The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance

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The Invisible Man: A Grotesque Romance Page 24

by H. G. Wells



  "But now," said Kemp, with a side glance out of the window, "whatare we to do?"

  He moved nearer his guest as he spoke in such a manner as toprevent the possibility of a sudden glimpse of the three men whowere advancing up the hill road--with an intolerable slowness, asit seemed to Kemp.

  "What were you planning to do when you were heading for PortBurdock? _Had_ you any plan?"

  "I was going to clear out of the country. But I have altered thatplan rather since seeing you. I thought it would be wise, now theweather is hot and invisibility possible, to make for the South.Especially as my secret was known, and everyone would be on thelookout for a masked and muffled man. You have a line of steamersfrom here to France. My idea was to get aboard one and run therisks of the passage. Thence I could go by train into Spain, or elseget to Algiers. It would not be difficult. There a man might alwaysbe invisible--and yet live. And do things. I was using that trampas a money box and luggage carrier, until I decided how to get mybooks and things sent over to meet me."

  "That's clear."

  "And then the filthy brute must needs try and rob me! He _has_ hiddenmy books, Kemp. Hidden my books! If I can lay my hands on him!"

  "Best plan to get the books out of him first."

  "But where is he? Do you know?"

  "He's in the town police station, locked up, by his own request, inthe strongest cell in the place."

  "Cur!" said the Invisible Man.

  "But that hangs up your plans a little."

  "We must get those books; those books are vital."

  "Certainly," said Kemp, a little nervously, wondering if he heardfootsteps outside. "Certainly we must get those books. But thatwon't be difficult, if he doesn't know they're for you."

  "No," said the Invisible Man, and thought.

  Kemp tried to think of something to keep the talk going, but theInvisible Man resumed of his own accord.

  "Blundering into your house, Kemp," he said, "changes all my plans.For you are a man that can understand. In spite of all that hashappened, in spite of this publicity, of the loss of my books, ofwhat I have suffered, there still remain great possibilities, hugepossibilities--"

  "You have told no one I am here?" he asked abruptly.

  Kemp hesitated. "That was implied," he said.

  "No one?" insisted Griffin.

  "Not a soul."

  "Ah! Now--" The Invisible Man stood up, and sticking his arms akimbobegan to pace the study.

  "I made a mistake, Kemp, a huge mistake, in carrying this thingthrough alone. I have wasted strength, time, opportunities. Alone--itis wonderful how little a man can do alone! To rob a little,to hurt a little, and there is the end.

  "What I want, Kemp, is a goal-keeper, a helper, and a hiding-place,an arrangement whereby I can sleep and eat and rest in peace, andunsuspected. I must have a confederate. With a confederate, withfood and rest--a thousand things are possible.

  "Hitherto I have gone on vague lines. We have to consider all thatinvisibility means, all that it does not mean. It means littleadvantage for eavesdropping and so forth--one makes sounds. It'sof little help--a little help perhaps--in housebreaking and soforth. Once you've caught me you could easily imprison me. But onthe other hand I am hard to catch. This invisibility, in fact, isonly good in two cases: It's useful in getting away, it's useful inapproaching. It's particularly useful, therefore, in killing. I canwalk round a man, whatever weapon he has, choose my point, strikeas I like. Dodge as I like. Escape as I like."

  Kemp's hand went to his moustache. Was that a movementdownstairs?

  "And it is killing we must do, Kemp."

  "It is killing we must do," repeated Kemp. "I'm listening to yourplan, Griffin, but I'm not agreeing, mind. _Why_ killing?"

  "Not wanton killing, but a judicious slaying. The point is, theyknow there is an Invisible Man--as well as we know there is anInvisible Man. And that Invisible Man, Kemp, must now establish aReign of Terror. Yes; no doubt it's startling. But I mean it. AReign of Terror. He must take some town like your Burdock andterrify and dominate it. He must issue his orders. He can do thatin a thousand ways--scraps of paper thrust under doors wouldsuffice. And all who disobey his orders he must kill, and killall who would defend them."

  "Humph!" said Kemp, no longer listening to Griffin but to the soundof his front door opening and closing.

  "It seems to me, Griffin," he said, to cover his wanderingattention, "that your confederate would be in a difficultposition."

  "No one would know he was a confederate," said the Invisible Man,eagerly. And then suddenly, "Hush! What's that downstairs?"

  "Nothing," said Kemp, and suddenly began to speak loud and fast."I don't agree to this, Griffin," he said. "Understand me, I don'tagree to this. Why dream of playing a game against the race? Howcan you hope to gain happiness? Don't be a lone wolf. Publishyour results; take the world--take the nation at least--into yourconfidence. Think what you might do with a million helpers--"

  The Invisible Man interrupted--arm extended. "There arefootsteps coming upstairs," he said in a low voice.

  "Nonsense," said Kemp.

  "Let me see," said the Invisible Man, and advanced, arm extended,to the door.

  And then things happened very swiftly. Kemp hesitated for a secondand then moved to intercept him. The Invisible Man started and stoodstill. "Traitor!" cried the Voice, and suddenly the dressing-gownopened, and sitting down the Unseen began to disrobe. Kemp madethree swift steps to the door, and forthwith the Invisible Man--hislegs had vanished--sprang to his feet with a shout. Kemp flung thedoor open.

  As it opened, there came a sound of hurrying feet downstairs andvoices.

  With a quick movement Kemp thrust the Invisible Man back, sprangaside, and slammed the door. The key was outside and ready. Inanother moment Griffin would have been alone in the belvederestudy, a prisoner. Save for one little thing. The key had beenslipped in hastily that morning. As Kemp slammed the door it fellnoisily upon the carpet.

  Kemp's face became white. He tried to grip the door handle withboth hands. For a moment he stood lugging. Then the door gave sixinches. But he got it closed again. The second time it was jerked afoot wide, and the dressing-gown came wedging itself into theopening. His throat was gripped by invisible fingers, and he lefthis hold on the handle to defend himself. He was forced back,tripped and pitched heavily into the corner of the landing. Theempty dressing-gown was flung on the top of him.

  Halfway up the staircase was Colonel Adye, the recipient of Kemp'sletter, the chief of the Burdock police. He was staring aghast atthe sudden appearance of Kemp, followed by the extraordinary sightof clothing tossing empty in the air. He saw Kemp felled, andstruggling to his feet. He saw him rush forward, and go down again,felled like an ox.

  Then suddenly he was struck violently. By nothing! A vast weight,it seemed, leapt upon him, and he was hurled headlong down thestaircase, with a grip on his throat and a knee in his groin. Aninvisible foot trod on his back, a ghostly patter passed downstairs,he heard the two police officers in the hall shout and run, and thefront door of the house slammed violently.

  He rolled over and sat up staring. He saw, staggering down thestaircase, Kemp, dusty and disheveled, one side of his face whitefrom a blow, his lip bleeding, and a pink dressing-gown and someunderclothing held in his arms.

  "My God!" cried Kemp, "the game's up! He's gone!"


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