Omega Teacher’s Secret

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Omega Teacher’s Secret Page 21

by Anna Wineheart

  “Which head?” Brad cupped Ian between the legs. “I’m really good at making this one get big.”

  Ian squawked, his face burning. “Brad!”

  Brad squeezed Ian’s cock, then released him, a smug grin playing on his lips. “I know all the ways to make you come, Ian McMillan.”

  Ian eased out from between Brad and the door, his ears burning. “Well, don’t tell everyone.”

  “Nope. Gonna keep it a secret.”

  Ian tidied the papers on his desk. Brad stepped up behind him. He kissed Ian on the neck, where his bonding mark was.

  “I love you,” Brad whispered. Then he slipped out of the office, the door closing with a soft click.

  Ian blushed. He touched the healed scar, remembering the sight of it in his mirror, silvery lines in the shape of Brad’s teeth.

  Ian had thought about returning the marking. He wasn’t sure if he really wanted to, though. Placing a bonding mark on Brad... that felt like he would be chaining Brad down.

  Someone knocked on the door, three sharp taps. Ian jumped, his pulse skittering. Was it Harold? “Come on in.”

  June poked her head into the office, and Ian relaxed a little.

  “Thought I might find you here,” June said. “I saw Brad leaving when I turned the corner.”

  She raised a knowing eyebrow, and Ian gulped. It wasn’t like they’d been fucking. Brad had a decent sense of restraint. At least, he did now that they were sleeping together regularly.

  “Is something the matter?” Ian asked.

  “Nah. Gwen’s asleep. I was wondering if you needed me to refresh the scent marking.”

  Ian sighed. It was kind of her to volunteer—the chemistry department had been unforgiving with him lately, and Ian had seen the other professors eyeing his bonding mark. “That’d be helpful. I’d almost forgotten.”

  June snorted, closing the door behind her. “Why am I not surprised?”

  Ian blushed.

  “Harold contacted me this morning, by the way,” June said, stopping in front of Ian. “He asked if I wanted to take over the lab.”

  Ian’s stomach clenched. “The—the lab?”

  What about me? I’m in charge of the lab. Not June.

  “Yeah.” June winced. “He didn’t speak with you?”

  “He didn’t.” Ian held his breath. “What did you say?”

  June gave him a crooked smile. “I declined. Figured you’d want to hang on to your position as long as you can.”

  Ian bit his lip. Then he realized that, if June had said yes... Harold would’ve taken Ian down a level, his rank and pay and all. Without even consulting him, knowing that Ian already had tenure at the college. Ian was an omega, after all. As an alpha, June would be given priority in the department’s ranks.

  “You... you could’ve accepted it,” Ian said haltingly. “You have a family, too.”

  And then he felt a stab of guilt, because June had foregone a pay raise because of him. She could’ve used that extra money.

  June shrugged and smiled. “It wouldn’t be fair to you. I’m not that desperate for a raise, Ian. You need the money more than I do.”

  She ran her wrists across his forehead, leaving her birch scent on his skin. Then, his hair, his neck, and his shoulders.

  June’s scent didn’t completely mask Brad’s, but it was a fresh enough marking that most people wouldn’t question it. At least, it would still give Harold the impression that Ian was cheating with June. As though Ian would even think of doing that.

  It shook Ian, though, knowing that Harold thought so little of him. Knowing that all it would take was some alpha saying yes, and Ian would be at the mercy of another professor.

  He sighed, feeling helpless. Wasn’t sure it was the right thing, staying on at this job. But it wasn’t as though he could find another that paid this much, at his age. Ian touched his arm, digging his nails through the fabric. It was another minute before he remembered Brad’s voice. Don’t do that.

  “I’ve got your back,” June said with a small smile. “Don’t worry.”

  “I’ll try not to.”

  June released him, her scent stronger on his clothes now. It felt wrong. Brad’s scent was the only one that felt right on Ian, and Ian winced at the thought of showing up to class, wearing another alpha’s scent. Brad hated it.

  “I wish we didn’t have to do this,” he said.

  “Me, too.” June sighed. “When’s Harold retiring?”

  “Soon, I hope.”

  June laughed, reaching for the door. “Same here. Right, I have to get back to the lab. Say hi to Brad for me.”

  She glanced at Ian’s bonding mark, and Ian blushed. It still felt incriminating, knowing that his student had marked him.

  He gathered his class materials and tucked them under his arm, then left the office.

  The moment Ian stepped into class, he found Brad in his usual seat, in front of the teacher’s desk. Brad met his eyes, his nostrils flaring. Then he scowled, and Ian’s stomach twisted.

  Brad had smelled June on him.

  Ian tried not to look at Brad. He set up his lecture materials, handing the stack of graded assignments to the nearest student. Then he turned on the visualizer, and remembered Brad beaming his cock onto the projector screen.

  That, at least, was a pleasant memory. Ian breathed in, finding Brad’s walnut scent mixed in with the rest of the students’. Despite Brad’s bitterness over June’s scent, it was a treat to see him in class again. Ian’s heart fluttered. He hadn’t realized how much he’d missed having Brad in his audience, Brad’s attention on him the whole two hours.

  Brad could’ve been any other student, except when Ian met his gaze, there was warmth in those honey-brown eyes. Ian felt wanted.

  He cracked a smile then. “Good evening. We’ll be covering the mechanisms of nanoparticle reactions today.”

  Time passed much faster with Brad around. Ian breezed through his lecture, glancing up at his students, trying not to meet Brad’s eyes each time. He wanted to, though. His instincts whispered at him to step up to Brad, touch him, breathe Brad’s scent off his skin.

  Ian talked about the reactions in different pH environments, biting down his smile when Brad raised his hand.

  “Does hardness affect the reactions?” Brad asked.

  Ian paused, thrown off his thought process. “Hardness? You mean the number of dissolved calcium ions in water?”

  Brad lifted an eyebrow. “I meant solid-liquid reactions. When you thrust something hard into the fluids.”

  He gestured vaguely, glancing at Ian’s hips. Ian stared.

  Then he realized that Brad had asked a question just to make it sexual. And now Ian was desperately trying not to picture the hard parts of Brad’s body, the way Brad had cupped his face last night and growled Suck me off.

  He’d pulled out of Ian’s mouth, sliding firm and deep into Ian’s body, and Ian had cried out into his pillow, his own come spurting across the bed.

  Ian gulped now, hoping his other students didn’t notice he was flustered. “We’ll cover that the next chapter,” he said. “In the meantime, I’ll be happy to answer questions on solid dissolution after class.”

  Brad smirked, his eyes dark, and Ian had to look away. It took him a moment to remember what he was teaching.

  Despite that, it felt good, having his alpha in class with him.

  The lesson passed far quicker than he’d anticipated. Ian finished off the lecture with an overview of the next lesson, and gave the class their assignment for this week.

  Then he watched as the students filed out of the classroom, a few looking curiously over at Brad.

  Ian shouldn’t have been uncomfortable with it—Brad had been a regular in the class of twenty, until he’d stopped showing up. For him to attend class again... the students were understandably curious.

  “I thought you’d dropped out of class, Brad,” Sue said, peering at him. She was an omega with round glasses and red hair, one of the las
t few to leave the classroom. Ian had taught her for years—she’d been taking a number of his classes so she could specialize in nanoparticle research.

  Brad waved. “Took a short break, but I’m back now. Great to see you, too.”

  “Have you been catching up?” she asked. “I didn’t think you could—you’ve missed a ton of classes.”

  Brad glanced at Ian. “Yeah, I’ve been keeping up at home. Thanks for asking, though.”

  “Do you need help with your classes?” she added with a bright smile. She looked almost too keen, and something in Ian’s chest roiled with envy.

  Sue was younger than him. Better for Brad, probably—students her age didn’t tend to have so much debt to worry about. And Sue probably didn’t cut herself, either.

  Brad leaned away. “Nah, I’ve got plenty of help. Thanks.”

  He turned to pack his own bag, ending the conversation. Sue seemed to understand Brad wasn’t interested, heading out of the classroom with a bounce in her step.

  Ian tidied his own class materials, wondering if Brad would’ve preferred him younger. Maybe if he’d been born a decade later, maybe if he had his life together better...

  Brad abandoned his packing and headed over, closing the distance between them. Ian looked up, his heart skipping.

  With the number of young omegas in class... it was still a surprise that Brad came to him at all.

  Brad glanced around the now-empty classroom, then caught Ian’s chin, kissing him deeply. Ian’s toes curled. He gasped, flattening his hands against Brad’s chest. “Wait—the door isn’t locked.”

  “They’re gone,” Brad murmured. Then he kissed Ian again, slipping into his mouth. Ian’s blood rushed between his legs.

  He couldn’t help remembering the first time they’d kissed in class. Brad had returned after seven years, and bent Ian over the desk. He’d given Ian the new baby then. Brad had touched Ian, slid inside him, and Ian had been entirely his.

  “Professor McMillan,” someone said. “Oh! Sorry.”

  Ian jerked away from Brad, his heart clenching. Someone had seen them.

  At the door, Sue stood awkwardly, a deep blush on her cheeks. She waved a few sheets of paper at him. “I was just wondering about the, um, assignment for this week. It’s okay, though. I’ll send you an email. Sorry.”

  Ian took another step away from Brad, his skin crawling. Someone saw us. “No, it’s fine. I’ll answer your questions now.”

  And then he could’ve hit himself, because he was just digging a deeper grave, wasn’t he?



  Ian trembled, all his senses jangling with alarm.

  Sue looked uncertainly between them, pushing her glasses up her nose. “Well, it’s about the assignment—the questions you’ve picked out are all from the difficult section this week. I’m not sure I can do most of them at all.”

  It took Ian a few moments to remember which questions he’d assigned. “The questions I picked have the most to learn from—feel free to do the simple ones first, of course. I’ll go through them in class next week so everyone will benefit.”

  “Oh.” Sue studied the questions. Then she glanced at Brad. “It’s not so some of us can score better, is it? I mean, the assignments are part of the final grade. I figured... maybe those who receive more help might do better.”

  It sounded like she was accusing Ian of favoritism. Ian stopped breathing. He didn’t know what to say, because Brad had been asking him questions from the textbook, and he’d been trying to explain the best he could. All of that had been outside class time.

  Brad growled. “He’s not giving me extra points, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  Sue squirmed, looking dubiously between them. It felt like she was seeing too much.

  Ian wanted to hide his face. Instead, he straightened his shoulders, putting on a brave front. “All students are graded fairly, I promise. My goal is to help you learn the most you can through these classes.”

  “I’m scoring well because I put in the hard work,” Brad muttered. “But if you’re curious, yeah, he’s my omega. We’re bonded. I’m not looking for anyone else.”

  Ian’s skin grew hot and cold. There was letting the students speculate, and then there was telling them outright. Who knew where the news would go? How soon until it reached Harold’s ears, and Harold fired him? “Brad.”

  Brad met his eyes, rebellious. “Just staking my claim.”

  But no one else needed to know Brad had a claim on him. Ian sucked in a deep breath, fighting off the panic that tried to overwhelm him. Sue had seen. And now she had proof, too.

  Ian wanted to hide somewhere, and never show his face again.

  “O-oh,” Sue said uncomfortably. “Is that okay? I mean, I’ve heard some things. There’s another professor joining the department. Is this... related to you?”

  She gestured between Brad and Ian, and Ian’s heart sank further.

  “Where did you hear that?” he asked.

  “There’s an announcement pinned on the department noticeboard. You didn’t see it?” She looked oddly at him.

  Ian winced. He’d deleted the department emails without opening them. With the pregnancy and Gwen and Brad, there hadn’t been time to pick through every single newsletter.

  “I’ll look into it,” he said. “Thanks for bringing it up.”

  He couldn’t help trembling, though. Had there been news he’d missed? Was Harold already in the process of firing him?

  His ears rang, and he couldn’t think. Couldn’t even bring himself to meet Sue’s eyes, when cold fear slithered up his spine, gripping his throat.

  I can’t get fired.

  “Hey,” Brad murmured. “Ian.”

  Ian couldn’t bear to look at him. Not when Sue was watching them, her gaze locked onto his bonding mark. Then she glanced at his belly, and he couldn’t help sliding his hand over the baby bump. It was too late to hide it.

  Sue’s eyes widened.

  Brad growled, stepping protectively in front of Ian. “He’s answered your question. We’re leaving now. Sorry.”

  Sue winced. “I’m sorry, too. It was just a surprise, is all.”

  Ian wanted to ask her to keep this a secret, but every time he tried voicing it, it sounded incriminating.

  “Keep this to yourself,” Brad muttered, his eyes narrowed. “Please. We’d appreciate it.”

  Sue squirmed, nodding awkwardly. “I will. I’m sorry. I really do enjoy your classes, professor.”

  With that, she turned, hurrying out of the classroom.

  Ian groaned, sagging against the desk. He covered his face, his skin too tight, shame rolling through his gut.

  How had he fucked up again? He wasn’t supposed to lose his students’ respect. If any more of his students found out... they’d look at him with revulsion.

  “Hey,” Brad murmured, sliding his arm around Ian’s shoulders. “C’mon, let’s get home.”

  Ian leaned into Brad, sick to his stomach. “What if it all goes to hell? I can’t—can’t lose my job.”

  He whimpered, burying his face in Brad’s shoulder.

  “It’ll be fine,” Brad rumbled, stroking Ian’s back.

  “No, it won’t. Your dad has already tried to replace me with June. She said no, but... I don’t know. I’m really uncomfortable with it.”

  Brad swore; his grip tightened around Ian. “He did what?”

  “I could’ve been taken down a rank.” Ian breathed out the tightness in his chest. He couldn’t shake off the sense that he was in danger. “I don’t have much job security here. All it takes is for June to agree to a promotion.”

  “You’re tenured,” Brad said. “That’s not fucking fair.”

  “Nothing in life ever is.”

  Ian hugged himself, his hands shaking. Already, he could imagine Sue returning home, telling her friends what she’d seen. How long until the news traveled?

  All it had taken was one kiss, a reckless moment. If Ian lost hi
s job... he wouldn’t be able to afford his baby. Or Gwen’s hospital visits.

  Disgusted with himself, Ian pulled away from Brad, shoving his things into his bag. He needed to get home, pull out the scalpel he’d hidden away from Brad. Maybe lock himself in the bathroom.

  “Hey.” Brad slid his fingers into Ian’s hair. Ian eased away from him.

  “No more. Not here.” Ian looked away, clipping his bag shut. He needed to look at the noticeboard. See if Harold had put up any other announcements about staffing changes.

  “C’mon, Ian.”

  “No. It’s too dangerous.” Ian glared, and Brad frowned.

  “Fine,” Brad said. He returned to his desk, tossing his things into his own bag. Then he rounded the teacher’s desk, catching Ian’s hand. “C’mon. Let’s go home.”

  Ian savored the warmth of his alpha’s fingers. Then, just before they opened the classroom door, Ian eased his hand out of Brad’s, stepping away from him.

  Brad growled as they strode down the hallways, barely glancing around them. “You’re mine, you know. I don’t care who finds out.”

  Ian sighed. “I do. I need this job, Brad. I don’t have the ability to get hired quite as quickly as you do.”

  Brad frowned. “I hate that. It’s not fair, either.”

  Ian wanted to get home, lock himself up. Carve out the discomfort that gnawed in his bones.

  They stopped by the noticeboard outside the department office. The glass doors were locked, and the office beyond was dark, empty.

  Right in the middle of the notices, there was a small announcement printed on white paper.

  Upcoming staffing rotation. Dr. Larry Wicksworth will be joining the inorganic chemistry department. Possible nanoparticle lab reassignments. - Harold Saxon

  Ian’s stomach dropped. That was his lab.

  Brad swore. “He can’t do that to you.”

  “It looks like he can.” Ian looked bonelessly at the sign, his pulse pounding in his ears. He hadn’t done anything wrong. Or had Harold found out, somehow?

  “It doesn’t say anything about you,” Brad muttered. “At least, nothing conclusive.”


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