Calling the Shots

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Calling the Shots Page 18

by Christine d'Abo

  “Fuck him.” Oliver leaned in, pressing his finger into her cunt at the same time that he latched onto her breast with his mouth. Beth cried out as she clung to him. “I want you.” His lips were wet against her skin, making her nipple even more sensitive.



  Oliver dropped to his knees, his face now level with her pussy. He yanked her shorts to the side and buried his face against her while blindly groping for his jeans. Beth lost sight of his actions, instead focused on the lapping of his tongue against her clit and the press of his fingers into the sensitive flesh of her inner thigh.

  She tried to squirm away, but Oliver gave her no quarter. He pressed forward, not seducing, but claiming her instead. This wasn’t the Oliver who’d willingly knelt at her feet the other night. This was the side of him she hadn’t fully seen before. Oliver was taking, devouring, the one in charge, and Beth was being dragged along for the ride.

  Hell, yes.

  He adjusted their bodies until they lined up exactly so, putting him in the perfect position to drive two fingers deep inside her. The tip of his pinky finger brushed against her asshole, making her buck up. In her mind’s eye it was Josh there alongside Oliver, exploring her body and making her dance to their own unique music. Large hands roaming across her stomach to cup her breasts. Others pulling at her ass, exposing her to their gaze, leaving her wide open. Two men fucking her at the same time, their cocks filling both her holes and driving her insane with pleasure.

  “Christ—” She bit down on her bottom lip but that did nothing to stop her groans.

  Before she could come, Oliver got to his feet and yanked her to the edge of the counter. Her ass hung far enough over that she had to use her hands to keep from slipping off. Oliver bumped her legs wider apart with his hips so he could line her pussy with his condom-covered cock.

  “I want to hear you. This time I’m the one in charge and I want to hear you scream and moan.” He pressed his face to her neck but didn’t kiss her. “I want you to show me everything you don’t want me to know. I can’t make it better, can’t know if this is going to work, if you don’t show me.”

  Beth nodded without fully knowing what she was agreeing to. What else did she have left to give him? Between the two men they’d stripped down every barrier she’d possessed and left her feeling like nothing more than a bundle of wants and needs.

  With small teasing pulses, Oliver pressed into her. His breath synched up with hers, their chests pressing in time as they gasped for air. He stilled long enough to ensure he had her full attention before he pulled back and slammed back into her with a hard, smooth thrust.

  Oliver filled every inch of her. Filled her field of vision. His masculine scent invading her nose. His arms holding her tight even as her legs continued to cling to him. There was nothing that could come between them.

  And yet…

  “Please.” Oliver’s whisper sent a jolt through her. “Beth, please.”

  All she could do was nod, hopefully giving him the encouragement he needed. The moment stretched a bit longer until the world snapped back around them.

  She closed her eyes. Had no choice but to do so. There was too much in Oliver’s gaze she wasn’t able to deal with just then. Thankfully, he seemed to understand. They rutted together like animals, biting and scratching as her orgasm roared forward. Sweat on Oliver’s skin made it hard for her to hold on, so she had to constantly refix her grip.

  “Yes, yes, yes.” Oliver shifted his hold to the counter, his hands braced on either side of her hips. “Gonna come.”

  Beth whimpered, tilted her hips and dug her heels into the small of his back. Oliver lost control, pounded into her without reservation. It was enough. Seconds after he threw his head back, a roar spilling from his lips, she screwed her eyes shut and let the force of her orgasm obliterate the last of her restraint. Pleasure fired her blood, made her body sing and the world around her flare to life.

  With a final gasp of breath, Oliver collapsed against her. Any strength left in her body had been sapped by the power of her release. They slipped back against the cool surface of the counter, her neck bent at an awkward angle against the backsplash. Not that she had the energy to care, let alone do anything about it.

  Little by little, she became aware of Oliver’s fingers tracing concentric circles on her shoulder. The quiet between them slowly filled the room. They should be talking. There was so much to figure out, so much that had gotten screwed up by a few misplaced words. This should be easy enough for them to fix, and yet she hadn’t a clue where to start.

  Hell, she wasn’t really sure what was wrong.

  “Josh should be here.” Somehow, Oliver’s spoken words echoed the conclusion her brain had reached only a nanosecond earlier. “I love being with you. And if this is all that I can get, then I will take it. I don’t want to give you up. But…”

  She nodded as she carded her fingers through his hair. “But Josh should be here.”

  “He’s an ass.”

  “An idiotic ass who won’t let himself be happy.”

  Oliver straightened, gently pulling Beth with him until they were both finally flatfooted on the floor. She shivered, but it wasn’t from the cool apartment air. Things were wrong and she needed to somehow make them right.

  “I don’t know how to fix this.” Admitting that was harder than it should have been. Giving Oliver an awkward smile, she pressed her hand to his chest above his heart. “It’s not like we can run off and ask someone for advice. Hi there, we’d like to have a permanent threesome, but one of my men is being an ass. Suggestions?”

  Oliver chuckled. “Where’s Jerry Springer when you need him, eh?”

  “You want that too, right? It’s not just me?”

  He leaned in and kissed her with such sweetness, Beth wanted to cry.

  “Yeah, I want that. I can’t explain it, but when the three of us are together, everything feels…right. That’s a totally lame way to explain it, but…” He shrugged. “And it’s not about the sex. It’s everything else too. Everything else first and foremost. Though the sex is pretty amazing.”

  “And if he says no? Will I be enough for you?”

  It was almost too much to bear considering. Beth had been cast aside not once, but twice by men she’d loved without reservation. She knew that made her a thousand kinds of idiot for putting herself in this new position where not one but two men at once could reject her. If that were to happen, she wouldn’t bounce back so easily.

  But seeing the desperation in Oliver’s gaze, Beth knew there was no way she could walk away from him willingly. Fuck that, they’d have to drag her away kicking and screaming before she’d give them up. Either of them.

  “You’re more than enough.” Oliver tightened his grip on her, even as his expression softened. “I could ask you the same thing. I’m screwed up. I have trust issues and self-esteem baggage big enough to keep a shrink in business for years. You could kick me out of here and find a normal guy who can give you everything you want.”

  “I’ve gone down that road, remember? It didn’t end so well for me. I know what I want and what I don’t.”

  This time when they kissed, Beth understood the promise that built between them. Neither of them would go anywhere, no matter what happened with Josh. The lump in her chest loosened and she could finally give herself over to his kiss.

  The blast of her ringtone made her jolt, but Oliver didn’t let go. The kiss came to its natural conclusion, winding down even as whoever was calling gave up. She sighed. “That might have been Josh.”

  The phone sounded again, bringing a smile to Oliver’s face. “It’s persistent enough to be him.”

  Another pause with the ringing before it started fresh. “I better get that.”

  “If it’s him I’d let him stew f
or a while. Do him some good to realize we won’t jump every time he—”

  She snatched the phone from the counter and frowned. “It’s not him.”

  “Who then?”

  “I don’t recognize the number.” Another hang up. Another series of rings. Beth pressed the talk button. “Hello?”

  “Oh, thank God. Is this Beth, the manager from Mavericks?”

  The voice was familiar, but Beth’s brain, still fuzzy from her orgasm, couldn’t place it. “Who is this?”

  “Allison. You threw me out of the club a few weeks ago.”

  Beth stiffened. “How the hell did you get this number?”

  “That’s not important. I think Josh is in danger and I can’t get a hold of him.”


  “My ex tracked me down. He’s crazy. I don’t know how he did it but he found me. I avoided him when I realized he wasn’t stable, but he didn’t take that very well. Austin helped keep him away from me. We even moved around a bunch, but he tracked me down.”

  Beth closed her eyes and tried to focus on the woman’s shaking voice on the other end of the phone. “Allison. I need you to slow down and tell me what’s going on. Why is Josh in danger?”

  Oliver snapped to attention from where he’d been leaning against the stove. “Josh? What the hell’s going on?”

  “My ex.” Allison let out a shaky breath. “I was with him only for a year. I didn’t think it was that big a deal at first, we just weren’t compatible. I wanted a Dom and Bobby really wasn’t that. I broke up with him, but he wouldn’t accept it. He kept following me and trying to convince me that he could be what I needed. I met Austin shortly after that and we got married pretty fast. Bobby never accepted it and he must have kept track of me. I got a call from him the day after you kicked me out of the club.”

  “So why do you think Josh is in danger?” Oliver pressed against her side, and Beth cocked the phone so he could listen as well.

  “Bobby blamed my interest in finding a Dom on the people around me. When he called me, he was raving about the club and how places like that corrupt people. That I’m whoring myself out and I only need a good man to keep me in line.”

  Beth’s stomach bottomed out on her and for a second she thought she was going to be sick. “Whore?”

  “He said he’d been watching me for a while.”

  “Allison.” Oliver snatched the phone, tilting it more toward him. “How did Austin break up with you?”

  “On the phone. He said he’d found someone else.”

  Beth met Oliver’s gaze. “Did you have any indication he’d been seeing someone else?”

  “No.” The word broke across a sob. “I thought we were happy. Last I heard he’d taken his things and left the city.”

  “Allison, I think you should call the police,” Oliver said, giving Beth’s hand a squeeze. “Tell them what you told us.”

  “They won’t do anything.”

  “Maybe not, but you need to get this on file. What’s Bobby’s full name?”

  “Robert. Robert Kingston.”

  Chapter Eighteen

  The coffee shop was packed, leaving only a small table in the corner for Josh to hold council. Kingston had arrived first and had a cup of coffee ready for him. The conversation stretched to almost an hour, a solid thirty minutes longer than Josh had anticipated, given Kingston’s interest. Josh frowned after the other man when he disappeared into the bathroom. They were barely acquainted, and while Kingston clearly wanted something, he had yet to simply come out and ask.

  The dregs of the coffee were now cold and Josh pondered the wisdom of getting another cup. This conversation couldn’t drag on much longer. They’d discussed everything from the club’s history to Josh’s university degrees. None of the topics had come close to what Josh had anticipated—Kingston’s interest in the club and the lifestyle. As their conversation continued, Josh found it increasingly difficult to concentrate.

  It could be the other man didn’t understand how to start and was waiting for Josh to take the lead. But even that idea didn’t quite sit right with him. The lawyer was calm and collected, not shy or restless as Oliver had been when Josh had first started talking to him about the array of activities that went on at the club.

  Josh gave his head a shake, trying to fight off the sudden exhaustion, and pushed himself hard against the back of the chair. He wasn’t going to let himself regret his conversations with Oliver or Beth. His life had never been about hearts and roses, and he wasn’t about to go down that road. He’d finish with Kingston, go home and maybe give his dad a call. Or better yet, review his plans again for the second club, see if there was something else he could do to move things along. The plan was solid, even if he didn’t quite have the means, which meant he could find a way to make it work. A government grant, a bank loan, something…

  At least he didn’t have to worry about breaking anyone’s heart when he finally was able to move. And while Beth might hate him right now, she was still a good woman. Mavericks and her people would be well looked after.

  He would get his fresh start.

  Even though it was starting to feel more like an ending.

  Ian was working tonight but was trapped behind the counter serving customers. That meant Sadie would be home with Paul, tucked safely away in their new house. One less thing for him to worry about avoiding. Another complication he’d never anticipated. Ian turned and caught Josh’s eye. The younger man smiled and pointed at a mug. Refill? Josh nodded.

  “Very profitable spot.”

  Josh focused back on Kingston. He hadn’t noticed the lawyer’s return. “They’ve been doing really well over the past few years. A lot of members from the club come by.”

  Kingston nodded, though there was a slight frown tugging at his lips. “The owners are members too?”

  “I don’t disclose membership information to anyone.” Josh tapped the edge of the table with his fingers. “Privacy laws aside, I won’t betray the confidences of the people who attend Mavericks.”

  “I’m very pleased to hear that, Mr. Scott.”

  “Josh, please. I think we can move beyond the pleasantries for the time being.”

  “Then I insist you call me Bobby.”

  Okay, time to get this show going. “So, Bobby, I got the impression you have more you want to discuss than my personal history and how I got to this stage in my life.” Josh clasped his fingers and leaned in so he could lower his voice. “If I’m off base, let me know, but it sounds like you’re interested in learning more about what we do at Mavericks.”

  Kingston stilled, his eyes narrowing but focused. Josh could tell he was carefully considering what his next words would be. He mirrored Josh’s position, putting their fingers only a few centimeters apart.

  “You serve all sorts of desires at your facility.”

  “Yes. Many people come to me with specific needs. Others want to be exposed to as many different things as possible while they figure out what they want.”

  “Some of the people who attend your club are single.” Not a question.

  “Yes. I have a preference for admitting married or committed partners, but we do have a solid group of single men and women. Mavericks isn’t the place you want to come if you’re looking to pick up, though. We are a tight-knit community.”

  Something was prickling at Josh. He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something in the way Kingston held himself seemed off. Before Josh could say anything else, Kingston pushed himself back and stood. “Would it be possible to get a tour of the club? A proper one, beyond the main room?”

  “We’ve recently had some damage. We aren’t open for business for a few more days.”

  “That’s perfect. I would like to see it without the membership there. I’m on the fence about joining so
mething like this.”

  “Why?” Josh leaned back and crossed his arms. “If you hope to be sponsored for membership, you will need to meet some of the members. I don’t allow just anyone to join. Allison should have been able to tell you that.”

  Josh tried to read the man, trying to catch a bead on where he was coming from. Kingston’s pupils were blown wide, and his breath was coming out in short pants. Clearly the idea of going to the club was turning him on. If Josh were to look, he had no doubt Kingston was sporting a hard-on firm enough to pound nails. Repressed and curious? Interesting.

  Kingston tapped his finger against the edge of the table. “If I am comfortable there, I would like to come back. Meet some others.”

  Maybe it was nerves on the other man’s part. Josh stood, snagging his coat. “It’s been a long day. I’ll give you a quick tour. If you like what you see then please plan to come back on Friday night, when my assistant manager can spend some more time with you.”

  “Thank you, Josh.”

  They were almost to the door when Ian called out. “Hang on.” Towel slung over his shoulder, Ian neatly dodged between customers with two to-go mugs in his hands. “I was going to fill you both up, but I see you’re sneaking out. Here you go.”


  “Hush, it’s on the house. It’s been great to meet you, Bobby. I hope we’ll see you around the neighborhood more.”

  Kingston stiffened but accepted the offered coffee. “Thank you. I think once things are a bit more settled in this part of the city, I might.”

  “The police will catch whoever is causing the clubs grief.” Ian smiled, his hands braced on his hips. “We business owners stick together, right, Josh?”

  “Always.” The need to get Kingston out of Pulled Long and away from his friends spidered through him. Josh stepped toward the door, trying not to be obvious in his discomfort. “Say hi to the girls for me, ‘kay?”

  “Will do.”


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