The Princess & The Privateer

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The Princess & The Privateer Page 32

by Peter Rhodan

  “So, what’s next?” he asked into the silence.

  Gizel looked over at him.

  “I am going down to volunteer my services to Lieutenant Commander Keegan. You going to come, or do you feel you’ve done enough for me and deserve a break?”

  “God, you’re a slave driver, woman. I’d better come just to keep an eye on you.”

  He nodded to the Lieutenant. “Haliton.”

  Karvon stood up and headed over to the counter to buss his tray of dirty plates and cutlery.

  Gizel followed him and they headed aft. Lieutenant Commander Keegan was engrossed in repairing what looked like the communications console. He had an ensign helping him and a rating manning the manoeuvring console. The Commander looked up as they entered.

  “Your Highness,” he said, coming to attention. The others did likewise.

  “At ease,” she replied looking self-conscious, Karvon felt, somewhat amused by this reaction.

  She studied the tall, dark-haired man for a second.

  “It’s just you and Haliton running the ship, isn’t it?”

  Keegan nodded. “Yes, Your Highness.”

  She nodded. “Right then. No point in you two doing twelve on twelve off, all the way back to Kimeria. Karvon here is also a Captain in the Brython Navy, currently on half pay and flying the Kormorant around the galaxy. So, if you can rustle up another rating, the three of us can take a shift as well, which means we can all do eights.”

  Keegan took a moment to think about this before opening his mouth, which impressed Karvon. Finally, he said.

  “I am not sure my superiors would be happy with me allowing a Brython officer to be commanding an Imperial ship, especially with you aboard, Your Highness.”

  “Oh, Karvon’s perfectly safe to leave in my company. We go way back. And it’s not as if he hasn’t got years of experience floating around the galaxy. So really, there won’t be any problem. You will let Lieutenant Commander Keegan be the Captain won’t you Karvon?” She turned to her companion.

  “Certainly, if you say so, Gizel.”

  He turned back to Keegan. “It would be a pleasure Commander. Seriously. Let us ease the load on you a little at least.”

  He looked between the two of them. The use of her first name couldn’t have gone unnoticed. The Commander gave them a short nod.

  “Right. Hang on a minute.”

  He consulted the panel in front of his not very comfortable-looking chair for a period.

  “Very well. You two get the Sixteen hundred to twenty-four hundred shift. If that is acceptable, Your Highness?”

  She nodded, glanced at Karvon, and waited for his small nod, smiled gratefully, and turned back to Keegan.

  “Certainly, Lieutenant Commander.” she glanced at her pad. “We shall be back in seven hours then.” She turned away and Karvon had no choice but to follow.

  “You didn’t ask anything about the state of the ship.”

  He commented as they walked back up the main passageway toward where their cabins were.

  “Well no,” she said over her shoulder. “We’ll get all that stuff when we go on shift. Now I am going to check with my minions and then rest up until I’m on duty. Does that seem fair to you?”

  “Eminently so.” He replied with a smile and then followed her towards the shuttle bay the prisoners were held in.

  “You don’t have to follow me around, you know,” she said over her shoulder with a grin.

  He shook his head, tempted to say something saucy about the view from behind, but refrained.

  “You have an amazing tendency to get into trouble without me around,” he said deadpan.

  She stopped and turned back to him with a strange smile on her face.

  “I do, don’t I.”

  She looked him in the eye for a moment or two.

  “I had better keep you around then.” She whispered, gave him an enigmatic smile, and resumed her passage through the ship.

  He followed along with the strangest feeling in his gut, unlike anything he had ever felt before.

  After checking on the state of the prisoners she headed back to the mess and caught up with news from home, which had arrived with the flotilla’s ships. Karvon found he was being drawn into her analysis of Kimerian political moves and foreign affairs, and was frequently asked for a Brython perspective on matters. Most of the time he didn’t feel qualified to comment on behalf of his government, but as the only Brython around he felt obligated to try his best.

  On the emergency bridge, Gizel was every inch the professional. She did everything according to the book and there was no flirting or even a hint of flirting. Away from the bridge, he found she became increasingly casual in their relationship, and he was sure she was deliberately flirting with him, in a very subtle manner to be sure; well, mostly subtle, and only when there was no one else in the vicinity. She regularly implied that their being together would be a long-term arrangement, not just a self-imposed one on his part, being trapped on the prize for the duration of the voyage.

  She appeared to be so calm and collected, despite everything that had happened to her, and he began to worry that she was in denial. The flirting continued as the flotilla slowly wound its way back through the systems that the Thister had sailed so confidently through just a short while before. There was no stopping at any of the ports this time, and any vessel that approached them was warned off, politely but firmly. Karvon found his own crew needed him seldomly, which was at once a relief but also a worry. Maybe they didn’t need him at all!

  Most of the crew seconded to the pirate ship remained constrained in his presence, except her Imperial Security people who treated him like one of the family. Well, the Security family, not the Imperial family. Maybe. Shit. Then he thought about it some more and decided he was over-reacting to the situation. He hoped. She had grown up since he’d met her the previous time. Now she was sharp, and entertaining to talk to. He found he enjoyed their regular current affairs discussions and had even opened up a bit about himself and his family. Something he never did, normally. He found he was not looking forward to their trip coming to an end. Which was silly, really.

  Once they were in Kimerian space, the free destroyer was sent ahead and a large space tug came to meet them in the Elisia system to take over the task of getting the Thister back to the repair base. Given the Elisia system was only one jump out from Kimeria it hardly seemed worth the effort to Karvon. But then no one was asking his opinion on much, except for Gizel. While the tug took over towing the Thister the rest for the flotilla kept sailing for Kimeria. They were about two hours from the jump point to the Kimerian system when they decided it was time to retire for the evening and he followed Gizel along the corridor to their cabins at the end of another day.

  Instead of entering her cabin, she proceeded on to where the door of his was and turned to face him.

  “Can I talk to you about something?” she asked, smiling brightly.

  “Now?” he asked puzzled.

  They’d been talking about stuff all evening over a quiet dinner after their shift running the ship had ended.

  “Yes. It’s something I didn’t want to discuss back there.”

  She waved at the door of his cabin. “So, can I come in for a bit?”

  He suddenly found it hard to breathe. No, she can’t mean that! It would never lead to anything anyway. She’s the second in line to the throne so they’ll want her to marry for the Empire’s political advantage. Probably externally, after this debacle with her uncle becomes known.

  “Sure.” he offered, keeping his expression calm.

  She followed him into the cabin and shut the door behind her, effectively locking them in. Right. He waved at the bed as in for her to sit but she kept standing. She suddenly looked nervous.

  “Karvon,” she started then shook her head.

  “Damn. This is harder than I thought it was going to be.”

  Karvon leaned back against the bulkhead and crossed his arms wai
ting her out.

  She looked at him intently.

  “Do you still think I’m a silly little schoolgirl?” she blurted out.

  Damn, talk about coming right to the point. He tried to not give his own feelings away. There could only be tears and pain in that scenario.

  “No, of course not. It takes real balls to relieve an Admiral of their command, and on her own flagship to boot, you know.” he smiled at her.

  She grinned. “God, I was so nervous!”

  “No one could tell,” he laughed. “I’m pretty sure she thought you were very serious when you stuck your gun in her face!”

  Gizel nodded, managing to smile.

  “I was serious. I don’t really think she has any involvement, but I just couldn’t take that risk. You understand that, don’t you?”

  Karvon nodded. “Of course I understand. You had no choice. And you did a very good job of coming the Imperial Princess you know. It’s why they all address you as Your Highness now, rather than midshipman Desnoute. They all know you have stepped up. Be warned though, I doubt you’ll be able to continue your naval career now.”

  She looked puzzled at his comment for a moment before the realization hit.

  “Oh, of course. No will want me serving under them when I could go all Imperial Princess on them at any time.” She sounded a bit depressed at that thought.

  “It’s not just that.” Karvon offered. “You are the second in line to the throne. You are an Imperial Princess. Before the battle, you could pretend to be a naval officer because no one had seen you be the Imperial Princess, but now? You stepped up and took charge as a member of the Imperial Household over a pretty serious breach of Imperial Security. And you did a good job mind, but now you can’t go back to being just another naval officer.”

  She considered this. “I hadn’t thought about it like that. Damn. I think your right.”

  She looked out into nothing for a moment then focused back on him.

  “Unless I was in some other Navy. Or, at least, serving on some non Kimerian ship.”

  She smiled at him in a way that set his butterflies going yet again! She moved forward with a devilish look in her eye.

  “Now hold on a minute,” he said.

  He discovered he couldn’t retreat from her advance because he was already up against the bulkhead.

  “Wait for what?” she said softly. “You’re not going to try and tell me you don’t have feelings for me? Not after spending this whole trip in my company for no reason? Hell, even my Imperial Security goons can see the way the wind’s blowing and have started treating you like family.”

  “They won’t let us be together. You’re a Princess, second in line to the biggest empire in this part of the galaxy and I’m the second son of a minor branch of Brython nobility, I’m not even a Kimerian!”

  She was right in front of him looking up at him with her luminous blue eyes.

  “Hmm.” She said and reached out to take his left hand in her right and unfold it from his chest.

  “Then they will find out that I can come the Imperial Princess all over them, just as easily as I did over that poor Admiral.”

  She used her left hand to take hold of his right and spread his arms wide enough for her to advance close enough that her breasts were pressing against his chest.

  “It won’t work. They won’t let us marry,” He muttered, trying to sound convincing, even though his stomach was full of butterflies, and below that was starting to really stand at attention.

  “They won’t be given a choice.”

  She breathed softly, but he could hear the determination underneath. She brought her head higher by standing on her toes and their lips met and at that moment he melted and lost all self-control. All those times of gentlemanly self-imposed restraint and being forced to deny his body and heart of his strong desire to have her all those years ago were finally released. The sexual tension that had been simmering away between the pair ever since their reunion in the shuttle bay had kept building during the journey back to Kimeria and finally it exploded. Kissing quickly led to clothes being frantically removed and then lots of everything. He hadn’t really expected her to be a virgin, despite being the Imperial Princess, and he was surprised. She seemed not at all concerned and he soon found himself hard-pressed to keep up with her demands. At least until they were both too sore and too tired to continue their lovemaking.

  Having her fall asleep cuddled up in his arms was rather sweet and made him feel even more protective of her. Reality struck when he woke up some hours later and realized what he’d gotten himself into. He didn’t think they’d haul him off to the dungeons never to be seen again. The Imperial palace on Kimeria was old but he rather doubted it had dungeons. Maybe they’d put him into a life pod and launch him into interstellar space. The call of nature became urgent and he tried to slowly ease out from the rather cramped position they were in sharing his bunk.

  “Huh?” Came a sleepy voice.

  “Got to go to the head,” he said and slipped out from under her properly.

  “What time is it?” she asked.

  He glanced at the time display on the wall above the head of the bed.

  “Oh, seven twenty.” he offered and went into the bathroom.

  Fortunately, there was a door to the shower and head area. He did the necessary and came out to find her in briefs and a bra.

  “My turn,” she said softly and replaced him in the small room.

  He looked at the bunk and decided he’d better change the linen. There were bloodstains and plenty of other stains as well. Damn. She’d sure been enthusiastic for a virgin. Right. Clean uniform at the ready, time to get scrubbed up for the day ahead. Gizel came out of the bathroom and he nodded to her.

  “Time for a shower. See you in the mess?”

  He looked down at her rumpled hair and delightful face.

  “Yeah. I need a shower too. Right.”

  She looked up at him and they kissed, long and passionately.

  “I had better get myself organized,” she said finally as they broke apart for a breather.

  She threw on her uniform from the day before and headed next door to her cabin. Karvon noticed the Imperial Security guard who was always at her door was there as usual. Well, he was outside her door now. Hmm. After the shower, he felt almost human again. He would have to get some more clothes sent across from the Kormorant he decided as he started for the mess. As he passed her cabin the guard nodded to him with a little grin, and once he was nearly at the mess Karvon wondered which door they had guarded last night. He decided against going back and asking.

  The mess was quiet as usual. The prisoners were fed where they were being kept so only the odd engineering rating, marine, or Imperial Security fellow were usually sitting around. Occasionally Lieutenant Haliton and his shift people were in evidence. Today it held only three marines and a sailor. Good. He didn’t feel like facing anyone. He had just sat down when Gizel came bouncing in, smiled over at him, and lined up for some food. Loaded up she came and sat opposite him where she proceeded to grin at him between mouthfuls.

  Finally, he couldn’t stop himself from saying.

  “You might be grinning now but what are your parents going to say. Or more importantly, do?”

  She finished eating and then smiled at him evilly.

  “Turned twenty-one last week. Not much they can do. Or say. Or stop, for that matter.” she grinned and loaded her fork with more bacon.

  “I didn’t realize it was your birthday last week. Why didn’t you tell me?” he complained.

  She grinned. “I was waiting for the right opportunity. I already knew what I wanted for my birthday.”

  She winked and went a little red as she resumed eating. He felt himself going a little red as well.

  “What about your folks?” He asked as she finished eating, returning the conversation to his main concern.

  She shrugged.

  “They can either get behind this and be happy
or I’ll simply run off to space,” she sniggered. “I happen to know this rogue of a spaceship captain who needs more crew on his ship. I’m sure he’d be happy to have me along.”

  She gave him one of her evil smiles.

  He shook his head. “Does he deserve to have you on his crew though?”

  “Oh, I’m sure I can reach an accommodation with him.”

  She smiled at him and blushed at the same time. Shit! He thought to himself. That idea has a lot of appeal! He suddenly realized that he had no intention of giving up this beautiful woman in front of him regardless of who she was. He would do whatever he had to do to keep her with him, or for him to stay with her, for that matter. Hmm. Imperial Consort. No! Her brother would inherit the throne. No matter. He wasn’t all that interested anyway. As far as he could tell all those sorts of positions, Emperor, King, even President, all they meant was that you got to spend a lot of time being nice to people whose guts you hated, and the rest of the time doing paperwork!

  Gizel’s comm dinged.

  “Desnoute,” she answered.

  Ha, he thought. Her time as a midshipman had given her habits she hadn’t broken yet.

  “Right. I’ll come up there.”

  Karvon raised his eyebrows in query.

  “The request for an isolated orbital position for this thing has been overridden by the Operations Officer on Kimeria One.” That was the main military space station. “I will have to go to the bridge and sort it out.”

  Karvon smiled to himself. Two months ago she wouldn’t have simply said she’d sort it out. She was probably going to dealing with a pretty senior officer if they were holding down the Operations desk at the premier military space station in the Empire.

  “I’ll tag along if that is all right?”

  That got a big smile. “Certainly.”

  With that she led the way to the reserve bridge. The ship still looked beat up, but most of the obvious damage, and broken bits and pieces had been cleared away during the long voyage back to Kimeria. Lieutenant Commander Keegan went to stand up from the command chair but she waved him back down.


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