Playing Me: A Rockstar Romance

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Playing Me: A Rockstar Romance Page 8

by Jenny Lynn

  The final few notes played and Corinne let the last few words slip from her soft lips. She was so incredibly sexy, and she was here with me. The song ended and I wrapped an arm around her waist, dipping her low as she gasped. She stared into me, her chest rising and falling as she breathed in and out rapidly, a flush across her cheeks. She licked her lip and I lowered my mouth to hers in a kiss as applause broke out with a few cheers. I pulled her to her feet then faced the crowd again and spoke into the microphone.

  “You guys just heard Corinne Williams sing, and trust me, she’s going to be a big deal.”

  I led her by the hand back to our section, she seemed a lot more relaxed and calm now, sitting down with a bright smile. I felt proud of her, seeing her slowly come out of her shell. The crowd was whipped up, chanting for more.

  “Wow, what a voice folks,” the DJ said. “I want to hear more from Corinne, do you?”

  People started to clap and cheer. I reclined against the couch.

  “You should get back up there,” I told her.

  “You think so?”

  “Let them hear you, and make sure they remember you. Then we’ll get out of here.”

  Corinne stood back up and made her way to the front, camera phones popped back up.

  “What song will it be?” the DJ asked.

  Corinne paused a moment, thinking, and looked over at me.

  “I Walk the Line by Johnny Cash,” she said.

  The song started to play and she sang with a depth of feeling and familiarity, her voice as sultry and enchanting as always, and I watched her with fascination. She really lit up on stage, making that classic old country song into something unique with her voice. People were loving it, they were loving her. When she finished everyone started clapping, I stood up and clapped too. She smiled softly and tucked her hair behind her ear then headed back to me.

  I tossed a stack of cash onto the table for the drinks then grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the bar. Our car was waiting by the curb as planned and I opened the door for her to slide in. I got in beside Corinne and told the driver to take me home. I looked over at her, she held onto my arm and broke out in a fit of giggles.

  “That was… wow. That was wild.”

  Her energy and excitement was appealing to me. The attention and the spotlight was still fun for me, but it wasn’t as new as it was for her. This was special for Corinne, and I was a part of it. I was helping make it happen for her. I was usually cold towards women, preferring their bodies to their friendship, but something here was different. There was something about her.

  “Where are we going?” she asked, looking out the window.

  “Back to my place,” I told her. “I’m having fun, and it’s still early. Come up, have a drink. We can talk some more.”

  She fixed me with those sexy feline eyes of hers, contemplating. I could tell she felt torn, wanting to say yes but thinking she should say no.

  “Will you be good?” she asked finally. I chuckled.

  “I’m never good. But for you, I promise to try.”

  We stared at each other, the air between us electric. I held her gaze with mine, staring into her, trying to pull her in. She sighed finally, a delicate soft sound, and nodded.

  “Okay. I’ll come up for a little bit.”

  I smiled and leaned back in my seat as we wove through the busy New York streets, street lights and headlights flashing around us making the world glow. When we pulled up to my building her eyes widened as she took in the doorman and expensive lobby past the gold plated double doors. I opened the door and gestured for her to follow me, through the lobby and towards the elevators where I swiped my card and pressed the button for the West Penthouse. We started moving up and I leaned against the wall towards her.

  “So when am I going to get to see where you live?” I asked.

  Corinne let out one quick, nervous laugh.

  “I haven’t seen your place yet but I can already tell you my apartment is probably a dump in comparison.”

  “Don’t say that Corinne. We all come from somewhere, I want to know where you come from. You intrigue me.”

  She blushed and looked at her feet while the door slid open. I guided her by the arm into my space, gesturing for her to walk inside. She was here. That was the first step to getting what I wanted. It was only a matter of time now, I couldn't wait to see her - all of her. To feel her tight body and hear her moan as I shoved inside.

  “Make yourself comfortable, I’ll get us a few drinks,” I told her.

  I headed for the bar and pulled out a bottle of Stoli vodka while she cautiously walked past my entrance and into my living room. She leaned towards the wall to study the albums and photos on display then drifted towards the antique jukebox. She smiled then turned towards me.

  “Does this work?”

  “It better, I paid an antique dealer enough for it.”

  “Can I put something on?”

  I nodded as I grabbed glasses, watching her as she flipped through records. She pressed a few buttons and Paradise City by Guns N’ Roses started to play through the speakers. I cocked my head, impressed. She picked a classic rock record, she sang a Johnny Cash song at karaoke. This girl was a music fan with an appreciation for different genres. I liked it.

  I watched, holding the bottle and two glasses as she swayed her hips, scanning through the records I had filled the jukebox with and nodding to the beat while she peeked at my collection. Who the fuck was this fiercely sexy, strange, interesting girl. I wanted to know more.

  “Have you ever played never have I ever?” I asked, tearing her attention from the music.

  She raised her eyebrows at me. “With my girlfriends during sleepovers.”

  “Let’s play,” I said as I placed down the bottle and glasses. “If you’ve done it, you drink.”

  “Are you sure you want to play that game Archer? If I had to guess there are few things you’ve never done.”

  I shrugged. “Then in that case, I drink. Come on, it’ll be a fun way to get to know each other.”

  Corinne looked down at the glasses, back to me. She picked up her glass and smiled.

  “I’ll start,” she said. “Never have I ever had a threesome.”

  I cocked an eyebrow at her. “Starting with sex already? What’s rattling around in that brain of yours Corinne.” She shrugged and I laughed then took my shot, refilling my glass.

  “Never have I ever played at a coffee shop.”

  “Hey!” she shouted. “Not fair.”

  “Like your guess was fair? Take your shot Corinne.”

  She slipped the clear liquor past her lips and winced. I topped up her glass as she looked around the room.

  “Um… never have I ever broken a bone.”

  I swirled my drink, waiting as she watched to see if I drank. Then I raised my glass and drank the shot.

  “What did you break? she asked, her eyes bright. She was having fun. Hell, I was having fun.

  “I broke my arm. I tripped on a cord one of my first concerts after being signed and fell off stage, I landed pretty bad and broke my arm. Was in a cast and couldn’t play guitar for a while. I think that was the worst part, not being able to play but wanting to. I hate having something I want like that, but just out of reach.” I gave her a look that let her know I was talking about more than just the guitar. She cleared her throat, feeling flustered.

  “Your turn.”

  I studied her, trying to think of what to ask next. “Never have I ever had a pet.”

  She winced then took her shot.

  “I had a dog named Starman when I was younger, after the David Bowie song. He was a mutt, with short dark hair and white patches. He got hit by a car a month after my dad…” her voice trailed off and my heart felt heavy for her. Her dog died after her dad. That must have been rough on her.

  “What was your dad like?” I asked. I was genuinely curious. She seemed surprised, then relaxed a little.

  “He was a musician. He di
dn’t make a lot of money, in fact, we were really poor growing up. But there was always music, he sang covers when he played at bars but wrote his own stuff too. Johnny Cash was his favorite. My dad had an incredible voice, he taught me how to sing. I still have his guitar, whenever I play or sing I think of him. I guess a part of me thinks that if I can make it, somewhere out there he will know and be proud of me.”

  “You will make it Corinne,” I told her, placing my hand gently on her leg. “And I bet he would be proud of you.”

  The jukebox continued to play in the background, November Rain filling the silence between us. She looked at my hand, then at me. I leaned towards her, wanting to hold her against me. Wanting to cross that final boundary between us. I knew I could make her feel good, make us both feel good despite the broken pieces of our pasts.

  “My turn,” she blurted out. I stopped inches from her face. She still wanted to play the game. Fine, I could wait a bit longer.

  “Never have I ever been outside America,” she said.

  I squinted my eyes at her. “That’s barely fair, you know I tour.”

  “Quit complaining and take your shot,” she giggled.

  I poured the drink past my lips. “What’s your favorite place you’ve been?” she asked. I ran my hands through my hair, the alcohol starting to make me feel warm. And horny. It was hard to think of anything with her sitting so close to me, the sweet smell of her perfume and the creamy exposed skin peeking out from beneath her dress driving me wild.

  “Probably New Orleans,” I said finally. “I know it’s in America but the music scene there is phenomenal. Second to that though would be England. So many great bands started there, like The Clash.”

  “I’d like to travel more,” she told me. “I’ve only been to Florida and now New York.”

  “Just wait, you’ll travel soon enough. Alright, my turn.” I topped up the glasses as I thought of what I could ask her, looking at her. It was fun, playing a game, just the two of us. Spending time together with our clothes on. As much as I was looking forward to spreading her legs apart I had to admit this was nice too.

  “Never have I ever skinny dipped,” I said, unable to think of anything else but unsure if I would win this round. Corinne looked me dead in the eyes, then giggled and raised the glass to her lips.

  “Now that is a story I want to hear,” I told her, leaning forward grinning. I was picturing her long body treading water, nude like some kind of Greek water nymph.

  “Relax,” she rolled her eyes, her cheeks pink. “It’s nothing exciting. There was a creek near where I grew up, my sister and I used to swim without bathing suits when we were little. It was completely innocent.”

  “Well if you ever want to give it a go now that we’re adults, I’d be game.”

  She laughed. “You have a one-track mind.”

  I reached over and touched her shoulder, and as soon as I made physical contact with her I felt it again, that fire between us. That overwhelming, swelling desire building inside me that was getting harder and harder to ignore. Corinne swallowed hard, trembling slightly.

  “My turn,” she said in a soft voice. “Never have I ever been with anyone famous.”

  I smiled, picked up my glass and took my shot knowing even though she hadn’t, I had. I had been with famous women, non-famous women, all types. But I had never been with anyone like her, never wanted anything so bad.

  My blood surging through my body, I leaned forward and closed my mouth over hers. She didn’t flinch, didn’t resist. I pulled her to me, losing the battle with my willpower. I wanted to savor her, slowly unwrap her like a present, but the desire in me was all consuming and I needed to be with her - finally - after waiting. I had never wanted someone more. Trailing my fingertips down her back I stroked her skin. She tasted sweet with a hint of vodka, my tongue exploring her mouth as I tilted her head and claimed her until we were both worked up and breathless.

  “Come here,” I said as I stood suddenly and pulled her to her feet.

  I rushed her through my place, past the kitchen towards the master bedroom. She was stumbling, trying to keep up with my quick determined strides. I yanked the door open so hard I thought the hinges would break but I didn’t care. I would tear down the wall to get her into my bed. To finally know what she felt like.

  I spun her towards me to kiss her again, pressing her against my body. She gasped when she felt my cock, already hard, pressed against her. She was breathing quickly, I could feel her pulse racing through where I was gripping her wrist. But then I looked at her more closely, shoving my needs aside for the first time. Her eyes were glassy, slightly unfocused. She was wobbling on her feet. I sighed. Damnit.

  “You’re drunk,” I said finally.

  “Just a bit, it’s okay, I want this. I promise.”

  She moved to kiss me again and I let her, but when I took a step back and she followed me she tripped and I had to catch her in my arms. I scooped her into my arms, then placed her down in my bed gently where she lay limp. Her dress was hiked up high on her thighs. If I stayed here any longer what little resolve I had was going to disappear. I wasn’t a nice guy, I wasn’t honorable. But right now, for her, I was trying to be. And fuck, it was hard as hell.

  “Where are you going Archer?” she slurred from behind me as I walked away.

  I paused a second at the door. She was in my bed. She was willing. If I wanted, I could have her right now. I gripped the doorframe, tight.

  “Get some sleep Corinne,” I said finally. Then I left and closed the door behind me.

  I made my way to the couch and poured myself a tall glass of vodka. I was going to drink until the desire subsided, until I could pass out cold on the couch. For the first time in my life I would practice restraint. I picked up my guitar, strumming random notes as the jukebox continued to fill the room with music. The first woman to ever fall asleep in my bed lay just beyond me, we were separated physically but she filled every corner of my mind. What the fuck was I doing? This was bad. This was real bad.

  Chapter Twelve


  I woke up in a strange bed, unsure of my surroundings. Then it started to come to me, slowly, like pieces of a puzzle falling into place. Oh god. I reached down in a panic and felt along my body, then sighed when I realized I was still wearing my dress. Nothing happened. I wasn’t sure if I was relieved or disappointed, my head was aching adding fuel to my confusion. I looked around the room, wondering where Archer was.

  Slowly I rose to my feet and walked to the door, pushing it open and wandering down the hallway towards the living room. His penthouse was massive, I glanced around at the artwork and framed posters decorating the walls wondering what it would be like to live in such an amazing place. Being able to afford space to stretch out, having extra rooms, was a luxury in New York reserved for the rich.

  I froze when I noticed Archer on the couch, his legs up, reading a book. The sunlight was beaming through the window behind him, his hair was messy and he was wearing the same clothes as last night. Clearly he hadn’t slept, but he still looked heart-stoppingly handsome. Slowly he turned his head and his pale eyes connected with mine, causing my pulse to race a bit faster.

  “Good morning,” I said, feeling embarrassed and self-conscious about last night.

  Archer looked at me, not saying anything, then he turned back to his book. “You’re still here?”

  “Um, yes. Look, Archer I’m really sorry about last night. I’m not much of a drinker.”

  He turned the page. “Clearly.”

  Why was he acting this way towards me? Did I do something or say something to make him upset?

  “Are you mad at me?” I asked, my hands twisting into the fabric of my dress.

  Archer wouldn’t look at me, he stayed focused on the book in his hands.

  “Archer. Talk to me.” I started to walk towards him, when he finally sighed and put down the book.

  “Corinne, look, just because I’m supposed to act like your
boyfriend in public don’t get confused and think any of this is real.”

  I stopped, four feet away, frozen in my tracks. I felt like the wind had been knocked out of my lungs. Why was he being so cruel?

  “Then why did you invite me here?” I asked. “Why did you kiss me? Why did we almost sleep together?”

  Archer shrugged. “So we almost fucked. Big deal.”

  “So none of last night was real?” I felt anger and hurt building inside me. “None of it meant anything to you?”

  “Nope. And I have things to do today, so, if you don’t mind…” he pointed towards the elevators. He wanted me to leave. I wanted to cry but wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.

  “You’re an asshole,” I said as I picked up my purse that I had left on the floor, then turned and headed for the exit. He didn’t come after me, didn’t stop me. I got inside and headed down to the lobby and through the building. On the street I flagged down a taxi and got inside. How could I be so stupid? I almost slept with Archer Evans, I was delusional enough to think that there was something between us. But it’s all a lie. I meant nothing to him other than the good publicity this was buying him. I checked my phone. I had a missed call from my mom, a few texts from Nancy and then I noticed a text from Tyler. Seeing his name on my screen made me smile and I opened his message.

  I just saw a video someone posted of you singing with Archer. I think he’s overrated, but you’re exceptional. I’m really proud of you Corinne.

  I wasn’t thinking. I was acting purely on impulse when I dialed his number.

  “Corinne, hey,” came his smooth voice on the other end. “What’s up?”

  “I had a rough night,” I told him. “I was wondering if you wanted to meet me for breakfast at Doony’s.”

  “I can be there in twenty minutes,” he said.

  “Great, see you there.”

  I hung up and stared out the window. I was looking forward to seeing a friendly face, to being around a man who was kind and caring. Tyler was everything that Archer was not, and I needed to rinse the stain of his touch and kiss from my mind. I may be forced to date Archer, but only an idiot would trust that man with her heart.


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