Mastering the Mistress

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Mastering the Mistress Page 6

by Evangeline Anderson

  “I’m sorry,” Solar said gruffly. “I lost my own parent as well. My sire.”

  “That’s right—you’re raised by your fathers as we are raised by our mothers.” Kaylee sounded thoughtful. “Did you ever wonder if you missed something—not having a mother?”

  “Did you miss not having a father?” he countered. “No, of course you didn’t—not the way you treat males here.”

  “You distain females—you as much as admitted it yourself,” she objected.

  “That’s still not the same as enslaving them. But we don’t really distain them—we just avoid them. Well, unless we feel the need to scratch a sexual itch.”

  “So I’m not the first female you’ve…been with?”

  “We haven’t really ‘been’ together,” he reminded her. “But yes, I have had…relations with others.” But none like you. The words hovered on the tip of his tongue but he held them back somehow. What was it about this little female that made him feel so much? That almost made him want to forget the Havoc code? We do not bond, he reminded himself sternly.

  “Why do you avoid females?” she asked, plainly choosing to ignore his admission about being with others. “I mean, I’ve heard of the Kindred before and they bond with their chosen brides. Why not the Havoc?”

  “We’re related to the Kindred—descendents of an ancient branch,” Solar admitted. “A branch created by a First Kindred by the name of Kern Havoc. He was a scientist—a geneticist. He was happily bonded to a female—or thought he was, anyway—until she left him.”

  Kaylee frowned. “I don’t know much about it but I thought that once a bond was established between a Kindred and his mate nothing but death could break it.”

  “That’s true of most species,” Solar acknowledged. “But Havoc’s bride was a Y’lyn—one of the unbondable. They are females of surpassing beauty but they’re also known for being heartless and cruel. Some say both their beauty and their cruelty are due to the fact that they’re half demon and have no souls. And if the female you’re trying to form a soul bond with has no soul…”

  “No true bond can form. I see.” She nodded thoughtfully. “So what happened? She left him and then what?”

  “His heart was broken and he swore to change himself so that he would no longer have to bond.” Solar sighed. “He managed to increase his lifespan greatly which allowed him to have many more descendants with multiple females—none of which he bonded with. Some say he tinkered with his own DNA until he had eradicated the part of his genetic make-up that made bonding possible but I don’t believe that’s true.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we Havoc are all his genetic descendants and it is possible for us to form a bond—it’s just much harder to find the right female to bond with. We don’t dream share like the Kindred do and our minds don’t align with a female’s as theirs do. So the right female could be standing beside us and we wouldn’t know it.”

  Or would we?

  He thought of the old male his father had served with on the same ship for years. He'd had a bride back on the home world—a female of surpassing loveliness he had told Solar. Solar had thought he was crazy, going against the Havoc code and giving up even a small part of his lifespan to be with a female. But the old male had simply shaken his head. “The Goddess works in mysterious ways, son. When it’s right, you know it,” he’d told Solar. “And when you find the right female—the one the Goddess has set aside for you—you’ll feel it in your bones. You won’t be able to let her go.”

  Solar had scoffed at the time, thinking the old male was crazy. Now he looked at Kaylee and wondered…

  “What happens if you do bond with a female?” she asked,

  He shrugged uneasily, not willing to reveal the whole truth.

  “The main thing is that others of our kind shun us. Just as other mistresses on Yonnie Six would shun you for being with a male.”

  Kaylee went pale. “I guess I didn’t think about that.”

  “It’s something to consider,” Solar said soberly. “The other thing about bonding is that it changes our lifespan.”

  “You mean it cuts it short.” She bit her lip.

  “Not much. It also increases the lifespan of the female we are bonded to. We live only as long as she does, but since her life is greatly extended, it works out.”

  “So you don’t bond with females simply because it’s the custom of your people to avoid it?’”

  “Being single, not tied to any female, is in our heritage,” Solar said. “We like to be free to roam the galaxy—we can’t be tied down by females.”

  “What if you found someone who wanted to roam it with you?” Kaylee asked softly. “What then?”

  “That would be different, I guess.” Solar looked at her thoughtfully. “So tell me about your life after your mother died,” he said, deciding it would be wise to change the subject. “Do you like this life—playing the rich mistress…living in an opulent mansion…owning slaves?”

  Kaylee bit her lip and looked down.

  “It seemed wonderful when I first came here but…it’s actually really lonely. I’ve been trying to fit in but none of the other mistresses would accept me because I didn’t know the right way to dress and I didn’t have a body-slave.” She cleared her throat. “You’re actually the first slave I’ve ever owned. Um, not that I guess I own you now.”

  “Damn right you don’t,” Solar growled, but he was intrigued by her story. She wasn’t like the other rich-bitch mistresses who bought males to use and abuse without a second thought. He wanted to know more about her. And about one thing in particular. “Tell me about the vids you spoke of earlier,” he said. “Why did they make you act as you have tonight?”

  Kaylee’s face went pale then rosy pink with an embarrassed blush. At first Solar thought she would refuse to answer but then she cleared her throat and spoke up.

  “I found them in my aunt’s private things. They were…pornography. The kind of pornography that isn’t…isn’t allowed here on Yonnie Six.”

  “Oh?” Solar cocked an eyebrow at her. “What kind were they, exactly?”

  “All the vids were…were…” Her cheeks were already pink with embarrassment but she continued just the same. “Males dominating females,” she said in a rush. “But not just dominating them…penetrating them. And…and filling them with their seed.” Her cheeks were nearly scarlet by now. “It made me…curious.”

  Solar could feel his cock stirring again, though he knew he ought to resist the temptation and go.

  “Curious to know what it feels like? To be penetrated by a male…to be filled with his seed?”

  Wordlessly, cheeks burning, she nodded. Somehow her knees had drifted apart again as they spoke and he could see that her little skirt was still pushed up.

  “So when your friend urged you to ‘harvest my seed’ it was just the excuse you needed,” he rumbled, coming closer to her. Gods, her little pussy slit looked all wet and swollen from his earlier attentions. He’d licked away all of her honey, cleaning her up neatly but their current conversation seemed to be having quite an effect on her because he could see fresh wetness between her thighs, making him hungry to taste her again.

  “Yes,” she whispered, not daring to look at him. “I…I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I was treating you as an object…a possession. I see now that was wrong.”

  “I guess I should say I’m glad you learned your lesson,” Solar murmured, stepping closer so that he was right between her thighs. “Except it makes me want to teach you another.”

  Her eyes flew up to his and she nibbled her lush lower lip with those little white teeth.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you still curious? About this?” He nodded down to where his erect shaft was nearly touching her wet, open pussy. “You want to see what it feels like to be filled? Just once?”

  Shouldn’t do this, shouted the voice of reason in his head. You might accidentally bond to her and you don’t ev
en fucking know her! Stop thinking with your shaft, Solar!

  But somehow he couldn’t step away. Especially when she nodded her head.

  “I do,” she whispered. “I…I know it’s wrong…wrong to want it, wrong to want to let a male in…inside my body. But I can’t seem to help it.”

  Solar couldn’t help it either. He wanted the girl on the table with her tousled golden-red hair and her wide, innocent blue eyes. Wanted her badly. I’ll just slide my shaft in her once to the hilt, he promised himself. Just once and I won’t leave my seed in her. I want to feel her sweet wet warmth wrapped around me before I leave her. A single stroke won’t matter.

  “All right, sweetheart,” he murmured, placing one hand on her inner thigh. “I’ll fill you…just once. And then I have to go.”

  * * *

  Kaylee bit her lip. Oh Goddess, was this actually happening? Was she actually asking a male to penetrate and fill her? What would the other mistresses of Yonnie Six think if they saw her? What would the Ruling Body do if they found out? There was no greater shame or taboo on the female dominated planet than to allow a male to penetrate you. It was simply unheard of. Yet some secret part of her which had been asleep almost her entire life had somehow been awakened and that part longed to feel him in her, even if it was only once.

  No one has to know, she told herself. And he said he would only do it once. That’s not so bad—there’s really nothing to tell. It’s not a big deal, really.

  Except it felt like a big deal—a very big deal—when he stepped up between her legs and rubbed the broad, plum-shaped head of his shaft against her slippery inner folds.

  Kaylee moaned at the tingling pleasure of his thick shaft sliding against her tender clit.

  He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “Feels good?”

  “More than good,” she assured. “But, please…Solar…I want…I need…”

  “I know what you need and you’ll get it,” he growled softly. “Don’t worry, sweetheart. Just open yourself and let me in.”

  There was nothing Kaylee wanted to do more. With a low moan, she laid back against the padded leather table and let her thighs drift wider apart. Take me, the gesture said and clearly that was exactly what the huge Havoc intended to do. With a low growl of approval, he slid the head of his shaft down until it was lodged just at her entrance.

  “Going to take this slowly, sweetheart,” he murmured, pressing gently against her. “I licked you enough to open you without pain but you’re still fucking tight.”

  “You don’t have to be so careful—I’m not a virgin,” Kaylee protested. “I’ve had a shaft inside me before. Well, an artificial one anyway.”

  “You mean a self-pleasuring device?” he asked. She nodded and he asked, “How big?”

  “About like this.” Kaylee held up two fingers together and he snorted in amusement.

  “Right. That’s like being fucked with a feather. I’m a bit larger than that,” he said dryly.

  “I’m not afraid, though,” Kaylee insisted. “Earlier you said you wanted to…to punish me. Well go ahead, I can take it.”

  She didn’t know why she was goading him this way—he had her spread open and helpless on her back. She shouldn’t be antagonizing him. But there was part of her that wanted to really feel this. If it was the one and only time she would be penetrated by a male, she wanted it to mark her. No, she wanted Solar to mark her. There was something about him—a strength mixed with tenderness—that called to her. It was the reason she had told him what she wanted, the reason she was lying here now, asking him to take her instead of trying to run away.

  I don’t want to forget him, she thought, looking into his gorgeous, wild eyes. And I don’t want him to forget me.

  Those eyes narrowed as he looked at her now.

  “You want it rough, sweetheart? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “I want to feel it,” Kaylee said, raising up on one elbow to look him in the face. “I want to know you’ve been there after…after you’re gone.” Her voice only quivered a little and she raised her chin defiantly as she spoke. “So go ahead, if you’re going to do it—just do it.”

  “As you wish, Mistress,” he growled.

  Then with one long, controlled thrust, he pressed inside her to the hilt.

  Kaylee moaned and threw back her head as she felt her inner walls stretch to accommodate his immense girth. Goddess, he was huge—so much bigger than the little pleasure wand she used on herself at night when she felt restless. She had never felt so opened, so completely laid bare as she did at that moment. And yet, though it stung a little, it also felt good, especially when she felt him bottom out inside her.

  “Goddess!” she moaned as the head of his cock kissed the mouth of her womb. “In me…in me so deep, Solar!”

  “As deep as I can go, sweetheart,” he growled softly. “How does it feel? Like you imagined?”

  “Better,” Kaylee whispered, staring at him defiantly. Now that she was completely over her fright of him, she wanted him to know that she could take anything he could dish out.

  “Is that right?” he murmured. Then, suddenly, he was bending over her, bracketing her body with his much larger one and looking deep into her eyes.

  Kaylee moaned a little as she felt him shift inside her with the motion.

  “Yes, that’s…that’s right,” she made herself say.

  “So now that you know what it feels like to be penetrated and filled by a male, I suppose I should pull out,” he said, though he made no motion to do so.

  “If you want,” Kaylee said. “Or…you could show me more of what I saw on those vids.” She didn’t know where she got the courage to speak to him so—the words just seemed to pop out on their own. But somehow she didn’t want this experience to be over yet. Didn’t want him to be done with her.

  He raised an eyebrow at her.

  “So not just penetration but fucking. You want me to fuck you, little mistress? Is that it?”

  Before she could answer, he had pulled almost all the way out of her and thrust in again in a long, smooth stroke that made her moan as he hit bottom inside her.

  “Yes,” Kaylee whispered, closing her eyes. “Goddess, Solar—yes.”

  “All right,” he growled. “I’ll do it, sweetheart—I’ll fuck you. But only if you open your eyes and look at me. I want to see it on your face when I fill you.”

  “Goddess,” she whispered again. But she opened her eyes and found that he was even closer—those green and gold eyes half-lidded with lust and staring into her own as he pulled back once more and thrust in again.

  “Does it feel good, little mistress?” he asked softly, stroking a strand of hair out of her eyes as he continued to hold her gaze. “Do you like being penetrated by a male?”

  Not just any male—you! I like being penetrated by you, Solar.

  The words hovered on her lips but she held them back. What was wrong with her, wanting to declare herself to him this way? He’s a male—a slave, screamed a little voice inside her head—a voice that sounded suspiciously like Lyra’s.

  I don’t care, Kaylee thought as she held his gaze while he took her. I don’t care about any of that—I just want him in me. I never want this to end…

  But though she wanted to prolong the experience forever, she could already feel her own pleasure rising again. Her orgasm was coming, brought on as much by his intense gaze as the thrust and pull of his thick shaft inside her body. And this time she knew, nothing could hold it back.

  “Solar…” she moaned, reaching for something. Her hands found his and their fingers entwined, tightening with each thrust of his shaft inside her. “Oh Goddess, feels so good…”

  “Gods…” He leaned down and kissed her fiercely. “I can feel you quivering all around me,” he muttered hoarsely in her ear. “You’re close, aren’t you?”

  Kaylee nodded. Then, unable to help herself she asked, “Are…are you going to fill me with your seed? Like they do in the vids?”
  He closed his eyes briefly, a look of indecision and yearning coming over his strong features. Then he looked at her again.

  “If I do that, there might be consequences. Do you remember we talked about bonding?”

  “Yes…” She didn’t understand.

  “Well that’s how a Havoc binds a female to him—when he’s foolish enough or desperate enough to bond her in the first place. He does it by spilling his seed inside her with no barrier between them.”

  “He does?”

  Solar nodded. “And if we accidentally formed a bond…Would you want to be bound to me forever?”


  He nodded. “A soul bond doesn’t dissolve. It is only ended by death. Not only that, would you want to carry my child?”

  “Your…your child?” She looked at him uncertainly. This was something she hadn’t even considered. On Yonnie Six when a female wished to have a child, she went to a conception clinic and chose the exact type of sperm she wanted. Sperm which had already been vetted and was guaranteed to result in only female children. The idea of conceiving a child from what she was doing now with her former slave hadn’t entered her head.

  “It’s a distinct possibility, mistress,” he growled dryly. “Fucking is the established method of conception—well, for most of the universe, anyway.”

  “I never…I didn’t think of that,” she whispered.

  “It could happen.” He stopped his thrusting and simply filled her as he looked into her eyes. “You could conceive and it wouldn’t necessarily be a daughter.”

  “You mean I might have a male child?” The thought was terrifying to Kaylee. “A…a son?”

  “Yes, a son.” He frowned, clearly displeased by her reaction. “Contrary to your beliefs on this benighted planet, males have as much right to live as females.”

  “But…but what would I do with a son? How could I explain it?” Kaylee protested. “Everyone would know that I didn’t go to the conception clinic. That instead I…”


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