Omega Teacher’s Secret

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Omega Teacher’s Secret Page 31

by Anna Wineheart

  Ian looked at the charred room he’d been sleeping in just an hour ago. He’d been listening to Brad’s iPod before he slept. Did I bring it with me?

  He snuffled, patting down his pockets.

  “What’s wrong?” Brad frowned.

  “I... I lost your iPod.” Ian sagged, checking all his pockets. He had his phone and his wallet, but Brad’s music... “And the safe box.”

  He looked back at the charred window, imagining the box and its contents a pile of ash and melted steel. It sucked. Even if he hadn’t been using it as much as he should... it had been a reminder of Brad.

  “I’ll make a new one for you.” Brad squeezed Ian’s hip. “Don’t worry about it.”

  “But the iPod—”

  “I’ll get you another.” Brad met Ian’s eyes, his gaze steadfast.

  Ian’s heart sank. “It’s expensive.”

  “Were you using it?”

  Ian nodded.

  “Then it doesn’t matter how much that costs. You’re more important.” Brad smiled crookedly, soot on his face.

  “You’re too good to me, you know,” Ian said softly, reaching up to brush the soot off.

  “If you think so.” Brad’s smile widened. “You’re too good for me.”

  Ian laughed, nudging his side.

  Brad nudged him back, and they settled back into silence, watching as the paramedic trucks left and returned to bring more injured residents to the hospital. As they sat, the stress of the last hour began to settle back into Ian’s body.

  “Where do we go from here?” Ian asked, suddenly exhausted. It had been a long night.

  “I gotta make a trip to the hospital first. After that, we’ll go home.” Brad nuzzled Ian’s jaw, kissing him again. “Gonna welcome you back to our bed.”

  Ian gulped, shivering. “Okay.”

  He couldn’t help the musk that coiled from his skin. And Brad smelled it, a slow, toe-curling smirk curving his lips.

  “Can’t wait to get you home,” Brad whispered, lifting Ian’s hand. He nuzzled the scent gland at Ian’s wrist, pressing a damp kiss to it. “Mark you. Make you mine.”

  There was a question in Brad’s eyes, though.

  Ian shivered, purring. “I’d love that.”

  Brad smiled then, his uncertainty melting away. “Mine,” he murmured, kissing Ian’s palm.

  “Yours,” Ian said.

  And that, finally, felt right.



  By the time they returned to Brad’s place, the sky was turning a royal blue, and birds were twittering in the trees. Ian gulped when they pulled into the driveway.

  Just the sight of the house, with that iron helix under the front porch and Gwen’s colorful pinwheel in the front yard... another part of his uncertainty melted away.

  He was home.

  There was an unfamiliar car parked outside that made his senses tingle with envy.

  “That’s the babysitter’s,” Brad said, catching Ian’s stare. “If you’re really sure about staying... I’ll tell him that he doesn’t need to come back.”

  “Yeah, I’m staying,” Ian growled. He couldn’t help wanting to be the only omega in Brad’s home. Couldn’t help wanting his scent to be the one Brad smelled, the person Gwen saw every morning. “When I was gone... you didn’t—” Ian gulped “—share your bed?”

  Brad cut the engine, snorting. “Really? You think I’d go looking for another omega?”

  Ian squirmed. “Well, you weren’t bound to me anymore.”

  “My heart was.” Brad rolled his eyes. “C’mon, Ian. I’m not some teenager with raging hormones.”

  Ian chuckled, the possessive side of him relaxing. “Sometimes, you certainly seem that way.”

  Brad grinned, sliding his hand up between Ian’s legs. Then he cupped Ian’s balls and squeezed. “With you, I am. Need to hear you gasp my name.”

  Ian groaned, parting his legs. His blood swooped south, and it almost felt... normal again. Just being in the car with Brad, Brad hitting on him.

  “I’m not doing this in the car,” Brad said when Ian licked his lips.

  “Really?” Ian smiled, daring to be mischievous. “I thought you wanted everyone to know.”

  “Not today.” Brad’s eyes gleamed. “Today, the only person who sees you naked is me.”

  Ian laughed, and Brad left the car. So Ian scrambled after him, sliding his arm around his belly.

  “How’s Xavier?” Brad asked when they stopped by the front door. “Is he kicking now?”

  “He isn’t,” Ian said, feeling a little sorry when Brad’s shoulders sagged.

  They’d spent the last few hours at the hospital, Brad getting tests done for his concussion, Ian getting seen to for smoke inhalation. Brad had touched Ian’s belly whenever he could. Xavier never once kicked. Brad had been disappointed.

  “Maybe he wants more of your touch,” Ian said. “He was kicking yesterday.”

  It always made him nervous, though, whenever his baby stopped moving.

  Brad caressed Ian’s belly, then unlocked the door and pulled him into the house. The first thing Ian smelled was Brad’s walnut scent. Beneath that, the faint jasmine scent of another omega.

  Ian had been expecting it, but it still made him want to growl.

  Someone moved at the couch. On instinct, Ian stepped closer to Brad, curving his fingers into the crook of Brad’s arm. Mine.

  The babysitter was a younger omega, bookish with thick glasses. He leaped to his feet when he saw them.

  “Hey, Levi,” Brad said, waving. “Thanks for watching Gwen. I found her other dad—this is Ian.”

  Levi waved back awkwardly. “Hi, Brad. Hi, Ian. Nice to meet you.”

  “Hi,” Ian said. He couldn’t help wondering if Levi was still in college, if this was just a side gig for him. Despite everything he and Brad had discussed, he did still feel old in front of someone so young. Felt as though the years had slipped away from him, somehow.

  “We’ll see you later,” Brad said. “Give us a couple hours.”

  “Yes, sir.” Levi pushed his glasses up his nose, and Brad tugged Ian into the bedroom, locking the door.

  “Two hours?” Ian murmured, his heart pattering when Brad rounded on him, those honey-brown eyes dark and intent.

  “Need some time to fuck you properly,” Brad growled, shoving Ian lightly against the door.

  Ian’s back thumped against wood. He gasped, only too aware of Brad stepping closer, his hips bumping against the swell of Ian’s belly.

  Brad curled his fingers into Ian’s hair, hauling Ian forward.

  Then he kissed Ian on the lips, sliding into his mouth, and there was nothing slow about the way he tasted Ian, tugging Ian’s shirt out of his pants.

  Ian’s blood surged south. “Brad—”

  “’Slong as you don’t wake Gwen,” Brad said into his mouth, his lips hungry, his hands stroking up Ian’s bare belly. “But I don’t care if Levi hears you scream.”

  “Gods.” Ian’s face scorched. “He doesn’t look old enough to—to hear that.”

  “He’s old enough.” Brad swept his hands up Ian’s sides, thumbing Ian’s nipples so they hardened. Pleasure whispered through Ian’s veins. “He’s kinda awkward, but he’s a good kid.”

  Ian laughed. “Kid? You’re not even thirty.”

  Brad huffed, his breath hot on Ian’s cheek. “You know, I think I kinda grew up the moment I found out about Gwen. That first day. Christmas.”

  Ian blinked. “Really?”

  “Yeah,” Brad said. “I decided I was sticking with you no matter what. Still the best decision ever.” He kissed along Ian’s jaw, his teeth sharp points on Ian’s skin. Then he kissed Ian’s neck, and Ian’s breath hitched.

  Christmas was such a long time ago. Ian remembered Brad’s anger from then, his flashing eyes.

  “You were mad at me for hiding Gwen,” Ian mumbled, his stomach twisting. “Are you still angry with me?”

  Brad huffed, nu
zzling Ian’s ear. “You think? I’m here. I don’t care about the past, Ian. I’ve forgiven you for that already.”

  “Oh,” Ian said.

  Brad kissed his jaw, stroking his wrist down Ian’s arm.

  “I do feel old, you know,” Ian mumbled.

  Brad paused in his nibbling, leaning back to gaze into Ian’s eyes. “I know how to make you forget about the age thing. You know that.”

  It involved having Brad pressed up against him, Brad spreading him open, dragging his thick, hot cock down Ian’s skin.

  Ian gulped, his pants growing tight. “Yeah,” he said breathlessly. He could already imagine them tangled on the bed, Brad’s cock pushing against his hole, demanding. “Maybe I need to—to forget for a bit more.”

  “Challenge accepted,” Brad growled, tugging Ian’s pants open.

  Ian gasped, and Brad shoved his fingers into Ian’s briefs, his hot skin burning down Ian’s cock. Brad yanked Ian’s pants closer, dragging Ian forward by his hips so Ian’s spine arched.

  Instead of kissing him, Brad stared at Ian, his gaze raking down Ian’s skin. “Gods, you look so damn good.”

  Ian shivered, his cock growing so hard it ached. He couldn’t see it, though—at six months, his belly hid his cock, and it strained against Brad’s knuckles.

  “Missed me, did you?” Brad curled his fingers around Ian’s cock, his calluses lighting up Ian’s nerves.

  “Maybe,” Ian moaned, scrabbling against the solid wall of Brad’s pecs. “Brad—”

  “Yeah, say that again.”

  Brad smiled, slow and dark, and Ian’s breath shuddered out of him. He’d been dreaming about this for weeks. Just having his alpha touch him, having Brad mark him all over.

  His cock jerked against Brad’s palm, and Brad’s smirk grew.

  “What do you want?” Brad whispered, dragging his fingertips up Ian’s cock.

  Ian groaned, shoving his hips at his alpha. “You.”

  “You need to be more specific,” Brad murmured, leaning in to kiss Ian’s jaw. “You know, you have a Ph.D. and all.”

  Then he dragged Ian’s foreskin down his cock, and the slow friction made Ian’s hunger intensify.

  “Can’t think,” Ian gasped.

  “Very nice.” Brad smiled, trailing his fingertips down to Ian’s sac, stroking lightly over it. “You’re always so hungry for me.”

  And Brad released Ian. He splayed his hand across Ian’s belly, dragging it up to Ian’s chest, right over his heart.

  Ian whined. “Touch me.”

  “I am touching you.”

  Brad could feel Ian’s pulse. He knew how much Ian wanted him, how much Ian craved him being inside, and this was torture, just having Brad stroke his body.

  Ian squirmed. “Brad, please.”

  “Gonna make you beg,” Brad murmured, kissing Ian’s ear.

  Ian’s hole squeezed. “That—That might be too loud.”

  Brad grinned wider. “Yeah, it’ll be. I’m gonna bend you over, and you’re gonna have to ask for my cock. Every inch of it.”

  It would show Brad how desperate Ian was. And Ian knew he’d do anything to have Brad buried all the way inside him, Brad’s cock marking him inside and out.

  “Yeah,” Ian croaked, his throat growing dry. “I’ll beg.”

  Brad growled, his eyes gleaming. “I love you,” he whispered, and it went right down to Ian’s cock, made him so hard it hurt.

  “Need more,” Ian gasped.

  “Patience, young grasshopper.” Brad grinned, and Ian choked down his disbelieving laugh.

  “You’re really saying that. To me.”

  “Of course. You’re damn impatient.”

  Brad slid his palms up Ian’s chest. Touched Ian’s nipples, pinching them through his shirt. Ian gasped at the pain and pleasure, goosebumps rising on his skin.

  “Can’t believe I have you again,” Brad whispered, kissing down Ian’s throat. Then he paused at the scent gland on Ian’s neck, where his marking was, and bit lightly over it. Pleasure jolted down Ian’s nerves.

  Ian gasped, curling his fingers against Brad’s waist. Brad bit and sucked on his scent gland, until Ian’s body sang and his musk swallowed them both, and his cock dripped.

  “I need,” Ian panted, his body taut with desire.

  “Gonna have to wait.” Brad kissed the bonding mark. He began to unbutton Ian’s shirt, one button after another. As the shirt parted, cool air brushed Ian’s chest.

  Then Brad kissed up Ian’s throat, and nipped at his jaw.

  “I lost track of how many times we’ve fucked,” Brad whispered, his breath puffing on Ian’s skin. “But I haven’t had enough of you. Can’t seem to get enough.”

  He caught Ian’s hand, shoving it down against the bulge in his pants. Ian moaned.

  Brad was big. Ian knew that, and every time, he couldn’t wait for Brad to be inside, that blunt tip leaving smears of precome all over his skin.

  Hungry, Ian fumbled with Brad’s pants, the zipper’s rasp loud in the room. Brad’s cock pushed out at him, straining behind his boxers. Ian stroked its heavy length, his fingers dragging against the damp fabric at its tip. Brad groaned.

  “It’s so big,” Ian breathed.

  “Bigger inside,” Brad growled, kissing the corner of Ian’s lips.

  Then he kissed Ian hard, pushing into Ian’s mouth, spreading Ian open like how he would Ian’s ass. Ian whimpered.

  Brad tasted like tea and crackers. He smelled like musk and smoke and walnut, and he gripped Ian’s hair, tipping Ian’s face up so he could devour Ian’s mouth.

  Ian’s spine arched. He tangled their tongues, opening for his alpha. Groaned when Brad undid the last button and shoved his shirt off his shoulders, down his arms. Ian squirmed out of his pants, needing to feel his alpha against him.

  And then Brad paused, glancing at Ian’s arms.

  There were some new scabs from a few days ago, thin, dark lines on top of the silvery scars. Ian had to fight his instincts to hide them.

  Instead of blaming him, Brad met Ian’s eyes. “You gonna stop that now that you’re back?”

  Ian gulped. Brad’s gaze wasn’t judgmental, or repulsed. He looked at Ian steadfastly, and beneath that, Ian felt Brad’s trust in him.

  Brad truly believed that Ian could heal.

  Ian inhaled, holding on to Brad’s waist. If Brad had faith in him, if Brad believed that Ian didn’t need to hurt himself... Then Ian would try his best not to disappoint his alpha.

  “Yeah,” Ian whispered. “I’ll stop.”

  Brad cracked a smile then, cradling Ian’s face. “I’m proud of you.”

  “I haven’t done anything yet.”

  “But I know you will. That’s good enough for me.”

  Ian gulped, his throat squeezing tight. “I don’t deserve y—”

  “You do.” Brad kissed Ian’s scabs, meeting his eyes. “And I’ll try my best to be the best alpha for you.”

  Ian blushed, bowing his head. He wanted Brad in his life; that would never change. “Thank you.”

  “Thank you,” Brad whispered. “For coming back, and for being mine.”

  Then he kissed Ian, sucking Ian’s lower lip into his mouth. Ian’s blood throbbed between his legs. “Brad—”

  “Wanna hear you.” Brad scooped Ian into his arms, crossing the room. He deposited Ian in the middle of the bed, where it smelled like walnut and nothing else. “This bed needs to smell like you, too,” Brad murmured. “And it needs to smell like I’ve given you a thorough fucking.”

  That made Ian leak. He groaned, kicking off his briefs. Then he spread his legs, and Brad’s musk rolled through the air between them, his gaze burning down Ian’s body.

  “Been dreaming of you,” Brad growled, shucking his clothes. “The whole time at the hospital, I wanted you in our bed. Wanted to give you my knot. Wanted you in my arms.”

  Ian trembled, his hole slick. He was ready for Brad. Beyond ready.

  Brad flung his shirt asi
de, then stepped out of his soot-covered pants. The dawn sunlight streamed through the window, lighting his pecs and his abs, his biceps and his thighs. And between his legs, Brad’s cock jutted up, his tip glistening with precome.

  Ian moaned, just looking at him. He loved this alpha. He wanted Brad closer, wanted Brad opening him up, pounding him into the mattress, until all Ian knew was pleasure, and his bondmate.

  Brad crawled onto the bed, his weight pushing indents into the mattress. Ian squirmed onto his back. Brad caught Ian’s knee, lifting it so he could press damp kisses up Ian’s calf.

  “Aren’t you going to fuck me?” Ian panted, curling his other leg up against his belly to show Brad his hole.

  Brad growled, obliging him with a look. Ian’s hole prickled under his attention; he reached down, spreading his cheeks.

  “Fuck, Ian.” Brad panted, his eyes glued to Ian’s entrance.

  “No one’s been here in three weeks,” Ian breathed, relaxing his hole. “It needs claiming.”

  Brad groaned, his cock jerking. He leaned in, pressing a sucking kiss to Ian’s calf. Then, one on Ian’s inner thigh, and one further up, closer to Ian’s straining cock.

  Ian writhed, spreading his legs. “Brad, please.”

  “I told you I was gonna fuck you properly.” Brad caught Ian’s other knee and pinned it open against the mattress, keeping Ian spread, exposed.

  “That means now, doesn’t it?”


  Ian whined, reaching for his own cock.

  Brad caught his wrist, pulling Ian’s hand away. “I decide when you come.”

  He dragged his wrist down Ian’s cock, marking it with walnut. Ian groaned, needing more.

  “I want to come,” he growled.

  “Nope.” Brad grinned and shuffled closer, pressing their cocks together. Then he braced his hands on either side of Ian’s head and leaned in, kissing Ian on the lips. Ian moaned; Brad licked into his mouth, tasting him thoroughly.

  Just when Ian was about to shove his hips at Brad, Brad rolled his hips, trapping Ian’s cock against his belly. Its tip left a wet smear on Ian’s skin; Ian ran his hands down Brad’s arms, pushing his feet beneath himself to gain leverage. He rocked up against Brad, and their cocks slid together, sometimes missing, sometimes grinding sweetly against each other.


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