Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1)

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Stone Shattered (The Stone Book 1) Page 15

by Renee Harless

  Walking over to my phone, I dial Gregory’s number and he answers, “Yes miss?”

  “Help us,” I scream into the phone then end the call.

  Obviously in panic mode, Gregory runs into the family room a minute later shouting, “God save me ladies, I thought you were hurt.”

  With her hands sitting on her cocked hips Abi rebukes, “Gosh, Gregory, don’t be so dramatic. Mal and I couldn’t figure out the TV. We want to do some shopping. This is an Emergency!”

  Bending over trying to catching his breath, he wheezes, “Just so you know, Abi, it is my job to worry. I just ran up twelve flights of stairs at record speed. I won’t even need to go to the gym today.”

  I giggle in the background as I envisage him running up the steps in panic.

  Walking over to Abi, he grabs the remote from her hand and tosses it aside saying, “It would help if you used the correct remote. This one is for the DVD player.” He moves to the coffee table and grabs the bulky gray remote. “This one works the TV. When you want to use the internet place the remote on the coffee table or a flat surface, press the blue button and a laser keyboard will show,” he explains.

  “Holy shit, ain’t that fancy,” I declare.

  “Yes, Ms. Winston. It is fancy. Can I do anything else for you all?”

  “No, Gregory. I think we're good. Sorry for scaring you.”

  “It’s not a problem, Ms. Winston. You all enjoy your day.”

  One hour later, Abi and I have purchased a handful of designer clothes. I tried using my own money, but Abi smacked me and said she would tell Alex if I did.

  “Do you go back to work tomorrow?” she asks as we vegetate on the couch.

  “Yes, I do. I am not exactly sure what to do about the security situation though. What will you do while I’m at work?”

  “Oh, I have a few friends in town I can catch up with or I may continue to shop.”

  “You’re ridiculous.”

  “I know.”

  After showering, we decide to have a Disney movie marathon, because every girl loves a fairy tale happy ending. When Abi heads off to get something from her room, I sneak into the foyer. There I find what I was hoping for, another single purple rose. Racing back to my room with the flower, I tear open in the envelope.

  Things I know: You are addicted to peanut M&M’s.

  P.S. I saw them on your desk, in your living room, in your bedroom, and you carry a bag in your purse. We may need to schedule an intervention. Have you even tried the peanut butter M&M’s? And how is it you have no cavities?

  Smiling again at my two roses, I dial Alex’s number.

  “Hello, Ms. Winston.”

  “Thank you for the roses, Alex.”

  “You’re most certainly welcome. Did you and Abi enjoy your evening and morning?”

  “We did, thank you. We both purchased an obscene amount of clothing. I hope you don’t mind.”

  “Don’t be silly. I am glad to see someone use that money. It just sits in a bank account all day.”

  “I suppose you won’t let me pay you back.”

  “Don’t even think about it.” I laugh at is quick change of attitude. Breaking me from my amusement Alex asks, “Mallory, are you returning to work tomorrow?”

  “Yes. I need to finish up the Johnson campaign and begin some ideas for my new vodka client.”

  “I see. Well, I believe I will have Gregory drive you until the person threatening you is caught.”

  “Ok, I understand. My poor car is probably feeling neglected though.”

  He chuckles and says, “You can always ask Gregory to drive her, though I am not sure he would fit comfortably.” I laugh heartily at that vision. “I miss your laughter, Ms. Winston.”

  “Any idea when you are coming back?”

  “No, not yet.”

  “Well, would you like me to call you later for some fun?”

  “I think that sounds marvelous, Ms. Winston. Say 9:00pm your time?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Until then, Ms. Winston.”

  “Bye, Alex.”

  Swiftly, I hop off the bed and join Abi on the couch in the family room. She has laid out a buffet of popcorn, nachos, soda, and candy.

  “How did you get all this?”

  “I told the concierge we were having a movie day and he sent all this up. Pretty awesome, right?”

  “It is divine.”

  Indulging in our calorie loaded feast, we watch a handful of classic Disney princess movies. When I notice it is close to 9:00pm, I slip away from the family room and start a bath for my phone call with Alex.

  As I rest my head against the back of Alex’s tub, I envision that he is there with me. I want to feel his hands and mouth everywhere. Just imagining him here in this room with me is enough to get me hot. Once I’m settled, I pull up Alex’s number and call him.

  “Ms. Winston.”

  “Mr. Stone.”

  “Where are you?”

  “I am sitting in your tub.”

  “Good, place the phone on the counter and set it to speaker.”

  “Yes, sir.” I follow his instructions and place the phone on the counter near my head. When I am positioned in the water, I announce, “Ready.”

  “Good, now I want you to envision me in that tub with you; that your hands are my hands and that you can feel my mouth on you. Can you do that?”

  I am already starting to pant as my breath quickens and releases in quick successions. His voice is enough for me.

  “Yes, sir,” I reply as I sit back and close my eyes, waiting for him to take me away.

  “You are resting in the tub with your back against my chest. I have your legs pinned open with my own. My hands lightly caress your shoulders, stroking back and forth along your collar bone.” My hands mimic his words as my fingertips glide along heated skin. “You rest your head back against my shoulder and I kiss along your neck. My hands travel down to your breasts and I begin by massaging them both, rolling your nipples between my fingers.” I let out a moan as I act out this scene. I can vaguely hear him moan in return, “Baby, you are getting me so hot when you make those noises.” He pauses for a few seconds and I can hear the telltale sound of a zipper coming undone. I take a moment to envision him taking out his massive cock and stroking it with his hands. Adding to my image he whispers, “One of my hands snake down to your pussy, rubbing your clit.” A whimper escapes from my mouth as my hands follow Alex’s lead. “I stoke back and forth across your folds and clit. You’re so wet and hot, that even in the tub, I can feel your juices on my fingers. You turn your head towards me as I tease your entrance with the tip of my finger. Your hands tug me into a kiss filled with passion and I insert another finger into your core. I pulse my hand back and forth, as your tongue massages my own. I can feel your core start to contract so I crook my fingers to rub your spot and my thumb presses harder circles onto your clit. You’re body convulses moments later and we both tumble into our climax.” At the same moment he speaks of the imaginary orgasm, I reach mine with my own hands.

  Coming back to reality Alex says, “Next time, darling, we will need to Skype. I want to see you come with my own eyes. You’re beautiful when you let go.”

  “I prefer your hands, Alex.”

  “I know, love.” As I sigh at his terminology Alex inquires, “Are you alright, Mallory?”

  “Yes, sir. I am just tired. I have a busy day tomorrow.”

  “I understand. I will phone you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, Mallory.”

  “Goodnight, Alex.”

  We end our conversation and I spend another 15 minutes in the tub hoping to relax from my orgasm, but all it seems to do is make me want another. Alex is turning me insatiable as well.


  The next two days at work pass quickly as I am bombarded with items to catch up on. My meeting at the end of the day is scheduled with Kyle and Lily to finalize the last leg of their campaign. Sitting at my desk admiring the two additional roses I hav
e received, I accept a call from Gregory.

  “Ms. Winston?” he solicits.

  “Yes, Gregory?”

  “I intercepted another piece of mail today and it is similar to the last. I will be taking it to the police station in a few moments.”

  “Ok, thank you.”

  “My pleasure, miss.”

  Kyle and Lily arrive shortly after the call and I discuss with them the bits and pieces I know about the case. They mention that they have both given statements and alibis to the police.

  “Are you still coming over tonight?” Lily questions.

  “I think so. Do you mind if I bring Alex’s sister Abi? She is great and has been keeping me company.”

  “Of course. We will order a smorgasbord of Chinese. How does that sound?” Kyle replies.

  “Sounds perfect. Now let’s finish up this campaign so I can get you two crazy people out of my hair.”

  At 5:00pm, I walk out of my building and run into Seth.

  Surprised at my appearance, Seth exclaims, “Hey, Mal, how are things going? I wasn’t sure if you were here or not. I didn’t see your car.”

  “Oh, that’s because Alex has his security guy bring me. Doesn’t want to take any chances I guess.”

  “I get that. I mean if you were my girl I’d do the same.”

  I shoot him a look conveying to him that I didn’t appreciate his comment.

  Noticing my alarmed façade Seth apologizes, “I’m sorry, really. I know you’re with someone, I have Stephanie and I know that you don’t feel that way. I was just joking, really.”

  “It’s ok, Seth. How are things with you? I haven’t seen you at lunch.”

  “Things are good. I’ve been taking an earlier lunch with Steph and I’ve had a new project placed in my lap, so I’m pretty busy. Oh hey, are you coming out with the girls tonight?”

  “No, I wasn’t invited. They seem to all hate me for some reason. Madison even thinks I’m the reason David broke up with her. I think everyone has taken a crazy pill.”

  “Seriously? He won’t tell her the truth? She shouldn’t be blaming you at all. But I guess that is her story to find out. Anyways, sorry things are falling through. I’ve got to head over to Steph’s. Call me later.”

  “Will do.” I lean in and give him a hug. “It was good to see you, Seth. Don’t be a stranger.”

  “Goes both ways, Mal.”

  He’s right. I have been neglecting everyone, but I only have Alex for a short time. I never thought I'd be that girl, but I'm so wrapped up in us that I don't even realize I'm ignoring everyone else.

  Waving goodbye to Seth, I notice Gregory waiting for me.

  “Who was that, Ms. Winston?” he asks curiously.

  “Oh, that was Seth. We started here at the same time. We’ve been good friends for about seven years.”

  “Can you trust him?”

  “Can I really trust anyone right now?”

  “Touché, Ms. Winston.”

  Ushering me into the car, we head back towards Alex’s apartment. As I enter the home, I head back into the bedroom while shouting out to Abi that I was going to change and then we can leave.

  She follows me into the bedroom a few seconds later asking, “Hey, do I need to dress up tonight?”

  “No, not at all. They are ordering Chinese and then I suppose we will drink a bit. Oh shit, I need to ask Gregory if it’s ok that I drive.”

  “I don’t think it will be a problem, Mal.”

  “Alright, well I’m just going to throw on some jeans. You’re fine in what you’re wearing.”

  “Cool. So…is Kyle hot?”

  “Well, most of the staff thinks so. I don’t quite get it though. He is what you would expect an American surfer to look like. Your brother is much more my type.”

  “Eh, I’d probably agree with you if he wasn’t my brother. I tend to lean towards the bad boy types myself.”

  Finishing our conversation, I walk out of the closet and follow Abi towards the door.

  We stand by the valet waiting for my Mini to pull up as my phone rings. Alex’s name flashes across the screen and a smile crosses my face since I haven’t spoken with him today.

  As I am about to say hello he interrupts my sweet revelries, “Mallory, where the fuck do you think you are going?”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Why aren’t you in the apartment? Gregory doesn’t know where you’ve gone.”

  At this point Abi and I are seated in my car and I am about to turn out of the parking lot.

  In a spurt of irritation I reply, “Well seeing that I am an adult, I have decided to take your sister to dinner with two clients this evening. I also have a valid driver’s license and am driving myself. I assure you, I am most capable.”

  Noticing Abi has fallen into a fitful of laughter, I barely hear Alex chime in, “Mallory, so help me, if I was there right now your sweet arse wouldn’t be able to sit for the next year.”

  “Well, Mr. Stone, you are not here. Nor are you my keeper. And while I appreciate yours and Gregory’s overzealous need to protect me, I guarantee that I am capable of taking care of myself. I have done so for the last seven years that I have lived on my own.”

  “Ms. Winston, do not push me.”

  “I am not pushing, Mr. Stone. I am proclaiming.”

  With a bit of defeat in his tone, Alex says, “You are not nearly so judicial in the bedroom, Ms. Winston. I can see how you have risen to senior level at your job so quickly.”

  “Is this the reason for your call, Alex; to try to manipulate me to stay indoors?”

  “Indeed it was. I do not like being undermined, Ms. Winston.”

  “There was no undermining involved. I stayed indoors when instructed by the police and I am only venturing to a clients home, to also stay indoors, and to enjoy myself for the evening in your absence.”

  “Obviously, there will be no changing your mind. Please keep an eye on my sister as well as yourself. I would hate to have the both of you in some sort of trouble while I am away. Also keep in mind that there will be some form of punishment at my return, Ms. Winston.”

  “Looking forward to it, Alex. Goodbye.”

  I abruptly end the call, as I have no plans on relinquishing my control to him 24/7. Is he really that worried about me and Abi? I don’t find Kyle or Lily harmful in the slightest. Perhaps he would have thought differently if he had met them prior to his departure.

  Snapping my mind from endless wandering Abi says, “Mallory, I have never, ever, seen someone hold their own against Alex. That was one of the single greatest moments of my life.”

  “Glad I could offer you a form of entertainment. We’re here by the way.”

  Both scrambling out of the car, we stare up at the new building housing the Johnson’s loft.

  Lily answers the door and pulls both Abi and myself into a hug.

  “I am so glad you are both here. I am starving and the Chinese smells so good,” she cries.

  Astonished I say, “Oh, you both didn’t have to wait for us.”

  Tugging us into the open spaced living room, we both look around the loft. The first floor is completely open while there is a staircase on the left and the right, each leading to a bedroom.

  “This is a really nice space, Lily,” I say and then pull Abi close. “By the way this is my boyfriend’s sister, Abigail. Abi, this is Lily.”

  They each say hello while I look around for Kyle.

  Noticing my traveling gaze Lily interrupts me, “Kyle went to go help our neighbor with her groceries. Poor little thing can’t ever make it up all those flights of stairs.”

  “That’s sweet of him,” Abi says.

  An instant later Kyle comes strutting into the loft and pulls me into a hug.

  Stepping aside, I gesture towards Abi and say, “Kyle, this is Abigail Stone, my boyfriend’s sister. Abi, this is Kyle Johnson.”

  They both shake hands and exchange pleasantries. Seeming more shy than normal, I consider that Abi may
instantly have a thing for Kyle. As Kyle goes to spread out the Chinese onto an industrial coffee table, I notice he has two, full, arm sleeves of tattoos. I have only ever seen him in dressy attire for our meetings, so it is no wonder Abi is smitten; he is a pretty boy and bad boy all in one. I giggle at my inward reflection just as Kyle catches me.

  “Something funny, Mallory?” he asks.

  “Nope, I’m just thinking about something. This food looks awesome by the way.”

  Digging into the meal, Lily and Kyle discuss their fashion line and Abi points out how they could start to brand their new line a bit differently than their celebrity line. If Abi lived in the states, and I had the money, I would love to open my own agency with her. We have a similar creative mind set for campaigns.

  As Lily and I clean up the mess of food on the table, she says, “They seem pretty into each other.”

  “I know, right?”

  “She isn’t his usual type. He usually dates those stick, thin, blonde bimbos.”

  “Abi is a doll. Too bad I don’t think she will be staying here long. She is only in the states to catch up with some friends.”

  “Shame. Does she have a boyfriend back home?”

  “I don’t think so. She hasn’t mentioned anyone. Her brother hasn’t either.”

  Switching gears Lily focuses on me inquiring, “So, you and her brother are pretty serious?”

  “For now, until he returns to England in a month and a half.”

  “Why? What happens when he leaves?”

  “I’m not sure. That’s just what we agreed on.”

  “Fair enough. Do you want to grab the Moscato out of the fridge and we can all veg on the couch?”

  “Sure thing.”

  The rest of the night Lily and I pretend to watch television, but we really watch the scene unfold between Kyle and Abi. He has his arm around her shoulders and is rubbing her arm while Abi is cuddled up into his side. They look like they have known each other for years, not a couple of hours. Kyle is being incredibly sweet with her. I think this is what she needs right now, someone to take care of her. I may even pat myself on the back for this unintentional hookup.

  It is getting a bit late and the exhaustion from the week is starting to hit me.


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