Daddy Next Door

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Daddy Next Door Page 13

by Tina Lee

  “It’s okay to miss her.” Amy touched his heart. “People never really die, I believe. She will always be right here, in your heart, forever.”

  Josh put his hand over Amy’s. “Forever?” he asked with boyish wonder.

  “Forever,” Amy whispered.

  Diana giggled all the ride home. She had one glass of wine too many. She hung her foot outside the window, letting the wind pass between her toes. Diana laughed. “Scots say cunt a lot. ‘How ya doing you old cunt.’” Diana flung back her head in laughter. Luke chuckled at her impressive Scottish accent.

  “For fuck’s sake. Put yer fuckin foot in the car ya cunt,” Luke dug up his best Scottish accent.

  Diana wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes. “They are good people. They are all warm and friendly. Have you ever been to Scotland?” she asked.

  “No. Never really thought about it.”

  “The weather is shit. Good people, though.” Diana looked in the rear-view mirror and fixed her lipstick.

  Luke drove to Diana’s Airbnb and walked her to her door. Her hands moved around his waist and her lips homed his neck. He held her jaw and kissed her burgundy lips. He had been waiting to do that all night.

  She gently tugged on his shirt to pull him inside but Luke remained firm, not even budging.

  “Don’t you want to come in?” She gave him her most flirtatious smile.

  “I can’t.”

  “Why?” she asked. “I was hoping we’d have dessert.”

  “I had a great evening with you. It’s just that I’m looking for more than a great evening.”

  “You’re looking for more.”


  “I can do relationship,” she said.

  “And how long before you pack your things and fly across the world, leaving me and my boy behind?” He kissed Diana’s forehead. “You’re a wanderer, Diana. It’s in your nature to leave.”

  Diana watched him walk to his car. “What was the name of that wine?” she shouted.

  “California Zinfandel. Trust me, he’ll love it.” Luke got in his car and left Diana The Explorer standing at her door.

  Amy tucked Josh into bed. He was fighting the sleep with all his might. He had a great time with Amy and didn’t want it to end. Not like this. Not to be defeated by slumber. He would rather lay awake in her arms forever. She made him feel good. A feeling not even his own father could give him. Indeed. A woman’s tenderness is like no other.

  “Tell me a story,” he managed to say. If he was to be defeated by slumber, then at least it would be to the sound of her voice.

  Amy didn’t know many stories so she created one. A Mouse’s Journey, she called it, and she wasn’t sure where she was going with this story. Luckily she didn’t have to because Josh had fallen asleep within the second sentence. The hero was now at rest.

  “Amy?” she heard Luke called. He walked into Josh’s room to check up on his boy. Together, Luke and Amy stood by his bedside and watched him sleep. “Did he behave?” Luke whispered.

  “He was great. He has such an active imagination.”

  Luke smiled. “That’s my Josh.” He bent over and kissed his son’s forehead.

  “How was your date?” Amy asked. They took their conversation to the kitchen where Luke poured her a glass of wine. They took their wine glasses to the living room where they watched Netflix together. They discussed spirituality after they watched a documentary on Buddhism. This was not Amy’s first time diving into spirituality, and so Luke was surprised at how informed she was on the topic. Amy taught him a few things that night and they drank the whole bottle of wine without noticing.

  “Are you hungry?” Luke asked.

  “I could eat.”

  “I’ll make you something.”

  Amy looked at her watch. “It’s late and you’re probably tired.”

  “It would be my pleasure.” And so they moved to the kitchen again where Amy watched in awe as the handsome man danced with the frying pan. I could get used to this, she thought.

  Chapter 5

  A my was

  in a place that she once loved. She was once cherished and praised in this land of affection and grace. There, David is chasing her on the beach shoreline with a small bucket of sand in his hand. She ran and laughed and dodged the beachgoers as they returned from the ocean. David was getting closer and closer and closer until he grabbed her and spun her around. He planted a big kiss on her lips then lifted her over his shoulders. “Put me down,” she giggled.

  He spanked her ass. “Shut it!” He carried her down the shore, away from the crowd where they could have some privacy.

  Suddenly she was in his bedroom. She didn’t know how and didn’t bother to question it. Posters of rock bands were taped on the wall. The Killers, Linkin Park, The American Reject and Fall Out Boys just to name a few. In the corner was David’s guitar collection. She wasn’t allowed to go near them. They were expensive gifts from his father. David sat on the bed, shirtless, with a chocolate bar wrapper between his lips. They weren’t saying anything. She walked over and pushed him flat on the bed. Amy sat on top of David, took the chocolate from his mouth and into hers.

  They were inside a movie theater. From David’s bed to a movie theater in seconds. Again, she didn’t question it. On the big screen, Vin Diesel was stepped his foot on the gas and tore down the long road. While Vin Diesel was running from the police, David was kissing on Amy’s neck. David’s hand slid up her inner thigh. David smelled good. That was the sense that most appealed to her. His lips sucked on her skin while Vin Diesel evaded the police, but only barely.

  “Amy. Amy.” She heard Vin Diesel say. That couldn’t be right, could it? “Amy!” he said again.

  Amy’s eyes opened to see Brenda over her. “Amy!” Brenda said and nudged her shoulder.

  “What?” Amy’s dream was interrupted. David’s soft kisses were gone. She touched the spot on her neck where his lips were. She missed him even more.

  “I need your help,” Brenda said.

  Amy pulled the covers over her head. Maybe if she closed her eyes tight enough and forced herself to sleep, then she could continue her dream where she had left off.

  “A guy is sleeping on our couch,” Brenda said.

  “What do you mean a guy is on our couch? How did he get there?”

  Brenda clasped her hands together and sighed. “I sort of brought him home last night.”

  “Sort of? Did you or did you not?”

  Brenda was starting to reconsider asking for Amy’s help if she was going to rub her face in it. “I had a couple drinks, I met a guy and I brought him home, Okay? Now he’s sleeping and I want you to ask him to leave.”

  Amy thought about it with her finger on her lip. “I’d rather not. You deal with it.” She disappeared under the covers.

  “Enough of this.” Brenda dragged the covers off Amy. “Get up. We’re kicking him out right now.”

  “Ughhh.” Amy dragged herself out of bed and put on a shorts. Brenda led Amy to the living-room where he was sleeping.

  “Wake him up and make up some excuse why he has to leave.”

  “What’s his name?” Amy asked.

  “How should I know?” Brenda shrugged.

  “But you—”

  “I barely remember anything from last night.”

  “Okay. Whatever.” Amy took soft steps towards the man like he was a sleeping bear. He was big in stature with hairy arms and a full beard. He had on a red flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up and blue jeans that were way too low, displaying his ass crack to Amy.

  Amy was surprised that Brenda would go for this type of guy. Her type always seemed to be the young professionals that dressed and spoke well. Brenda stood in the kitchen and peaked.

  Amy tapped on the man’s shoulder. “Hey,” she said softly. The man didn’t respond. She tapped him harder. “Hey!” she said louder. Again the man didn’t respond.

  “Is he breathing?” Brenda asked from the kitch

  “He’s not dead.” Amy gave the man a hard nudge. “HEY! Wake up.”

  The man groaned beastly. “Uhh?” the man said, followed by gibberish.

  “You need to wake up.”

  The man stretched his big arms then rubbed his eyes. “Who are you?” He looked around with a look of unfamiliarity. “Where am I?”

  “You’re in my home. You came home with my roommate last night. She had fun but now it’s time to go. We are expecting company soon.”

  “Oh yeah! Brenda.” He looked around, “Where is she?”

  Brenda revealed herself. She faked a yawn and stretched. “Hey, you’re awake.”

  He smiled as she appeared. “I had fun last night.”

  Amy looked at Brenda and smiled. “Oh, you two had fun, uh?”

  He nodded. “We certainly did.” He chuckled. “We should hang out again.”

  “Yeah, sure. I’ll take down your number and ring you anytime I’m free.”

  His smile disappeared. “I don’t have a phone. Well, I do have a phone but it’s not connected.”

  Brenda was delighted to hear that. “Oh no.”

  He bowed his head in shame. “Things haven’t been going too good for me these last couple months. I’m unemployed and broke. If it continues like this then I’m going be homeless too.” He palmed his face with both hands so they wouldn’t have to see his tears. Amy and Brenda looked at each other with the expression what the fuck?

  “It’s just so hard.” He sobbed and choked. “Nothing good is going on in my life.” He then looked up at Brenda with his eyes filled with tears. “Last night was the best time I had in a very long time.

  Shit, thought Brenda. Now it’s going to be hard for him to leave. Brenda sat beside him and rubbed his shoulder, comforting him. “Things will get better. I believe in you.”

  “You do?”

  “Yeah,” Brenda said unconvincingly.

  “I believe in you too,” Amy said. “I don’t know you but you seem like a nice guy. You will figure it all out.”

  “Thanks.” He wiped his tears with his shirt. “I don’t normally ever cry. It’s just been weighing on me.”

  “It’s perfectly fine. We all need a cry now and then,” Amy said.

  “I should get going and let you two get on with your day.” He hugged Brenda, shook Amy’s hand then headed for the door.

  Something didn’t feel right to Brenda. Letting him leave like this didn’t feel like the right thing to do. “Wait. At least stay for breakfast.”

  Amy looked at Brenda with her eyebrow raised. What are you doing? she thought.

  “Are you sure?” He turned and look at Brenda with puppy dog eyes.

  “Yeah. I’m sure.” Brenda gave him a warm smile.

  He sat around the table and eagerly awaited the meal. He hadn’t eaten since midday the day before. Brenda’s eggs, bacon, and toast definitely beat the pop-tarts he was going to home too. His mouth watered as he was served. Without taking any time to say thank you or even pray, he dug in, taking a big chuck out of the toast. Brenda rested a glass of orange juice beside his plate. He took one big gulped and halved the glass. Brenda immediately refilled his glass.

  “I didn’t get your name,” Amy said.

  “It Jack,” he said with his mouth full. Jack washed down the bread with the orange juice and released a loud burp. It frightened Amy, who didn’t know someone could burp so loud. “Thank you so much.”

  “Do you want seconds?” Brenda asked.

  “Yes please.”

  “Coming right up.”

  Jake wasn’t bad looking at all, Amy thought. He was rough around the edges. Nothing a good haircut and shave couldn’t fix. He needed to work on his table manners, but other than that he seemed like a nice guy. “I’m Amy.”

  “I know. Brenda told me about you last night.”

  “I did?” Brenda asked.

  Amy looked at Brenda then at Jack. “Good things I hope.”

  “She said you were gorgeous…and single.”

  Amy laughed. “Oh my God. Do you go around and tell everyone I’m single.”

  “Yes, I do, and I won’t stop until you have found the one.” Brenda dished more bacon and eggs into Jack’s plate.

  “She asked if I had any attractive, Christian, guy friends I could set you up with.”

  Amy nearly spat out her orange juice. “Wow.”

  “Sorry, Amy. The friends I have aren’t Christian and they aren’t attractive.”

  “It’s fine, Jack.” She turned to Brenda. “And you, stop advertising me. I’m fine and I’m happy. I don’t need you to set me up with anyone, okay?”

  Brenda took a seat at the table. “Okay fine.”

  They sat around the table and ate together. Jack told them more about himself. He was pretty much on the streets since he was a kid. Doing work here and there but nothing stable. He was good with his hands, and boast that he could fix anything. “If you want me to fix anything, just give a call,” then he remembered that his service was disconnected.

  Jack seemed like a big soft teddy bear. On the exterior, he looked like a guy that no one would mess with. His arms were huge and his hands big. His face was scruffy and his voice deep. He could rip apart a phone-book if he wanted to, Amy thought. His personality, though, did not match that of a stereotypical macho guy. He seemed humble and honest and carefree.

  “I see that your cupboard door is hanging off. Let me fix it for you. The least I could do for a wonderful breakfast.”

  “Yeah, why not,” Brenda said.

  “Okay, I’ll go for my tools and come back.”

  Amy and Brenda had been wanting to fix the cupboard for months. While he was here, we might as well let him fix the sink too, Amy thought.

  Jack went to get his tools, and the women felt like they had failed the mission terribly. “Don’t say it, “ Brenda said.

  “Don’t say what?”

  “You’re going to judge me.”

  “What? No. He seems like a nice guy. If you like him then it’s whatever.”

  “I don’t like him.”

  “If you say so.” Amy winked.

  “What’s that suppose to mean?”

  Amy walked into her room while singing, “Brenda and Jack, sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g.”

  “Jesus. Grow up.” Brenda laughed.

  Jack returned with a knapsack full of tools, a hard boot on his feet and a cap on his head. The truckers cap hiding his mess of a hair, making him look more attractive. It fit well with his beard and flannel shirt.

  Amy sat at her small desk with a pen and a notebook. She was planning things to do over the summer. She was tired of the looming dark cloud that followed her everywhere she went. The sun was bright and it was time to let it into her life. In six weeks school would commence again, and that will come with stress, depression, and pain of trying to live by the standards set by her parents and her family. So before the time comes where she would have to sacrifice all her time in obtaining that very important piece of paper, she would like to enjoy the summer. After all, isn’t that what summers are for? The burst of rays and warm weather and happy people. The season that lifted our spirits and encouraged us to take on life and ride the bull of life. Because come winter, when the sun isn’t so bright and the weather isn’t so warm, we settle for days of introspection rather than days of enthusiasm.

  First on Amy’s list was the beach. It was only a thirty minutes drive yet she hardly found the time for it. What better way to spend the summer than diving into an ocean that was as blue as her eyes?

  Jack started hammering in the kitchen. Amy used her feet to kick the room door shut.

  “Amy! Luke is at the door.”

  Amy jumped up and rushed out her room, not before checking her face in the mirror. Luke and Josh stood outside the apartment door with smiles on their faces.

  “Hey Amy,” Josh said. His beaming smile was bright enough to light a whole city. “Dad and I are going to get some groc
eries. Wanna come?”

  “He kept asking if you could come along,” Luke said. He pointed at Jack whose buttcrack was showing. “But it seems you’re busy at the moment.”

  Josh giggled at the sight of Jack’s buttcrack.

  “That’s actually Brenda’s friend fixing our kitchen cupboard. It’s been hanging off for the longest time.”

  “Oh really? Then you should have said something. I would have fixed it for you.”

  Amy smiled. “To be honest you didn’t seem like the type to fix cupboards.”

  “My dad can fix anything!”

  “That’s right, Josh. Amy here thinks because I wear a suit all day that I can’t fix a cupboard.”

  “Clark Kent wears a suit to work but he’s Superman,” Josh scolded Amy.

  Amy, slightly embarrassed by her bad judgment, apologized. “I will definitely call you the next time I need anything to be fixed.”

  Luke gazed into her icy blue eyes. “I am always at your service.” They shared a moment of lust hidden behind a veil of silence. They knew what the other was thinking.

  Josh, watching the two adults stare at each other, got impatient. “Are you coming, Amy?”

  She finally noticed Josh. “Yeah, sure.”

  They got in Luke’s car and head on their way. It was good to get out the house for a change. Amy was sick of being inside the house all day.

  “Let’s play I Spy,” Josh said.

  Amy loved the idea. “Are you ready, Josh?”

  “I spy, with my little eye, something…blue!”

  “Ummmm.” Josh thought about it. “The sky!”


  “That car.” Josh pointed.


  Josh leaned in the backseat and thought about it. He decided not to rush his answer this time. What was Amy looking at? he thought. He tried to mimic her movements and think like her. Then…eureka! “I got it. The blue handkerchief in dad’s top pocket.”


  Amy was always looking at his dad. Josh caught them staring at each other in silence again. They were doing it a lot.


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