The Princess & The Privateer

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The Princess & The Privateer Page 29

by Peter Rhodan

  Chapter 22

  The cavalry arrives… late as usual

  With the bridge destroyed the Thister was still being controlled from the secondary control room where Ensign Griffen was watching the still working gravic sensors in case the frigate-sized pirate returned. Suddenly, he sat up straight in his chair.

  “Shit!” he exclaimed.

  Lieutenant Tremaine looked over from where he was working on getting the spare Tac Display installed to replace the burnt-out one.


  The ensign started and turned to face his superior.

  “Sir. Reporting a large ship has just transited the Bamma warp point. At least battlecruiser size, definitely a warship, given the warp signature. And they came through hot!”

  “Right. Morthon, connect me with the Princess.”

  “Aye, sir,” the Spacer replied and got straight on the comms.

  “Second large ship just appeared, sir, very soon after the first one. Probably a heavy cruiser as it appears a bit smaller than the first one. They came through a bit close behind the first one, sir.”

  Griffen sounded more amazed than amused.

  Tremaine thought for a moment. “How long until we will receive any likely signal?”

  “About ten minutes sir.” replied the Ensign.

  “Okay. Morthon, expect a hail from those ships. Do you have the Princess yet?”

  “No sir. I got Dockson. Says she is off with the Captain of that freighter investigating something. I’ll keep trying.”

  Griffen looked. “A destroyer just warped in. You think they’re ours?”

  Tremaine nodded. The Kimerian Empire was the only state that fielded battlecruisers in numbers. The Brythons still had two in service, both considerably older and smaller than the Kimerian ones. They also had two more of the same class in reserve. The Iskander navy had two in reserve that dated from the war. Kimeria had eight battlecruisers in total. Two of the older Argan I class ships were in reserve and two were in service with the Fourth Fleet. There were four Harod II class ships; two were serving with the Second Fleet and the other two with the Third Fleet. The Navy was currently building a new class of ships that had been designated the Admiral class, the first of which was supposed to enter service next year.

  Battlecruisers were designed to catch smaller ships and defeat them, while also being fast enough to run from true battleships. Other Navies had tried the idea out over the centuries, but most had given up on the concept or were in the process of doing so, in the case of Brython and Iskander. Their main uses were being able to reach and hold a warp point quickly, commerce and rear areas raiding, and at times like this when a fast response to something unexpected was needed.

  Their combination of speed and battleship-sized weapons were very effective against smaller ships. They traded a lot of armor and some shields for lots of engines so were generally faster than most cruisers.

  Lagolil I had been in the repair dock when they had shipped out, so this was almost certainly the Duke of Hormforth, the Second Fleet’s other battlecruiser, probably carrying Rear Admiral Jestwick as the squadron commander. Jestwick was one of the few female admirals in the Navy.

  “Second destroyer.” Griffen interrupted his thoughts.

  To be expected, Tremaine said to himself.

  “And now a third.” the Ensign added.

  Hmm. How many more ships? Tremaine thought to himself. It was an odd conglomeration of ships really, although he guessed it was probably a collection of the fastest ships they had available that could depart immediately.

  “That appears to be it, sir.” Griffen commented after a minute without any further arrivals.

  Tremaine checked the time and waited. And right about now….

  “Incoming transmission, sir.” Morthon finally said.

  “Put in on speaker.” Tremaine ordered.

  “IKS Thister. This is the IKS Duke of Hormforth. Report your status. Over.”

  Tremaine reached down to the command console on the arm of the chair, pressed the comms button and spoke.

  “IKS Duke of Hormforth. This is the IKS Thister. Lieutenant Alec Tremaine commanding. We are severely damaged and immobile. Enemy vessel has surrendered and boarding party is aboard. Details to follow.”

  Nine minutes back to them a bit less back to us. And right about now.

  “Lieutenant Tremaine. This is Rear Admiral Jestwick. Please give a full report.”

  She sounded as if she didn’t want to hear the report. Strange.

  “Sir. At 0930 hours Standard, we arrived in this system via the same warp point that you transited. We immediately spotted a small frigate class vessel pursuing a cargo ship towards warp point two. Spotting us they broke for the third warp point. We have no charts for what is beyond that warp point, but the Captain gave pursuit. We were somewhat faster and although the pirate reached the warp point and left the system before we could catch up I believe the Captain fully expected to catch the pirate in short order after traversing the warp point.”

  “We were lining up on the warp point when a cruiser-sized vessel came through in the opposite direction and immediately opened fire on us. While being an older vessel the weapons systems it was outfitted with were fairly modern, and despite our ship’s best efforts we were outgunned and almost destroyed. The bridge took a direct hit fairly early, killing or severely injuring the entire bridge crew. Lieutenant Mizach took command from the secondary position, but later we suffered another major hit and she was killed, meaning command devolved to me. That hit also destroyed or severely damaged both our main power supply and our engines, as well as killing most of the surviving engineering staff.”

  He paused to consider his words.

  “With no main power, we were on the point of surrendering when the armed merchant ship Kormorant intervened. It had approached quite closely without the enemy ship appearing to notice. They were too focused on us I presume sir, anyway the Kormorant opened fire on the cruiser and very quickly hit their main power supply, destroyed their engines, and inflicted heavy damage elsewhere. At this point, the Captain of the Kormorant demanded the enemy ship surrender which they did.”

  “We still had one working shuttle, so I dispatched our boarding officer and most of the surviving Marines to join the party from the Kormorant in taking possession of the enemy vessel. This action has proceeded without any problems according to the information we have received from the boarding party so far. I am expecting a detailed report from Midshipman Desnoute presently. We need medical support urgently, sir. I am not sure if the engines are repairable or not, and we have no healthy senior engineering personnel remaining. Over.”

  Morthon brought them more news from the pirate ship while they waited for the Admiral’s response.

  “Midshipman Desnoute reports the enemy vessel is secure, sir.”

  “Right. Update her on the incoming ships and ask when she will be returning to the ship.”

  Well, at least I don’t appear to have gotten the Princess killed, at least so far, he thought to himself in relief.

  “Aye, sir.” He turned back to his station and passed on the message.

  “Sir. When I informed her of the Duke of Hormforth’s imminent arrival she asked me to see if the ship has any Imperial Security personnel aboard, sir.”

  “Her two bodyguards were with her when she boarded the prize, weren’t they?” Tremaine asked.

  Morthon nodded. “Aye, sir.”

  “Hmm.” he said non-committedly.

  The Duke of Hormforth would almost certainly have a small Imperial Security detachment. Every capital ship normally did. Officially they were there to provide security during foreign port visits and such like. Something capital ships did a lot of, showing the flag around. Unofficially, they were there to provide a check on ambitious fleet Admirals, plus monitor for spies, saboteurs, and the like. Scuttlebutt had it that every ship had at least one undercover Imperial Security operative aboard.

  Be that is
it may he had best pass on the inquiry.

  “IKS Duke of Hormforth, this is IKS Thister. Does your ship carry an Imperial Security detachment? Over.”

  The communications delay was down to under six minutes now.

  “Tremaine! Did you say the Princess is the boarding officer?”

  The Admiral sounded upset, which came through quite clearly. The Admiral had responded to his detailed message before the later request about ImpSec had arrived.

  The others looked over at him. He shrugged.

  “Sir. Midshipman Desnoute was the designated boarding officer from the moment she came aboard, being the highest qualified junior officer for the task. Sir. I was not privy to that decision sir, but the Captain was quite clear about her being the best qualified for the role. Sir.”

  Morthon jumped in.

  “Sir. Midshipman Desnoute reports that she will be staying aboard the prize until further Imperial Security personnel can relieve her. Sir. She cites her Imperial Authority, sir.”


  Gizel had been very careful to never use her Imperial Authority while aboard the Thister. What the hell was over there? Technically she was the third highest-ranking person in the Empire, after her father and her older brother. Shit!

  “Right. Tell her we are waiting to hear from the Duke of Hormforth as to what Imperial Security personnel it is carrying.”

  “Aye, sir.” Morthon replied and got back on the local comm.

  Another communication came in from the task force flagship.

  “Captain Lumath, Imperial Security. What is the situation there that prompted your inquiry about our Imperial Security complement? Over.”

  It was weird with three different conversations all going on.

  “Captain. Midshipman Desnoute is currently aboard the prize and refuses to leave until further Imperial Security personnel are seconded to her. She didn’t give any reason, sir. She has invoked her Imperial Authority over the matter. Whatever the heck the matter is. Over.”

  The Admiral came back on the comms.

  “I find that very irregular. Very well. We’ll be up to you shortly. I will have a support party shuttle across as soon as practical. Lieutenant. Carry on.”

  There were a few moments of silence then Griffen spoke.

  “The Duke’s gone active, sir. They have us locked on.”

  “Roger that Griffen. We’ll just sit here and do nothing.”

  Not that the Thister was in any shape to do anything anyway!

  The Kimerian ships had flipped and were now decelerating furiously, but it was still another hour before they approached the small collection of ships near the jump point that led to the unknown. A shuttle shot out of the Duke of Hormforth and headed for the Thister while another followed it and headed for the prize. Tremaine headed for the still operational boat bay, preparing to face the music. At least one of the emergency generators was online again so that they could operate equipment and not all suffocate. The shuttle landed and he waited for pressurization. Then marched forward to the side hatch as it opened and came to attention as the Admiral exited the shuttle.

  “Sir!” he saluted.

  “Lieutenant. Permission to come aboard,” she asked politely but her face was stormy.

  He had never served with her before, but he had heard she had a wicked temper.

  “Granted, Admiral,” he replied.

  She nodded to one side as a horde of people followed her off the shuttle. Including half a dozen Imperial Security troopers and a Lieutenant.

  “I am afraid all your surviving crew are under arrest, Lieutenant,” she saw his shocked face. “It is only a due process thing, but I will have to ask you to bear with us. The Princess should never have been aboard this ship and I’m afraid until the whole matter is investigated thoroughly you are all technically suspects.”

  She nodded towards the Imperial Security fellows who were rounding up the few Thister crew still healthy enough to man the shuttle bay. Their places were being taken by naval ratings coming off the shuttle; a Commander came up to where the Admiral and Tremaine stood and he saluted both of them.

  “Commander Dougla, Admiral. I have been assigned to take charge of the Thister.”

  “Very good Dougla.” she paused and studied him for a moment. “I didn’t see you on the shuttle. Down the back eh?” she paused. “You were with me on the Glorious, I think.”

  The Commander nodded.

  “Yes sir. First cruise as an Ensign.”

  “Yes. I remember. Very good. Get what you need from Tremaine here and take command of this vessel. In normal circumstances, if she cannot be made mobile we would probably just scuttle her, but not in this case. If worst comes to worst, we’ll get a tug out here.”

  “Sir.” he turned to Tremaine. “Right Lieutenant, give me the whole the good, the bad, and the ugly thing.”

  The Admiral looked around and then announced her intention to return to her Flagship. On the way back she had the flight officer call the pirate ship and ordered the Princess to report aboard the flagship and requested that the Captain of the civilian ship do likewise.

  Chapter 23

  More excitement.

  The shuttle from the Duke of Hormforth landed in the shuttle bay and disgorged Captain Lumath, along with six Imperial Security troopers, and a dozen Imperial Marines to back them up. He was a bit nonplussed when the Princess was not waiting for him at the shuttle bay. A Marine was the only Imperial person in the bay to meet them; the other chap present was not sporting Imperial badges and was not dressed in Imperial armor. Presumably, he was off the cargo ship.

  The Marine saluted. “Sir. Her Highness requests that you and any Imperial Security troops you have brought with you proceed to her location immediately. Any additional troops you brought should be directed to this ship’s other shuttle bay to help guard the prisoners.”

  He looked over at the slightly separate collection of Marines. “We could do with some naval personal, engineering preferably, to start repairs too, sir.” he suggested.

  The Captain went to respond harshly then held his peace when he registered that the man had said Her Highness, not Midshipman, as he should have referred to her. Hmm.

  “You have many prisoners?”

  “Sir. Thirty-two to be precise. Most are in the shuttle bay, but four are being held separately as they offered to provide information. It is stretching us just a little, sir.” He sounded genuinely relieved at possible reinforcements.

  “How many men do you have?” the Captain asked.

  “Counting me, four to guard to the prisoners, sir. Oh, and one really scary dude from that cargo ship that saved our bacon.”

  He paused and obviously decided he needed to elaborate. “The Princess has two more Marines and her two Imperial Security troopers with her, sir.”

  “Very good. I believe I can find the Princess with my men if you would take these Marines with you to help guard the prisoners.”

  “Sir,” the man said sounding thankful.

  He turned away to his fellow Marines and directed them to follow him.

  The Captain scanned for the Princess’s command channel and followed the direction through the captured ship with his small force. The cabin the Princess must be in was guarded by two armored figures, who saluted upon their arrival. The figure on the right opened his helmet after he saluted. “Private Stallon, sir. The Princess has instructed me to ask you to join her in the cabin. Just you sir.”

  The Captain looked at the man but decided there was no point in arguing at this stage. He glanced at the other man.

  “We’ll take over this post now. You go and join the other Marines.”

  “Sir.” The other figure said, saluting, and then after a glance at and a nod from Stallon, he headed off up the corridor.

  Interesting byplay there, the Captain thought to himself at this small exchange. Right. Time to hopefully find out what is going on. He pressed the button on the cabin and entered after the door opened.
Inside were two armored figures that were in the final stages of putting a body in a body containment unit for preservation. The Princess was in armor but with her helmet open, and there was a tall man in a power armor suit who was clearly not an Imperial.

  He decided to salute the Princess, taking his cue from the way the others were using her title and not her naval rank. Which was odd. But this whole operation was odd. The Admiral had been, well, parsimonious, would be the description, with the information. Orders from Kimeria, which he received a day into the trip had been much clearer and more informative. Arriving in this system it had become obvious that the fantastical explanation for the orders had, in fact, been close to the money.

  “I am Captain Lumath, Your Highness.” he offered with the salute.

  The Princess nodded. “Excellent. How many men do you have?”

  “Six, Your Highness,” he replied.

  Her grimace didn’t seem to imply she wasn’t at all that happy with that number.

  “I brought some extra marines as well Your Highness. They have gone to help the people from your ship guard the prisoners until we can remove them from this vessel,” he added.

  She shook her head at this. “No Captain. The prisoners are material witnesses to what went on here and it is important that they be kept isolated from any outside influence, benign or otherwise.”

  He understood her unvoiced implication immediately. He couldn’t decide if she was being a bit melodramatic or not though. He glanced over at the bodybag. The other two men had finished sealing the bag and were instead watching him. Both had their hands on their weapons. Curious.

  “The main culprit for the things that have happened in this system and elsewhere is there, in the body bag. Why don’t you have a look and see if recognize him.”

  The Captain studied her for a moment. Her tone had been odd. The Imperial Security alert had said someone had corrupted Naval Operations and changed the deployment orders of the Princess, which meant she was on a different ship than the one she had been originally assigned to. Not only that, but they had managed to change the orders of her Imperial Security guards as well. Something that he considered even more serious, and seemed impossible at first thought. Then her ship had been sent way out here, and as they had discovered upon arrival in the system, a superior vessel had ambushed the warship she was serving on. Now the Princess is claiming that the culprit responsible for this elaborate surreptitious scheme was the dead man over there. Hmm.


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