Japan, 208
Jefferson, Thomas, 37–39
Jernstedt, Rich, 37
JetBlue Airlines, 116, 164, 232–33, 249
Jobs, Steve, 100, 117
Johnson, Jimmy, 82
Johnson, Robert Wood, 124
Johnson & Johnson, 6, 41, 124, 169, 268, 277, 330
Jones, Arthur W., 246
Joni, Saj-Nicole, 31
Jordan, Michael, 108
Kampen, Emerson, 71
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss, 126
Kaplan, Robert S., 119
Kelleher, Herb, 15–16, 24
Keller, Helen, 334
Kemble, Frances Anne, 335
Kilts, Jim, 230–31
kindness, 152–53, 289
King, Larry, 166
King, Rodney, 283
King, Rollin, 160
Kiuchi, Tachi, 292
Knight, Phil, 320
knowledge, 97, 102–3
knowledge workers, 102, 184
Kotter, John, 256
Kouzes, Jim, 247
Krzyzewski, Mike, 101
labor unions, 86, 157–58
Lafley, A. G., 230–31
language shifts, 39–40, 257
Lao Tzu, 334
Larson, Doug, 209
Lazarus, Shelley, 140, 292
Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge (Watson), 189
humility and, 65–66
inspiring trust and, 40, 299–300, 312, 331–32
leadership philosophy, 100
leadership style, 97, 103–5, 342
leadership theory, 31
trust abilities and, 110–11, 118
trusting leaders and, 230–32
vision and, 109–10
see also Covey Leadership Center; FranklinCovey
Leading Change (O’Toole), 154
Lee, Blaine, 198, 226
Lee, Sara, 150
LEGO Group, 186
lifelong learning, 73, 101, 109
Lincoln, Abraham, 142
Lindblad, Hanne, 288–89
listening skills, 73, 107, 214–20
Liu Qiangdong, Richard, 221–22
Lockheed Martin, 215
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth, 179
Los Angeles, Calif., 283
Louisiana, 208–9
Love Is the Killer App (Sanders), 81
Lowe, Peter, 180
low-trust organizations, 258–62
loyalty, 171–77, 267–68
Ma, Jack, 343
McCain, Michael, 165–66
McDonald’s, 217, 283–84
Mackey, John, 104
Madoff, Bernie, 262
Malone, Karl, 185–86
Mandela, Nelson, 73, 102, 133, 327–28
Marchica, John, 171
Mardiks, Ellen Ryan, 278
market trust:
best places to live and, 274
brand building and, 271–75, 278–81
charitable organizations and, 281
global economy and, 277
most admired companies and, 275–76
100 best companies and, 278
personal brand and, 274–75
reputable schools and, 273–74
reputation and, 35, 242, 295
restoring trust and, 319–20
Marriott, J. Willard, Jr., 210
Marriott International, 187, 210
Marshall, Edward, 3
Maslow, Abraham, 185
Masters, David, 96
Mattel, 273
Matthews, Chris, 167
Maxwell, John, 45
Maxwell, Neal A., 333
MBNA America, 216
media, distrust of, 12, 78
Meehan, Jim, 83
Megatrends 2010 (Aburdene), 291
Meltzer, Michael Irwin, 251
mentoring, 102–5, 331
mergers and acquisitions, 6–10, 18, 71–72, 230–31
Merrill, Roger, 222
microfinancing, 288
microfranchising, 288
micromanagement, 305–7, 313, 335
Microsoft, 107, 286
military training, 49
Million Little Pieces, A (Frey), 166
mind-set, 91–93
Mintzberg, Henry, 312
Mischkind, Louis A., 251
mistakes, learning from, 120–21, 188–89
Mitsubishi Electronics, 292
mobile phone industry, 288–90
money, 323, 342–43
Morris, Betsy, 211
“Most Admired Companies” list, 85, 107, 275–76
Mother Teresa, 92
motivation, 235–36
motive, 80–82, 87–90
Motorola, 110, 235
Muhammad, 224
Mulally, Alan, 157
Mulcahy, Anne, 71, 275
Muller, Gale, 266
Munger, Charlie, 234
Musk, Elon, 123, 187
Nagin, Ray, 208
Nanus, Burt, 189
National Association of Professional Organizers, 98
Neeleman, David, 249, 257
Netflix, 106–7, 109
Newman, Paul, 287
Newton, Isaac, 314
New York Times, 21, 166
Next Chapter (Chenault), 70, 96
Nietzsche, Friedrich, 137, 142, 315
Nike, 320
Nixon, Richard, 168
nongovernment organizations (NGOs), 78–79
Nooyi, Indra, 294
Nordstrom, 232, 250, 251, 332
Nordstrom, Blake, 257
Norton, David P., 119
O’Kelly, Eugene, 99
Omidyar, Pierre, 288, 335
On Becoming a Leader (Bennis), 230, 332
“100 Best Companies” list, 21, 117, 150, 261, 263, 278, 330
“100 Best Corporate Citizens” list, 291, 320
online retailers, 222–23
open book management, 160
Open Book Management (Case), 194
open-door policies, 158
openness, 72–74
Oprah Winfrey (TV show), 166
organizational trust:
Accountable Organization, The (Marchica), 171
added value and, 263
churn and, 261
collaboration and, 265
communication and, 143–44
company culture and, 215, 219, 225–26, 339–42
credibility and, 49
crisis in, 11
customer loyalty and, 263, 267
disengagement and, 260
employee turnover and, 260
execution of intent and, 266–67
expectations and, 200–202
extending trust and, 232–35, 301–13
great places to work and, 148
growth and, 263
high- vs. low-trust organizations, 21, 233, 235, 244–47, 320
innovation video and, 264n
labor unions and, 86, 157–58
office politics and, 259
redundancy and, 258
referral business and, 263
respect of workers and, 148
restoring trust and, 320–22
supporting employees and, 171–72
symbols and, 247–51
see also alignment
O’Toole, James, 154
Packard, David, 250, 257, 306
paradigm shifts, 39–40, 97, 134
Park City, Utah, 154–55
partnering, 21, 36–37, 100, 266
Pascal, Blaise, 331
Paulson, Hank, 276
PepsiCo, 112, 294
perception, 75–78
performance, 32, 115–17
Peter, Laurence, 258–59
Peter Principle, 95, 105
Peters, Tom, 5, 58, 123
Peterson, Joel, 233
pharmaceutical industry, 277
philanthropy, 91–92, 286–88
Pierer, Heinrich, 218
Pilzer, Paul Zane, 91–93<
br />
Pixar Animation Studios, 100, 195
Ponemon, Larry, 267
Popeye restaurants, 31, 192–93
positive expectations, 125–26
Posner, Barry, 247
Power of Intention (Dyer), 91
Power Principle, The (Lee), 198
Premji, Azim, 133
principles of trust:
relationship trust, 12, 34, 129–30, 131–39, 145, 163–70, 202; see also behavior
self-trust, 12–13, 34, 43–44, 47–56, 69–70, 219, 226–27; see also credibility
stakeholder trust, 241–43, 295–97
problem-solving techniques, 88–89
Procter & Gamble, 230
professional sports, 61–62, 100–101, 108, 163–64, 185–86
purpose, sense of, 107–8, 134
PwC, 159, 206
Ramé, Maria Louise, 64
Randolph, Marc, 106
Rangaswami, J. P., 181
Reagan, Ronald, 305
reality, 191–97
Reichheld, Frederick, 279
relationship trust:
action plan and, 238–40
amend making and, 163–70
communication and, 145
consistent behavior and, 34
crisis in, 12
expectations and, 202
restoring trust and, 322–24
as 2nd principle of trust, 129–30
13 behaviors and, 131–39
Buffett and, 46, 136, 138, 274–75, 278, 311
keeping commitments and, 222–23
market trust and, 35, 242, 295
Reputation (Fombrun), 158
respect, 148–57
restaurant industry, 31, 192–93
accountability for, 122–25
approach to obtaining, 117–19
building trust and, 179–80
clarifying expectations and, 181
commitment to, 126–27
communication of, 121–22
continuous improvement of, 122–27
as core of credibility, 57, 58, 59
definition of, 119–21
in family relationships, 169
feedback and, 127–28
importance of, 112–15
market trust and, 279
organizational trust and, 252–53
performance and, 115–17
positive expectations and, 125–26
self-assessment of, 115, 120
13 behaviors and, 178–82
track record and, 112–13
trust tips for, 182
Rice, Jerry, 186
Riggio, Leonard, 218
ripple effect, 33, 35, 139
risk management, 303, 310–12
Ritz-Carlton Hotels, 232, 332
Roddick, Andy, 61–62, 66
Roddick, Anita, 153
Rogers, Carl, 295
role models, 92–93
Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 109
Rosenthal, Robert, 125
Rosier, Grady, 234
Rowley, Coleen, 66
Rumi (poet), 36
Rush, Benjamin, 38
Ryan, Kathleen, 191
Sadat, Anwar, 73, 133
St. Jude’s Research Hospital, 281
Salesforce, 27
Sam’s Club, 86, 332
Sandberg, Sheryl, 196
Sanders, Dean, 332
Sanders, Tim, 81
Sawaf, Ayman, 15
Sbaarro, 180
Schlessinger, Laura, 93
Schwab, Klaus, 15
Schweitzer, Albert, 336
capabilities and, 96, 111
extending trust and, 236–37
integrity and, 73
intent and, 88
listening skills and, 220
results and, 115, 120
transparency and, 162
self-confidence, 47–48, 69, 95
self-fulfilling prophecy, 125
Self-Renewal (Gardner), 97, 103, 184
credibility and, 47–51
as 1st principle of trust, 34, 43–44
keeping commitments and, 12–13, 69–70, 226–27
listening to yourself and, 219
restoring trust and, 324–26
self-trust questionnaire, 51–56
Serven, Lawrence MacGregor, 259
7 Habits of Highly Effective People, The (Covey), 27, 135
Shackleton, Ernest, 41
Shariatmadari, Hossein, 79
Shaw, Robert, 21
Shinseki, Eric, 106
Shkreli, Martin, 168–69
Shultz, Howard, 84–85, 249
Siemens AG, 218
Sinek, Simon, 84
Sirota, David, 251
Skapinker, Michael, 306
skill development, 97, 100–101, 105–6
Skoll Foundation, 287
“Smart Trust”:
managing risk and, 310–12
“Smart Trust” illustration, 137, 301
“Smart Trust” matrix, 302–10, 304, 309
Smiles, Samuel, 139, 336
Smith, Adam, 290
Smith, Frederick, 116
Smith, Orin, 292
Smith, Will, 101
societal trust:
contribution and, 35, 242, 286–90, 295
crisis in, 10–12
Denmark mobile phone co. and, 288–89
“fish in water” syndrome and, 284–85, 290–91
global citizenship and, 291–95
high- vs. low-trust societies, 11, 19, 285
McDonald’s and, 283–84
“100 Best Corporate Citizens” list, 291
restoring trust and, 318–19
“soft skills,” 154–55
Sokol, David, 120–21
South Africa, 73, 93, 327
Southwest Airlines, 15, 86, 160, 171–72, 233, 261
Soviet Union, 73
SpaceX, 123
“Speak Kindly” campaign, 289
Spinetta, Jean-Cyril, 158
sports, see amateur sports; professional sports
stakeholder trust, 241–43, 295–97
Starbucks, 84–85, 249, 276, 292
Stephenson, Randall, 259
stewardship, 27–29, 122, 243, 312
Stimson, Henry, 257
Stockdale, James, 192
straight talk, 140–47
see also communication
Sullivan, Anne, 334
Surowiecki, James, 291
Myth vs. Reality, 25–26
Trust Taxes and Dividends, 22–24
talents, 97–98
Tales of Knock Your Socks Off Service (Anderson & Zemke), 319
terrorist attacks, 13–14, 116, 285
Tesla Motors, 123, 187
Theory of Moral Sentiments, The (Smith), 290
Thiim, Wally, 49
13 behaviors, of high-trust people:
action plan for, 239–40
clarify expectations, 198–205, 294
confront reality, 191–97, 294
create transparency, 157–62, 294
deliver results, 178–82, 294
demonstrate respect, 148–56, 294
extend trust, 229–37, 295
get better, 183–90, 294
keep commitments, 221–28, 295
listen first, 214–20, 295
practice accountability, 206–11, 294
right wrongs, 163–70, 294
show loyalty, 171–77, 294
talk straight, 140–47, 294
Thomas, Danny, 281
Thoreau, Henry David, 306
Thriving on Chaos (Peters), 123
Thurber, Marshall, 286
Time, 67, 286
Toffler, Alvin, 183
Townsend, Robert, 171
Toyota, 88, 159–60
track record, 79, 112–13
see also results
Traction (Wickman), 31
transparency, 157–62
Trout, Jack, 109
Truman, Harry S., 174
definition of, 5
economic impact and, 13–17, 342–43
expectations and, 199–200
as a function of character, 29–32, 57
as a function of competence, 29–32, 57
“green and clean” story and, see stewardship
high- vs. low-trust relationships, 5–6
impact on personal/professional lives, 1–2, 6
inspiring trust and, 40, 299–300, 312, 331–33
keeping commitments and, 223–25
measuring trust video, 252n
millennials and, 340
propensity to trust and, 330–36
see also 13 behaviors, of high-trust people
trust abilities, 97, 110–11, 118
trust building:
in family relationships, 50, 100
improvement and, 184–85
listening skills and, 218–19
in mergers and acquisitions, 6–10, 18, 71–72, 194
respect and, 150–52
results and, 179–80
13 behaviors and, 135–37
transparency and, 159–61
trust crisis, 10–12, 36, 78–80, 318, 337
trust issues, 3–5, 340
trust levels, 17–24
trust myths, 24–26
trust restoration:
apologies and, 163–70
breakdowns and breakthroughs, 36–39, 316–17
broken trust as new beginning, 329
as family priority, 328–29
forgiveness and, 326–28
market trust and, 319–20
organizational trust and, 320–22
relationship trust and, 322–24
self-trust and, 324–26
societal trust and, 318–19
understanding and, 317–18
trust tips:
accountability and, 211–13
clarifying expectations and, 204–5
confronting reality and, 196–97
creating transparency and, 161–62
delivering results and, 182
demonstrating respect and, 155–57
extending trust and, 236–37
getting better and, 189–90
keeping commitments and, 227–28
listening skills and, 219–20
righting wrongs and, 169–70
showing loyalty and, 176–77
talking straight and, 145–47
Twain, Mark, 135
UCLA, 221
Ullman, Harvey, 185
Ulrich, Dave, 178
Unilever, 4
USA Today, 167, 175, 208
U.S. presidents, 37–39, 64, 109, 142, 166–68, 174
values, 70–72
Verdasco, Fernando, 61
Vig Knudstorp, Jørgen (JVK), 186
Virgin Group, 150, 233, 248
Visa International, 188
vision, 109–10
volunteerism, see global citizenship
Waddle, Scott, 208
Wagner, Rodd, 266
“waiter rule,” 149–50, 155
Wall Street Journal, 120
Wal-Mart, 15, 48, 86, 310–11, 332
Walsh, John, 331
Walt Disney Co., 72
Walton, Sam, 48, 86, 332
Washington, Booker T., 29
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