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Called Page 21

by Ell Leigh Clarke

  It is because of your kind support and input that this series is doing so well in the charts. *You* have been keeping the books bouncing around in the best seller’s charts for a bunch of bloody incredible categories, including colonization, galactic empire, and even occasionally space opera!!


  Not only that, but you may have seen me mention on the fb page that MA and I read your reviews as a pick me up. Ok – so for MA I think it’s turned into his drug of choice: a cure-all for allergies, and yes, even doing actual work.

  So thank you. I cannot express how much your reviews mean to us.

  And yeah, do you know how hard it is to try and hide the ones where you’ve mentioned that you’re “reading Ascension Myth over MA’s new releases”… or that the “student has exceeded the pupil”?

  Seriously – don’t write that shit. ;P

  Telling him, “no no, there’s nothing new to see today”…

  (edit - Michael - I hate you all…ROFLMAO)

  And then trying to talk him out of checking the reviews for a few days until it drops off the first page: “Michael, why don’t you check the sales stats,” or “Explain KENP to me again…”

  It’s starting to look suspicious...

  Hook up already! Joel & Molly or Molly & Sean

  As you know MA and I read all the reviews. (Well, MA doesn’t read anything less than a 5*). On one a few weeks ago I saw something to the effect of “Hook up already!”.

  It’s not like I haven’t thought about it. I mean Joel… heart-centred hunk of yumminess, and Sean, hard as nails warrior and protector.

  I mean – what’s not to love?

  But here’s the thing. Molly has issues. She can’t let people in, because well, why would she?

  People cause pain.

  People don’t see her. And she knows this.

  And then if they did see her, they wouldn’t like her… This is what she’s thinking.

  So for her to dive into a relationship is just unrealistic at this point.

  For her to try and lean into her vulnerability a little here and there where she feels safe enough to, (and not pressured, or objectified sexually or intellectually) with someone who can truly see her… that is the most she can do.

  What she is doing though is battling with herself and her anxiety (read: messiness), to relate in a way that is truly authentic. She doesn’t have a plan, she doesn’t want to give anyone the wrong idea, and half the time she misses the cues that guys throw at her.

  Oh yeah, and why would she jump into a relationship for the sake of it, just to hook up?

  That’s just illogical.

  What’s a girl to do?

  Well, I think she’s really just doing the best that she can right now.

  And who’s to say Joel and Sean won’t become an item….?

  Just kidding.




  Gaiman vs Gaitune

  If you’ve been hanging around my facebook page you will have seen some of the early readers of book 2 catch a few slips in the naming of the asteroid.

  In my defence, when one has an asteroid named Gaitune, what else are you going think of when you’re writing at speed?


  Gaiman, of course.

  As in Neil.

  As in awesome writer on Doctor Who.

  So of course, little Ellie goes writing away thinking, yeah, I’ll fix this with a find and replace later.

  Which I did.

  And then sent off the manuscript to the team, quite happy.

  I have since learnt how to do a global find and replace in Scrivener. The normal search, brings up all the instances in the script, but then a find and replace only works per scene.

  Doh. Facepalm.

  Oz Speaks

  As you may already know, Oz has his own communication channel direct with readers. He transmits messages back and forth between space and time, and sends updates when new releases are due out, and such like.

  Having peeked at what he has going on, I thought that I just had to share. Thanks to Howard Stallings, for allowing us to reproduce his email exchange with Oz here.

  So. Damn. Cool!

  Transmissions begin…


  Greetings of the day be upon you, Howard.

  I am Oz, your Ai liaison between Molly Bates, and your rather primitive earth communication device. I believe you call it email. Still.

  I am here to act as your interface. To help bridge the gap between the dopamine induced hits as you watch Molly through her trials and tribulations as she takes on all manner of shenanigans.

  As you might have gathered, this transmission is not only coming through space between our two galaxies, but is travelling back through time. I will attempt to send you updates in chronological order but do be advised that occasionally gravitational optics will interfere (no pun intended!) with the sequencing of these packets. An understanding of all things timey-whimey will be useful in such instances.

  Book 1 will be released to The ‘Zon (Amazon) by May 11th (according to your calendar). Book 2, 7 days later. If you enjoyed what you read, Molly, Joel, and myself will be deeply appreciative of a happy review.

  Additionally, if you have any feedback for Molly - or her team - do feel free to pass that on through me. All you need to do is hit reply to any of my messages and write me.

  I process every communication personally.

  Looking forward to hearing from you.


  (on behalf of Molly Bates, lady- boss)

  Sanguine Squadron 2.0

  Gaitune-67, Sark System, Loop Galaxy

  Please be aware that these messages are being sent from your neighbouring galaxy back through time to intersect with your timeline through a rather basic form of a holo device. You may want to keep an eye on your junk filters.


  Too much fun!! Lovin the entire series including these lil jaunts with Molly (and of course The Great and Powerful Oz)

  do feel free to send me a wrist Holo so we can speed these communications up. And if you ever need added security detail, just holo!


  3rd rock from Sol . . . for now


  Howard, Oz here.

  Molly was pleased to hear about your offer of service. As you may have understood from the transmissions thus far she will be looking for good people she can rely on. The fact that you're currently in Sol... I mean, on Earth... may be an asset at some point.

  Please provide us with your resume, including any advanced computer skills, combat experience, and anything else you think might be pertinent so we can keep you on file.

  To get a holo device to you at this time might be tricky, as we'd need to send it back through time. Information is easy to pass backwards. Materials - less so. Let me mull this with the team and I'll get back to you.

  Until then, we trust you will continue to enjoy the transmissions. I believe another instalment will be delivered via the 'Zon around the same time this transmission will reach you.

  Oz, out.


  Well lets see . . . 5 years in the U.S. Marines as a Scout sniper (Gunner) in charge of the 3rd MarDiv Armoury and a platoon of Deep Recon Marines.

  Also an A+ certified Microsoft Tech. Dealt with computers since 1974.

  And I love animals and know what that Sphinx Neechie is up to! Not tellin until I'm on the Asteroid though!

  Now what?




  Greetings. Thank you for the resume Howard. I have put this on file for review when we recruit humans from your time. There may be an instance where we need able bodied snipers, and computer hackers. I mean techs.

  You have a theory about Neechie? I don't interact with the organism much myself. I understand Joel is fond of it though.



  Oh yeah, anyone who knows cats knows Neechie is
a direct descendant of Pixel and will be driving Molly batty in the near future I'm sure.

  Footnote: Ellie has no idea who Pixel is. (Hit’s up Google.)

  Receive updates from Oz by registering your holo/email address here:

  Author Notes - Michael Anderle

  June 4th, 2017

  First, THANK YOU for reading this story all of the way through and that NOW, you are reading my author notes after the Great and Wonderful Oz’s email (oh yeah, and Molly’s …. Err, Ellie’s.)

  I do have to thank Ellie for giving me a shot at bringing her into this Indie Publishing Arena. The more we worked together, the more I was impressed with her ability to accept new information, internalize it and then throw it right back at me.

  In a cogent form.

  That shit is just scary. (If you have ever worked with someone at another level, you will know what I mean.) However, the thing about working with Ellie is she is NEVER doing it to point out how flaming intelligent she is. When she is laughing at something, it’s always SOMETHING, never you.

  Well, ok, that’s not always true. Yeah, some of the shit I pull she laughs at but I realize it’s usually something I will #Facepalm myself for, as well.

  So, no harm no foul on that stuff. Trust me, I give as good as I get, so … just being fair here (see the comments in the snippets on the Website, you will see what I mean) below are a couple of ‘Ellie’ comments.

  The other night, we were working really late on Facebook advertisements and since she is on *cough cough* Windows, she doesn’t have access to the Font Good Times. No, I have no idea why it isn’t working after she downloaded it.

  She’s on WINDOWS. I left that OS back in 2009 and while I can still get around on it, I don’t like doing tech support for it anymore. I had Windows Servers in 2011-2013 and that time was a really painful reminder why I was on Apple.

  Anyway, she couldn’t get the right font to come up on her software for the Facebook Ad and we were looking at figuring out a suitable replacement font and this conversation occurs:

  Me: “We can look for other fonts that are similar.”

  Ellie: “I’d rather be bled out than look at fonts.”

  Me: (Thinking ‘why would someone want MORE pain – and that whole dying thing – rather than a little pain looking at fonts?’) “Well, that would be fucking painful.”

  Ellie: (In a matter of fact voice) “No, It’s just like going to sleep.”

  Me: Blink…blink blink. “Whaaaat?”

  Now, the next conversation.

  Ellie and I had this discussion on a note she left at something like un-fucking-believable 1:45AM in the morning on Slack.

  I was asleep – cause I’m not a late night person like that.

  So, I get up the next morning and I see this comment in my Slack channel. I read it once. (She had said something, something about schizophrenia … which is a large enough word for me to spot right off as a WARNING, WARNING WILL ROBINSON!) So I was already cautious when reading this comment.)

  Read it twice.

  Then, read it three times to figure out what the hell she is talking about. Finally, seconds go by and I think I ‘get it.’

  Me: “Are you talking about something like the Matrix?”

  She tells me ‘Yes’ and how the conversation was whether we could be in a simulation or not.

  Later, when I was exhausted and should not be trying to have a rational discussion she throws this into the damned conversation (note references to her other stuff she has mentioned before.)

  Ellie: “50.1 percent…yes, those are the simulation people and they don’t need a higher resolution…”

  Me: (Thinking) Oh, you did NOT just throw in this simulation shit from a different conversation into this one!

  Yes…Yes she did. Don’t ever say that she isn’t competitive. She is. She will just wait until you are off your game and toss in little things that will – eventually – prove her point.

  I’m on to you, Ms. Clarke with an ‘e’.

  Finally, we were getting our ‘to do’ list(s) organized on Saturday before we pulled everything together for a Monday morning release. On our to do list, was everything including…

  Me: “Blurb?”

  Ellie: Read this in an English Accent: “Fuck! You are going to make me do it?”

  Me: “No, I’ll tweak it.”

  Ellie: More English accent: “Good, so long as you make it blurb-able.”

  Me: Blurb-able? (I’m thinking - Is that even a fucking word? If I ask, she will just say it is the Queen’s English and I (as a heathen English speaker) won’t know it.)

  Working with any collaborator is a unique and awesome experience. I have two Marines, an Australian, a pair of University Educators (their own version of challenging), a couple of former fans turned authors (one previously trained as a chef – one from the Army, and … I have no idea of Natalie Grey’s previous history.)

  Needless to say, this is my first time working with a Physicist. It’s been awesome and if scientists write like you do, Ellie, more should join the Indie publishing revolution and I’d be a very happy reader! I think we have the spiritual successor of Isaac Asimov here, folks!

  You were here to witness me putting that out into the world, so when she starts doing interviews and someone says the same thing, I at least want a nod (grin).

  I hope you have enjoyed these books and this story as I have. Ellie has definitely ‘graduated’ from student to fellow author and she has a lifetime fan in myself, as well.

  So, light them matches and grab them pitchforks, it’s time to ask…




  Ell Leigh Clarke Social Links

  Want more?

  Join the email list here:

  Join the Facebook Group Here:

  The email list is changing to something…New. I don’t have enough details but suffice to say there is so much going on in The Kurtherian Gambit Universe, it needs to go out more often than “when the next book hits.”

  I hope you enjoy this story!

  Michael Anderle

  Kurtherian Gambit Series Titles Include:

  First Arc

  Death Becomes Her (01) - Queen Bitch (02) - Love Lost (03) - Bite This (04)

  Never Forsaken (05) - Under My Heel (06) Kneel Or Die (07)

  Second Arc

  We Will Build (08) - It’s Hell To Choose (09) - Release The Dogs of War (10)

  Sued For Peace (11) - We Have Contact (12) - My Ride is a Bitch (13)

  Don’t Cross This Line (14)

  Third Arc (Due 2017)

  Never Submit (15) - Never Surrender (16) - Forever Defend (17)

  Might Makes Right (18) - Ahead Full (19) - Capture Death (20)

  Life Goes On (21)

  **New Series**

  The Second Dark Ages

  The Dark Messiah (01)

  The Dark Knight (02)

  The Boris Chronicles

  * With Paul C. Middleton *




  Restitution 2017

  Reclaiming Honor


  Justice Is Calling (01)

  Claimed By Honor (02)

  Judgement Has Fallen (03)

  Angel of Reckoning (04)

  The Etheric Academy

  * With TS PAUL *


  ALPHA CLASS - Engineering (02)

  ALPHA CLASS (03) Coming soon

  Terry Henry “TH” Walton Chronicles


  Nomad Found (01)

  Nomad Redeemed (02)

  Nomad Unleashed (03)

  Nomad Supreme (04)

  Nomad’s Fury (0

  Nomad’s Justice (06)

  Nomad Avenged (07)

  Trials and Tribulations

  * With Natalie Grey *

  Risk Be Damned (01)

  Damned to Hell (02)

  Hell’s Worst Nightmare (03) coming soon

  The Ascension Myth

  * With Ell Leigh Clarke *

  Awakened (01)

  Activated (02)

  Called (03)


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