The Return (The Comeback Series)

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The Return (The Comeback Series) Page 17

by Marcie Shumway

  “Cooper!” she screeched. “Let me go!”

  “Let them work, Ave,” I whispered, holding her tightly as she thrashed, footsteps coming up behind me.

  “Paddles!” someone hollered. “Clear!”


  9 months later

  The house was quiet as I padded to the kitchen. Sunlight was just starting to peek through the trees, and I should have been sleeping like the others, but I was too anxious. After making a cup of hot chocolate, I took my mug out to the back deck to watch the rest of the sunrise.

  It was supposed to be a gorgeous spring day, according to the weatherman and, for once, it seemed he would actually be right. There wasn’t a cloud to be seen. I shivered a bit with the early morning chill. Taking a quick sip of the warm liquid remedied that and I warmed from the inside out. Squirrels chattered as they woke in the trees, and I chuckled as two of them chased each other from one branch to the next. It was the perfect start to a perfect day.

  Closing my eyes, I inhaled through my nose and exhaled through my mouth a couple of times. My nerves slowly started to relax, yet my stomach continued to jump. How did people do this more than once in their life? Once was enough for me.

  “I figured I’d find you out here,” Julie commented, coming out the sliding glass doors with a mug of coffee in her hand.

  “I couldn’t sleep,” I confessed, snuggling down deeper into my sweatshirt.

  “No doubt,” she replied, sitting down beside me. “I was the same way.”

  “Me too,” Jen agreed, coming out with Abby in tow.

  “Me three,” was the concensus from my sister-in-law.

  “Why?” I questioned, sitting up. “You know you want to spend the rest of your life with this person, and you love them so much the idea of being without them hurts. Why would you be nervous about marrying them?”

  “I think it’s just the idea of that deeper, life-long commitment,” Julie theorized. “Regardless of how much you love the person, it can be pretty scary.”

  “I totally agree,” Abby nodded. “Coupled with the idea of having all eyes on you.”

  “Exactly!” I exclaimed. “He’s used to that, I’m not. If it weren’t for his parents, I would have eloped.”

  They all chuckled. Who was I kidding? I had loved every step of the process, from picking the flowers to finding that flawless dress. The girls had been amazing, helping with everything and anything along the way. It had truly been a breeze, and was far from the horror stories I’d heard.

  “Chop, chop, ladies,” came an order from the doors. “It’s time to eat breakfast, so we can get this show on the road.”

  Oh, did I mention Lexie being my maid of honor might have been the best decision I had ever made? I struggled with choosing between the other girls, so rather than hurt any of their feelings, I asked Lex. She was a perfect fit from the get-go, and the major reason it had all flowed so well.

  “I should probably call my mom anyway, and check on Emma,” Abby said, getting up first.

  I smiled at her back as she went into the house. This had been her first night away from the baby and, despite a crying session early on the previous evening, she had handled it rather well. My brother, on the other hand, called his mother-in-law so many times that she had finally called us. Only after an hour-long conversation reminding him that Connie raised Abby by herself, had he calmed down. I was pretty sure the guys handing him drinks helped too.

  “Are you okay?” I asked Julie, as Jen went into the house with Lexie, while she had yet to move.

  “Yeah,” she sighed. “Just thinking.”

  “Anything you want to talk about?”

  “Umm…today is your day, darling,” she reminded me. “My problems can wait for another day.”

  Knowing she would stay true to her word, I grabbed her hand and pulled her up, absently noticing she didn’t have her wedding band on. Once she was standing, I tucked her hand in the crook of my arm and led her to the door. Letting her go ahead of me, I turned and looked at the backyard of my childhood home. This would be the last time I would enjoy a sunrise here. After today, I would no longer live here, and I couldn’t decide if that made me happy or sad.

  Breakfast flew by and before I knew it, the hairdressers showed up. Lexie had hooked us up with a couple of stylists she knew from Nashville. They were good at their jobs and worked efficiently. The ladies kept us distracted with stories from the entertainment world, which helped the time pass quickly.

  “You relax for a bit,” Jen said, once she and the other bridesmaids were all done up. “We’ll go put our dresses on and show you the entire package.”

  I laughed as they raced for the bedrooms like little girls, giggling as they went. They all warmed my heart. As different as they all were, we all melded together. We held each other up and had become as close as sisters. It was a bond I would forever be grateful for, and never thought I could have since i only had a brother.

  “What do you think?” Julie asked, coming out first.

  “Oh my!” I gasped. “You look amazing!”

  The dresses were royal blue, knee length numbers with halter tops. Coop and I had given each of them a necklace, with a small guitar pick as the charm, and I’d had their names with our wedding day engraved on the back. It was the only jewelry they wore. Brown cowboy boots stitched with the same vibrant color as the dresses completed the ensemble. My boots would match theirs.

  “We have to keep up with you,” Julie joked with a wink.

  I snapped pictures of the girls in various poses, setting us off in another fit of giggles. One request I had for the day was only to have the photographer at the ceremony and reception. I wanted the girls and I to have our alone time. There would be enough paparazzi and crap when we got there.

  “Come on lady, your turn,” Lexie said, taking my hand and leading me toward my bedroom.

  I stopped when I entered the room and took in the sight of my dress hanging from the closet door with the train flowing onto the floor. I had opted for a strapless gown even though I wasn’t normally a dress person. The fabric molded to my form, and the slight dip in the front of the sweetheart neckline would give my new husband a glimpse of the cleavage he always appreciated. Tiny sequins covered the entire bodice while the skirt was smooth. I had opted for a princess silhouette, so I would still get a little flare, but I didn’t want to look like the princesses in the movies. I wanted to be comfortable.

  “Everything okay?” Jen asked, coming up behind me.

  “Yeah,” I told her, content for the first time that day. “It’s just perfect.”

  Her face broke into a knowing smile. I took the dress down and shooed her from the room. I could zip it up for the most part on my own, and I wanted to give them the whole picture at once. I slid off my comfy clothes, leaving me clad in only a wisp of white lacy underwear. I wanted as little between my skin and the dress as possible. I had a feeling it would be off the minute the wedding was over anyway. Gingerly, I stepped the gown and slid it up my body.

  Once I had it on, I zipped what I could and took a deep breath. The mirror was at my back and I slowly turned around so that I could see myself. I was stunned. My hair was done in waves, with only a little pulled up on the top to keep it out of my face. It was pinned back with a few pieces of baby’s breath. I wore the same necklace as the girls, but I had diamond hoops adorning my ears; they were a gift from Keegan. The diamond on my finger sparkled against the sequins where my hand rested.

  “Holy hell,” I murmured with a smile.

  I put my boots on and opened the door. I could hear the girls chatting in the living room. As I got closer, their voices quieted. Stepping around the corner into the room, I presented myself to them. They were silent. If I hadn’t seen the tears or the hands over their mouths, I would have been insulted by the lack of comments. They were literally speechless.

  “He is going to be blown away,” Lexie finally whispered, when she could find her voice.

sp; “Perfect,” I replied, my own voice shaking.

  Tears were wiped away, makeup was retouched, and extra hairspray was applied. Just as we were finishing up, the limo pulled into the driveway. Hiking up my dress, we made our way outside, with Jen and Julie helping to make sure that my train didn’t touch the ground. I was so engrossed in what we were doing that I didn’t notice who had come with the car until a long low whistle was heard.

  “Damn, woman!” Mikey exclaimed. “You’re going to put that man on his ass.”

  “That’s the idea,” I laughed, throwing him a wink and feeling my cheeks warm.

  We piled into the car for the brief drive, but we were held up when we turned up the long drive. I realized now why Mikey was there, people were everywhere! So much for our careful plan to keep the guest list to two hundred people; the paparazzi and fans had arrived in droves. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths. Everyone around me would make sure this went off without a hitch; I just needed to have faith in them. Opening my eyes again, I found Lexie busy texting and whispering with Julie. They had it under control.

  The limo was finally able to pull up to the front of the house. Mikey came around and opened the door for us, the girls getting out first to ensure that I wasn’t seen by the photographers before the groom saw me. The all-clear was given, and we all but dashed from the car to the front door. The guests were already out back, so we congregated in the living room of the old farmhouse, the house that now belonged to me and my fiance. Our new beginning, as husband and wife.

  The back door stood open and on Lexie’s signal, everyone settled into their seats. The music started, causing my stomach to flip and sending my heart racing in my chest. The girls lined up, each dropping a kiss on my cheek, before they stepped out the door. With Lexie’s help, I straightened my dress and stayed to the side of the door as she moved out onto the deck. Just as the music stopped and the “Wedding March” started, I was joined by a familiar male figure.

  “Are you ready, my girl?”

  “Let’s do this, Daddy.”

  The sight of my love walking down the aisle toward me was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen. My eyes filled, and I didn’t bother trying to fight it. Considering we had almost lost him the prior year, it was amazing to see Dale guiding Avery along the path. It was better than any concert or award show, in my mind.

  “Fuck, man,” I heard Evan mumble beside me.

  I nodded to let him know I’d heard him, but I couldn’t take my eyes from Avery. This woman had been my everything, and my nothing, for so long. It was hard to believe that, after all this time, she would officially be mine. I was one lucky bastard and I knew it.

  Her baby blues leaked down her cheeks, but that didn’t take away from her glowing face. The dress she wore clung to her curves and the dip between her cleavage teased and threatened to distract me. I started to feel an erection stir and I had to remind myself we were in front of a shit-ton of people. I had to share her, for now.

  When Avery and Dale stopped in front of me, I had to clasp my hands together to keep from reaching out for her. Her father released her arm and whispered a few things in her ear that made her to smile. He then pulled me in for a hug. I returned it fiercely and more tears wet my cheeks. This was the one thing I had wanted more than anything for her; to have her father walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.

  “I am so glad I can now officially call you my son,” he rasped emotionally. “I couldn’t have asked for better for my little girl.”

  I choked up. There were no words. I wasn’t good enough for her, yet I would bust my ass every day for the rest of my life to show them both I was at least minutely worthy. I squeezed him one more time before he stepped back. He placed Avery’s hand in mine and moved to sit down in the front row. My bride gripped my hand affectionately and I threw her a reassuring smile before we turned to Maggie.

  We had opted for a justice of the peace in our backyard, with our close friends and family, rather than a large church wedding with a reception at some fancy venue. It was more intimate and exactly what she wanted. The security had been a bear, but we made it work by putting up temporary fencing. Avery had been left in the dark about the few glitches, and now that I could see how nervous she was, I was glad she hadn’t had more to worry about.

  “We are here today to join this woman and this man in matrimony,” Maggie started.

  I don’t remember much about the ceremony. I was too caught up in how gorgeous Avery looked, and about the fact that my childhood dreams were now coming true. The woman beside me would be my wife; she would carry my last name. I’m not sure I would ever get used to that idea. I said the words I was told to repeat, and listened while she said hers. The part I had been waiting for finally came.

  “You may kiss the bride,” Maggie said.

  I could do this part. I flashed Avery a wolfish grin and lowered her into a dip before sealing my lips over hers. I wasn’t about to be distracted by the crowd; if anything, the catcalls had me deepening the kiss. I tilted my head and when my wife’s lips parted on a sigh, I dove my tongue in to stroke against hers. The passion had her melting against me and her nails biting into my shoulders through my dress shirt. Before I could get lost in the kiss any further, I slowed it down and pulled back, resting my forehead against hers.

  “That was cruel, Cooper Hall,” she whispered, her eyes opening.

  “Just a little tease for later,” I whispered back.

  Standing us back up, we turned to the crowd, everyone erupted into applause, as Maggie was finally able to officially pronounce us husband and wife. I laughed, as Avery’s face turned three shades of red. Grabbing her hand, I threaded our fingers together and led her back between the rows of chairs, to the house. The wedding party would regroup there so we could go out back and do pictures, and the guests would enjoy a cocktail hour as they waited.

  The pictures seemed to take forever, but I think it was mostly because I wanted to pull off the tie I was wearing. Avery had wanted certain ones done, so I just went with the flow. I groaned and rolled my eyes when I saw Evan take a sip from the flask I had given him as a groomsman gift. I wanted a drink, but where I hadn’t had anything in just over a year, I was hesitant. He wiggled his eyebrows at me and offered it.

  My eyes wandered to where Avery was posing for photos with the girls. Hers met mine and she smiled. Julie handed her a shooter of some sort, and she looked down at it then back at me. We hadn’t said we wouldn’t drink, so I nodded at her. Taking the container from Evan, I took a quick swig, closing my eyes as the liquid burned on the way down. It tasted good, yet I didn’t feel the need for more. I handed it back.

  “You don’t miss it?” Chris asked, stepping up on my other side.

  “What’s that?” I asked with a chuckle, as Lexie, Julie, Jen, and Abby picked up Avery and her hundred-pound dress for a picture.

  “The alcohol.” He gestured to the flask now resting in Evan’s back pocket.

  “Nope,” I replied. “I mean, yeah, I get the desire for it once in a while, but it’s not an aching need type of deal anymore. I can live without it.”

  He nodded, happy with the answer I gave him. I was over the drinking and partying part of my life. I didn’t need it to be a good musician or to put on a good show. Now, looking down at the black titanium band on my fourth finger, I had everything I wanted. My career, my friends, my family, Avery as my wife. I could battle anything with what I had. I didn’t need the alcohol to escape: I didn’t need to escape anything anymore.

  We finished up and went back to the house. The remainder of the day flew by as we ate, danced, and socialized. It was chaotic, crazy, and perfect. If anything was amiss, we didn’t know it and I didn’t want to. I was high on my wife’s smile, laughter, and the way her body moved with her wedding gown. It was getting harder and harder to hide my arousal when she would push up against me during a song, then sashay away.

  “I think it’s time to get you out of that damn dress,”
I growled in her ear as she backed her butt into my erection during a pop song.

  “There are still a lot of people here,” she started to argue, then let out a purr when I wrapped my arms around her to hold her flush against my body, and push against her with my hips.

  “The house is empty,” I reminded her, trailing a path of nibbles down her bare neck when I moved her hair.

  “Let’s go,” she hissed. “Now.”

  That was all I needed. I took her hand in mine and tugged her through the crowd, not even stopping to say goodbye to anyone along the way. Nodding to Evan, I opened the flap of the heated tent and let her go out ahead of me. The chill in the air instantly caused goose bumps on her arms. I pulled her into my arms for a quick kiss to warm her up, and was rewarded with a bite on my lip and her hand caressing the front of my pants.

  “Okay, let’s go,” I urged, taking her hand in mine again.

  Mikey opened the door for us when we got to the back of the house. No words, just a nod, letting us know everything was good. I shook his hand on the way by, and followed Avery to the bedroom, neither of us stopping until we were in the room and the door was closed behind us.

  The room was bathed in soft light and rose petals were scattered everywhere. A soft smell wafted up from the flowers, and the combination of that and Avery’s cherry perfume was intoxicating. She planted her feet when she saw everything, and I took the opportunity to pull her hair together and place it over her shoulder so it cascaded down her chest. My fingers danced across her bare shoulders, around to her shoulder blades, and finally to the zipper at the back of the dress. Her sigh urged me to keep going.

  I slowly drew the zipper down, trailing open-mouthed kisses down her back as the fabric revealed her skin to me. Her hands came around and gripped my pant legs. I rubbed my erection against her butt gently, eliciting a moan from deep within her. When I reached the end of the zipper, she was clad only in a tiny whisper of lace. I pulled the dress down enough for her to step out of it, and picked it up to lay it gently across a chair in the corner. Turning back around, I found her lying on the bed, watching me lustfully. Her boots, panties, and jewelry were all that remained.


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