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Miracle Workers

Page 25

by Keith R. A. DeCandido

  Cook, Shuttlecraft. Shuttlecraft assigned to the U.S.S. Enterprise. Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge and Lieutenant Christine Vale used the Cook to rendezvous with the U.S.S. da Vinci in order to investigate the ship known as “the Beast.” When the mission was complete, Vale took the Cook back to the Enterprise, leaving La Forge to remain temporarily on the da Vinci (The Belly of the Beast).

  Copper, John. Medical technician assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci (Interphase Book 1).

  Corsi, Domenica. Security chief of the U.S.S. da Vinci. Lt. Commander Corsi is a stickler for security details and has a fierce temper (The Belly of the Beast). She is referred to behind her back as “Core-Breach” (Fatal Error). She is responsible for U.S.S. Enterprise security chief Lieutenant Christine Vale joining Starfleet, according to Vale, though details are unknown (The Belly of the Beast). Corsi took the conn when Ensign Songmin Wong was injured during a conflict with the Tholians while the da Vinci was attempting to salvage the U.S.S. Defiant from interphase (Interphase Book 1). Corsi had a surprising one-night liaison with Fabian Stevens on the da Vinci, which happened in part due to the anniversary of an incident with someone named Dar, though details are unknown. Though she insisted that it was a one-time thing, she continued to show subconscious interest in Stevens. Despite her attempts at secrecy, both Bart Faulwell and Dr. Elizabeth Lense (his and her roommates, respectively) learned of the brief liaison (Cold Fusion).

  Crusher, Beverly. Chief medical officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise. Crusher had to deal with numerous casualties inflicted on the crew of the Enterprise by the ship dubbed “the Beast,” though, mercifully, no one on the ship was killed (The Belly of the Beast).

  Culloden. Ship owned and operated by Zilder, a Bolian, and attached to the subspace accelerator project on the planet Sarindar in the Nalori Republic. The ship was used to bring supplies to and from the planet (Invincible Book 1). The ship was encoded to Zilder’s DNA, and after he was killed by the monster shii, the rest of the SA team was initially unable to gain access to the vessel, though two engineers, Nomis and Repooc, were able to do so eventually, and most of the remaining workers escaped in the ship. Zilder left the ship to the Nalori Republic in his will (Invincible Book 2). The Culloden was named after the famous Battle of Culloden of 1745, in which the Jacobite rebels under Bonnie Prince Charlie were defeated.


  da Vinci, U.S.S. Federation starship, Saber-class, Starfleet registry number NCC-81623. The da Vinci was assigned to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers under the command of Captain David Gold (The Belly of the Beast). The ship has a crew complement of forty-two (Interphase Book 1), has limited crew quarters, and no guest quarters (The Belly of the Beast). The da Vinci has two shuttlecraft, the Franklin and the Archimedes (Fatal Error). The da Vinci was named after famous Renaissance artist/scientist Leonardo da Vinci.

  Dakota’s Disease. Name given to a minor respiratory ailment discovered by a doctor named Dakota. It is relatively easy to fake the symptoms of Dakota’s Disease. A group of workers on the subspace accelerator team on Sarindar pretended to have Dakota’s Disease by way of a “ sick-out” protest against having their duty assignments changed (Invincible Book 1).

  Danilova, Raisa. Assistant chief engineer on the U.S.S. Enterprise. Danilova gained a reputation as the slowest person in the Enterprise engine room, but during the Dominion War she blossomed, turning into one of the most reliable and fastest engineers, making lieutenant during the war. Lt. Commander Geordi La Forge made her assistant chief engineer after the war’s end (Fatal Error).

  Data. Second officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise (The Belly of the Beast).

  Deep Space 9. Space station formerly known as Terok Nor, currently under joint Federation and Bajoran administration. DS9 was attacked by renegade Jem’Hadar in 2376 (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Avatar Book 1), and subsequent events forced station commander Colonel Kira Nerys to eject the station’s fusion core (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Avatar Book 2). Chief of operations Lieutenant Nog travelled to DS9’s sister station, Empok Nor, to retrieve its fusion core, and Kira diverted the U.S.S. da Vinci —which was originally assigned to aid in station repairs—to assist him in this endeavor (Cold Fusion).

  Defiant, U.S.S. Federation starship, Constitution-class, Starfleet registry number NCC-1764 (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). The Defiant was under the command of Captain Thomas Blair (Interphase Book 1). In 2268, the ship investigated an attack that wiped out a Klingon colony on Traelus II and found a device that was later revealed to be a web generator built by the Tholians. While on the run from Tholian pursuit, trying to bring the web generator to Starfleet Command, the Defiant fell into a spatial interphase (Interphase Book 2). This interphase had an adverse effect on humanoid neurophysiology, and caused mass insanity among the crew prior to the disappearance of the ship. The U.S.S. Enterprise attempted to rescue the ship, but was attacked by Tholians and unable to complete the salvage before the ship was drawn completely into interphase (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). The Defiant reappeared in Tholian space in 2376 and was detected by a Tholian ship commanded by Nostrene. The U.S.S. da Vinci was sent to attempt to salvage the ship. When the web generator was discovered by the da Vinci’s Starfleet Corps of Engineers team, Nostrene was ordered by the Tholian High Magistrates to destroy the evidence. The attack pushed the ship deeper into interphase (Interphase Book 1). The S.C.E. team was able to nudge the ship out of interphase with a two-second warp pulse (Interphase Book 2).

  Defiant, U.S.S. Federation starship, Defiant-class, Starfleet registry number NX-74205. The prototype for its class, the Defiant was originally designed to combat the Borg, and was later assigned to Station Deep Space 9 (“The Search Part 1” [DS9]). When Fabian Stevens was assigned to DS9, he primarily served as an engineer on the Defiant (“Starship Down” [DS9]). Because of that, Stevens was especially interested in the earlier ship called the Defiant that the U.S.S. da Vinci was sent to salvage (Interphase Book 1). The Defiant was destroyed during the Dominion War (“The Changing Face of Evil” [DS9]) and replaced with the Sao Paolo, which was rechristened after being assigned to DS9 (“The Dogs of War” [DS9]). When the Defiant and the U.S.S. Aldebaran were attacked by renegade Jem’Hadar, the entire Alpha Quadrant was put on yellow alert (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Avatar Book 1), which disturbed Lt. Commander Kieran Duffy (Invincible Book 1).

  Demitrijian, Janna. Commanding officer of the U.S.S. Sugihara. Captain Demitrijian’s son is dating a Sinnravian. She was willing to aid in the towing of Empok Nor from the Trivas system to Deep Space 9 —against the better judgment of her chief engineer Lieutenant Barbanti —if Lieutenant Nog obtained an original recording of Blee Luu’s most recent recording for her son’s girlfriend (Cold Fusion).

  dimensional shifts. Technological aid used by the Androssi. They are able to shunt items into an alternate dimension, which can serve to disguise technology that is actually present or to dispose of it or store it for later retrieval (Cold Fusion).

  Dlyax. Scientist serving on experimental Tholian vessel under the command of Nostrene (Interphase Book 1).

  Dolahn. Doctor assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. A Gallamite, Dolahn was an expert in silicon-based life, hence his being assigned to the project by the Nalori Republic. According to rumor, he took the job with the Nalori because no other hospital would take him. Dolahn wore a hat so that the workers would not see his transparent cranium. His hospital was primitive by twenty-fourth-century standards, and included among its equipment an X-ray machine (Invincible Book 1). Dolahn discovered that the monster shii weren’t true natives of the planet, but were made to look like shii. He was killed by the second monster shii when it attacked the secondary hospital (Invincible Book 2).

  Dominion War. Extended conflict between the Dominion and many of the major powers of the Alpha Quadrant. Primary combatants were the United Federation of Planets, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Empire against the Dominion, the Cardassian Union, and the Breen. Sonya Gomez served on the U.S.S. Se
ntinel during the war, and received a commendation for modulating the ship’s warp field so that the Breen thought the ship to be a Cardassian freighter (The Belly of the Beast). She also modified an away team’s phasers so that they would function in a Breen scattering field (Fatal Error). Bart Faulwell served as a cryptographer during the war (Interphase Book 2). Elizabeth Lense served on the U.S.S. Lexington as chief medical officer, where she treated large numbers of wounded, leading to her requesting a transfer to the Starfleet Corps of Engineers after the war (Hard Crash). Salek served on the U.S.S. da Vinci as first officer and head of the S.C.E. team during the war until his death (The Belly of the Beast). The planet Eerlik was able to stay out of the war (Fatal Error). The Tholians signed a nonaggression pact with the Dominion in 2373, keeping them out of the war as well (“Call to Arms” [DS9]). Tholian captain Nostrene felt this was wise, as he thought the Tholians would fare poorly against the Jem’Hadar (Interphase Book 1). The war ended in 2375 (“What You Leave Behind” [DS9]).

  drad music. See Sinnravian drad music.

  D’Ren. Worker assigned to the subspace accelerator project on Sarindar. D’Ren was an Osina (Invincible Book 1). He was killed by the second monster shii (Invincible Book 2).

  Drew, Stephen. Noncommissioned Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a security guard (Fatal Error). Drew was able to put together a program that would detect Androssi security device s even when they were using a dimensional shift to be rendered invisible and theoretically undetectable (Cold Fusion).

  Duffy, Kieran. Second officer of the U.S.S. da Vinci, second-in-command of the ship’s Starfleet Corps of Engineers team. Duffy was formerly assigned as an engineer on the U.S.S. Enterprise (“Hollow Pursuits” [TNG]). He and fellow engineer Sonya Gomez had a relationship during much of their time serving together (The Belly of the Beast). When she was promoted to full lieutenant and assigned to the U.S.S. Oberth, the relationship ended (Invincible Book 1). Duffy served on the da Vinci as second officer under Commander Salek as well (The Belly of the Beast). Duffy’s favorite “comfort food” is macaroni and cheese (Hard Crash). He drinks coffee in the morning (Cold Fusion), and he is also fond of drinking quinine water over ice with a lime twist, particularly when he’s in a pensive mood. Duffy was given temporary command of the da Vinci when both Gomez and Captain David Gold went on the away team to salvage the U.S.S. Defiant from interphase. He found himself thrust into a crisis situation when the Tholians opened fire on the Defiant and the da Vinci (Interphase Book 1). Although he had trouble dealing with command at first, he eventually was able to take charge of the situation and comported himself well, which increased his confidence (Interphase Book 2). When Gomez was sent on a mission to Sarindar (Invincible Book 1), Duffy temporarily served as first officer of the da Vinci, where he had to deal with personnel issues involving roommates Carol Abramowitz and P8 Blue, then lead an away mission to Empok Nor (Cold Fusion). That mission was cut short by a distress call from Gomez on Sarindar. By the time they got there, the crisis had passed, but Gomez, after the hardships she endured on the planet, decided to renew her and Duffy’s relationship (Invincible Book 2). Duffy first appeared in the episode “Hollow Pursuits” [TNG]. His first name and history with fellow Enterprise engineer Gomez was established in The Belly of the Beast.

  Dun. Officer assigned to the Androssi ship commanded by Overseer Biron (Cold Fusion).


  Eddy, Claire. Noncommissioned Starfleet personnel assigned to the U.S.S. da Vinci as a security guard (Cold Fusion).

  Eerlik. Planet, home to the Eerlikka. Eerlik is not a member of the Federation, but does trade with them. Eerlik has burgundy oceans and contains many rich deposits of uridium. All of Eerlik’s planetary functions, from weather control to communications to transportation, are handled by a computer called Ganitriul, which was constructed on Eerlik’s moon some three thousand years prior to 2376. A group of Eerlikka called the Pevvni colonized the ninth planet in their star system in 2326. Eerlik managed to stay out of the hostilities of the Dominion War. In 2376, a group of Pevvni Purists sabotaged Ganitriul with a computer virus that sent Eerlik into chaos, until the damage was repaired by the crew of the U.S.S. da Vinci (Fatal Error). Eerlik was named after Max Ehrlich, the writer of the episode “The Apple” [TOS], which also featured a world-running computer.

  Eerlikka. Natives of the planet Eerlik. A humanoid race with teal skin, short in stature, hairless, eyelids both above and below their eyes. Their arms and legs are disproportionately short, and their blood is blue. The Eerlikka’s technological evolution was geared more toward comfort than expansion, and few felt the need to travel off-planet, though they have had the technology to do so for thousands of years. In 2326, a group called the Pevvni decided to colonize the ninth planet, but such off-world travel remains rare. The Eerlikka are very religious, and their priests are entrusted with many spiritual duties, as well as the maintenance of Ganitriul, the computer that controls most of their world’s functions. In 2376, seventeen priests and twenty acolytes served in the temple and performed those functions, but they were all murdered by Undlar, a Pevvni Purist who had gone undercover as a priest in order to sabotage Ganitriul and eliminate those most qualified to fix it (Fatal Error).

  eldrak consumption rates. Component of the overdrive on an Androssi ship. Overseer Biron could tell simply from the feel of the bulkheads that the eldrak consumption rates on his ship were off-kilter and needed to be checked (Cold Fusion).

  Elite. Ruling class of Androssi society. The Elite sponsor ships that seek out technology and other items for the Elite. The Elite are apparently the only members of Androssi who groom themselves (Cold Fusion).

  Emarur. Owner and operator of the Pevvni ship the Senbolma. The ship was used by the Purists in their sabotage of Ganitriul (Fatal Error).

  Emergency Medical Hologram-3. Holographic program available on some Federation starships. Unlike earlier editions of the EMH, this version is neither acerbic nor arrogant, and functions on a learning curve—instead of being a fully functional doctor, EMH-3 is more like an intern learning the ropes. The EMH on the U.S.S. da Vinci has been nicknamed “Emmett.” Emmett made the connection between Jaldark Keniria’s removal from Friend and the latter’s subsequent rampage (Hard Crash).

  Emmett. See Emergency Medical Hologram-3.

  Empok Nor. Cardassian space station. Empok Nor, which was abandoned by the Cardassian military in 2372, is nearly identical in original design to station Terok Nor, a.k.a. Deep Space 9, and was located in the Trivas system. A team from DS9 conducted a salvage mission to Empok Nor in 2373 to obtain abandoned Cardassian hardware (“Empok Nor” [DS9]). In 2376, after the crew of DS9 was forced to eject their fusion core (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Avatar Book 2), Lieutenant Nog rendezvoused with the Starfleet Corps of Engineers team on the U.S.S. da Vinci in order to salvage Empok Nor’s fusion core. However, a team of Androssi led by Overseer Biron had gotten there first, and were trying to turn the station into a mobile weapons platform. The Androssi added powerful thrusters, phasers, quantum torpedoes, and a plasma energy weapon, and gave the station the capacity to travel at warp 6. Nog, the S.C.E. team, and the da Vinci were able to chase off the Androssi, who used their dimensional shifts to remove all of their modifications. However, doing so damaged the fusion core’s structural integrity field to the point that towing the core would not be viable. Instead, they towed the entire station back to the Bajoran system (Cold Fusion). The station is now positioned around one of Bajor’s moons (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: Section 31: Abyss).

  Endless Dream. Recording of Sinnravian drad music by Blee Luu. Lieutenant Nog, one of the few non-Sinnravians who is fond of drad, was listening to this while waiting to rendezvous with the U.S.S. da Vinci in the Trivas system (Cold Fusion).

  Endless Wind. The afterlife in Nalori myth (Invincible Book 1).

  Enforcement. The police force on the planet Eerlik. Enforcement was strained to its limits dealing with the crisis when Ganitriul, Eerlik
’s world-running computer, failed, and they also had to deal with the murder of virtually the entire priesthood (Fatal Error).

  Enterprise, U.S.S. Federation starship, Constitution-class, registry number NCC-1701. Under the command of Captain James T. Kirk, in 2268 the Enterprise encountered a Tholian vessel while trying to rescue the U.S.S. Defiant from interphase (“The Tholian Web” [TOS]). It wasn’t until 2376 that Starfleet learned that the Defiant had received intelligence about a Tholian attack on the Klingon colony at Traelus II (Interphase Book 2).

  Enterprise, U.S.S. Federation starship, Galaxy class, registry number NCC-1701-D. Sonya Gomez and Kieran Duffy both served as engineers on the Enterprise under the command of Geordi La Forge. Gomez and Duffy also had a relationship during their time on the vessel (The Belly of the Beast). That relationship came to an end when Gomez was promoted to lieutenant and transferred to the U.S.S. Oberth (Invincible Book 1). In 2369, the Enterprise rescued Montgomery Scott from the U.S.S. Jenolen’s transporter buffer (“Relics” [TNG]), allowing him to eventually become the official liaison between the Starfleet Corps of Engineers and the admiralty (The Belly of the Beast).

  Enterprise, U.S.S. Federation starship, Sovereign-class, registry number NCC-1701-E. Commanded by Captain Jean-Luc Picard, the ship encountered and fought a ship dubbed “the Beast” and defeated it (The Belly of the Beast). The ship, along with the U.S.S. Lexington, responded to a distress call sent by the da Vinci at Intar to aid against the living ship known as Friend (Hard Crash).


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