To Skin a Wolf

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To Skin a Wolf Page 15

by A. L. Kessler

Not that I could remember them completely. “You could say that. I didn’t think you were allowed to step foot in Levi’s mansion.”

  “He made an exception to let me watch over you during the day. He was worried about how you were reacting to the drugs they gave you. You had nightmares all day, but that’s it. No throwing up or thrashing around uncontrollably.” Oliver shrugged. “But he was concerned, and I wanted to be here for the explanation of what happened.”

  I rubbed my eyes. “Always something that benefits you.”

  “You never know what information you might be able to gather when you think about how a situation might work for you. It’s how I can gauge who I want as my allies and who I want as my enemies.” He stepped out of the doorway. “When you’re ready, Levi, Mario, and I will be in the kitchen. I have coffee and a light breakfast for you.”

  I didn’t even want to think about food right now, but coffee…I could always go for coffee. “I’ll be there in a few minutes. I want a shower.” I didn’t want to know what the hell kind of filth I might be sitting in if I’d been strapped to a bed for two days.

  He shut the door behind him, and I got up and stripped my clothes off. I debated on if washing them would be good enough, but I dumped them in the bathroom trash when I walked in. I stepped into the shower and ran the water as hot as I could stand it. The spray burned my skin a little bit as I stepped under it and let it wash over me.

  I closed my eyes and concentrated on my breathing. The best thing I could have done right now was to take a walk in nature and ground myself, but I didn’t have that kind of time while I had three people waiting for an explanation. I was sure each one would rip into me on how I made the wrong choice. Maybe. I had protected our allies as one of Levi’s people. Maybe he’d think I made the right choice. I had to question if Merick told Simon to get Levi and why? And what the hell did Ira want my blood for? He certainly didn’t get enough for a transfusion. He couldn’t use just three vials of it for his experiments.

  I scrubbed my skin and my hair before stepping out. Levi had been right the night before. I’d exposed myself to someone I couldn’t threaten into silence, and I was probably going to face some consequence for it. Hopefully, it wouldn’t cost me my job, if I had one left to start with. My phone had been in my bag, so I had no way of texting Simon to let him know I was alright. I also had no way of calling Boss Man to see if I still had a job or not.

  I walked into the dining room to find a steaming cup of coffee sitting next to a danish. Levi, Mario, and Oliver all looked at me with blank faces. I sat down and cupped my hands around the coffee. “How much did Simon tell you?” I didn’t want to repeat any part of the story if I could help it.

  “That Ira threatened to kill all the pups if you didn’t go with him. You surrendered your weapon and went without question.” Mario stated. “A stupid move.”

  “I stopped the slaughter of five pups and kept peace with our allies that way.” I met Mario’s gaze. “I was there as one of Levi’s people, not a PIB agent. Besides, taking on five blood-starved vampires and Ira sounded more like death for all of us. Me included.”

  “He obviously wanted you alive.” Mario motioned to me. “You’re still breathing.”

  Which had also been the case when Ira had visited me at the house. “I was banking on that when I went with him willingly. What I hadn’t expected was to be drugged and strapped to a table the whole time.”

  “What else happened?” There was something in Levi’s voice that I couldn’t decipher. Something beyond worry.

  “They took a few tubes of blood. I don’t know what their intentions are, but I’m hoping they aren’t working with a witch.”

  “Why?” Levi and Mario asked at the same time, and Oliver’s eyes widened.

  “There are so many malicious spells that one can do with blood. They could essentially have control over Abigail if they are working with a witch who would practice black magic.” He shook his head. “Maybe it was destroyed in the fire.”

  I could hope. “I don’t know. It sounded like maybe they wanted it for tests. I’m not sure though because any time they were talking I was drugged up and the words faded in and out. Last night was the first time the drugs faded and I could form a coherent thought. It was the only reason I could think to control the fire.”

  “And Levi neglected to tell me that you were an elemental.” Mario shot Levi a nasty look. “That complicates things a bit more.”

  So Levi did keep secrets from Mario. Interesting. “I don’t see how it’s any of your concern. It’s one of those facts that only a select few know. Nor do I know why it complicates your case more.”

  “It doesn’t.” Levi shook his head. “How do you feel now?”

  “I’m still tired, but I feel fine. So whatever it was, it’s out of my system. I have to get back to work. Simon’s second-in-command was attacked, and I need to bring in the man who is killing wolves. Then, I’m going to go after Ira.”

  “You can’t.” All three of them said together.

  I sipped my coffee and gave myself a moment before responding. “Watch me. You can let me help with your case, either as a PIB agent if I’m reinstated, as one of Levi’s people, or I simply start tracking down Ira on my own.”

  “And what are you going to do when you find him? You already stated that you aren’t a match for him.” Mario shook his head. “You’re not going to be able to bring him in.”

  “Who said anything about bringing him in?” I shook my head. “I’m going to kill him.”

  Oliver couldn’t hide his smile while the vampires just stared at me. “Abigail…” Levi shook his head.

  “I can do it if I can catch him without his horde of blood-starved vampires. All I have to do is get him distracted enough that I can shoot him. Maybe stake him afterward. Or find his daytime place and stake him.” I shrugged one shoulder.

  Mario shook his head. “So stubborn. You can’t touch this case.”

  “I can if it crosses PIB’s table.”

  “It won’t. The Vampire King has taken it over.” Levi shook his head. “So no PIB will be on site. You could do it as one of my people, but after two encounters with Ira, I’m debating on putting you into hiding.”

  I sipped my coffee. “You’d ground me to the mansion like I’m a child?”

  “And have someone watch you to make sure you don’t leave.” Levi folded his hands on the table. “It hasn’t come down to that. Yet. But if Ira tries to get you again, then that’s what will happen.”

  “I’m not a child.”

  “No, you’re not, but I will not have him use you to get to me again.” Levi stood. “Simon left your bag here for you, knowing that you don’t like to be without it. He said something about feeding your cat while you were gone.”

  So he had been to the house to talk to Merick. He seemed to be keeping the secret. Which was nice. “Thank you. For coming to get me.”

  Levi hesitated. “I couldn’t just leave you there not knowing if he was torturing you or not.”

  “How did you know he wasn’t lying about having me? That he hadn’t threatened Simon into coming to talk to you?”

  “He sent me a lock of your hair and one of the vials of blood.” Levi’s shoulders slouched. “I couldn’t just let him keep you.”

  Which went against everything he taught me. Pretend not to care, don’t fall into that trap. “I’m sorry.”

  “This is a tricky situation, Abigail. We both have to do what we must. You would never have forgiven yourself if Ira had slaughtered those pups. You would have tormented yourself thinking that their blood was on your hands.”

  He was right. “The nightmares would have been horrible and the guilt worse.” I agreed. “Simon would never have forgiven me either.”

  “Simon would have been dealing with the same guilt. Please, lay low for a little bit.”

  “Until I get my badge back.” I agreed. “Or I get a lead on Ira.”

  He shook his head and left the room. I lo
oked at Mario. “Aren’t you leaving too?”

  “You risked his life for a bunch of pups.” Mario clenched his fists on the top of the table. “You…you stupid little witch, put his life in danger because you couldn’t stand the idea of the wolves being killed.”

  I raised my brow and looked at Oliver who sat back looking amused. “You’re telling me that I should have let Ira slaughter them.”

  “I’m saying you should never have been in the situation. Levi allows you these luxuries like working for PIB and running around on your own to use magic, all while it puts him and his territory at risk. You are a reflection on him, even if you aren’t a vampire.”

  What the hell was he going on about? “I don’t have to listen to this.” I stood. “I need to get back to the city.”

  Oliver stood as well, and I assumed he was going to be my ride back since my Hummer was still downtown. Hopefully still in one piece and not towed.

  “You know I’m right. He keeps you at arm’s length, away from all the vampire stuff, to keep you safe, to allow you the freedom he seems to think you deserve, but in reality…” Mario shook his head and disappeared from his seat.

  I rubbed my eyes. “What the hell is he talking about?”

  “I’m not exactly sure.” Oliver started out of the dining room. “Let’s get back to the city.”

  I wondered if he was going to lecture me the whole way there or not, but I wasn’t going to push. With any luck, he’d let me sit in silence and digest everything that had happened.


  I had gotten my wish. Oliver didn’t push for any extra information. He’d put on some classical music, and we made the drive in silence. He’d dropped me off at my house where the Hummer sat in the driveway, and I wondered who was nice enough to locate it and bring it back home. I walked into my house and collapsed on the couch, leaning my head back. I took a moment before I dug my phone out of my bag and powered it on, someone had been nice enough to turn it off to conserve the battery. I didn’t want to be bombarded by texts and voicemails while I was on the ride home with my uncle. There was just too much that I didn’t want to explain to him; of course, he probably had my phone bugged again.

  Osiris came around the corner, prancing on his paws. He looked around and then shifted into Merick.

  “You’re alright.”

  “Yeah, I’m okay. I think alright might be a bit of an overstatement at this point.” I looked at him. “Did you reveal yourself to Simon?”

  He started laughing. “I did, and to see his face when he walked in and started talking to me. ‘Abby swears you need to know what’s going on.’” He started laughing harder. “What exactly did you tell him?”

  “I didn’t know what else to say or how to get the word for someone who could help me. I told Simon that he needed to feed you and that you like to know where I’m at.” I shook my head and chuckled. “Did you send him to Levi?”

  “I did because I knew he could handle Ira better than I could.” He stopped laughing. “Simon was extremely worried about you; he said he didn’t know if you’d be coming back. When I shifted to talk to him, he about passed out, but he begged me to let him know when you came back safe.”

  That lifted my heart a little bit. “Ira…” I shook my head. “I’m going to shoot the bastard. Again.” My phone chirped a few times after it finished powering up. I glanced at it. “I don’t know what to tell Simon, because the truth isn’t going to be comforting for him.”

  “What do you think Ira wanted with you?”

  “I don’t know. He said he was going make me die slowly. I’d say he was going to turn me into one of his subjects, but all of them have been male so far, and there’s been no change in that. So I don’t think that was going to be it.” I pulled up my text message screen. Jason had gotten the results back on the hair already. I questioned why he would be sending me the results if I wasn’t officially reinstated and saw that I had a couple voice mails. I hit the shortcut to check the voice mail.

  “Abigail, this is Boss Man, you’ve been cleared, you can pick up your badge when you get this message.”

  The next one was also from him. “Abigail, we need to talk. I’m assuming you took yourself on vacation, but it’s time to come back to work.”

  I deleted both of the messages and looked at the clock. It was almost midnight. Boss Man wouldn’t be in until eight. “Pizza really should deliver this late.”

  “Sounds like you’re back on the job though. That’s good.” Merick stood. “As soon as some of this blows over, I’ll leave you back to your life in peace.”

  I wasn’t sure if this was every going to just blow over, but I suppose I could wish. “Having someone watch my back isn’t so bad. Had you not told Simon to talk to Levi, I might still be strapped to a bed and drugged.” I shivered. “Under the control of Ira, my blood at his disposal.”

  “Please tell me the blood was destroyed in the fire.” Merick’s eyes grew wide. “The power he could have over you—“

  “I don’t know if it was. How did you know about the fire?”

  “Simon filled me in after he got back from taking care of the pups.”

  “I’m hoping it was. I doubt that they would ship it off to some lab. When we busted the last lab, it looked like they did everything on site. I know he sent one container to Levi.”

  “Which explains why he waited so long to get you. He wasn’t sure if Ira actually had you.”

  “I asked Levi how he knew Simon was telling the truth, and he told me Ira gave him a lock of hair and a thing of blood. Simon’s word hadn’t played a part in it.” I shook my head. “Mario might have tried to convince him to leave me there.”

  “Mario knows what he’s doing as an advisor, any choice Levi made to go get you was against his will.” Merick shook his head. “You’re getting dragged into this further than you should. I’d make Levi include me in the case at this point.”

  “I told him I was going after Ira. Neither of them liked that.” I sighed. “Tomorrow I have to go pick up my badge and start that case. If I can bring Zachary in, then I have a little more wiggle room to force myself into Levi’s case. It should be in PIB’s hands.”

  “And it’s not?”

  “No, they said that the Vampire King had taken it from PIB.”

  Something crossed Merick’s face but he hid it with a smile. “Be careful then; you’d have to go in as—“

  “Levi’s person, yeah, I know. I’m going to bed now.” I stood and walked up the stairs. My room was exactly as I’d left it. Part of me expected there to be a little note or something.

  “Hey, Merick.”

  “Yes?” He called back from downstairs.

  “Did you leave me a note after that ghost case? With a picture of Levi?”

  Nothing but silence came from downstairs. I was going to assume that was a yes, but he didn’t want to admit to it. Interesting. I’d never really looked into the note before, because I figured someone had gotten in and was trying to play tricks on me. Before I got the fancy security system, people were always popping in when they felt like it. It was one of the reasons I’d gotten a security system, damn shame it didn’t work on vampires though. The only thing my question to Merick had confirmed was that he knew more than he was letting on.

  I walked into Boss Man’s office the next morning, dressed and ready to get back to my case. “Good morning.”

  He swiveled around in his chair to look at me. “Good morning, Agent Collins.”

  It’d only be a couple days, but it was nice to hear Agent in front of my last name. “You said that I could come and pick up my badge?”

  “I did, but you and I have something to discuss first.”

  What on earth could I have done now? “Yes, sir?”

  “Sit please.” He motioned to the chair in front of his desk. “I was sent a video of you when you captured Tomes. First I want to commend you for being so calm and quick thinking.”

  How on earth did someone get video
of that? Oliver had admitted to not having any surveillance near my house. I tried to keep the panic from showing on my face. “Thank you, sir. I’m still trying to figure out who let him out on bail.”

  “I’m working on that as well; he should have been held without bail since he’d been using necromancy to kill.” He turned his computer screen towards me and hit play on the grainy video.

  It might have been grainy, but the message was clear. I had used my circle and summoned fire with it. Controlling it. The trick wouldn’t have helped me with Ira at the pack grounds because I would have trapped the wolves in it as well, but it was an impressive sight with Tomes. I couldn’t figure out what to say about the video, and Boss Man’s blank face gave me no clue as to how he was expecting me to react.

  “You’re an elemental, Agent Collins. That wasn’t on your resume.”

  “I just discovered the ability two years ago, sir. There hasn’t been much training in control—“

  “Don’t feed me that line. You’re strong, but you’re not strong enough to learn this on your own. That’s great skill there, to conjure fire with your magic circle. Two years you say?”

  “Since the barn case. Devon Avarin was an elemental, and he woke the ability in me.” I sighed. “I didn’t think it was important to mention because as you know, the government fears them.”

  “Your secret is safe with me. I’ll have IT hunt down who sent this video to me. I caution that you be much more careful with your ability if you don’t want to end up on someone’s ‘to-be-studied’ list.”

  I nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Also, Agent Collins, someone has been using Nick’s key-pass for the office, do you have any idea who it is and how they might have gotten ahold of it?”

  I shook my head. “That’s news to me, sir. I thought the key-pass had been destroyed in the bombing.”

  “I thought that too. I’ll have security check it out.”

  Hopefully, Oliver was smart enough to think about that; I had other things I needed to worry about. “Is that all?”

  He flicked his wrist and my badge came flying at me. I caught it and clipped it back to my belt. “Go put that asshole wolf in his place.”


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