Tick Tock, You're Dead!

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Tick Tock, You're Dead! Page 2

by R. L. Stine

  If today’s date is an EVEN number, turn to PAGE 52.

  “I think my brother went to the future,” you announce.

  “I hope you’re right.” Dr. Peebles punches another computer key. “Are you ready? Step through the Chronoport.”

  You enter the glowing frame. As you move through it you feel a strange tingling sensation.

  “One more thing!” Dr. Peebles calls out. His voice sounds far away. “Before you can return, remember —”

  “What?” you cry as his words fade away. What was he saying?

  Ahead of you in the mist are two scenes: a big, futuristic-looking city with small cars flying around like planes.

  Another view seems to be of New York City. You recognize a few buildings, like One World Trade Center and the Empire State Building. As you watch, a small red-haired boy who looks like Denny disappears behind another tall building. But is it really your brother?

  Make a decision!

  Is Denny in the strange city? If so, turn to PAGE 101.

  Or is he the red-haired boy in New York? Find out on PAGE 54.

  Denny shrugs and starts to explain. “I went through that door, and —”

  But time is running out. You cut him off. “Stay here, okay?”

  “You’re not the boss of me!” Denny whines.

  You groan. Your little brother is never going to cooperate unless you tell him the plan.

  You whisper in his ear.

  Denny gives you a big smile. “I’ll stay around for that,” he promises.

  Read all about it on PAGE 53.

  Herring Bros. is a big garage on the ground floor of a large high-rise building. You step inside. There are just a few trucks. The only green one is easy to spot by the far wall.

  In a booth by another wall, a woman with a microphone and headset sits behind a glass window. She’s the dispatcher for the delivery firm. Maybe you can stop her from sending out the truck. Or would it be better to talk to the truck driver himself?

  To speak to the dispatcher, turn to PAGE 20.

  To talk to the driver, turn to PAGE 124.

  You step up to the wizard’s door, take a deep breath, and pull it open. Inside is a dim, smoky room. It’s filled with a jumble of books, tables, pots of boiling liquid, crystal balls, and other strange magical equipment.

  “Hello!” you call. “Denny? Is anyone here?”

  The only answer is a rustling sound behind you.

  “Denny?” you shout, whirling around.

  You gasp when you see what’s there.

  Crouched on a pile of rags behind the table is the biggest lizard you’ve ever seen. Around its neck is an iron collar with a name tag that reads … WIZARD!

  A lizard named Wizard?

  The lizard’s cold black eyes gaze at you. Its narrow tongue flicks in and out. You take a step backward.

  As the reptile starts toward you, you recognize the pile of rags it was sitting on — Denny’s clothes!

  You swallow hard. Now you know what happened to your brother….

  And what will happen to you!


  “Excuse me,” you say to the dispatcher. “Can you help me?”

  She slides open the glass window and says, “Here you are, finally! You’re late.”

  She obviously thinks you’re one of the shipping clerks. You are about to explain when she points to a red truck. “You’ve got to load those crates right now,” she says, adding, “Abe doesn’t like to be kept waiting.”

  You look in the direction she’s pointing and you see that the red truck is parked right near the green truck — the truck you have to stop. Maybe this is your chance to delay the green truck.

  Quick — head over to PAGE 46. Abe doesn’t like to be kept waiting.

  As you look on in horror, your father sees the runaway truck. He throws out his arms to hold back you, your mother, and Denny.

  Your family halts in their tracks … and the truck speeds on past!

  You did it! You saved your family!

  Now you’ve got to grab Denny and get back to Dr. Peebles’s lab.

  “Come on, Denny,” you call.

  “No!” Denny cries. “You can’t make me!”

  You glance at the chronometer. Dr. Peebles said you had to return within two hours of real time. The minutes are ticking by. You have to take Denny back as soon as possible, or you could get lost in time.

  You’re bigger and stronger — should you just grab him? Or can you talk him into going with you?

  Grab Denny? Go to PAGE 122.

  Talk him into it? Go to PAGE 134.

  If only you’d taken swimming lessons when your mom wanted you to! You decide not to jump into the moat. You face the knight and his spear.

  Right before he reaches you, the knight reins in his horse.

  “Who are you, stranger?” he demands.

  “I’m a visitor from the future. I’m searching for my brother.”

  “No one enters King Ruthbert’s castle unless he can meet the challenge!” he replies.

  “What challenge?” you ask.

  “You must fight me, his Noble Defender, in a duel,” the knight says with a smirk. “The loser will become food for the king’s crocodiles in the moat.”

  Crocodiles in the moat? Good thing you didn’t jump in after all!

  The knight dismounts and pulls a bag of weapons from his saddle. You see a spear, a sword, a spiky chain, and a huge wooden club. “Here, you may choose your weapon,” he says.

  This guy really wants to have a duel?

  “Well,” the knight says impatiently. “Choose!”

  Choose your weapon on PAGE 84.

  “King who?” you ask.

  “Do you take me for an idiot!” the knight snarls. “Henry’s forces are expected to attack any day! Don’t deny you’re an advance scout!”

  “I’m a kid from the future!” you repeat. “I only want —”

  But the knight doesn’t listen. He quickly ties your hands behind your back, then drags you up to the throne. He tosses you at the king’s feet.

  “Who is this?” the king demands.

  “A spy for King Henry!” the knight answers.

  You look up to deny it. That’s when you notice who’s sitting on the small throne next to the king.


  “I’ve been looking all over for you!” you tell him. “We’ve got to get back to Dr. Peebles’s lab! You can’t stay —”

  “Silence!” King Ruthbert bellows. “No one speaks to my son without permission!”

  “Your son?” you gasp. “But this is my brother, Denny —”

  “He’s my son, Ruthelford!” the king interrupts. “I always wanted a son. When this boy appeared, I adopted him!”

  Turn to PAGE 15.

  Disguised in the uniform, you hurry out of the closet to explore the space station.

  This place is too cool. Through the windows you can see thousands of stars. Sophisticated-looking computers with colorful lights are scattered all over this place.

  The chronometer’s steady ticking reminds you that time is running out. You’d better find Denny quickly and get back to the present.

  You wander through a door and see a sign pointing to something called TELETIME.

  Then two robots approach. One of them draws a laser.

  Just ahead is a branch in the corridor. A green sign points to HYDROPONICS and a purple one points to ENGINE ROOM.

  Make a choice and start running!

  Follow the green sign to Hydroponics on PAGE 80.

  Take the purple sign to the Engine Room on PAGE 74.

  “I’m a new crew member,” you lie to the captain. “I’m not a spy. I’ve been working in the Hydroponics area.”

  “Then why didn’t you know the antigrav device is off limits?” she demands.

  “I haven’t finished reading the rule book,” you say.

  “Maybe so,” the captain grumbles. She hesitates, then fires a question at you. “Are the crew quart
ers forward or aft?”

  “Aft,” you reply, hoping you’re right.

  “That’s correct,” she says. “But if you are a real crew member, what is the code for a space drill? A-Zero or X-Two?”

  “A-Zero,” you tell her.

  “You are an imposter and a spy!” she shouts in triumph. “There is no space drill — and even the newest rookie knows it!” She turns to the robot guards at her side. “Shove this spy out through the airlock!” she orders.

  “Hey — what about partial credit?” you yell. But it’s no good. As you step out of the airlock, your whole body explodes.

  Very messy. Very scary. Very much


  “Excuse me, sir,” you say, approaching the truck driver. “The dispatcher said you might be able to help me,” you explain. “My family and I are from out of town. I got separated from them earlier, and I’m wondering if you can give me a ride to my hotel.”

  “Sure thing, kid,” he says. “Where is it?”

  You give him the address, near the Museum of Natural History.

  “That’s right on my way,” he says. “Come on, let’s get started.”

  With a smile of relief, you follow him to the truck and strap yourself into the passenger seat.

  “How do you like the city, kid?” he asks as the truck barrels along a broad avenue.

  “It’s great!” you tell him. “Lots of interesting —”

  “Uh-oh!” the driver interrupts. “The accelerator!” he yells. “It’s stuck!”

  The truck tears down the street. You glance back and forth from the driver to the crowded intersection straight ahead. You can see your family about to cross the street — and the truck is gaining speed!

  Race to PAGE 105.

  “Wait!” you shout to the driver. “I’ve changed my mind!”

  But it’s too late. The driver can’t hear you. With a lurch, the truck starts off.

  The truck bumps along the city streets. Outside, you can hear honking horns and the engines of other trucks and cars. You’re stuck back here with hundreds of dead fish — how are you going to save your family now?

  You stand up and squeeze between the crates of fish. You make your way toward the driver’s cab. You pound on the area behind the driver, trying to get his attention.

  But the truck keeps going.

  And starts to pick up speed! It swerves wildly, and outside you can hear honking horns and angry shouting.

  The truck’s out of control!

  And you’re stuck inside it!

  It’s too late to stop the truck this time. All you can do now is press the button on the chronometer, return to the past, and try something else.

  Return to the past on PAGE 31.

  “The magical objects are three white stones,” you tell the robot.

  The robot’s face is blank. “Correct,” it says. “But we will see how you do on the next round.”

  You know you’re never going to make it through the next round. You quickly grasp the chronometer and press the button on the right to go farther into the future.

  Immediately you feel a tingling sensation. When it stops, you’re still seated — but not on the hard wooden chair in the classroom. Instead, you’re strapped into a comfortable, soft seat. Whooshing sounds surround you.

  Is this an airplane?

  You glance out a window. Outside is black, empty space, dotted with brilliant white stars. Up ahead is a big, doughnut-shaped structure with spaceships docked by its doors.

  You’re not on an airplane — you’re on a space shuttle! And it’s traveling toward a space station.

  “Thirty seconds to docking!” an intercom squawks.

  To find out what happens next, turn to PAGE 98.

  You decide to try to trick the robot guards. You glance at the chronometer. Less than an hour left to find Denny and return to the present.

  “When you get to the guards,” Jarmal says, “tell them you have been sent to fix the romiframpton.”

  “What’s that?” you ask.

  “It’s the central processor for the plant,” Jarmal says. “Either the guard will believe you and let you through — or he will vaporize you on the spot.”

  Oh great, you think. No wonder no one else volunteered for this job. Jarmal gives you a pair of white coveralls to put on. You stick the red box in your pocket. “Good luck,” he tells you.

  You take a deep breath and approach the entrance to the power plant. A big metal robot with a laser gun stops you. “What do you want, human?” it demands.

  “I’m here to fix the romiframpton,” you say.

  The robot hesitates. “We’ve received no report that it was broken.” Your stomach lurches. Are you going to be vaporized?

  Quick! Turn to PAGE 48.

  The knight takes the club and holds it awkwardly.

  This should be easy, you think as you pick an apple. You throw it to him — a fast pitch. To your surprise, he hits it — but the apple only flies a few feet.

  “You’ll never be able to beat that,” the knight says.

  “We’ll see,” you reply. He’s never seen you play ball.

  You grip the club tightly as the knight picks an apple. He winds up, then tosses it toward you.

  You keep your eye fixed on the shiny red ball as it soars through the air. You shouldn’t have any problem hitting this baby.

  You reach back with your bat and start to swing. Then the bat connects — with empty air! You missed!

  “Wait!” you cry. “Let me try again.”

  “Sorry,” the knight says. “You can’t change the rules.”

  “But —”

  “The crocodiles are hungry.” The knight picks you up in both his arms. “It’s past their lunchtime!”

  You start to reach for the chronometer. But it’s too late. You’re falling — falling into the moat. Below you are a dozen snapping jaws.

  Too bad, batting champ! You’ve struck out big time!


  You feel a strange tingling sensation as you press the buttons on the chronometer. When it stops you’re still standing next to a newsstand. But a clock in a nearby store shows that it’s fifteen minutes before the accident.

  You can still stop it from happening!

  Your family has already started toward the corner.

  You don’t have much time! Should you do something to distract them? Or — just run across the street and warn them?

  Think fast! The seconds are ticking by rapidly!

  Distract your family on PAGE 40.

  Warn them on PAGE 86.

  You’re sure that your brother is somewhere in the cave. “Denny!” you yell. “Denny!”

  You’re getting used to the smell and the darkness. You squint at the chronometer and see that there’s only about fifteen minutes until you and Denny are lost in time forever.

  “Denny!” you call again.

  At last you hear his faint answer. “Help me!” he calls. The sound is coming from underneath the straw.

  You dig through the straw. Finally you find him, on the bottom, with ropes tied around his hands and feet.

  “Who tied you up?” you ask as you quickly untie him.

  “The lion,” he says.

  A lion tied him up?

  “Come on,” you say urgently. “Grab my hand. We’ve got to get back to the present!”

  “You’re not the boss of me!” Denny says. But you can see he’s scared as he takes your hand.

  You get ready to press the top and bottom buttons of the chronometer. But a terrifying roar fills the cave.

  Find out what it is on PAGE 64.

  “Come with me.” The wizard leads you to a large room filled with dusty bookcases and magical equipment. He seats himself at a table and stares into a crystal ball.

  “I’m thinking of a time-travel device,” says the wizard. “It’s a black cuckoo clock. A door in the center of the clock contains a mechanical bird.”

  The wizard’s green eyes seem
to give off sparks.

  “Here is the question: How do you make time run backward? Do you pull the bird out of the door and put it back three times? Or do you twist its head around? Think carefully before you answer,” he adds. “If you give a wrong answer you will be sent to the Corridors of Time — forever.”

  If you’ve read the GOOSEBUMPS book The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, you know the correct answer. If you haven’t read that book, you’ll have to guess how to make time run backward.

  Do you pull the bird out and put it back three times? If so, turn to PAGE 60.

  Or do you twist its head around? Turn to PAGE 82.

  You’ve got to stop the truck — that’s the only way to save your family. Quickly you push the button on the chronometer. But a moment later you’re on the same New York City street.

  Uh-oh. Maybe the chronometer didn’t work!

  Then you notice a tall billboard with a digital clock and calendar. It’s the same day, all right, but an hour earlier.

  Whew. For now your family is safe. But you have to track down the truck and make sure nothing happens.

  You remember seeing HERRING BROS. DELIVERIES on the truck’s side panel. Quickly you look up the number and address in a phone book. Herring Bros. is only a few blocks away.

  What are you waiting for? You only have an hour. Turn to PAGE 18.

  You whirl around.

  Whew! At least it’s a human, and not a robot.

  “Welcome to The City, stranger,” the human says. “Who are you?”

  “I’m a traveler from the past,” you explain. “I’m looking for my brother.”

  “You won’t find him here,” the stranger replies. “It’s not safe to be on the streets. Come with me.”


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