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Hidden Danger

Page 8

by Jennifer Pierce

  Slowly walking back to the chair she had vacated, she started to fill Cody in on Jacob's condition. "The doctor cleaned all of his wounds. He said most of them were superficial, like he had gotten them running through the woods. He does have some bruising around his wrists, as if he was shackled. His clothes were covered in dirt and sticks. The doctor said he would be saving them for you. He is severely dehydrated and suffering from exhaustion. He thinks Jacob has probably been in the wilderness for a few days. But he should make a full recovery."

  Taking Jacob's limp hand in hers, she closed her eyes. Why Lord? Why is this person doing this? Why is he hurting the ones I love?

  "Maggie, the security company came to install your new alarm system while we were processing the scene. I couldn't let them, since it was an active crime scene. You can't go back to that house. Not now. Not since this person has proven how dangerous he or she can be."

  "I know. I'll consider a hotel here in town."

  “I'm not sure that's a good idea, either. If this woman can get to your brother, a trained soldier and security expert, don't you think she can find out what hotel you're staying at?"

  Where was she supposed to go? She didn't have anywhere else to stay. Cassie wouldn't hesitate to let her stay, but inviting her in would also be inviting more danger. She couldn't do that. “Where do you suggest then?”

  “You could come stay at my house.”

  “That’s not going to happen. It wouldn’t be proper.”

  He was silent for a moment. He looked at his feet and sheepishly said, “We could make up a room for you at the sheriff's station.”

  “I do not think so. It's bad enough that this person has hurt people I love and sent me from my home. I will not let her turn me into a prisoner.” Defiance coursed through her.

  Jacob moaned, and her attention turned to him.

  “Maggie,” his rough voice whispered from the hospital bed.

  “Shh, I'm here. Everything's all right.” Tears filled her eyes as his hand tightened around hers.

  “I… I…” Jacob tried to speak, but it seemed too difficult for him.

  She gently squeezed his hand. “I'm right here. You're going to be all right. Just relax.”

  Cody took a tentative step toward Jacob's hospital bed.

  “Cody's here, too.” She gestured for Cody to come closer.

  Jacob turned his head to Cody. “Keep her safe.”

  Jacob’s eyes closed for a moment. She thought he had lost consciousness again, but then he opened his eyes. “Don't let her get Maggie.”

  Cody took Jacob’s other hand in his. “I'm going to take care of her, as much as she'll let me anyway. But I need your help. Who is going to hurt her?”

  Jacob’s arm slackened, and Cody set his hand back on the bed gently. Clearly, he wouldn’t be answering Cody's question anytime soon.

  Maggie continued to hold Jacob’s hand. Cody pulled up a chair on the other side of Jacob’s bed, intent to sit and hold vigil with her.

  The adrenaline slowly left her body, giving way to exhaustion. She laid her head on the edge of the bed and listened to Jacob’s steady breathing. She was going to rest her eyes, just for a minute.

  A tap on her shoulder startled her from sleep. She sat up, heart racing wildly. Cody was standing next to her. “Maggie, we should really go and get your stuff and get you squared away in a hotel. We can come back and check on Jake after we've gotten you settled. Okay?”

  As much as she didn't want to leave, she knew Cody was right. She didn't have the truck since she had ridden in the ambulance with Jacob. She didn't have her purse, either, which contained her debit cards and identification, and she was going to need those to get a hotel room. It's a good thing she hadn't had a lot of time to unpack her travel bags. She didn't have anyone else to call, so with much trepidation, she agreed to let Cody take her to the house.

  Before she left, she said another prayer over Jacob and gently kissed him on the forehead.

  Chapter Eleven

  Before they left the hospital, Cody assigned Deputy McKinley to watch Jake's room. He then contacted Deputy Grainger to have him come straight to the hospital instead of the station in the morning. Cody insisted that Maggie leave his phone number, in addition to hers, with the nurse. The drive was going to take at least twenty minutes. Now was as good as time as any to ask her questions about her life.

  "Maggie, think real hard, is there anyone who could possibly have a reason to target you? Even the smallest oddity could hold the key to solving this. Are there any ex-boyfriends? Agitated coworkers? Angry parents? A neighbor who is holding a grudge?" He cast a sideways glance at her. She stared out the window, wringing her hands. Maggie had always been so kind. He couldn't imagine a reason anyone would want to hurt her.

  “I've been thinking about this all morning. I haven't upset anyone that I know of. I adore my coworkers and the children. There are no issues there. And there haven't been any boyfriends, so we can cross that off.”

  Was Maggie’s lack of boyfriends because of him? Could she possibly still have feelings for him? That thought gave him hope, but quickly deflated with the realization that maybe she didn't have any boyfriends because of how much he had hurt her.

  “Cody, about what happened in the hospital.” She paused. “I'm sorry. You know me, I'm not usually that emotional.”

  He placed his hand over hers and gave it a gentle squeeze in an attempt to calm her fidgeting. “It's understandable. A lot has happened, and a person can only take so much.”

  Unexpectedly, she didn't pull her hand away. That was progress, wasn't it? He could sit all day and revel in the feeling that she had forgiven him. Maybe she was putting the past behind them, but he needed to get back to reality. He needed to find out who was targeting Maggie. He pulled his hand from hers and placed it back on the steering wheel.

  “After we get your stuff and get you settled into a hotel room, I'd like to sit down and talk this through some more. Maybe you can think of something once your mind settles a little.”

  He pulled the car into the drive and led the way into Maggie’s father’s house. Once he did a check of the house, Maggie went upstairs to gather her belongings.

  He pulled out his cell to call in a favor while she wouldn’t overhear what he was saying.

  “Lone Star Inn. How may I help you?” Mary Lee, the clerk, answered on the second ring.

  “Good afternoon, Mary. This is Sheriff Smith.” He walked to the front window and looked out over the property.

  “Well, hello, Sheriff. How are you this afternoon?”

  “I’m doing well. And you?” He turned and looked around the living room.

  “I can’t complain.”

  “That’s good. I’ve called to book a couple rooms. Do you have two connecting rooms available?”

  “I do. Will this be billed to the county?”

  “No, ma’am. This is personal.” There had been a couple occasions where the county had had to rent rooms for various visiting professionals. “I’ll be coming in with a young lady, probably within the hour. She’s had some trouble at her house and needs a place to stay.” He looked up the stairwell.

  “I’ll have them ready.”

  “Thank you.” He hung up as Maggie came down the stairs with her bags.

  He loaded the bags into the car, and they headed to the hotel. Fifteen minutes later, he pulled his car in to the parking lot of the Lone Star Inn.

  The hotel was a small outfit. The rooms were all accessed from the parking lot. The office contained the check-in desk, kitchen, and breakfast area.

  Maggie headed to the office, walked up to the service desk and rang the bell. Mary Lee came out from a small office. Mary had been working there for over thirty years. In recent years, Cody had had to come to the hotel on occasion in a professional capacity. Before that, he’d been the one who caused some ruckus, leading to the former sheriff being called.

  “Yes, may I help you?” she asked Maggie, oblivious to Cod
y's presence.

  “Mary,” he interjected.

  She looked at him and recognition dawned on her face. “Well, Sheriff Smith, I didn't realize this was the young lady you had spoken about on the phone. Your rooms are ready. Connecting doors like you asked for.” She set the key cards on the counter.

  He could feel the heat from the glare that Maggie aimed in his direction.

  “Thank you, Mary. We'll go get settled in. Tell John I said hi.”

  He grabbed the cards and turned to Maggie, gesturing to the front door of the lobby. “Shall we?”

  She let out a massive sigh and stomped off.

  “We're in rooms two-oh-three and two-oh-four,” he called as he chased after her. He wasn’t in a hurry for the tongue lashing she was going to inevitably unleash, but she didn’t need to be running outside without him. He caught up with her right after exiting the office. He took the lead and headed to the car.

  Maggie grabbed her laptop from the front seat while he grabbed her two bags from the trunk.

  “I don't need you to take care of me. Believe it or not, I am a big girl. I can carry my own bags.” She grabbed one of the bags from his hand and huffed past him.

  “I'm not taking care of you. I'm being a gentleman. I'm helping a lady to her room with her bags.”

  “Yes, a room that you paid for. A room that has an adjoining door to another room you paid for.”

  “Relax, will ya?” They climbed the stairs to the second-floor balcony walkway and continued to their rooms. He stepped around her to unlock the door. He was about to slide the key card in the door when she stepped in front of him. The top of her head barely reached his chin.

  “You don’t have to stay. You can send out another deputy.” Her chin jutted out defiantly.

  He leaned down, placing his hand on the door behind her head, and her breath hitched.

  “I don't think this person is remotely close to done. I think he or she will come after you personally. I want to keep you safe.” I need to keep you safe.

  His gaze fell to her mouth. He wanted to close the distance and kiss her, to feel her soft lips on his, to make up for all the pain he caused and show her how much he loved her. She placed her hand on his chest. She filled his senses; the strawberry and vanilla was light and teasing, and the feel of her hand on his chest warmed his heart. Her hypnotizing green eyes searched his, and her lips parted just a hint. Was that an invitation? He needed to step away before he rushed into something she might not like.

  He straightened and grabbed her hand from his chest, brushing a light kiss to her fingertips. “Now can we get settled in? We have time to go visit Jake if you'd like.”

  She nodded, curling her hand into a fist, like she was keeping his kiss. That simple action gave him hope.

  He unlocked the door and walked into the small room. A queen-size bed was positioned up against the right wall with a small nightstand next to it. A flat screen television sat atop the dresser across from the bed. On the other side of the bed was a small breakfast table with two chairs and a door that led to a simple bathroom. A door next to the dresser would lead to his room, exactly like this, except mirrored in arrangement. It wasn't fancy, but it would work.

  “I'm going to go next door and set my stuff down.”

  He set his things in his room and looked around. Finding the ice bucket, he went back to Maggie’s room “I’m going to go fill this up, and then I’d like to talk some more about what’s been going on. Don’t open the door for anyone.”

  While at the ice dispenser, he purchased two soda pops from the machine conveniently placed next to the ice. He entered his room, removed the plastic wrap from two cups, and filled them with ice. Taking them to Maggie’s room, he knocked on the doorframe of the open connecting door before entering.

  “You still like soda, right?” He placed a cup and bottle in front of her before taking a seat at the table.

  “Probably even more than I did before.” She twisted the cap off the bottle and filled her cup. When the bubbles fizzed down, she took a drink.

  “I know it’s like beating a dead horse, but it’s important that we try to figure out who is doing this. Can you think of anyone, anyone at all, who could be doing this? Jake indicated a woman was to blame for his injuries.”

  “I don't know who could be doing it.” Her voice was strained.

  “Are there any students who still failed after you had tutored them? Could a mom be upset with you? Are there any men who have shown an interest in you and they felt rejected? Maybe a jealous ex-girlfriend of someone you dated?”

  “No, none that I can think of. All the students I can remember were able to bring their grades up. They may not have been high grades, but they were better. And, no, like I said, no boyfriends. No dates. No jealous women.”

  She took another drink of her soda, and then her eyes widened. “Wait, there was one guy, Conrad Johnson. He had asked me out for dinner, and I agreed. We went out a couple times, but we didn't seem to click, at least not the way you and I had that summer.” Maggie shrugged.

  “So, you stopped seeing him? How did he take it?”

  “Yeah. I told him how I felt and at first, I guess he seemed dejected. He asked a couple more times, but eventually he started dating someone else. I really don't think he has anything to do with this. He's married now, and his wife is expecting their first child any day now I believe.”

  “That's a place to start at least. Do you know her name? I'll have a deputy look in to them.”

  “Um, I think her first name is Stephanie. I don’t know what her maiden name was.” Maggie tried to stifle a yawn but failed.

  He stood, gathering their trash. “I know you've had quite a couple days. I'll let you get some rest. I'll just be on the other side of the wall. If you need anything, all you have to do is knock.”

  “Actually, I’d really like to go see Jacob.”

  “We can do that.” He knew she wouldn’t really be able to rest until she was able to check on Jake again. He also hoped Jake would wake up again while they were there. The sooner they could get his statement, the sooner they could get this guy, or woman, before anything else happened. He had a feeling that the game was only beginning.

  Chapter Twelve

  Her stomach rumbled, reminding her that she hadn’t eaten supper last night. True to his word, Cody had taken her to see Jacob. The nurse had said his vital signs were good. Still, he remained weak and slept deeply the entire time they visited. She didn’t want to leave him there alone, but Cody assured her that Deputy McKinley would remain outside his door throughout the night and then be relieved by Deputy Grainger. He was right; she couldn’t do anything for him. And she needed to rest. The past few days were taking their toll on her. Not just physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.

  Back at the hotel, after Cody had done another sweep of her room and left her for the night, she’d taken a hot shower and collapsed on the bed.

  She’d woken in the morning feeling as though she’d only closed her eyes a second ago. When they checked in last night, she’d seen a sign in the lobby about their free breakfast. She made the bed, dressed in comfortable capri pants and a light cotton T-shirt, and slid the key card in her back pocket. Pausing by the adjoining door, she wondered if she should wait until Cody woke up. She decided against it. He was probably as worn out as she was. Plus, she was a big girl after all.

  She opened the door to the parking lot to find Cody standing on the balcony with his arms resting on the railing, cradling a cup of coffee, and staring out into the parking lot. His hair brushed the collar of his shirt, which was a light green and fit snuggly across his broad shoulders.

  “Good morning, sunshine. Going somewhere?” He turned and leaned against the railing, crossing his jean-clad legs at the ankles.

  “As a matter of fact, I am. I’m headed for breakfast.”

  “I’ll go with you.” He took a sip from his coffee.

  “I think I can handle eating by mysel

  “Maggie, don't forget what's been going on. I really don't want you going anywhere alone. It’s not safe.”

  Like she had forgotten what had happened. Seriously though, what would it hurt to have breakfast?

  “Let me grab my room key, and I'll go down with you. I need to tell you about what could happen.”

  Before she could argue, he disappeared through his hotel door that he had propped open. He wasn't gone long before he stepped out and let the door shut behind him. “Shall we?” He offered his elbow like they were on their way to some fancy meal. She declined and walked ahead.

  Once in the breakfast room, Maggie took in all the various breakfast foods. There were muffins, croissants, cereal, oatmeal, fruit, scrambled eggs, bacon, and more. She settled for a croissant with grape jelly, a helping of scrambled eggs, and a small bowl of fruit. Cody, on the other hand, filled his plate to the point she didn't think it would hold anything else.

  They sat, and Maggie bowed her head. Lord, thank You for Your love and saving grace. Be with Jacob and continue to heal his injuries. Be with us and keep us safe in Your protection. Be with Cody and his deputies as they search for the person behind this. Amen.

  When she looked up, Cody's head was bowed in a silent prayer of his own. She was staring when he finished, and their gazes locked. She could feel heat beginning to color her cheeks. He gave her a grin, causing his eyes to sparkle.

  “Oh, I forgot something.” He went back to the breakfast bar. For what, she couldn’t imagine. She had no idea where he was going to put all the food already on his plate.

  She was busy spreading jelly on her croissant when Cody placed a chocolate muffin in front of her. He pulled a candle and a box of matches from his pocket, stuck the candle in the muffin, and lit it.

  He sat down and started to sing the birthday song. His baritone voice was swoon worthy. It reminded her of those old-time crooners. She’d always loved to hear him sing. Her face was on fire, and all she could do was stare at him. He remembered her birthday.


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