her cries shook against his tongue as he continued his harsh, head-spinning nipple play.

  “In me,” she gasped, rocking against his hips. He wished she’d stop because he was so hard and in great pain, but god, she was breathtaking when seized by lust. “Justin, please, oh god - “

  He cut her off with a kiss again, telling her she would get it. Valerie groaned; it was a lewd, sexy sound that Justin swore not only made him harder but made his cock lengthen another inch. She buried her fingers in his silken hair and kissed him back. He wrenched his lips away from her to demand, “Tell me. What do you want me to do?”

  Her beautiful eyes were watery. “Husband, please - inside.”

  “Say it again.”

  “Inside. Justin. Inside me, please, please.”

  As she chanted, he soothed her nipples with wet, nibbling kisses before taking them in his mouth and sucking rudely, loudly. His name was a broken, beautiful sound from her throat as he pressed a kiss upon kiss on her pink-flushed breasts, not stopping until her nipples were swollen and peaking eagerly toward him for more and more. He was addicted to her taste, a combination of woman and vanilla. He shoved her garment up as he bit gently on her abs, leaving pink-purple kisses on her skin as he lowered his head.

  He stuck his fingers under the waistband of her pajamas and tugged. She was wearing underwear. Amidst the scent of home and sea salt around them was the hot perfume of her arousal. He swallowed upon stripping the flimsy garment off her, seeing the silver tangles of her lust, making it stick to her sex. Justin almost came then and there, and he had to fight to center himself, cling harder to his control. God, she was soaked. Her bush was dark. Glistening. He spread her legs roughly and inhaled, willingly getting intoxicated by her sweet, secret musk.

  Valerie clutched the pillow and bit her lip as he unleashed hot kisses on her sex. He licked her, slurped, relished catching the wet threads of her arousal with the tip of his tongue. Though dark, she saw his lips shiny with her honey. Red spread throughout her body as he buried his tongue in her, soon followed by his fingers. She turned, squirming, not because she didn’t want his touch, but it was too much. Justin’s grin was dark as she inadvertently got herself in a position that left the other side of her body vulnerable.

  “We don’t have lube, wife
. But I hope you like this anyway,” he told her before pushing the firm, plump cheeks of her buttocks apart to flick his tongue at the pink rosette in between. Valerie squealed, caught herself, and stuffed her pillow in her mouth. He buried his nose in between, his head spinning from the fragrance only he knew. He kissed and licked, breathed fast as her muffled wails filled the night. His cock strained in his pants with every poke of his tongue inside her. As he lost himself in her unique flavor, he slid his fingers back in her sex. There was a definitive rip from the pillowcase. He smirked and pushed his tongue deeper inside, his fingers claiming her harder. Squirming, writhing, Valerie realized quickly that every time she moved, however she moved, she was fucking herself on his fingers and tongue at the same time.

  She came trembling a few seconds later, and he sighed, his own body still taut with tension but more than willing to take things further and longer. Limp and suddenly weak, it was easy to roll her on her back. Her body, muscled and gleaming with sweat, was an athlete's wet dream, he thought admiringly. He dragged his pants just past his buttocks, leaned over, and guided his cock toward her sex. She was overflowing with her honey. So soft.

  Valerie gasped, her back bowing, and his head fell back.

  “How are you still so tight?” He demanded, genuinely curious. Valerie had his cock inside her more times than not. His mind reeled to all those nights when he rode her hard, almost every night. The mornings he roused her awake from between her legs. The weekends, those glorious hours before dawn when he captured her gasps and mewls, fucked her until they were too limp and had to stagger to breakfast for their children. She had given birth to children. But she still gripped him like a merciless vise. He reared back then lunged forward, hard. Wonder if she's amenable to lunchtime sex, he thought, already flooded with images of Valerie on his desk, or on her desk, pink, wet, and screaming. His meal. His favorite dessert. He angled his hips differently, and she screeched.


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