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Elite Page 14

by Madison Stevens

  I left my things in the car in case I wasn’t welcome, no point trying to run with luggage while crying.

  I climbed out and made my way to the door. My hand shook as I rang the bell. I could hear the lovely chime from outside. The door opened, and a pretty older woman answered the door.

  “Can I help you?” She smiled at me.

  “Hello,” I said and tried to smile. “My name is Grace. Is Dean in?”

  I laughed in my head. It was about the most ridiculous thing I had ever heard. It was Christmas Eve. Where the hell else would he be?

  “Oh.” Her eyes shot up in surprise. “Please come in.”

  She held open the door and ushered me in. “He’s right this way,” she said and wrapped an arm around me.

  I had hoped our first meeting would be a bit more private.

  “Dean said that he didn’t think you would be able to come.” She smiled. “But we’re so glad to have you.”

  I smiled, and a lump formed in my throat. She was nice. Really nice.

  “My grandmother chartered a plane,” I said lamely. It was the only thing that came to mind.

  “Sorry?” She seemed confused, but that was put to the side when Dean came into view.

  He was wearing a nice sweater that didn’t seem at all like what he would normally wear, but the blue in it made his eyes stand out like jewels. I stood silently for a moment, watching him interact with his family. He laughed and joked. I smiled. It was nice to see him laugh like that. I could only hope that he still would once he saw me.

  Several people looked over at me, and before long nearly everyone in the room had their eyes on me.

  When he turned his head as well, my heart stopped for just a moment.

  “Grace?” Dean said and moved forward.

  I held up the card. “You said to come.”

  He stood and stared at the card for a moment. “But what about your family?”

  I laughed nervously. “I sort of told my parents to stuff it, and then my grandmother chartered a plane for me.”

  He stepped forward and stopped just in front of me. “You chartered a plane?”

  “My grandmother did,” I whispered.

  Dean stepped closer, and I backed up slightly. “Why?” he whispered.

  “Because I love you,” I said.

  Silence fell over the room. I peeked around. Every eye was fixed on us, waiting to hear what he had to say. When my eyes fell on his face, he was looking up. I sighed and closed my eyes. This was going to hurt.

  His lips came down hard on my own. I gasped when he picked me up to spin me around. Without thought, my hands wrapped firmly around his neck as he continued to kiss me. Several in the room gave out a few cat calls.

  I pulled back after a moment, dazed and confused.

  Dean grinned at me. “Think we just crossed one off your list,” he said.

  I followed his gaze to the mistletoe hung in the archway and stared at it in amazement.

  Dean pulled me in for a crushing hug. “I love you too,” he whispered.

  I hugged him even harder and wished more than anything that we didn’t have an audience.

  “Hey, you two, get a room,” one of the women called.

  “Oh no.” His mother came to stand beside us. “No room. Separate rooms at opposite ends of the hall.”

  My face burned at the statement.

  “Mom.” Dean flushed.

  “Hey, rule number one. The only people who have sex in this house are me and your father,” she said and crossed her arms.

  “We are?” an older man said from the corner.

  His wife sent him an icy stare from across the room.

  He cleared his throat. “Right. Listen to your mother.”

  I couldn’t stop the laughter from bubbling up even if I wanted. After so many hours of worry, I was finally in his arms, and now his mother was playing the ultimate cock block. It was just too funny not to laugh.

  Dean stared at me for a moment and started laughing as well.

  “Well, I’m glad you are both so okay with this.” His mother smiled.

  “I’m sorry,” I said, trying to contain my laughter. “It’s just been a long and stressful day. Honestly, I’m just happy to be here with you all.”

  I stared up at him and just hoped he understood what I was saying.

  When he kissed the top of my head, tears popped into my eyes for about the millionth time.

  “Well, aren’t you two just adorable,” she whispered.

  I smiled at her. It felt good to know what a real mom was supposed to be like.

  “You go help with her luggage,” she said to Dean.

  He nodded and took my hand.

  “I’ll get some supper for you,” she said. “I bet you’re about starved to death.”

  I nodded. I actually was. I hadn’t bothered eating most of the day. First it was the fight. Then it was nerves. It would be good to actually eat something.

  We walked quietly through the house and out to the car. He pulled us to the driver’s side and waited until we were just out of eyesight before pushing me against the car for a brutal kiss. Unlike before, this was demanding. His mouth took control, and my only recourse was to follow.

  I groaned when his hands came around to cup my ass and pulled me toward him. I shuddered when he pressed hard against my center with his hips.

  “Dean,” I groaned and tried to pull away.

  “No.” His harsh reply hung in the air. He pulled away and placed his hands against the cool metal of the car. “I know.” He sighed.

  “Not very good timing I guess,” I said and placed my forehead against his.

  “Always good timing,” he whispered.

  I smiled and cupped his cheeks. “Same here,” I said.

  I kissed him again softly and then pulled away.

  “I’m coming out here to help,” Dean’s father called from near the house. “I’m moving near the car. I’m about twenty feet from the car.”

  I shot Dean a funny look, and he rolled his eyes.

  “It’s fine, Dad,” he called out.

  “Oh, thank God,” I heard his father mumble. I snorted.

  I dropped my hand before his father came around the car and smiled at us.

  “Nice to meet you, Grace. I’m Ryan,” he said and stuck out his hand.

  I smiled and shook it. “Nice to meet you as well.”

  It was clear that Dean had inherited his father’s muscular build, but his hair was closer to his mother’s, brown with hints of blond through it.

  “I just have two bags,” I said and pointed to the back.

  Dean reluctantly left my side to carry in one of the bags. While they were occupied, I pulled out the painting I had wrapped up and tucked it in my coat.

  I followed behind them through the door. His mother sat with four other women in the front room. Conversation slowed down as we came in, and I worried I had set the wrong tone with them right from the start. I relaxed as they smiled and waved as we passed.

  Ryan led us down the hall, and I was surprised to see how many rooms they had. We stopped in the middle, and he winked at Dean. I shot him a questioning look but kept quiet when he placed a finger to his lips.

  “Well,” he opened the door, “here you go.”

  I smiled and looked around. It was a cute little room with light blue as the theme. I turned back to Ryan.

  “Thank you.” I smiled.

  “Right,” he said. “Well, I’ll just let you get settled.”

  He shut the door behind him and stepped heavily down the hall.

  “He’s going to be in trouble when Mom finds out,” Dean said. He chuckled.

  “For what?” I said and looked around.

  “I’m across the hall.” He grinned. “You know she’s not really a prude. Just the idea of her hearing us freaks her out. That’s all May’s fault.”

  I laughed. “I’m guessing she got heard.”

  “It was like she was on stereo,” he laughed. �
�These walls aren’t all that thick.”

  I walked over to the desk and laid the painting on it. Then, I took off my coat and placed it on top.

  “I’m really glad you came,” he said. “If I didn’t mention that already. Do the others know?”

  I shook my head. “Grandmother made me see. Life it too short, even if you’re being an idiot.”

  He came up to me and pulled me into a hug. “I’m really sorry. I just kept thinking that you still had feelings for him.”

  “Just brotherly,” I said. “We’ve known each other so long, I’m not even certain what we felt before was more than just what was expected.”

  I jumped when something bumped against the wall over and over.

  “Oh, Dean,” a woman said in a high-pitched voice.

  Another responded in a lower voice. “Oh, Grace.”

  Dean marched over and banged on the wall. “Knock it off, you assholes. I just got her here. You run her off, and I’ll make your lives hell.” He shrugged. “Sisters.”

  I giggled at their antics. Sisters were a totally new concept to me. Especially four of them.

  “Sorry.” He rolled his eyes. “They are a bit childish when they get together.”

  I shrugged. “They’re funny.”

  “She’s got good taste, Dean,” one shouted. “Let’s keep her.”

  “Shut it, May,” he yelled back.

  “You all don’t stop yelling, I’m going to get the hose,” his mother shouted down the hall. “Grace, dear, I’ve got some supper ready for you.”

  I smiled and went to the door. I found his mother at the end of the hall.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Miller. I’m just putting a few things away. Would five minutes be too long?”

  When she smiled, her eyes crinkled at the ends, and I loved it. She had spent so much time smiling that even her wrinkles seemed to smile.

  “So polite. Not like some other women I know,” she said loudly down the hall. “Please call me Judy. I’ll just put your plate on the stove, and you get yourself ready.”

  “Thanks.” I smiled again.

  I went in the room and closed the door.

  When I turned around, Dean was standing right behind me. “How about four minutes to say hello and one minute to unpack?”

  “I could be persuaded.” I grinned.

  “Dean, you don’t have time to be pawing at that poor girl,” Judy said from down the hall. “Your daddy needs help out there.”

  He rested his head on mine and sighed. “Okay, Mom.”

  I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him hard. When I pulled away, I nipped his bottom lip.

  “Guess she doesn’t know who does the pawing in this relationship.” I winked at him.

  Dean laughed as I moved out of the way. He opened the door and stopped. “This won’t take long.” His eyes shifted to the room next door. “Sorry,” he said in a mock whisper.

  * * *

  “Judy, that was amazing,” I said and beamed at her.

  “Oh now, you don’t need to go on like that. We already like you,” she said, smiling. “It’s just chicken and dumplings.”

  “I’ve never had them before,” I said and eyed the pot on the stove. “It was really great.”

  They all stopped to look at me, and I blushed. The sisters had all come in the kitchen to get more dirt, I assumed. But Judy had put her foot down when they all started asking questions at once.

  “Never?” Judy asked.

  I shook my head. “My parents are on strict diets, so when the chef cooks, he has to go by specific guidelines.” I smiled. “But at Grandmother’s house, she has a strict rule about French foods. Well, at least when my parents are visiting.”

  One of Dean’s sisters sat next to me. She was small with a few scattered freckles on her nose. Her hair was shoulder length and a reddish sandy blonde.

  “Doesn’t your grandma like your parents?” Her eyes were wide with shock.

  “June,” Judy said in irritation.

  I shrugged. “Maybe not Mother, but Father is her only son. He makes her mad, so she’s made it her mission in life to drive him crazy.” I laughed. “I really can’t say he doesn’t have it coming though.”

  “I like her already,” a taller sister said. I recognized her as being May, based on her voice through the wall. Her short dark hair would usually look too boyish on most, but with her cheekbones, she pulled it off with style.

  “I think she’d like you.” I grinned at her.

  “Were you fighting with Dean?” A small woman said from the door. She was thin and had large gray eyes that watched me with a serious expression.

  “Autumn, you can’t ask that,” the last sister said. She was about as cute as you get. Curly red hair and a pretty cupid mouth.

  “If she doesn’t have anything to hide, she’ll answer,” Autumn said. Her eyes were fixed on mine.

  I sat up straight and looked directly back at her.

  “Yes,” I said plainly. Several sat back in shock. “He was angry at me for helping an ex-boyfriend.”

  “Do you have feelings for this other man?” May asked.

  “Not like that,” I said and struggled for the words. “We’ve known each other so long, it’s like dealing with family.”

  I frowned. “Which is sort of gross when I think about it.”

  “Why were you with him then?” April asked, her pretty lips in a pout.

  I shrugged. “It was expected. Our families are friends.”

  “So it was like an arranged marriage?” Autumn asked.

  I thought for a moment. In some weird twisted way, it really sort of was.

  “I guess so,” I said.

  “What about Dean?” May asked. She leaned in closer. “How do you feel about Dean?”

  “He’s the most amazing man I’ve ever met,” I said. “Always willing to swoop in and save the day.” I smiled. “When everyone else found fault with me, he never did. He’s caring, sweet.” I leaned back and felt my heart flutter. “Every day with him I learn something else that makes me love him more.”

  “Heard enough?” May grinned over my head.

  I turned to find Dean standing with his mother at the door.

  “Yeah,” he said quietly.

  My face flushed, and I quickly turned around. There really wasn’t anything for me to do but sink down in my chair. When he came to stand behind me, even my ears were hot from blushing.

  “Me too,” Dean whispered in my ear and kissed my cheek.

  He stood back up and placed a hand on my shoulder. “I’m off to take a shower. Be out in a bit.”

  Everyone watched him leave the room, and then they turned their eyes to me.

  Judy took my bowl and patted me on the arm.

  “He needed that,” she said quietly. “He’s been burned before, and he’s never as sure about things as he should be.”

  I took in what she said, and it started to make sense, the insecurities, the jealousy, and even how he approached a relationship. Dean was just as stunted in that department as I was.

  “I’m watching out for you.” I pointed at May and grinned.

  She shrugged her shoulders. “He’s our baby brother. We just want him happy.”

  I nodded. “I can relate.”

  “Oh yeah.” April grinned. “Gavin is just so dreamy.”

  I laughed. “Yeah, not really the term I would use.”

  “Got any other hot brothers?” May winked. “We’d settle for a cousin.”

  “Oh, girls.” Judy dropped back in to save me. “Leave the poor girl alone. I’m sure if she knows anyone, she’ll just bring them around.”

  I snorted. Less like save and more like hang out to dry.

  “That’s a deal,” I said.

  I sighed when Dean came in. Not that his sisters weren’t fun, but I was starting to feel a bit like Alice down the rabbit hole.

  He came to stand in front of me, and I marveled for a moment at how amazing he looked in just pajama pants and a
t-shirt. His hair was still wet from his shower, and I remembered the last time I’d seen him out of the shower. The image flared up in my mind, and I had to shut my eyes to keep from going any further.

  “Well,” Judy said. “Who’s up for a few games?”

  My eyes flashed open, and I looked to Dean. His gaze was still fixed on mine.

  “Sounds good,” he said absently.

  He held out a hand and helped me up. As we filed into the living room behind everyone else, Dean leaned toward my ear.

  “You know, I have a couple hats here,” he said.

  My heart skipped in my chest.


  Chapter Twenty-One

  I lay in bed, listening to the rhythms of the house as everyone slept. Dean’s father was quite the snorer. Even a number of doors down, I could still hear him clearly.

  Despite the crazy day, sleep eluded me. Being in a new place was always hard. It didn’t help that I was all tied up over Dean. All during penny poker, he had been taunting me, knowing full well there wasn’t anything I could do. I huffed in my bed and turned.

  I jumped where there was a small knock on the door.

  Excited to see him, I raced silently to the door. When it swung open, May stood on the other side.

  She held a finger to her mouth and came in the room.

  “Grab some shoes,” she whispered. “And maybe a robe.”

  She winked at me, and I looked down. I was wearing my cream silk gown. It was a little lacy, but I just loved the pink flowers lining the top. It dipped low and highlighted the tops of my breasts.

  I went to my bag and pulled out my pea coat. I put on my sneakers and slid my phone in my pocket.

  May snickered. “Well, he’s going to think you’re there to either flash him or rob him.”

  “What? Who?” I studied her.

  She rolled her eyes. “Dean. My gift to you.”

  I shook my head. “No way I’m getting caught in his room.”

  She grinned at me. “Well, it’s a good thing he’s in the barn.”

  I grabbed the wrapped painting and followed her out of the room. Silly as it was, sneaking around like this made me feel young. Lord knows what I’d say to Judy or Ryan if they found us, but for the chance to see Dean, it was worth it.


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